Ancient Greek Submitted Names

These names were used in ancient Greece. See also about Ancient Greek names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Keraunophoros m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κεραυνός (keraunos) "lightning, thunderbolt" combined with Greek φορεω (phoreo) "to carry, to bear". For the latter element, also compare Greek φερω (phero), which has the same meaning... [more]
Kerinthos Κήρινθος m Ancient Greek
Meaning unknown. This was the name of a town on the northeastern coast of ancient Euboea.
Kerkylas Κερκυλας m Ancient Greek (Rare)
Possibly from Ancient Greek κέρκος (kerkos) meaning "tail, penis". This was the name of the alleged husband of Sappho, Kerkylas of Andros, according to the Byzantine encyclopedia Suda... [more]
Kilissa Κίλισσα f Ancient Greek
Means "woman from Cilicia", an ancient region in southeastern Asia Minor.
Kimon Κίμων m Ancient Greek, Greek
Etymology uncertain. Possibly related to Greek κίω (kio) meaning "to go, walk quickly", to Latin cimex meaning "bug", to proto-Indo-Iranian *ćyaHmás meaning "black, dark", or to Greek κημός (kemos) meaning "muzzle".
Kinaithon Κιναίθων m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek verb κινέω (kineo) meaning "to move, to set in motion, to begin, to cause" combined with Greek αἴθων (aithon), which can be an adjective meaning "fiery, burning" as well as be a noun meaning "fire, burning heat" (see Aithon).
Kleainetos Κλεαίνετος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" and αἰνετός (ainetos) meaning "praiseworthy".
Kleanax Κλεᾶναξ m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" and ἄναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, king".
Kleandridas Κλεανδρίδας m Ancient Greek
Aeolic and Doric Greek form of Kleandrides, because it contains ίδας (idas), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Kleandrides Κλεανδρίδης m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Kleandros" in Greek, derived from the name Kleandros combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).
Kleandros Κλέανδρος m Ancient Greek
Means "glory of a man", derived from Greek κλέος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek ἀνδρός (andros) "of a man".
Kleanor Κλεάνωρ m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Kleanthes Κλεάνθης m Ancient Greek
Means "glorious flower" or "flower of glory", derived from Greek κλέος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek ἄνθος (anthos) "flower, blossom".
Klearchos Κλέαρχος m Ancient Greek
Means "glorious master", derived from Greek κλέος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek ἀρχός (archos) "master".
Kleiandros Κλείανδρος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the verb κλείω (kleio) meaning "to celebrate, to make famous", which is the Epic Greek form of the verb κλέω (kleo) meaning "to celebrate, to glorify, to make famous"... [more]
Kleianor Κλειάνωρ m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the verb κλείω (kleio) meaning "to celebrate, to make famous", which is the Epic Greek form of the verb κλέω (kleo) meaning "to celebrate, to glorify, to make famous"... [more]
Kleidemos Κλείδημος m Ancient Greek
Means "the glorious people", derived from Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek δημος (demos) "the people."
Kleinandros Κλείνανδρος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective κλεινός (kleinos) meaning "famous, renowned" combined with Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man".
Kleinias Κλεινίας m Ancient Greek
From Greek κλεινός (kleinos) meaning "famous, renowned" (see kleos).
Kleitandros Κλείτανδρος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective κλειτός (kleitos) meaning "renowned, famous". It is ultimately derived from the verb κλείω (kleio) meaning "to celebrate, to make famous", which is the Epic Greek form of the verb κλέω (kleo) meaning "to celebrate, to glorify, to make famous"... [more]
Kleitanor Κλειτάνωρ m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective κλειτός (kleitos) meaning "renowned, famous". It is ultimately derived from the verb κλείω (kleio) meaning "to celebrate, to make famous", which is the Epic Greek form of the verb κλέω (kleo) meaning "to celebrate, to glorify, to make famous"... [more]
Kleitarchos Κλείταρχος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective κλειτός (kleitos) meaning "renowned, famous". It is ultimately derived from the Greek verb κλείω (kleio) meaning "to celebrate, to make famous", which is a variant form of the verb κλέω (kleo) meaning "to celebrate, to glorify, to make famous"... [more]
Kleitomachos Κλειτόμαχος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective κλειτός (kleitos) meaning "renowned, famous". It is ultimately derived from the Greek verb κλείω (kleio) meaning "to celebrate, to make famous", which is a variant form of the verb κλέω (kleo) meaning "to celebrate, to glorify, to make famous"... [more]
Kleitophon Κλειτοφῶν m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective κλειτός (kleitos) meaning "renowned, famous". It is ultimately derived from the Greek verb κλείω (kleio) meaning "to celebrate, to make famous", which is a variant form of the verb κλέω (kleo) meaning "to celebrate, to glorify, to make famous"... [more]
Kleoboulos Κλεόβουλος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" combined with the Greek noun βουλή (boule) meaning "counsel, advice" as well as "will, determination".... [more]
Kleodoros Κλεόδωρος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek elements κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" and δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift"... [more]
Kleokritos Κλεόκριτος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κλεος (kleos) meaning "glory" combined with Greek κριτης (krites) meaning "judge, critic."
Kleomachos Κλεόμαχος m Ancient Greek
Means "glorious battle", derived from Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek μαχη (mache) "battle".
Kleombrotos Κλεόμβροτος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" and βροτός (brotos) meaning "mortal man, human being".
Kleomedes Κλεομήδης m Ancient Greek
Means "glorious thought", derived from Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek μηδομαι (medomai) "to think, to be mindful of".
