Belgian Submitted Names

Belgian names are used in the country of Belgium in western Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Biem m Dutch (Rare)
Meaning unknown, as the name is a distortion that originated from nursery speech, which makes it difficult to retrace the original name.... [more]
Bienaimé m French (Rare)
Means "well-beloved" in French (compare Aimé, Buonamico).
Bienvenu m French
French form of Benvenuto.
Biernåd m Walloon
Walloon form of Bernard.
Biernådete f Walloon
Walloon form of Bernadette.
Bies m Dutch (Rare)
Meaning unknown, possibly of West Frisian origin.... [more]
Bietmé m Walloon
Walloon form of Barthélémy.
Bietrumé m Walloon
Walloon form of Barthélémy.
Biette f French (Rare), Medieval French, History
Perhaps from Bietta, the Romansch form of Beata. ... [more]
Billa f Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish short form of Sibilla.
Binck m Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Bink.
Bineke f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Bine 1, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke.... [more]
Bink m Dutch (Rare)
Fairly rare Dutch given name, which is probably derived from (or related to) the Dutch word bink, which is an informal (or slang) word for a tough, no-nonsense man who is afraid of no one. In that regard, the name is somewhat comparable with English masculine names such as Brick and Rock, as those are also meant to convey a certain sense of rugged masculinity... [more]
Binq m Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Bink.
Blådi f Walloon (Archaic)
Walloon version of Blandine, this first name begins to disappear.
Blais m French
Variant of Blaise
Blaisine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Blaise.
Blanchefleur f Medieval French, Dutch (Rare), Literature, Arthurian Cycle
Means "white flower" in French. It is borne by a number of characters, who reflect purity and idealized beauty, in literature of the High Middle Ages, notably in the romances of Floris and Blanchefleur and Tristan and Iseult.
Bliksem m & f Dutch
Modern word name; Dutch for "lightning". Popular name for fast pets, such as dogs or horses.
Bloem f Dutch (Rare)
Derived from the Dutch word bloem meaning "flower".... [more]
Bloeme f Dutch (Rare), Yiddish (Dutchified)
As a Dutch name, it is a variant of Bloem. But as a Yiddish name, it is a transcription of Blume. A known bearer of this name was Bloeme Evers-Emden (1926-2016), a Dutch Jewish teacher, child psychologist, and author who attended school with the famous diarist Anne Frank (1929-1945).
Bloemhard m Dutch
The first element of this name is derived from Dutch bloem "flower", which ultimately comes from Gothic blôma. The second element is derived from Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy".
Blondell f French
Means "little blonde one".
Bluette f French (Swiss, Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), French (Archaic)
Derived from French bluet, a variant of bleuet, "cornflower".
Bo m Dutch
Short form of Willibrord, though it can also be a simplified spelling of Beau.
Boas m Dutch
Variant of Boaz.
Bobbejaan m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
One might think that this name is a blend of the name Bob with Jaan, but that is not the case. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the use of this rare first name originated with the Flemish singer and musician Bobbejaan Schoepen (1925-2010)... [more]
Bobien f Dutch
Dutch feminine variant of Bob, or a pet form of Robina, Robine or Robien.
Boes m Dutch (Rare), Literature, Popular Culture
Dutch form of Boso. This given name is extremely rare in the Netherlands nowadays and is more commonly found as a patronymic surname.... [more]
Bohémond m French, Medieval French
French form of Bohemond via Latinized form Boemundus.
Bonaparte m Italian (Rare), French (Rare)
Variant and French form of Buonaparte.
Bonifacius m Dutch
Variant of Bonifatius (see Boniface).
Boson m French (Archaic)
French form of Boso. A known bearer of this name was Boson de Talleyrand-Périgord (1832-1910), a French nobleman and prince of Sagan.
Boudie m & f Dutch
Diminutive of Boudewijn and its feminizations Boudewina and Boudina.... [more]
Boudijn m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Baldwin.
