Ancient Greek Submitted Names

These names were used in ancient Greece. See also about Ancient Greek names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Androdamas Ἀνδροδάμας m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
From Greek ἀνδροδάμας (androdamas) meaning "man-taming, man-slaying", itself from ἀνδρός (andros) "of a man" and δαμάζω (damazo) meaning "to tame"... [more]
Androkleides Ἀνδροκλείδης m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Androkles" in Greek, derived from the name Androkles combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).
Androklos m Ancient Greek
Variant of Androkles. This was the name of the third recorded Ancient Greek Olympic victor during the 8th-century BCE.
Androkydes Ἀνδροκύδης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man" combined with the Greek noun κῦδος (kydos) meaning "glory, renown" (see Thucydides).
Androlochos Ἀνδρόλοχος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man" combined with the Greek noun λόχος (lochos) meaning "childbirth" as well as "ambush"... [more]
Androlochus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Androlochos. This name was borne by a prominent citizen of the city of Elis, who was killed by the Achaeans during the Battle of Leontion in 217 BC.
Andromachos Ἀνδρόμαχος m Ancient Greek
Masculine form of Andromache.
Andromedes Ἀνδρομέδης, Ἀνδρομήδης m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
In ancient Greek, there are two possible ways to write this name, and with each way the meaning is different.... [more]
Andronica Ἀνδρονίκα f South African, Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Feminine form of Andronicus. This is also the Latinized form of Andronika.
Andronika Ἀνδρονίκα f Ancient Greek, Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot, Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Albanian (Rare), South African
Feminine form of Greek Andronikos and Bulgarian Andronik. This name was borne by Andronika 'Donika' Arianiti (1428-1506), also known as Donika Kastrioti, the wife of Albanian national hero Skanderbeg, leader of a revolt against the Ottoman Empire.
Androsthenes Ἀνδροσθένης m Ancient Greek
Means "strength of a man", derived from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man" and σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength."
Androtimos Ἀνδρότιμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man" combined with the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere".
Anikatos Ἀνίκατος m Ancient Greek
Derived from ἀνίκατος (anikatos), which is the Doric Greek form of the adjective ἀνίκητος (aniketos) meaning "unconquered, unconquerable".... [more]
Antalcidas m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Antalkidas. This was the name of a Spartan soldier and diplomat from the 4th century BC.
Antalkes Ἀντάλκης m Ancient Greek
Variant of Antialkes.
Antalkidas Ἀνταλκίδας m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Antalkes" in Greek, derived from the name Antalkes combined with ίδας (idas), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Antander m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Antandros. This name was borne by Antander of Syracuse (4th century BC), who was the brother of the tyrant Agathocles of Syracuse.
Antandros Ἄντανδρος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄντανδρος (antandros) meaning "instead of a man, as a substitute", which consists of Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, opposed, compared to, like" and ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man".... [more]
Antenor Ἀντήνωρ m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology, Galician
Derived from the Greek noun ἀντήνωρ (antenor) meaning "instead of a man", which consists of Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against" as well as "instead of" and "compared to, like" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Anteros Ἀντέρως m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology, Croatian (Rare), Polish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Derived from the Greek noun ἀντέρως (anteros) meaning "counter-love". It consists of Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, compared to, like" combined with the Greek noun ἔρως (eros) meaning "love" (see Eros).... [more]
Anterus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Anteros. This name was notably borne by a pope from the 3rd century AD.
Anthippe Ανθίππη f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Anthippos. In Greek mythology, Anthippe is one of the fifty daughters of king Thespius. She had a son named Hippodromus with Heracles.
Anthippos Ἄνθιππος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower, blossom" combined with Greek ‘ιππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Anthippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Anthippos. This was the name of an ancient Greek comic poet, of whom it is not (yet) certain whether he really existed.
Anthusa f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Anthousa. Used by various saints.
Anthylla Ἄνθυλλα f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Possibly derived from Greek άνθος (anthos) meaning "blossom". Anthylla was a sacrificed victim of the Minotaur in Greek mythology.
Antialcidas m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Antialkidas. This was the name of an Indo-Greek king from the 2nd century BC.
Antialkes Ἀντιάλκης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, compared to, like" combined with the Greek noun ἀλκή (alke) meaning "strength".
Antialkidas Ἀντιαλκίδας m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Antialkes" in Greek, derived from the name Antialkes combined with ίδας (idas), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).
Anticles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Antikles. A known bearer of this name was Anticles of Messenia, an ancient Greek athlete from the 8th century BC.
Anticlides m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Antikleides. A known bearer of this name was the Greek writer Anticlides of Athens (3rd or 4th century BC).
Antidora Ἀντιδώρα f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Antidoros.
Antidoros Ἀντίδωρος m Ancient Greek
Means "against gifts", derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) "against" combined with Greek δῶρον (doron) "gift."
Antigenes Ἀντιγένης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, opposed, compared to, like" and γενής (genes) meaning "born"... [more]
Antikleides Ἀντικλείδης m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Antikles" in Greek, derived from the name Antikles combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).