Kleomenes Κλεομένης m Ancient Greek
Means "glorious strength", derived from Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek μενος (menos) "power, strength, spirit."
Kleonides Κλεωνίδης, Κλεονίδης m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Kleon" in Greek, derived from the name Kleon combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).
Kleonikos Κλεόνικος m Ancient Greek
Masculine form of Kleonike derived from κλέος (kleos) "glory" and ‎νῑ́κη (nike) "victory" in turn means "glorious victory".
Kleonymos Κλεώνυμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" combined with ὄνυμα (onyma), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the noun ὄνομα (onoma) meaning "name".
Kleophon Κλεοφῶν m Ancient Greek
Means "glorious voice", derived from Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek φωνη (phone) "voice".
Kleopompos Κλεόπομπος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" and πέμπω (pempo) to send, escort, conduct".
Kleoptolemos Κλεοπτόλεμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" combined with the Epic Greek noun πτόλεμος (ptolemos) meaning "war".... [more]
Kleosthenes Κλεοσθένης m Ancient Greek
Variant of Kleisthenes (see Cleisthenes).
Kleostratos Κλεόστρατος m Ancient Greek
Means "glorious army", derived from Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek στρατος (stratos) "army".
Kleoxene Κλεοξένη f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Kleoxenos.
Kleoxenos Κλεόξενος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" combined with Greek ξένος (xenos) meaning "foreign, strange" as well as "foreigner, guest".... [more]
Komaios Κωμαῖος, Κομαῖος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective κωμαῖος (komaios) meaning "of a village", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun κώμη (kome) meaning "village". The latter word is not to be confused with the Greek noun κόμη (kome) meaning "hair (of the head)".... [more]
Konon Κόνων m Ancient Greek, Russian (Rare), Basque, Polish
Derived from the Greek verb κονέω (koneo) meaning "to raise dust" (and more figuratively, "to hasten").... [more]
Koroibos Κόροιβος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun κόροιβος (koroibos) meaning "fool".
Kratandros Κράτανδρος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κράτος (kratos) meaning "power" combined with Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man".
Krateia Κράτεια f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Krates, a derivative of Greek κράτος (kratos) meaning "strength, power". This was borne by the mother of 7th-century BC Greek tyrant Periander.
Krates Κράτης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κρατος (kratos) meaning "power."
Kratesikleia Κρατησίκλεια f Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun κράτησις (kratesis) meaning "might, power, dominion" combined with the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
Kratesipolis Κρατησίπολις m & f Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun κράτησις (kratesis) meaning "might, power, dominion" combined with the Greek noun πόλις (polis) meaning "city".
Kratinos Κρατῖνος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κράτος (kratos) meaning "power, strength".
Kratippos Κράτιππος m Ancient Greek
Means "powerful horse", derived from Greek κρατος (kratos) "power" combined with Greek ‘ιππος (hippos) "horse".
Kratisthenes Κρατισθένης m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun κράτος (kratos) meaning "power" combined with the Greek noun σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength".
Kratylos Κρατύλος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κρατος (kratos) meaning "power".
Kreon Κρέων m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κρέων (kreon) meaning "king". Also compare Greek κρείων (kreion) meaning "ruler, lord, master".
Kreophylos Κρεώφυλος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κρέων (kreon) meaning "ruler, lord" and φυλή (phyle) meaning "tribe, clan".
Krethon Κρήθων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Etymology uncertain. This was the name of an Aechaean warrior who died in the Trojan war, twin of Orsilochus and great-grandson of the river god Alpheios.
Kreton Κρήτων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Variant form of Krethon.
Krino Κρινώ f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Possibly derived from Greek κρίνον (krinon) meaning "white lily" (species Lilium candidum). In Greek mythology, this name was borne by a daughter of Antenor.
Krisamis Κρίσαμις f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek krisis (κρίσις) "judgement".
Kritias Κριτίας m Ancient Greek
From the Ancient Greek κριτής (kritḗs) meaning “judge” with -ίας (-ías), a masculine suffix. Kritias was an Ancient Athenian politician. This name was used by Plato (IV century BC) in one of his late dialogues.
Kritoboulos Κριτόβουλος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κριτός (kritos) meaning "excellent" and βουλή (boule) meaning "counsel, advice; will, determination".
Kritolaos Κριτόλαος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κριτης (krites) "judge, critic" combined with Greek λαος (laos) "the people."
Kriton Κρίτων m Ancient Greek, Greek
Greek from of Crito.
Ktesias Κτησίας m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κτῆσις (ktesis) meaning "acquisition, possession, property", which is ultimately derived from Greek κτάομαι (ktaomai) meaning "to acquire, to procure for oneself" as well as "to possess"... [more]
Ktesibios Κτησίβιος m Ancient Greek
Means "landowner, one who lives from his property", derived from Greek κτῆσις (ktesis) meaning "acquisition, possession, property", itself from κτάομαι (ktaomai) meaning "to acquire, to procure for oneself" as well as "to possess", and βιος (bios) meaning "life"... [more]
Ktesikles Κτησικλῆς m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from Greek κτῆσις (ktesis) meaning "acquisition, possession, property", which is ultimately derived from Greek κτάομαι (ktaomai) meaning "to acquire, to procure for oneself" as well as "to possess"... [more]
Ktesiphon Κτησιφῶν m Ancient Greek
Possibly derived from Greek κτῆσις (ktesis) meaning "acquisition, possession, property", itself from κτάομαι (ktaomai) meaning "to acquire, to procure for oneself" as well as "to possess", and either φωνή (phone) meaning "voice" or φῶς (phos) meaning "light"... [more]
Ktesippos Κτήσιππος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek κτάομαι (ktaomai) meaning "to acquire" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Kyberniskos Κυβερνίσκος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κυβερνάω (kybernao) meaning "to steer, pilot" and "to guide, govern, direct".
