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Gender Masculine
Scripts Ἄτταλος(Ancient Greek)

Meaning & History

Latinized form of Attalos. This was borne by numerous ancient Greek historical figures, including a general of Alexander the Great and three kings of Pergamon in Asia Minor.
The famous marble statue The Dying Gaul is a Roman copy of a lost bronze sculpture which was commissioned by the 3rd-century BC king Attalus I to celebrate his defeat of the Galatians, a Celtic tribe.
Added 6/1/2017 by 86ht86ht
Edited 9/7/2018 by SeaHorse15

Gender Masculine
Usage Gaulish

Meaning & History

Derived from Gaulish ate-, itself an intensifying prefix, and talu- "forehead; front; surface".
Added 8/1/2019 by Frollein Gladys