Boudine f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Feminization of Boudewijn and other masculine Dutch names that contain the Germanic element bald meaning "bold, brave" (such as Radboud).
Boudy m & f Dutch
Variant spelling of Boudie.
Bouke m & f West Frisian, Dutch
Variant of Bauke. This form is more commonly found on men than on women.
Boukje f West Frisian, Dutch
Strictly feminine variant of Baukje.
Bourcard m French (Archaic)
French form of Burkhard found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the 1700s.
Boy m North Frisian, West Frisian, East Frisian, Dutch, Danish, German, English (Rare)
Variant form of Boye. In English-speaking countries, the name is usually derived from the English word boy meaning "boy" (in a manner comparable to the name Sonny) or a short form of the given names Boyce and Boyd.... [more]
Brand m Dutch
Modern Dutch form of Brando, or a short form of names containing the element brand "fire, torch, sword", such as Hildebrand, Rembrandt, or IJsbrand.
Branda f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Brand.
Brandaan m Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Archaic)
Dutch and West Frisian form of Brendan via its medieval Latin form Brandanus.
Bregje f Dutch
Feminine form of Brecht. See also Brechtje.
Breun m Dutch (Rare)
Rare Dutch form of Bruno. The form Bruin is more common and better attested.
Briac m French, Breton
From a Brythonic name derived from the Celtic element *brigo "high, noble, mighty". As such this name can be viewed as a Breton cognate of Brian. In the case of Saint Briac, who arrived in Brittany with Saint Tugdual circa 548, this was a short form of the old Welsh name Briafael.
Briand m French (Rare)
Gallicized form of Brient.
Briek m Flemish, Dutch (Rare)
Originally a short form of Alberik.
Brithney f French (Modern, Rare)
French borrowing of Britney.
Bromère m French
French form of Bromerus.
Bronislas m Medieval Slavic (Gallicized), French
French form of Bronisław, via its Latinized form Bronislaus.
Bruin m Dutch (Rare), English (Rare, ?), Folklore
Dutch form of Bruno. It coincides with the Dutch word for "brown". This was also the name of the bear in medieval fables of Reynard the Fox.
Bruis m Dutch (Archaic)
Short form of Bruisten. This name is unlikely to ever be used/revived in modern times, due to its similarity to the Dutch verb bruisen "to fizz", which may have some teasing potential.
Bruist m Dutch (Archaic)
Short form of Bruisten. This name is unlikely to ever be used/revived in modern times, due to its similarity to the Dutch verb bruisen "to fizz", which may have some teasing potential.
Bruisten m Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch form of Bruysten.
Brune m & f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch variant of Bruno and Bruna.
Brunon m Polish, French, Lengadocian, Provençal, Gascon
Variant of Bruno based on the genitive form of the Latin declination.
Brunone f French (Archaic)
Feminine form of Brunon found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the 1700s.
Burger m Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), West Frisian (Archaic)
Dutch, Afrikaans and West Frisian form of the ancient Germanic name Burghar.... [more]
Burny m English, Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Berny (in which case the spelling is more phonetical) and Burney.... [more]
Burry m Afrikaans, Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of masculine given names that contain the Germanic element burg meaning "fortress", such as Burghard... [more]
Caelian m English, Dutch
English form of Caelianus. The name has also been used in The Netherlands just a handful of times; the variant form Celian has been used a little bit more often there.
Cajetaan m Dutch
Dutch form of Gaetan.
Caline f French (Modern, Rare, ?)
A feminine variation of the Greek name Νικολαος (Nikolaos). It also resembles the french word "câlin(e)" (affectionate).
Caliste f & m French (Rare), Provençal
French masculine and feminine form of Callistus as well as a Provençal masculine form of Calixte.
Calliste m & f French
Variant of Caliste.
Calluna f English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
From the genus name of common heather, a flowering shrub. It comes from the Greek verb καλλύνω (kalluno) meaning "to beautify, sweep clean", ultimately from καλός (kalos) "beautiful".
Calvijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Calvin.
Camaël m Dutch
Dutch form of Camael.
Camile f & m Picard, Gascon, Provençal, Walloon, French (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Picard and Walloon masculine and feminine form, Gascon and Provençal masculine form and French masculine variant of Camille as well as a Brazilian Portuguese variant of Camila.
Camilee f French, English
Variant and feminine form on the name Camillus.
Camus m French (Rare), Chinese (Cantonese, Rare, ?)
Transferred use of the surname Camus.
Candylène f French
The name was the subject of a 1971 eponymous French pop song by Yves Heuzé. Since then, the name has experienced sporadic usage in France.
Canisius m Dutch (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Canisius. From the Dutch surname Kanis... [more]
Cannelle f French (Modern)
Derived from French cannelle "cinnamon (the spice)".
Carélie f French (Belgian, Rare), French (Swiss, Rare)
Cognate of Carelia. The name coincides with the place name Carélie.
Carice f English (Rare), Dutch (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Caroline and Alice. This is at least the case for Carice Irene Elgar (1890-1970), the only child of the renowned English composer Edward Elgar (1857-1934)... [more]
Carien f Dutch
Variant of Karien and Carine.
Carijn f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Carine.
Carlina f German, English, Dutch, Flemish, Sicilian, Romansh
German and Dutch variant of Karlina and Sicilian, Romansh and English feminine diminutive of Carl.
Carolijn f Dutch
Variant of Carolien.
Carool f & m Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Carola and Carolus.
Carreaux f & m French (Archaic)
From the French surname Carreaux.
Cartère m French (Archaic)
French form of Karterios via its latinized form Carterius.
Carvell m French
Means:swampy dwelling... [more]
Casijn m Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Nicasijn.
Casilde f French (Rare), Italian (Rare)
French and Italian form of Casilda.
Casimire f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Casimir.
Casina f Dutch
Dutch form of Nicasia.
Caspaar m Dutch (Rare)
Modern Dutch form of Caspaer, which is the medieval Dutch form of Caspar.
Casparina f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Caspar. Also compare Caspara.
Casparus m Dutch (Rare)
Latinized form of Caspar.
Casperina f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Casper. Also compare Caspera and Jasperina.
Cassiaan m Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch form of Cassian.
Cassiël m Dutch
Dutch form of Cassiel.
Castille f & m French (Rare), Louisiana Creole, English
Transferred use of the surname Castille.
Catalyntje f Dutch (Archaic)
Variant of Catalijntje found among Dutch colonists in America in the 1600s and 1700s.
Catarinus m East Frisian (Archaic), Dutch (Rare)
Latinisation and masculinization of the feminine name Catharina.
Catharijne f Dutch
Dutch form of Catharina.
Catharinus m Dutch, English (Archaic)
Masculine form of Catharina. In 2010, there was a total of 2153 bearers of this name in all of The Netherlands. A known bearer of this name was Catharinus P. Buckingham (1808-1888), an American soldier, author and industrialist.
Cathelijne f Dutch
Dutch form of Cateline.
Cathia f French
French adaption of Russian Katya.
Cathrinus m Dutch (Rare), Norwegian (Archaic)
Masculine form of Catharina (Dutch) and Cathrine (Norwegian).
Catin f French (Archaic), Afro-American (Slavery-era)
Originally a (now archaic) French diminutive of Catherine. While in Louisiana French catin also means "doll; mannequin, dummy", in European French catin means "harlot, slattern" (which is no doubt the reason this form of the name fell out of usage in France).
Catline f Guernésiais, French (Modern, Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Guernésiais form of Cateline and French variant of Cathline.
Catootje f Dutch (Rare), Literature, Popular Culture
Diminutive of Cato 2, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -tje. This name is not to be confused with the Dutch noun kadootje meaning "little present".... [more]
Catrene f Walloon
Walloon form of Catherine.