Kylon Κύλων m Ancient Greek
Meaning uncertain. It might possibly be related to the Greek adjective κυλλός (kyllos) meaning "club-footed and bandy-legged", as this word is sometimes written as κυλός (kylos) instead.
Kyniska Κυνίσκα f Ancient Greek
From κυνίσκα (kyniska), the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the noun κυνίσκη (kyniske) meaning "female puppy", itself from κύων (kyon) "dog" (genitive κυνός (kynos))... [more]
Kynthios Κυνθιος m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek Masculine form of Cynthia.
Kypselos Κυψέλος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived either from the Greek noun κύψελος (kypselos) meaning "swallow" or "swift" (both birds) or from the Greek noun κυψέλη (kypsele) meaning "chest, box" as well as "beehive".
Lacedaimonius m Ancient Greek (Hellenized)
Latinized form of Lakedaimonios. This was the name of an Athenian general of the Philaid clan.
Lachares Λαχάρης m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people" combined with either the Greek noun χαρά (chara) meaning "joy, delight, happiness" or the Greek noun χάρις (charis) meaning "grace, kindness" (see Chares).... [more]
Laeus Λαιος m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Λαιος (Laios), which is of unknown meaning. This was the name of a king of Thebes in Greek mythology, the husband of Jocasta. Due to a prophecy that he would be killed by his son, Laius left his infant Oedipus for dead... [more]
Lagos Λάγος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek λαγῶς (lagos) meaning "hare".
Lagus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Lagos. This was the name of one of the sons that Ptolemy I Soter I had with his lover Thais, as well as the name of Ptolemy's possible biological father.
Lais Λαΐς f Ancient Greek
Meaning unknown, perhaps related to the Greek name Laios (see Laius) or the element λαος (laos) "people". It was borne by two ancient Greek hetairai, or courtesans: Laïs of Corinth (5th century BC), known as the most beautiful woman of her time; and Laïs of Hyccara (4th century BC), a rival of Phryne, said to have been stoned to death by the jealous women of Thessaly.
Lakedaimonios m Ancient Greek
Means "from Lacedaemon", from Ancient Greek Λᾰκεδαίμων “Lacedaemon” with an adjective forming suffix.
Lamachos Λάμαχος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective λάμαχος (lamachos) meaning "eager for battle". This name can also have formed independently from that word, in which case it is a dithematic name that consists of the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people" combined with the Greek noun μάχη (mache) meaning "battle".... [more]
Lamachus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Lamachos. This was the name of an Athenian strategos (military general) from the 5th century BC.
Lamedon Λαμέδων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Variant of Laomedon. In Greek mythology, this is the name of a king of Sicyon.
Lamprokles Λαμπροκλῆς m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek λαμπρός (lampros) meaning "bright, brilliant" (compare lampo) and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory"... [more]
Lanassa Λάνασσα f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people" combined with the Greek noun ἄνασσα (anassa) meaning "queen, lady".... [more]
Laodamia Λαοδάμεια f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Λαοδάμεια (Laodameia), a feminine form of Laodamas. This was the name of several characters in Greek legend, including the mother of Sarpedon, who was a daughter of Bellerophon... [more]
Laomedon Λαομέδων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun λαομέδων (laomedon) meaning "ruler of the people", which consists of the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people" and the Greek noun μέδων (medon) meaning "ruler" (see Medon).... [more]
Laothea Λαοθέα f Ancient Greek
A mistress of Priam. Daughter of Altes. Mother of Lycaon and Polydorus, some say. Delivered from λαός meaning the people and θέα meaning goddess
Lastenia f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Ancient Greek (Hispanicized)
Spanish feminine form of Lasthenes. The 4th-century BC Greek philosopher Lastheneia of Mantinea, one of Plato's female students, is known as Lastenia in Spanish.
Lastheneia Λασθένεια f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Lasthenes. This was the name of a female student of Plato (4th century BC).
Lasthenes Λασθένης m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Perhaps a variant of Laisthenes or Laosthenes, in which the second element derives from Greek σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength".
Latinos Λατῖνος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "Latin" this was the name of a son of Odysseus and Circe as well of various kings of Rome.
Latinus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Latinos. Used by several mythological characters and a few saints.
Latychidas Λατυχίδας m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Latychos" in Greek, derived from the name Latychos combined with ίδας (idas), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Laudice Λαυδίκη f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Λαυδίκη (Laudike), a variant of Laodike.
Leaena f Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Leaina. This is the name of a pseudo-historical figure, supposedly a 6th-century BC Athenian hetaera (courtesan) and, according to a later tradition, the mistress of Aristogeiton the Tyrannicide (one of the assassins of the tyrant Hipparchus in 514 BC).
Leagros Λέαγρος m Ancient Greek
Uncertain etymology. Possibly derived from Greek ἀγρός (agros) meaning "field, land, countryside", and an unknown first element.
Leaina Λέαινα f Ancient Greek
From Greek λέαινα (leaina) meaning "lioness", the feminine form of λέων (leôn) "lion" (see Leon). This was borne by a 6th-century BC Athenian hetaira whose lover Aristogeiton plotted to overthrow the tyrants Hippias and Hipparchus, which eventually led to the establishment of democracy in Athens... [more]
Learchos Λέαρχος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived either from Greek λέων (leon) meaning "lion" (compare Leander) or from Attic Greek λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos)... [more]
Leochares Λεωχάρης m Ancient Greek
Attic Greek form of Lachares, because it contains the Attic Greek noun λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos).... [more]
Leocrates m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Leokrates. This name was borne by an Athenian general from the 5th century BC.