Antikrates Ἀντικράτης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against" and κράτος (kratos) meaning "power, strength".
Antilochos Ἀντίλοχος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, compared to, like" combined with the Greek noun λόχος (lochos) meaning "ambush", a word that later came to signify a tactical sub unit of the ancient Greek army... [more]
Antilochus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Antilochos. This was the name of an ancient Greek historian.... [more]
Antimachos Ἀντίμαχος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀντίμαχος (antimachos) meaning "capable of meeting in war", which consists of Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, compared to, like" combined with the Greek noun μάχη (mache) meaning "battle".... [more]
Antimachus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Antimachos. Bearers of this name include two Greek poets and two Graeco-Bactrian kings.... [more]
Antinoos Ἀντίνοος m Ancient Greek, Roman Mythology
Means "against the mind", derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against" and νόος (noos) meaning "mind, thought".
Antinous m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Antinoos. This name was borne by the favourite and lover of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (2nd century AD).
Antioche Ἀντιόχη m & f French (Archaic), Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
French form of Antiochus (masculine), as well as an ancient Greek feminine form of Antiochos (note, the usual feminine form was Antiochis)... [more]
Antiochides Ἀντιοχίδης m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Antiochos" in Greek, derived from the name Antiochos combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Antiochis Ἀντιοχίς f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Antiochos. This name was borne by multiple Hellenistic princesses from the Seleucid dynasty.
Antipatra Ἀντίπατρα f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Antipatros.
Antiphanes Ἀντιφάνης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) "against, in return" and φανής (phanes) "appearing". This was the name of a 4th-century BCE comic playwright of Middle Comedy.
Antiphilos Ἀντίφιλος m Ancient Greek
Means "against friends", derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) "against" combined with Greek φίλος (philos) "friend, lover".
Antiphilus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Antiphilos. This name was borne by a Greek painter from the 4th century BC.
Antiphon Ἀντιφῶν m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) "against" combined with Greek φωνή (phone) "voice." This name was borne by Antiphon the Sophist, who lived in the 5th century BC.
Antisthenes Ἀντισθένης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against" and σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength." This name was borne by a Greek philosopher from the 4th century BC.
Anysios m Ancient Greek
Masculine form of Anysia.
Anyte Ἀνύτη f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Anytos. Anyte of Tegea was a 3rd-century BC Arcadian poet, admired by her contemporaries and later generations for her charming epigrams and epitaphs.
Apelles Ἀπελλῆς m Ancient Greek, Biblical, Biblical German
Borne by numerous historical figures, including the 4th-century BC Greek painter Apelles of Kos.
Apellicon m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Apellikon. A known bearer of this name was Apellicon of Teos, a famous book collector from the 1st century BC.
Apellikon Ἀπελλικῶν m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀπέλλω (apello) meaning "to repel, to confront and cast away", which some sources say is etymologically related to the name of the Greek god Apollo.
Apemantos Ἀπήμαντος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀπήμαντος (apemantos) meaning "unharmed, unhurt".
Apemantus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Theatre
Latinized form of Apemantos. This is the name of a cynical and misanthropic philosopher in the play Timon of Athens by William Shakespeare.
Aphareus Ἀφαρεύς m Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
The meaning of this name is uncertain. It could have been derived from Greek ἀφαρεί (apharei), which is an adverb of Greek ἄφαρ (aphar), which can mean "straightway, forthwith" as well as "suddenly, quickly"... [more]
Aphrodisius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aphrodisios, belonged to a first century saint in France.
Apolinaria Ἀπολιναρία f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Polish (Rare), Moldovan (Rare), Ancient Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Spanish and Polish feminine form of Apollinaris and Romanian form of Apollinaria. This is also attested as an ancient Greek name.
Apollinarius Ἀπολινάριος m Ancient Greek
Possibly a variant of Apollinaris.
Apollodora Ἀπολλοδώρα f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Apollodoros.
Apollodorus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Apollodoros. This name was borne by Apollodorus of Athens, a Greek scholar and grammarian from the 2nd century.
Apollodotos Ἀπολλόδοτος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the name of the god Apollo combined with Greek δοτος (dotos) "given (to), granted."
Apollodotus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Apollodotos. This name was borne by an Indo-Greek king from the 2nd century BC.
Apollogenes Ἀπολλογένης m Ancient Greek
Derived from the name of the god Apollo combined with Greek γενης (genes) meaning "born". This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 1st century BC.
Apollokrates Ἀπολλοκράτης m Ancient Greek
Derived from the name of the god Apollo combined with Greek κρατος (kratos) "power."
Apollophanes Ἀπολλοφάνης m Ancient Greek
Derived from the name of the god Apollo combined with Greek φανης (phanes) "appearing."
Apollos Ἀπόλλως m Ancient Greek, Biblical
Contracted form of Apollodoros, Apollodotos, Apollonios and similar masculine Greek names... [more]
Aprusia Απρουσία f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Απρουσία (Aprousia), possibly derived from Greek α (a), a negative prefix, combined with προύση (prouse) "rain".
Apsander m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Apsandros. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 7th century BC.
