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Gender Masculine
Scripts Κασσιόδωρος(Ancient Greek)
Other Forms FormsKasiodoros

Meaning & History

The second element of this name is derived from Greek δωρον (doron) meaning "gift". The first element is fairly uncertain, in that there are several possibilities available for its etymology. The first possibility is that it is derived from Greek κασία (kasia) meaning "cassia" (also compare Cassiopeia). The second possibility is a derivation from Greek κάσις (kasis) meaning "brother". Another possibility is that the first element refers to Kasios, an epithet of the Greek god Zeus, which would then mean that Kassiodoros is a theophoric name. The final possibility is that the first element refers to Mount Kasios in Syria. The mountain (now known as Mount Aqraa) hosted a shrine to Zeus Kasios, which means that this final possibility also has a connection to the ancient Greek religion.
Added 8/24/2014 by Lucille