Leogoras Λεωγόρας m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek λεώς (leos) meaning "people, folk" (Attic form of laos) and ἀγορά (agora) meaning "assembly, marketplace" or "speech".
Leokrates Λεωκράτης m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek λεων (leon) meaning "lion" or from Attic Greek λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos)... [more]
Leonides Λεωνίδης, Λεονίδης m & f Ancient Greek, Galician
Attic and Ionic Greek form of Leonidas, because it contains the Attic and Ionic Greek patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Leonnatos Λεοννάτος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from Greek λεων (leon) meaning "lion". The second element is uncertain, but it might possibly have been derived from the Greek noun γνάθος (gnathos) meaning "jaw"... [more]
Leonnatus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Leonnatos. This name was borne by a Macedonian officer of Alexander the Great (4th century BC), who was a member of the royal house of Lyncestis.
Leontion Λεόντιον f Ancient Greek
Etymology unknown. This was the name of a female Ancient Greek philosopher.
Leontiscus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Leontiskos. This was the name of one of the sons that Ptolemy I Soter I had with his lover Thais.
Leontiskos Λεοντίσκος m Ancient Greek
Means "small lion", derived from Greek λεων (leon) "lion" combined with the Greek diminutive suffix -ισκος (-iskos).
Leophantos Λεώφαντος, Λεόφαντος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from either the Attic Greek noun λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos) or from the Greek noun λέων (leon) meaning "lion"... [more]
Leophron Λεώφρων, Λεόφρων m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek λεων (leon) meaning "lion" or from Attic Greek λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos)... [more]
Leosthenes Λεωσθένης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Attic Greek λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see laos) and Greek σθενος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength"... [more]
Leostratos Λεώστρατος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is either derived from Greek λεων (leon) meaning "lion" or from Attic Greek λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos)... [more]
Leostratus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Leostratos. This name was borne by three eponymous archons of Athens, the earliest of which lived in the 7th century BC.
Leotychidas Λεωτυχίδας m Ancient Greek
Partial Attic Greek translation of the Doric Greek name Latychidas (also found written as Laotychidas), because it contains the Attic Greek noun λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos) but retains the Doric Greek patronymic suffix ίδας (idas)... [more]
Leotychides Λεωτυχίδης m Ancient Greek
Attic Greek form of the Doric Greek name Latychidas (also found written as Laotychidas), because it contains the Attic Greek noun λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos) and the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides), which is used in both Attic and Ionic Greek.... [more]
Leucon m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Leukon. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology.
Leukon Λεύκων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective λευκός (leukos) meaning "white" as well as "bright, clear, brilliant" (see Leukos), which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun λύκη (luke) or (lyke), which can mean "light" as well as "morning sunshine".... [more]
Lexiphanes Λεξιφάνης m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek λέξις (lexis) meaning "word, speech" and φανής (phanes) meaning "seeming, appearing".
Lycaretus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Lykaretos. This name was borne by a governor of Lemnos, who lived in the 6th century BC.
Lycarion m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Lykarion. This name was borne by an obscure saint who was martyred in Egypt together with the virgin saints Martha and Mary.
Lycidas m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized), Literature
Latinized form of Lykidas. This was the name of a centaur from Greek mythology.... [more]
Lycius Λύκιος m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Lykios. This was an epithet of the Greek god Apollo. It was used by John Keats for the hero of his poem 'Lamia' (1819).
Lycomedes m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology
Latinized form of Lykomedes. In Greek mythology, King Lycomedes of Scyros is the maternal grandfather of Neoptolemus.
Lykandros Λύκανδρος m Ancient Greek
The second element of this name is derived from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man". The first element is a little bit uncertain, in that there are two possibilities available for it... [more]
Lykaon Λυκάων m Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Possibly derived from Greek λυκος (lykos) "wolf". In Greek mythology, this is the name of an early king of Arkadia.
Lykaretos Λυκάρετος, Λυκάρητος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek noun λύκος (lykos) meaning "wolf" or the Greek noun λύκη (lyke) meaning "light" as well as "morning twilight"... [more]
Lykarion Λυκαρίων m Ancient Greek
Derived from either the Greek noun λύκος (lykos) meaning "wolf" or the Greek noun λύκη (lyke) meaning "light" combined with the Greek diminutive suffix -αριων (-arion)... [more]
Lykidas Λυκίδας m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "son of Lykos" in Greek, derived from the name Lykos combined with ίδας (idas), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).
Lykios Λύκιος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "Lycian" in Greek, referring to a person from the province of Lycia in Asia Minor. The Greeks connected the place name with λύκος (lykos) "wolf"... [more]
Lykomedes Λυκομήδης m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from either Greek λύκος (lykos) meaning "wolf" or λύκη (lyke) meaning "light; morning twilight" combined with μηδομαι (medomai) meaning "to think, to be mindful of" or the related μήδεα (medea) meaning "plans, counsel, cunning".
Lykophron Λυκόφρων m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective λυκόφρων (lykophron) meaning "wolf-minded", consisting of λύκος (lykos) meaning "wolf" and φρήν (phren) meaning "mind, heart, emotions"... [more]
Lynceus m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Λυγκεύς (Lynkeus), though technically Lygkeus is the correct spelling. The name is a more elaborate form of Lynkos (see Lyncus)... [more]
Lysanias Λυσανίας m Ancient Greek, Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin
Derived from the Greek noun λυσανίας (lysanias) meaning "ending sorrow". It consists of the Greek noun λύσις (lysis) meaning "a release, loosening" combined with the Greek noun ἀνία (ania) meaning "grief, sorrow, distress, trouble".