Apsandros Ἀψανδρος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄψ (aps) meaning "backwards, back again" combined with Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man".
Apsephion Ἀψεφίων m Ancient Greek
There are two meanings (and etymologies) possible for this name. The first is that it means "without darkness", derived from the Greek negative prefix ἄ- (a) combined with the Greek noun ψέφος (psephos) meaning "darkness"... [more]
Aratos Ἄρατος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀρατός (aratos) meaning both "prayed for, desirable" and "prayed against, accursed".
Aratus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aratos. Aratus of Soli (315-240) was an Ancient Greek didactic poet known for his major extant work Phenomena.
Archagathos Ἀρχάγαθος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἀρχός (archos) "master" or from Greek ἀρχή (arche) "origin, source". The second element is derived from Greek ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good".
Archandros Ἄρχανδρος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἀρχός (archos) "master" or from Greek ἀρχή (arche) "origin, source". The second element is derived from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) "of a man", although there is one source that claims that in this name, the second element is derived from Greek ἀνδρεία (andreia) meaning "courage" as well as "manliness"... [more]
Archebios Ἀρχέβιος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀρχός (archos) "master" or from Greek ἀρχή (arche) "origin, source"and βίος (bios) meaning "life" meaning "ruler of life, master of life"
Archebius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Archebios. This was the name of an Indo-Greek king from the 1st century BC.
Archedemos Ἀρχέδημος, Άρχέδαμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄρχω (arkho) meaning "to lead, to rule" (see archos) and δῆμος (demos) meaning "the people".
Archedice Αρχεδίκη f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Archedike. This was borne by a celebrated woman of 5th-century BC Greece, the daughter of Hippias the Peisistratid.
Archedike Ἀρχεδίκη f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄρχω (arkho) meaning "to rule, lead, command" (see archos) and δίκη (dike) meaning "justice, custom, order".
Archedikos Ἀρχέδικος m Ancient Greek
Masculine form of Archedike.
Archelochos Ἀρχέλοχος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Either a variant of Archilochos or an independent name in its own right. If the latter is the case, then the first element of this name is different from that of the aforementioned name, but the second element is exactly the same: Greek λόχος (lochos) meaning "ambush"... [more]
Archelochus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Archelochos. In Greek mythology, Archelochus was one of the leaders of the Dardanians, who aided the Trojans in their fight against the Achaeans.
Archestrate Ἀρχεστράτη f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Archestratos.
Archestratos Ἀρχέστρατος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἀρχός (archos) "master" or from Greek ἀρχή (arche) "origin, source". The second element is derived from Greek στρατός (stratos) "army."
Archestratus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Archestratos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek poet from the 4th century BC.
Archetimos Ἀρχέτιμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from either Greek ἀρχή (arche) meaning "beginning, origin; authority" or ἄρχω (arkho) meaning "to rule, lead, command" and τιμή (time) meaning "honour, esteem" (see timao).
Archias Ἀρχίας m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀρχή (arche) meaning "power, rulership" (compare the related word ἀρχός (archos) meaning "master")‎ combined with the masculine name suffix -ίας (-ias)... [more]
Archidamos Ἀρχίδαμος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek ἀρχός (archos) "master" or from Greek ἀρχή (arche) "origin, source". The second element is derived from δᾶμος (damos) "the people", which is a Doric Greek variant of δῆμος (demos).
Archidamus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Archidamos. This name was borne by five kings of Sparta (Greece).
Archilochos Ἀρχίλοχος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun ἀρχός (archos) meaning "master, leader" combined with the Greek noun λόχος (lochos) meaning "ambush", a word that later came to signify a tactical sub unit of the ancient Greek army... [more]
Archilochus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Archilochos. This was the name of a Greek lyric poet from the 7th century BC.... [more]
Architimus Ἀρχέτιμος m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Variant of Archetimus (See Archetimos). This was the name of a 1st-century Ancient Greek writer.
Archon Ἄρχων m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun ἄρχων (archon) meaning "ruler, commander".... [more]
Archonides Ἀρχωνίδης m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Archon" in Greek, derived from the name Archon combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Archytas Ἀρχύτας m Ancient Greek
Archytas was an Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, statesman, and strategist of 5th-century BC.
Arctinus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Arktinos. This was the name of a Greek epic poet, who was said to have been a pupil of Homer.
Areios Ἄρειος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄρειος (areios) meaning "of Ares" or "devoted to Ares." This word has also been explained as meaning "warlike, martial", which is understandable, given that Ares is the Greek god of war... [more]
Aresandros Ἀρέσανδρος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is a little bit uncertain. It is either derived from the name of the Greek god of war Ares (also compare Areios) or from Greek ἄρεσις (aresis) meaning "good pleasure, favour" as well as "help, supplication"... [more]
Areskon Ἀρέσκων m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀρέσκω (aresko) meaning "to please, satisfy".
Areskos Ἀρέσκος m Ancient Greek
Variant of Areskon.
Areskousa Ἀρέσκουσα f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Areskon.
Aretaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aretaios. A known bearer of this name of Aretaeus of Cappadocia, a Greek physician who lived in the 1st century AD.