Catrine f Guernésiais, Walloon
Guernésiais and Walloon form of Catherine.
Catrinelle f French
Elaboration of Catherine, possibly influenced by Catrina. It may also be a Gallicized form of Catrinel.
Catulle m French (Rare, Archaic)
French form of Catullus. Catulle Mendès (1841-1909) was a French writer.
Cayin m Walloon
Walloon form of Cain.
Ceciel f & m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Caecilius for men and short form of Cecilia for women. For the latter group, this name can also be a Dutch variant spelling of the French name Cécile, which is also commonly used in the Dutch-speaking world.
Cecile f English, Dutch, Afrikaans, Filipino, Medieval English
English, Dutch and Afrikaans form of Cécile.
Cécilien m French
French form of Caecilianus.
Cecilius m Dutch
Variant of Caecilius (see Cecilia).
Cédrick m French
Variant of Cédric.
Cedriek m Dutch
Dutch phonetical spelling of Cédric.
Cédrik m French
Variant of Cédric.
Cédrique m & f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Variant of Cédric. It is also used on females, which makes this name one of the few -que names that are unisex (like Dominique).
Celesta f English (Modern), Dutch (Rare)
Latinization of Celeste. In some cases it might also be considered a contracted form of Celestina.
Celestijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Celestine.
Celiaan m Dutch
Dutch form of Caelianus via its variant spelling Celianus.
Celian m English (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
English and Swedish form of Caelianus via its variant spelling Celianus. In the case of The Netherlands, Celian really is just a variant form of Celiaan, which is the actual Dutch form of Caelianus (also via Celianus).
Célien m French
French form of Caelianus. Known bearers of this name are the Swiss singer Célien Schneider (b. 1986) and the late French general Charles-Célien Fracque (1875-1941).
Celien f Flemish, Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Céline, chiefly used in Flanders.
Célimène f Literature, Theatre, French (Rare)
This name was invented by Molière for his play "The Misanthrope" (17th century). Given that many characters in his play bear names that are obviously of Greek origin (or inspired by the Greek language), the name Célimène must then at least be partly Greek as well... [more]
Celinde f Dutch (Rare)
Variant form of Celinda as well as a variant spelling of Selinde. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch musical actress Celinde Schoenmaker (b... [more]
Cêlise f French (Rare)
Maybe from Céline, or maybe from "cerise" who mean "cherry". More often pronounced like Sélène but can be pronounced like SEH-Lise
Celse m French
French form of Celsus.
Cendrine f French
Re-interpretation of Sandrine with the same French pronunciation influenced by the French word cendre "ash" and the name Cendrillon.
Ceriel m & f Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Cérile, with its spelling more or less phonetical in nature. Also compare Cyriel.... [more]
Cérile m & f French (Archaic)
Archaic French variant of Cyrille.
Cérille m & f French (Archaic)
Variant spelling of Cérile, which is an archaic French variant of Cyrille.
Cero m Italian, Galician, Portuguese, Catalan, French, History
Italian: from the personal name Pero, a variant of PieroPeter’ (see Pieri).... [more]
Césarette f French (Rare)
Feminine variant of César.
Ceslas m French, History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Czesław via it's Latinized form Ceslaus.
Chaja f Hebrew (Germanized), Hebrew (Polonized), Dutch (Modern, Rare)
A variant of Chaya used by German and Polish Jews. The name is also occasionally used by non-Jewish Netherlanders.
Châle m Walloon
Variant of Tchåle.
Charlette f French, English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French feminine diminutive of Charles, as it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -ette.
Charlien f Dutch (Rare), Flemish
Dutch and Flemish form of Charline.
Charlin m French (Rare)
Diminutive of Charles.
Charlot f Dutch
Variant of Charlotte.
Charlyne f English, French
Variant of Charlene (English) or Charline (French).
Charlyse f French
Variant of Charlise.
Chayenna f Dutch
Variant of Cheyenne.
Chayenne f & m Spanish, Dutch
Variant of Cheyenne.