Lysias Λυσίας m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek λύσις (lysis) meaning "a release, loosening".
Lysicles Λυσικλῆς m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek λύσις (lysis) meaning "a release, loosening" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
Lysidice Λυσιδίκη f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From the Greek Λυσιδίκη (Lysidikê), derived from λυσις (lysis) "a release, loosening, freeing, deliverance" and δικη (dike) "justice"... [more]
Lysikles Λυσικλῆς m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek λύσις (lysis) meaning "a release, loosening" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
Lysimache Λυσιμαχη f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Lysimachos.
Lysimachides Λυσιμαχίδης m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Lysimachos" in Greek, derived from the name Lysimachos combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Lysippe Λυσίππη f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "she who lets loose the horses" in Greek from the elements λύσις (lysis) "a release, loosening" and ἵππος (hippos) "horse"... [more]
Lysippos Λύσιππος m Ancient Greek
Means "a release of a horse", derived from Greek λυσις (lysis) "a release, loosening" combined with Greek ‘ιππος (hippos) "horse". This was the name of a Greek sculptor from the 4th century BC, noted as being one of the best sculptors of the ancient world.
Lysis Λῦσις m Ancient Greek
From Greek λύσις (lysis) meaning "a release, loosening". This was borne by a Greek philosopher, Lysis of Taras, who was said to have been a friend and disciple of Pythagoras, as well as the title character in a Socratic dialogue of Plato.
Lysistratos Λυσίστρατος m Ancient Greek
Masculine form of Lysistrate derived from the elements λύσις (lysis) "loosening, a release" and στρατός (stratos) "army"... [more]
Lysixenos Λυσίξενος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun λύσις (lysis) meaning "a release, loosening" combined with Greek ξένος (xenos) meaning "foreign, strange" as well as "foreigner, guest".
Macedon m Ancient Greek
From Greek makednos meaning "tall" or from Illyrian maketia meaning "cattle".
Machanidas Μαχανίδας m Ancient Greek, History
The first element of this name is possibly derived from the Doric Greek noun μαχανά (machana) meaning "machine, device, tool, contrivance", which is of the same etymology as the modern English word machine... [more]
Machon Μάχων m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun μάχη (mache) meaning "battle". Also compare the related name Machaon.... [more]
Macrobius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Makrobios. This name was borne by a Roman grammarian and philosopher from the 5th century AD.
Makrobios Μακρόβιος m Ancient Greek
Essentially means "long life" or "long-lived", derived from Greek μακρός (makros) "large, wide, long" combined with Greek βίος (bios) "life."
Malicha Μαλίχα f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Malicha (or Malache, or Lamache) was a woman from Lemnos and the mother of Leucophanes by Euphemus.
Malthace Μαλθάκη f Ancient Greek (Latinized), Theatre, History
Latinized form of the Greek name Μαλθακη (Malthake), from Greek μαλθακός (malthakos) "soft" (compare Amalthea). This name was used by Menander for a character in his 4th- or 3rd-century BC play Sikyonioi... [more]
Marcion m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Markion. This was the name of an early theologian of early Christianity.
Markellos m Greek (Rare), Ancient Greek
Greek form of Marcellus (see Marcel).
Markion Μᾱρκῑ́ων m Ancient Greek
Diminutive form of Markos.
Marsyas m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Meaning Unknown. Marsyas in Greek myth a satyr known for music and free speech. Also the half-brother of General Antigonus.
Medera f Ancient Greek
One of the four women in ancient times that supposedly created the philosopher's stone.
Medon Μέδων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun μέδων (medon) meaning "ruler", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μέδω (medo) meaning "to protect, to rule over".... [more]
Megabates Μεγαβάτης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Bagapātah, influenced by the Ancient Greek elements μέγας (megas) meaning "great, large, mighty" and -βάτης (-bates) meaning "walker", itself from βαίνω (baino) "to go, to step".
Megacles m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Megakles. This name was borne by two eponymous archons of Athens, the earliest of which lived in the 9th century BC.
Megakles Μεγακλῆς m Ancient Greek
Means "great glory", derived from Greek μέγας (megas) "great, large, huge" combined with Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory".
Megasthenes Μεγασθένης m Ancient Greek
Means "great strength", derived from Greek μέγας (megas) "great, large, huge" combined with Greek σθενος (sthenos) "vigour, strength." This name was borne by a Greek ethnographer and explorer from the 3rd century BC.
Megistagoras Μεγισταγόρας m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective μέγιστος (megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest" (see Megistos)... [more]
Megiste Μεγίστη f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Megistos. This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Hecate, which was mostly used in Caria.
Megisto Μεγιστώ f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Variant of Megiste, which is the main feminine form of Megistos. This was the name of the leader of the women's resistance against the tyrant Aristotimus of Elis (c... [more]
Megistodamos Μεγιστόδαμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μέγιστος (megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest" (see Megistos) combined with the Doric Greek noun δᾶμος (damos) meaning "the people".
Megistodotos Μεγιστόδοτος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μέγιστος (megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest" (see Megistos) combined with the Greek adjective δοτός (dotos) meaning "given, granted".