Aretaios Ἀρεταῖος m Ancient Greek
Derived from either Greek ἀρετάω (aretao) "to thrive, to prosper" or from Greek ἀρετή (arete) meaning "goodness, excellence" as well as "virtue, skill".
Areus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Areios. This name was borne by two kings of Sparta, both of whom lived in the 3rd century BC.
Argeia Ἀργεία f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Argeios. This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology. It was also an epithet of Hera in her role as the patron goddess of the city of Argos.
Argileonis Ἀργιλεωνίς f Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀργός (argos) meaning "bright, shining, glistening" as well as "white" (see Argus) combined with the Greek noun λέων (leon) meaning "lion".
Aridelos Ἀρίδηλος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀρίδηλος (aridelos) meaning "clear, distinct, far seen". It consists of the Greek strengthening prefix ἀρι (ari) meaning "most" combined with the Greek adjective δῆλος (delos) meaning "visible, conspicuous, manifest"... [more]
Arignote Ἀριγνώτη f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Arignotos. This was the name of a female philosopher from Croton or Samos, active around the year 500 BC, who was a student of Pythagoras and Theano... [more]
Arignotos Ἀρίγνωτος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀρίγνωτος (arignotos) meaning "well-known, far-famed" (as well as "easy to be known, recognizable" but sometimes also "infamous"), itself composed of the intensifying prefix ἀρι- (ari) and γνωτός (gnotos) "perceived, understood, known".
Arimneste Ἀριμνήστη f Ancient Greek
Means "greatly remembered" in Ancient Greek. This was the name of a sister of Aristole.
Arion Ἀρίων m Ancient Greek, Greek, Greek Mythology, Popular Culture
In Greek mythology, Arion is the name of a divine immortal talking horse, who is the son of the gods Poseidon and Demeter. In real life, this name was borne by a Greek singer and poet of Methymna on Lesbos, skilled at the cithara and inventor of the dithyramb... [more]
Aristaenetus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristainetos. Bearers of this name include an Achaean general (3rd century BC) and a Byzantine Greek epistolographer (5th or 6th century AD).
Aristaenus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristainos. A notable bearer of this name was Aristaenus of Megalopolis (2nd century BC), a strategos (military leader) of the Achaean League.
Aristagora Ἀρισταγόρα f Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek elements ἄριστος (aristos) "best, noblest" and ἀγορά (agora) "assembly, gathering place, marketplace"... [more]
Aristagoras Ἀρισταγόρας m Ancient Greek, History
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best". The second element is derived from either the Greek verb ἀγορεύω (agoreuo) meaning "to orate, to speak publicly" or the Greek noun ἀγορά (agora), which can mean "assembly" as well as "market, marketplace".... [more]
Aristaichmos Ἀρίσταιχμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and αἰχμή (aichme) meaning "point of a spear, point of an arrow", or figuratively "war; warlike spirit".
Aristaineta f Ancient Greek (Archaic)
Woman from Aetolia, who dedicated a monument at the sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi in the third century BCE.
Aristainetos Ἀρισταινέτος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek adjective αἰνετός (ainetos) meaning "praiseworthy"... [more]
Aristainos Ἀρίσταινος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun αἴνη (aine) meaning "praise, fame" (see Aeneas).
Aristander m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristandros. Aristander was the name of Alexander the Great's favorite seer.
Aristandros Ἀρίστανδρος m Ancient Greek
Means "(the) best of a man", derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man".
Aristanor Ἀριστάνωρ m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Aristede Ἀριστείδης m Ancient Greek (Rare)
Of unknown etymology, this was the name of an Athenian statesman referred to in Plato's dialogues.
Aristeia Αριστεια f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) "best".
Aristion Άριστίων m Ancient Greek
Aristion was a philosopher who became tyrant of Athens
Aristippos Ἀρίστιππος m Ancient Greek
Means "the best horse", derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Aristippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristippos. Known bearers of this name include the ancient Greek philosopher Aristippus of Cyrene (4th century BC) and the ancient Greek tyrant Aristippus of Argos (3rd century BC).
Aristo Ἀρίστων, Ἀριστο m Ancient Greek
Variant of Ariston.
Aristo Ἀριστώ f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "the best". Used as an epithet of Artemis in Athens.
Aristobia Ἀριστοβία f Ancient Greek
Possibly means "the best life" from the Greek elements ἄριστος (aristos) "best" and βίος (bios) "life" (compare Aristobios); alternatively, the second element may be Greek βία (bia) meaning "bodily strength, force; act of violence".
Aristobios Ἀριστόβιος m Ancient Greek
Means "the best life", derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and βίος (bios) meaning "life".
Aristoboulos Ἀριστόβουλος m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀριστόβουλος (aristoboulos) meaning "best in counsel", which consists of the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun βουλή (boule) meaning "counsel, advice" as well as "will, determination".... [more]
Aristobulus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History, Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of Aristoboulos. This name was borne by several kings and princes of Judea, as well as a Greek philosopher and a Greek historian.
Aristocreon m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristokreon. This name was borne by a Stoic philosopher from the 2nd century BC.