Chel m & f Dutch (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
Short form of Michel (masculine) and Rachel (feminine). Also compare the related names Chiel and Sjel (both masculine).... [more]
Chella f Dutch (Rare), English, Jewish
Short form of feminine names that end in -chella, such as Michella and Rachella.... [more]
Chérubin m French
French cognate of Cherubino.
Cherwin m English, Dutch, Dutch (Surinamese)
This name is either a half-invented first name (or a combination of two existing names), with the second element being derived from Old High German wini "friend" - or derived from the surname Cherwin, which is of uncertain meaning... [more]
Chezelle f Afrikaans, French
South African name, probably derived from the French, it might be from a place name in France, derived from the Occitan, meaning "hill". Or accordingly to another theory it may mean "house of her".
Chiana f Dutch (Rare), English (American, Rare), Popular Culture
Meaning and origin uncertain. It might possibly be an invented name, in which case it might (for example) consist of an Asian name element (such as Japanese chi meaning "wisdom, intellect") and the name Ana... [more]
Chianna f Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Variant form of Chiana. A bearer of this name is Chianna Bono (b. 1991), one of the daughters of the Italian-American singer Sonny Bono (1935-1998).
Chianne f Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Dutch variant of Chianna or English variant of Cheyenne.
Chiel m Dutch
Short form of Machiel and Michiel.
Chiem m Dutch
Short form of Joachim, although there have been cases where it was a variant form of Chaim. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch actor and screenwriter Chiem van Houweninge (b... [more]
Childerik m Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish (Archaic)
Danish, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish form of Childeric. The name is only used in translations of historical documents.
Chilperik m Dutch (Archaic), Norwegian (Archaic), Swedish (Archaic)
Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish form of Chilperic. The name is only used in translations of historical documents.
Chimène f French, French (African), Haitian Creole, Dutch (Modern, Rare), Theatre
French form of Ximena. It was used by Pierre Corneille in his play Le Cid (1636) for the wife of El Cid, known as Jimena Díaz in Spanish.
Chionie f French
French form of Chionia.
Chlore m French
French form of Chlorus.
Christ m & f Dutch, Flemish, Danish (Archaic), German (Archaic)
Short form of given names that contain the Greek adjective χριστός (christos) meaning "anointed", such as Christiaan, Christian, Christine and Christoffel.... [more]
Christaline f French (Archaic)
Diminutive of Christa, This name is now known as a water brand
Christella f English, Dutch (Rare), Flemish, French (Modern), French (Belgian, Rare)
Latinate variant of Christelle; in some cases, however, it can also be a contracted form of Christabella.
Christien f Dutch, Flemish (Rare), Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Christine.
Christien m English, French (Rare, Archaic)
English alternate spelling of Christian as well as one of the French forms of the name (the other being Chrétien).
Christiena f Dutch (Rare)
Alternate spelling of Christina.
Christijan m Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Christian. A notable bearer of this name is the Dutch professional racing driver Christijan Albers (b. 1979).
Christijn m & f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Christinus or Christine, depending on the sex of the bearer. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch speed skater Christijn Groeneveld (b... [more]
Christophile f & m Late Greek, French (Archaic), French (African, Rare)
Late Greek feminine form of Christophilos as well as the French masculine and feminine form of Christophilus.
Chwès m Walloon
Short form of Françwès.
Cicil m Walloon (Modern)
Masculine form of Cicile, get influenced by Cecil.
Cicile f Picard, French (Huguenot, Archaic), Walloon
Walloon and Picard form of Cécile. As a Picard name, it is predominantly found among Huguenots.
Ciel f & m Dutch, Flemish, Limburgish
Short form of Ceciel (unisex), Cecilia (feminine) and Cecilius (masculine).
Cilia f Danish (Rare), Dutch, Limburgish (Rare), Medieval Italian, Spanish
Short form of Caecilia and Cecilia in various languages.... [more]