Megistokles Μεγιστοκλῆς m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μέγιστος (megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest" (see Megistos) combined with the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
Megistonous Μεγιστόνους m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μέγιστος (megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest" (see Megistos) combined with νοῦς (nous), which is a contraction of the Greek noun νόος (noos) meaning "mind".... [more]
Megistophron Μεγιστόφρων m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective μέγιστος (megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest" (see Megistos)... [more]
Megistos Μέγιστος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μέγιστος (megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest".... [more]
Megistotimos Μεγιστότιμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μεγιστότιμος (megistotimos) meaning "most honoured", which consists of the Greek adjective μέγιστος (megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest" (see Megistos) combined with the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere".
Melancomas m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Melankomas. This name was borne by two tyrants of Ephesus, the earliest of which lived around 500 BC. It was also the name of an Olympic victor from the 1st century AD.
Melanippides Μελανιππίδης m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Melanippos" in Greek, derived from the name Melanippos combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Melankomas Μελαγκόμας m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μελαγκόμης (melankomes) meaning "black-haired". It is a compound word, of which the first element consists of μελανός (melanos), the genitive of the Greek adjective μέλας (melas) meaning "black, dark"... [more]
Melantho Μελανθώ f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek μελανθης (melanthes) "black". This is the name of several minor figures in Greek mythology. It also occurs in Homer's epic the 'Odyssey' belonging to the favourite maid of Penelope, who is described as "sharp-tongued", and is later hanged alongside the other maids who had lain with Penelope's suitors; she is the sister of Melanthios, an insolent goatherd killed by Odysseus.
Melchiades m Ancient Greek, Polish (Rare)
Derived from the Ancient Greek μίλτος (míltos) Μιλτιάδης (Miltiádēs) meaning "red land, crimson". ... [more]
Meleager m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History, Greek Mythology
Latinized form of Meleagros. In history, this was the name of a king from the Ptolemaic Dynasty of ancient Egypt. In Greek mythology, this was the name of a hero who was the host of the Calydonian boar hunt.
Meleagros Μελέαγρος m Ancient Greek
Possibly related to Greek μέλας (melas) meaning "black, dark" and ἀγρός (agros) meaning "land, field", giving this name the meaning of "black land", perhaps in reference to burnt farmland (which was burnt in order to make the ground fertile)... [more]
Melesander m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Melesandros. This name was borne by an Athenian strategos from the 5th century BC.
Melesandros Μελήσανδρος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun μελησμός (melesmos) meaning "care, diligence", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μέλω (melo) meaning "to be an object of care or interest" as well as "to care for, to be interested in".... [more]
Melesippos Μελήσιππος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun μελησμός (melesmos) meaning "care, diligence", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μέλω (melo) meaning "to be an object of care or interest" as well as "to care for, to be interested in".... [more]
Melesippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Melesippos. Also compare this name with the names Melasippus and Meleusippus, as they tend to get confused with each other due to their striking similarities.
Meletos Μέλητος m Ancient Greek
The meaning of this name is a little bit uncertain. It could have been derived from Greek μελέτη (melete) "care, attention", but it could also have been derived from Greek μελέτα (meleta) "resolution, diligence"... [more]
Meletus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Meletos. This name was borne by one of the prosecutors at the trial of the famous philosopher Socrates.
Melissos Μέλισσος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek μέλισσα (melissa) meaning "honey-bee" (see Melissa).
Melissus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Melissos. A known bearer of this name was Melissus of Samos, an ancient Greek philosopher from the 5th century BC.
Melito m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Meliton. Used by a famous second century bishop who listed a canon of the Old Testament.
Memnon Μέμνων m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek μέμνων (memnon) meaning "steadfast, resolute" (see Agamemnon).
Menaechmus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Menaichmos. This was the name of a Greek mathematician and philosopher from the 4th century BC.
Menagoras Μηναγόρας m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun μήνη (mene) meaning "moon". The second element is derived from either the Greek verb ἀγορεύω (agoreuo) meaning "to orate, to speak publicly" or the Greek noun ἀγορά (agora), which can mean "assembly" as well as "market, marketplace".
Menaichmos Μέναιχμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun μεναίχμης (menaichmes) meaning "staunch soldier". It is a compound word, of which the first element is either the Greek verb μένω (meno) meaning "to stay, to remain" as well as "to last, to withstand" or the Greek noun μένος (menos) meaning "mind" as well as "spirit" and "power, strength, force"... [more]
Menas Μηνᾶς m Ancient Greek, Egyptian Mythology (Hellenized)
Greek form of Min, the name of an Egyptian fertility god. Alternatively, it could be derived from the Greek noun μηνάς (menas) meaning "the moon" (see mene).
Menecles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Menekles. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 3rd century BC.
Menecrates m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Menekrates. This name was borne by several ancient Greeks, such as the poet Menecrates of Ephesus (3rd century BC).
Menedemos Μενέδημος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from Greek μενω (meno) meaning "to stay, to remain" as well as "to last, to withstand". The second element is derived from Greek δημος (demos) meaning "the people"... [more]
Menedemus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Menedemos. This was the name of a Greek philosopher from the 4th century BC.
Menekles Μενεκλῆς m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from Greek μενω (meno) meaning "to stay, to remain" as well as "to last, to withstand". The second element is derived from Greek κλεος (kleos) meaning "glory".
Menekrates Μενεκράτης m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from Greek μενω (meno) meaning "to stay, to remain" as well as "to last, to withstand". The second element is derived from Greek κρατος (kratos) meaning "power".
Menemachos Μενέμαχος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from Greek μενω (meno) meaning "to stay, to remain" as well as "to last, to withstand". The second element is derived from Greek μαχη (mache) meaning "battle".
Menemachus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Menemachos. This name was borne by a Greek physician from the 2nd century AD.
Meneos Μένιος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek μήνη (mene) meaning "moon". In a broad sense, it can also be interpreted as "monthly".