Aristodama Ἀριστοδάμα f Ancient Greek
Derived from ἄριστος (aristos) "best". The second element is uncertain, but may be derived δᾶμος (damos) which is a Doric Greek variant of δῆμος (demos) meaning "the people".
Aristodike Ἀριστοδίκη f Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek elements ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and δίκη (dike) meaning "justice, custom, order".
Aristodikos Ἀριστόδικος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and δίκη (dike) meaning "justice, custom, order".
Aristogeiton Ἀριστογείτων m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and γείτων (geiton) meaning "neighbour".
Aristogenes Ἀριστογένης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with Greek γενής (genes) meaning "born"... [more]
Aristokleia Ἀριστόκλεια f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Aristokles (see Aristocles).
Aristokreon Ἀριστοκρέων m Ancient Greek
Means "(the) best king", derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) "best" combined with Greek κρέων (kreon) "king" (also compare Kreon).
Aristolaos Ἀριστόλαος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people".... [more]
Aristoleon Ἀριστολέων m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun λέων (leon) meaning "lion".
Aristolochos Ἀριστόλοχος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀριστόλοχος (aristolochos) meaning "well-born", which consists of the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun λόχος (lochos) meaning "childbirth" as well as "ambush"... [more]
Aristolochus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristolochos. This name was borne by an Olympic victor from 344 BC.... [more]
Aristomachos Ἀριστόμαχος m Ancient Greek
Means "best battle", derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) "best" combined with Greek μάχη (mache) "battle."
Aristomachus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology
Latinized form of Aristomachos. In Greek mythology, Aristomachus is the name of one of Heracles' descendants.
Aristomeda Ἀριστομέδα f Ancient Greek
Derived from ἄριστος (aristos) "best" and μέδομαι (medomai) "to be mindful of". She was a woman that offered her tithe to the goddess Demeter.
Aristomenes Ἀριστομένης m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) "best" combined with Greek μένος (menos) "power, strength, spirit."
Aristonax Ἀριστώναξ m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun ἄναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, chief".
Aristonicus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Aristonikos. This name was borne by a king of Pergamon, as well as several ancient Greek scholars.
Aristonike Αριστονικη f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Aristonikos. According to the 5th-century BC historian Herodotus, this was the name of the oracle of Delphi in the time of Xerxes' invasion.
Aristonikos Ἀριστόνικος m Ancient Greek
Means "(the) best victory", derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) "best" combined with Greek νίκη (nike) "victory".
Aristonoos Ἀριστόνοος, Ἀριστόνους m Ancient Greek
Means "of the best disposition" or "excellent in wisdom" in Greek, composed of ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and νόος (noos) meaning "mind, thought".
Aristonymos Ἀριστώνυμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and ὄνυμα (onyma) meaning "name".
Aristonymus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristonymos. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 3rd century BC.
Aristophantos Ἀριστόφαντος m Ancient Greek
Means "(the) best visibility", derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) "best" combined with Greek φαντός (phantos) "visible". The latter element is ultimately derived from the Greek verb φαντάζω (phantazo) meaning "to make visible".
Aristophantus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristophantos. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 2nd century BC.
Aristophon Ἀριστοφῶν m Ancient Greek
Means "(the) best voice", derived from Greek ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" and φωνή (phone) meaning "voice."
Aristos ῎Αριστος m Ancient Greek, Greek
Short form of Greek names beginning with the element ἄριστος (aristos) "best".
Aristothemis Ἀριστοθέμις m & f Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek noun θέμις (themis) meaning "law of nature, divinely ordained justice, that which is laid down" (see Themis).
Aristotimos Ἀριστότιμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere".
Aristotimus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristotimos. This was the name of an ancient Greek tyrant of Elis, who lived in the 3rd century BC.
Aristoxenos Ἀριστόξενος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best" combined with Greek ξένος (xenos) meaning "foreign, strange" as well as "foreigner, guest".
Aristoxenus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristoxenos. A notable bearer of this name was the Greek Peripatetic philosopher Aristoxenus of Tarentum (4th century BC).
Aristus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aristos. Used as an alternative name for Pope Evaristus.
Arius Ἄρειος m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Areios. Arius (AD 250 or 256–336) was an ascetic Christian presbyter of Libyan birth, possibly of Berber extraction, and priest in Alexandria, Egypt, of the church of the Baucalis.
Arkesilaos Ἀρκεσίλαος m Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Means "protector of the people", derived from Greek ἀρκέω (arkeo) meaning "to assist; to ward off, protect" or "to satisfy, be sufficient" and λαός (laos) meaning "people, folk".
Arktinos Ἀρκτῖνος m Ancient Greek
Derived from either Greek ἀρκτικός (arktikos) "artic, northern" or from Greek ἄρκτος (arktos) "bear".
Arrhabaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of the ancient Greek given name Ἀρραβαῖος (Arrhabaios), which is also found spelled as Arrhibaios. The meaning of the name is uncertain. The first element of the name may possibly consist of the Greek prefix ar meaning "not, without" (similar to the word arrhythmia), whereas the second element might possibly be related to the Greek verb ῥαβάσσω (rhabasso) "to make a noise"... [more]
Arrhidaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of the ancient Greek given name Ἀρριδαῖoς (Arrhidaios), which might possibly be a variant form of the Greek given name Ἀρραβαῖος (Arrhabaios) (see Arrhabaeus)... [more]
Arsaios Ἀρσαῖος m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Ancient Macedonian name of unknown meaning. In the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament), the name Arsaios appears in the Book of Esther, where it is a hellenization of Aridai (rather than Arisai).
Arsenia Ἀρσενία f Ancient Greek, Greek (Rare), Estonian, Spanish, Cebuano, Italian
Feminine form of Arsenios.
Artaxias m Old Persian (Hellenized), Ancient Greek
Variant form of Artaxes. This was the name of the founder of the Artaxiad dynasty, who lived in the 2nd century BC.
Artemas Ἀρτεμᾶς m Ancient Greek, Biblical, Polish (Archaic)
Presumably a short form or contraction of Artemidoros (compare Zenas, Alexas, Phileas)... [more]
Artemidora Ἀρτεμιδώρα f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Artemidoros.
Artemone m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Italian
Italian and Latinized form of Artemon.
Arybbas Ἀρύββας m Ancient Greek
In ancient Greece he was King of the Molossians in the 4th century BCE. He was the son of King Alcetas I, brother of Neoptolemus I, and grandfather of Pyrrhus.... [more]
Asander m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Asandros. This was the name of a governor of Lydia, who lived in the 4th century BC.
Asandros Ἄσανδρος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is possibly derived from the Greek noun ἄση (ase) "surfeit, loathing, nausea", which itself is ultimately derived from the Greek verb ἀσάω (asao) "to take a surfeit, to glut oneself"... [more]
Asclepigenia Ἀσκληπιγένεια f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Asklepigeneia. This was the name of a 5th-century Athenian philosopher and mystic.
Asclepiodotus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Asklepiodotos it was the name of a saint martyred with Maximus and Theodore in 310.
Asklepigeneia Ἀσκληπιγένεια f Ancient Greek
Derived from the name of the Greek god Asklepios combined with γενης (genes) "born". This was the name of a 5th-century Greek philosopher and mystic.
Asklepiodoros Ἀσκληπιόδωρος m Ancient Greek
Means "gift of Asklepios", from the name of the god Asklepios combined with Greek δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift".
Asklepiodotos Άσκληπιόδοτος m Ancient Greek
Greek name which meant "given by Asklepios" from the name of the Greek god Asklepios and δοτος (dotos) meaning "given".
Aspasios Ἀσπάσιος m Ancient Greek
Masculine form of Aspasia.
Aspasius Ἀσπάσιος m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aspasios.
Asterinos Ἀστερῖνος m Ancient Greek, Greek
Derived from Greek ἀστήρ (aster) meaning "star".
Astérios m Ancient Greek (Gallicized), Catalan (?)
Gallicized form of Asterios as well as a Catalan variant of Asteri.
Asteropeia Ἀστερόπεια f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Derived from or related to Asterope, meaning "lightning". This was the name of a daughter of Pelias in Greek mythology.
Astyanax Ἀστυάναξ m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "city lord" or "lord of the city", derived from Greek ἄστυ (asty) meaning "city, town" and ἄναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, chief".... [more]
Astycrateia Ἀστυκράτεια f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Semi-latinized form of Astykrateia, the feminine form of Astykrates. This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology.
Astykrateia Ἀστυκράτεια f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Astykrates.
Astykrates Ἀστυκράτης m Ancient Greek
Means "powerful city", derived from Greek ἄστυ (asty) "city, town" and κρατος (kratos) "power, strength".
Astylos Ἀστῠ́λος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄστυλος (astylos) meaning "without pillar, without support". It consists of the Greek negative prefix ἀ (a) combined with the Greek noun στῦλος (stylos) meaning "pillar, support".... [more]
Astymedon Ἀστυμέδων m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄστυ (asty) meaning "city, town" and μέδων (medon) meaning "ruler", itself from μέδω (medo) meaning "to protect, to rule over".
Astynomos Αστυνόμος m Ancient Greek
Possibly derived from ἄστυ (ástu) meaning "city, town" and νόμος (nomos) meaning "law, custom".
Astyochos Ἀστύοχος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀστυόχος (astyochos) meaning "protecting the city". It consists of the Greek noun ἄστυ (asty) meaning "city, town" combined with the Greek verb ὀχέω (ocheo) meaning "to bear, to carry, to hold fast, to sustain", which is closely related to the Greek verb ἔχω (echo) meaning "to have, to hold, to possess"... [more]
Astyochus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Astyochos. This was the name of a Spartan naval commander from the 5th century BC.... [more]
Astyphilos Ἀστύφιλος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun ἄστυ (asty) meaning "city, town" combined with the Greek noun φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover".
Astyphilus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Astyphilos. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 5th century BC.
Asyncritus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of Asynkritos. This name once belonged to one of the Seventy Disciples.