Menephron Μενέφρων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek verb μενω (meno) meaning "to stay, to remain" as well as "to last, to withstand" (see Menelaus)... [more]
Meneptolemos Μενεπτόλεμος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective μενεπτόλεμος (meneptolemos) meaning "staunch in battle, steadfast", which consists of the Greek verb μένω (meno) meaning "to stay, to remain" as well as "to last, to withstand" combined with the Epic Greek noun πτόλεμος (ptolemos) meaning "war".... [more]
Meneptolemus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Meneptolemos. In Greek mythology, this is the name of one of the suitors of Penelope.
Menesaichmos Μενέσαιχμος m Ancient Greek
Variant form of Menaichmos.
Menestho f Ancient Greek
Water nymph from greek mythology
Menexenos Μενέξενος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek verb μένω (meno) meaning "to stay, to remain" as well as "to last, to withstand" or the Greek noun μένος (menos) meaning "mind" as well as "spirit" and "power, strength, force"... [more]
Menexenus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Menexenos. This was the name of one of the three sons of the famous Greek philosopher Socrates (4th century BC).
Menippos Μένιππος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek μένος (menos) meaning "mind, strength, courage, force" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse"... [more]
Menippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Menippos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek Cynic philosopher from the 3rd century BC.
Meno m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Menon, in the case of the philosopher Plato's dialogue Meno.
Menodoros Μηνόδωρος m Ancient Greek
Masculine form of Menodora.
Menodotos Μηνόδοτος m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek μήνη (mene) meaning "moon" and δοτός (dotos) meaning "given, granted".
Menoikeus Μενοικεύς m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "strength of the house", derived from Greek μένος (menos) meaning "mind, strength, courage, force" and οἶκος (oikos) meaning "house, home".
Menoitios Μενοίτιος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek μένος (menos) meaning "mind, strength, courage, force" and οἶτος (oitos) meaning "fate, doom".
Menon Μενων m Ancient Greek
Menon was the name of several notable Kings, generals, and soldiers in Ancient Greece.
Menophilos Μηνόφιλος m Ancient Greek
Means "friend of the moon", from Greek μήνη (mene) meaning "moon" and φίλος (philos) meaning "friend"... [more]
Menos Μένος m Ancient Greek
From Ancient Greek μένος (menos) "mind, strength, courage, force". This was the name of the 19th winner of the Olympic Stadion in the 8th-century BCE.
Meriones Μηριόνης m Ancient Greek
In Greek mythology, Meriones was the son of Molus and Melphis or Euippe.
Mestor Μήστωρ m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun μήστωρ (mestor) meaning "adviser, counsellor". In Greek mythology, this was the name of several princes.
Metagenes Μεταγένης m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μεταγενής (metagenes) meaning "born after", which consists of Greek μετά (meta) meaning "after, afterwards" combined with Greek γενής (genes) meaning "born".... [more]
Metaneaera Μετάνειρα f Ancient Greek (Archaic)
Hetaera active in classical Corinth and Athens.
Metion Μητίων m Ancient Greek
In Greek mythology, Metion was an Athenian prince.
Metrobios Μητρόβιος m Ancient Greek
Means "life of the mother, mother's life", derived from Greek μήτηρ (meter) meaning "mother" (genitive μητρός) and βίος (bios) meaning "life"... [more]
Metrocles Μητροκλῆς m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek μήτηρ (meter) meaning "mother" (genitive μητρός) and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory"... [more]
Metrodoros Μητρόδωρος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from Greek μητρος (metros), which is the genitive of Greek μήτηρ (meter) meaning "mother". The second element is derived from Greek δωρον (doron) meaning "gift."
Metrodorus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Metrodoros. This name was borne by Metrodorus of Lampsacus, a Greek philosopher from the 5th century BC.
Micythus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mikythos. This name was borne by a Greek tyrant from the 5th century BC, who ruled over both Messana and Rhegium.
Mikiades Μικιάδης m Ancient Greek
Patronymic form of Mikion.
Mikion Μικίων, Μικκίων m Ancient Greek
Probably from Greek μικρός (mikros) meaning "little, small", via the variant form μικός (mikos).
Mikkion Μίκκιον, Μίκιον f Ancient Greek
Probably from Greek μικρός (mikros) meaning "little, small", via the variant form μικκός (mikkos).
Mikythos Μικύθος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μίκυθος (mikythos) meaning "very small". That word is a diminutive of μικκός (mikkos), which is the Doric and Ionic Greek form of the adjective μικρός (mikros) meaning "small, little".
Milon Μίλων m Ancient Greek (Latinized), English, German (Rare), Literature
Derived from Greek milos "yew".... [more]
Mirokles m Ancient Greek
Ancient name meaning "glorious fragrance" with elements (Myron) "sweet fragrance, perfume" and (kleos) "glory" given to someone with a good fragrance.
Mithraios Μιθραῖος m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Mithraya.
Mithraustes Μιθραύστης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Mithravahista.
Mithrobarzanes Μιθροβαρζάνης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Mithrabarzana.
Mithrobuzanes Μιθροβαυζάνης, Μιθραβαυζάνης, Μιθροβουζάνης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Miθrabaujanah.
Mithropastes Μιθρωπάστης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Mithraupasta.
Mithropaustes Μιθροπαύστης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Mithraupasta.
Mithrostes Μιθρώστης, Μητρώστης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Mithravahista.
Mitraios Μιτραῖος m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Mithraya.
Mitraphernes Μιτραφέρνης, Μιθραφέρνης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Mithrafarnah.
Mitrobates Μιτροβάτης m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Mithrapata.
Mnaios Μναῖος m Ancient Greek
Means "of the weight or worth of one mina" in Greek, derived from μνᾶ (mna) meaning "mina", a form of Ancient Greek currency made of silver that was equivalent to one hundred drachma.
Mnasilochos Μνασίλοχος m Ancient Greek
Variant of Mnesilochos.
Mnasilochus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mnasilochos. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 5th century BC.
Mnemon Μνήμων m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μνήμων (mnemon) meaning "mindful", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun μνήμη (mneme) meaning "memory, remembrance" (see Mneme), itself ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνάομαι (mnaomai) meaning "to remember, to be mindful of".
Mnesarchos Μνήσαρχος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective μνήσιος (mnesios) meaning "of memory", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνημονεύω (mnemoneuo) meaning "to call to mind, to remember, to think of", itself ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνάομαι (mnaomai) meaning "to remember, to be mindful of"... [more]
Mnesarchus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mnesarchos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek tyrant of Chalcis from the 4th century BC as well as by a character in Greek mythology.
Mnesarete Μνησαρέτη f Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective μνήσιος (mnesios) meaning "of memory", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνημονεύω (mnemoneuo) meaning "to call to mind, to remember, to think of", itself ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνάομαι (mnaomai) meaning "to remember, to be mindful of"... [more]
Mnesicles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mnesikles. This name was borne by an Athenian architect from the 5th century BC.
Mnesikles Μνησικλῆς m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective μνήσιος (mnesios) meaning "of memory", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνημονεύω (mnemoneuo) meaning "to call to mind, to remember, to think of", itself ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνάομαι (mnaomai) meaning "to remember, to be mindful of"... [more]
Mnesilochos Μνησίλοχος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective μνήσιος (mnesios) meaning "of memory", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνημονεύω (mnemoneuo) meaning "to call to mind, to remember, to think of", itself ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνάομαι (mnaomai) meaning "to remember, to be mindful of"... [more]
Mnesilochus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mnesilochos. This is the name of a character from the play Thesmophoriazusae (411 BC) by the Athenian comic playwright Aristophanes... [more]
Mnesistrate Μνησιστρατη f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek μνήσιος (mnesios) meaning "of memory" (cf. Mnesos) combined with στρατος (stratos) "army".
Mnesitheos Μνησίθεος m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective μνήσιος (mnesios) meaning "of memory", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνημονεύω (mnemoneuo) meaning "to call to mind, to remember, to think of", itself ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνάομαι (mnaomai) meaning "to remember, to be mindful of"... [more]
Mnesitheus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mnesitheos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek physician from the 4th century BC.
Moero Μοιρώ f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Μοιρώ (Moiro) which was derived from either the Greek noun μοῖρα (moira) meaning "part, portion" as well as "fate, lot, destiny" or the Greek verb μοιράω (moirao) meaning "to share, to divide, to distribute"... [more]
Moerocles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Moirokles. This was the name of an Athenian orator from the 4th century BC.
Moirokles Μοιροκλῆς m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek noun μοῖρα (moira) meaning "part, portion" as well as "fate, lot, destiny" or from the Greek verb μοιράω (moirao) meaning "to share, to divide, to distribute"... [more]
Molon m Ancient Greek
Meaning uncertain. This was the name of several ancient Greek figures, including a general of the Seleucid empire.
Monima f Ancient Greek, Spanish (Rare), Catalan (Rare)
Variant transcription and Spanish and Catalan form of Monime.
Monime Μονίμη f Ancient Greek, History
Feminine form of Monimos. This was the name of a wife of King Mithradates VI of Pontus. A character in Jean Racine's tragic play Mithridate (1673) was based on her.
Monimos Μόνιμος m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective μόνιμος (monimos) meaning "staying in one's place, stable, steadfast".
Monomachos Μονομάχος m Ancient Greek
Means "he who fights alone (in battle)", derived from Greek μόνος (monos) meaning "single, one, alone" combined with Greek μαχη (mache) meaning "battle." This name was borne by Constantine IX Monomachos, a Byzantine Emperor from the 11th century AD.
Moscha Μόσχα f Ancient Greek, Greek
Derived from Greek μόσχος (moschos) "calf, young bull" (compare Moschion, Moscho).
Moschina Μοσχίνα f Ancient Greek
Feminine derivative of Moschion, or a related name.
Moschion Μοσχίων m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek μοσχίον (moschion) meaning "young calf, small calf", which is ultimately derived from Greek μόσχος (moschos) "calf, young bull" combined with the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων (-ion)... [more]
Moschus Μόσχος m Ancient Greek
Means "young shoot or twig; young of an animal (especially a calf)" or "musk" in Ancient Greek.
Mousaios Μουσαῖος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective Μουσαῖος (Mousaios) or Μούσειος (Mouseios) meaning "of the Muse(s)", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun Μοῦσα (Mousa) meaning "Muse" as well as "music, song".
Mousogenes Μουσογένης m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun Μοῦσα (Mousa) meaning "Muse" as well as "music, song" combined with the Greek suffix -γενής (-genes) meaning "born".
Mousokles Μουσοκλῆς m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun Μοῦσα (Mousa) meaning "Muse" as well as "music, song" combined with the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
Musaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mousaios. This name was borne by three Greek poets and by an officer of the Seleucid king Antiochus III the Great (2nd century BC).
Myia Μυῖα f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek μυῖα (myia) meaning "fly" (considered a symbol of audacity or excessive boldness). This was borne by a Pythagorean philosopher who was active around the year 500 BC. According to later tradition, she was one of the daughters of Pythagoras and Theano.