Asynkritos Ἀσύγκριτος m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀσύγκριτος (asynkritos) meaning "incomparable".
Atalante Αταλαντη f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Original Greek form of Atalanta. This was borne by a sister of the 4th-century BC Macedonian general Perdiccas.
Athamas Ἀθάμας m Ancient Greek
Uncertain etymology. This was the name of a Boeotian king who married the goddess Nephele in Greek mythology.
Athenaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Athenaios. Bearers of this name include a Greek composer from the 2nd century BC and a Greek rhetorician and grammarian from the 3rd century AD.
Athenagora Αθηναγορα f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Athenagoras.
Athenagoras Ἀθηναγόρας m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek Ᾰ̓θῆναι (Athenai) meaning "Athens (city)" (ultimately from the name of the goddess Athena) and either ἀγορά (agora) meaning "assembly, marketplace" or ἀγορεύω (agoreuo) meaning "to speak, proclaim, orate; to speak publicly"... [more]
Athenaios Ἀθήναιος m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek personal name which was derived from the name of the Greek goddess Athena. Also compare Athenais.
Athenion Ἀθηνίων m Ancient Greek
Derived from the name of the Greek goddess Athena combined with the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων (-ion). A known bearer of this name was Athenion of Maroneia, an ancient Greek painter from the 3rd century BC.
Athenippos Ἀθήνιππος m Ancient Greek
Derived from either the name of the city Athens or the eponymous goddess Athena combined with Greek ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Athenodora Ἀθηνοδώρα f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Athenodoros. This was used by American author Stephenie Meyer for a character in her novel Breaking Dawn (2008) of the Twilight series.
Athenogenes Ἀθηνογένης m Ancient Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Means "born of Athena" from the name of the goddess Athena combined with Greek γενής (genes) meaning "born"... [more]
Athenophanes Ἀθηνοφάνης m Ancient Greek
Means "Athens manifest" or "manifestation of Athena", derived from either the name of the city Athens or the eponymous goddess Athena combined with Greek φανής (phanes) meaning "seeming, appearing".
Attalos Ἄτταλος m Ancient Greek, Greek (Rare)
Possibly derived from Greek ἀταλός (atalos) meaning "delicate, tender" or the related ἀτάλλω (atallo) meaning "to bring up a child, to foster", "to grow" or "to skip, gambol, frolic".
Attalus Ἄτταλος m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Attalos. This was borne by numerous ancient Greek historical figures, including a general of Alexander the Great and three kings of Pergamon in Asia Minor.... [more]
Auge Αὐγή f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek αὐγή (auge) meaning "light of the sun, sunbeam", "bright light", or "dawn". In Greek mythology Auge was the daughter of Aleus, king of Tegea, and mother of the hero Telephus by Heracles... [more]
Augeas Αὐγέας m Ancient Greek
Alternative form of Augeias.
Augeias Αὐγείας m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek αὐγή (auge) meaning "sunlight, bright light" or "dawn".
Autarieus Αὐταριεύς m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Meaning unknown, possibly of Illyrian origin.... [more]
Autocles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Autokles. This name was borne by an Athenian general from the 5th century BC.
Autocrates m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Autokrates. This name was borne by an ancient Athenian comic poet.
Autodice Αὐτοδίκη f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Derived from Greek αὐτός (autos) meaning "self" combined with δίκη (dike) meaning "justice, custom, order". Compare the Greek adjective αὐτόδικος (autodikos) meaning "with independent jurisdiction, with one's own law-courts".
Autokles Αὐτοκλῆς m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek αὐτός (autos) meaning "self" combined with Greek κλεος (kleos) meaning "glory".
Autokrates Αὐτοκράτης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek αὐτός (autos) meaning "self" combined with Greek κρατος (kratos) meaning "power." Also compare the English word autocrat.
Autolekythos m Ancient Greek, History
From Ancient Greek αὐτός (autós) "self" and possibly λήκυθος (lḗkuthos) "lekythos", a kind of pottery flask with a narrow neck, used in Ancient Greece for storing oil... [more]
Autolycus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology
Latinized form of Autolykos. In Greek mythology, Autolycus is a renowned thief and the maternal grandfather of Odysseus.
Autolykos Αὐτόλυκος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from Greek αὐτός (autos) meaning "self". The second element is a little bit uncertain, in that there are two possibilities available for it. The first possibility is that it is derived from Greek λυκου (lykou) "of a wolf", which itself is ultimately derived from Greek λύκος (lykos) "wolf"... [more]
Automate Αυτομάτη f Ancient Greek
Means "acting of oneself" in Ancient Greek.
Automedon Αὐτομέδων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek αὐτός (autos) meaning "self" combined with the Greek noun μέδων (medon) meaning "ruler" (see Medon).... [more]
Autonoë Αὐτονόη f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Autonoos (see Autonous). In Greek mythology this was the name of the daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes and Harmonia, one of the Bacchae in Euripides' play of the same name.
Autosthenes Αὐτοσθένης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek αὐτός (autos) meaning "self" combined with the Greek noun σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength".... [more]
Auxityche Αὐξιτύχη f Ancient Greek
Probably derived from Greek αυξησις (auxesis) meaning "growth, increase" combined with τύχη (tyche) meaning "fortune, chance, fate".
Axiochos Ἀξίοχος m Ancient Greek
Means "of value, one who has value", derived from Greek ἀξία (axia) meaning "worth, value" and ἔχω (echo) meaning "to have, possess, hold".
Axiothea Ἀξιοθέα f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Axiotheos. A known bearer of this name was Axiothea of Phlius, a female student of the ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Speusippus (4th century BC).
Axiotheos Ἀξιόθεος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek adjective ἄξιος (axios) meaning "worthy, deserving" or from the Greek noun ἀξία (axia) meaning "worth, value"... [more]
Azaes Ἀζάης m Ancient Greek
Azaes was one of the ten sons of Poseidon and Cleito in Plato's myth of Atlantis.
Bacchis Βακχίς f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Means "of Bacchus" or "female bacchanal, maenad" in Greek.
Bacchylides Βακχυλίδης m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Means "son of Bacchylis", derived from the feminine name Bacchylis and the usually patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).
Bacchylis Βακχυλίς f Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology
Probably derived from Bacchus.
Bagapates Βαγαπάτης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Bagapātah.
Basileia Βασίλεια f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology, Theatre
Feminine form of Basileios.
Basileides Βασιλείδης m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun βασιλείδης (basileides) meaning "prince", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun βασιλεύς (basileus) meaning "king" (see Basil 1).
Basileus Βασιλεύς m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Variant form of Basilius. This was also a title used by kings, as well as a few saints.
Basilides m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Basileides. Bearers of this name include the philosopher Basilides the Epicurean (2nd century BC) and saint Basilides (died around 205 AD).
Basiliscus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Basiliskos. Basiliscus of Comana (died c. 310), also known as Basiliscus of Pontus, was a Greek martyr.
Basilodika f Ancient Greek
βασίλεια (basileia) "rule, royal power, queen" + δικη (diké) "justice"
Basilokleia Βασιλόκλεια f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Basilokles.
Basilokles Βασιλοκλῆς m Ancient Greek, Literature
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun βασιλεύς (basileus) meaning "king" (see Basil 1), though technically both βασίλεια (basileia) meaning "queen, princess" and βασίλειος (basileios) meaning "royal, kingly" are also possible.... [more]
Bassa Βάσσα f Ancient Greek (Rare)
Transcription of Greek feminine name Βάσσα, of unknown meaning.
Bathycles Βαθυκλῆς m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek name Βαθυκλῆς (Bathykles), which was derived from the Greek elements βαθύς (bathus, bathys) meaning "deep, profound" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory, fame"... [more]
Baucis Βαυκίς f Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Derived from Greek βαυκος (baukos) meaning "prudish". In Greek mythology, Baucis and Philemon were an elderly couple who showed great hospitality to the god Zeus. Baucis was also the name of a Greek poet contemporaneous with Sappho and Erinna whose work is now lost, apostrophized in Erinna's 'Distaff'.
Bendidora Βενδιδώρα f Ancient Greek
Means "gift of Bendis", derived from the name of the Thracian goddess Bendis (genitive Βενδῖδος) combined with Greek δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift".
Beruka f Ancient Greek
Beruka is a Old Greek name and a derivative of the name Beronica.
Bianor Βιάνωρ m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from either Greek βία (bia) meaning "bodily strength, force" or βίος (bios) meaning "life" combined with ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Bilistiche Βιλιστίχη f Ancient Greek (Rare, ?), History
Perhaps a Macedonian dialectical form of Philistiche, or a Hellenized form of a non-Greek name. This was borne by a 3rd-century BC hetaira (courtesan or prostitute of ancient Greece) of uncertain origin... [more]
Bio m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Bion.
Biote f Ancient Greek
From Greek βιοτή (bioté) "living, sustenance".
Blaste f Ancient Greek
βλαστος (blastos) "a bud, sprout, shoot"
Blastos Βλάστος m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Derived from the Greek noun βλαστός (blastos) meaning "sprout, shoot, bud", which ultimately comes from the Greek verb βλαστάνω (blastano) meaning "to bud, to sprout, to grow".
Blastus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of Blastos. According to the Bible, Blastus was the chamberlain of Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:20), a mediator for the Sidonians and Tyrians, and was believed to be involved in the events that led to Herod's death.
Boeo Βοιὼ f Ancient Greek
The name of an ancient Delphic priestess and hymn-writer, likely derived from the location Boeotia, ultimately from the Ancient Greek word βοώτης (boṓtēs) meaning “herdsman”.
Boeotus Βοιωτός m Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Derived from Greek βοώτης (bootes) meaning "herdsman", itself from βοῦς (bous) meaning "ox, cow".
Boethus Βόηθος m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Boethos.... [more]
Bolkon Βόλκων m Ancient Greek
Unknown etymology. This was the name of a Syracusan general.
Boukatia Βουκατία f Ancient Greek
Ultimately derived from the name of a month from the Delphic calendar, βουκάτιος (boukátios).