Submitted Names with "ruler" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword ruler.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Richaid f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from haidu "figure, person" (see Adelaide).
Richar m Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German hari "army."
Richeard m Anglo-Saxon (Hypothetical)
Possible Old English cognate of Richard, derived from the Old English elements ric "king, ruler" and heard "hard, brave".
Richer m Norman, Anglo-Norman
Derived from the Germanic name elements rih "ruler, king" or rihhi "kingdom, realm" or "rich, mighty" and heri "army".
Richere m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ric "king, ruler" and here "army". Cognate to Germanic Richar and French Riquier.
Richild f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from Old Norse hildr "battle."
Rickmer m Low German (Rare)
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements ric "ruler" and mari "famous".
Ricmar m Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German mâri "famous."
Ricmund m Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German mund "protection."
Ricsige m Anglo-Saxon, History
Derived from the Old English elements ric "ruler, king" and sige "victory". This name was borne by Rīcsiġe of Northumbria, who became king of Northumbria from 873 until 876.
Ricswind m & f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from Gothic svinths (swind in Old High German) "strength."
Rictrud f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from þruþ "strength."
Riculf m Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Ricward m Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German wart "guard."
Ricweard m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ric "king, ruler" and weard "guard, guardian". From Germanic Ricward.
Ricwin m Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German wini "friend."
Rieke f German, Dutch
Short form of feminine names that contain the Germanic element rih meaning "ruler, king" (such as Friederike and Henrike and their variant forms and spellings).
Rihárd m Hungarian
Variant of Richárd, meaning "brave ruler".
Rinka f Japanese
From Japanese 李 (rin) meaning "plum", 梨 (rin) meaning "pear", 厘 (rin) meaning "rin, 1/10 sen, 1/10 bu", 林 (rin) meaning "grove, forest", 麟 (rin) meaning "Chinese unicorn, genius, giraffe, bright, shining", 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell", 凛 (rin) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 稟 (rin) meaning "salary in rice" or 凜 (rin) meaning "cold, strict, severe" combined with 果 (ka) meaning "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 楓 (ka) meaning "maple", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 馨 (ka) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 架 (ka) meaning "erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, sing", 魁 (ka) meaning "charging ahead of others", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 風 (ka) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 蘭 (ka) meaning "orchid", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 嘉 (ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", 霞 (ka) meaning "be hazy, grow dim, blurred", 月 (ka) meaning "moon" or 奏 (ka) meaning "play music, speak to a ruler, complete"... [more]
Rinon f & m Japanese
From Japanese 光 (ri) meaning "light", 凛 (rin, ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 凜 (rin) meaning "cold, strict, severe", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, an official", 咲 (ri) meaning "blossom", 哩 (ri) meaning "mile", 奏 (ri) meaning "play music, speak to a ruler, complete", 月 (ri) meaning "moon", 望 (rin) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 栞 (ri) meaning "bookmark, guidebook", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 浬 (ri) meaning "knot, nautical mile", 涼 (ri) meaning "cool, refreshing", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 琳 (rin) meaning "jewel, tinkling of jewelry", 瑠 (ri) meaning "lapis lazuli", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 羽 (ri) meaning "feathers", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine", 裡 (ri) meaning "reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side", 里 (ri) meaning "village" or 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell" combined with 音 (non, on) meaning "sound", 暖 (non) meaning "warmth", 響 (on) meaning "echo, sound", 季 (non) meaning "seasons", 姫 (on) meaning "princess", 乃 (non), a possessive particle, 夢 (non) meaning "dream", 望 (on) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect" or 希 (non) meaning "hope, rare"... [more]
Riok m Breton
Means "kingly" from the Old Breton element ri "king, ruler".
Rish m Hindi
Meaning "Brave Ruler".
Ritesh m Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Odia
Means "lord of seasons" from Sanskrit ऋतु (ritu) meaning "season, period" and ईश (isha) meaning "lord, ruler".
Romaric m Germanic, French
Derived from Old High German hrôm "fame, glory" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." This name was borne by a Frankish saint from the 8th century AD, from whom the French village Remiremont derives its name.
Rorik m Dutch (Rare)
Means "famous ruler", cognates from Hrœrekr from the Old Norse elements hróðr meaning "fame" and ríkr meaning "ruler, mighty, rich"... [more]
Roswald m English (Rare)
From hros "horse" and weald "power, ruler", meaning "powerful horse".
Rupesh m Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Odia
Means "lord of beauty" from Sanskrit रूप (rupa) meaning "shape, beauty, form" and ईश (isha) meaning "lord, ruler".
Rupesh m Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Odia
Means "lord of beauty" from Sanskrit रूप (rupa) meaning "shape, beauty, form" and ईश (isha) meaning "lord, ruler".
Rykard m English
Two elements: "ryc" meaning "ruler" or "king" and "hard" meaning "strong" or "brave"
Ryklef m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Rijklof, though this can also be a different name. In that case, the first element is derived from the Germanic element rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." This element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." The second element comes from laifa, which in turn is derived from Gothic laiba (leiba in Old High German and leifr in Old Norse) "remnant, remains." By that, they actually meant the person that is left behind after one's death, so laifa is best translated (depending on the context) as "heir" or "survivor."
Særic m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements "sea" and ric "king, ruler".
Şahmalı m Azerbaijani
From Azerbaijani şah meaning "shah, ruler" and mal meaning "property" (accusative malı).
Şahnisa f Ottoman Turkish, Turkish (Rare)
Means "the ruler of women", from Persian شاه (shah) meaning "shah, king" and Arabic نساء (nisa) meaning "women".
Saku m & f Japanese
From Japanese 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand", 瑳 (sa) meaning "polish, brilliant white luster of a gem, artful smile", 彩 (sa) meaning "colour", 咲 (saku, sa) meaning "blossom", 作 (saku) meaning "make, production, prepare, build", 朔 (saku) meaning "conjunction (astronomy), first day of month, north", 索 (saku) meaning "cord, rope, searching, inquiring", 桜 (saku, sa) meaning "cherry blossom", 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze", 小 (sa) meaning "little, small", 爽 (sa) meaning "refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear", 朝 (sa) meaning "morning", 櫻 (sa) meaning "cherry" or 颯 (sa) meaning "sudden, quick, sound of the wind" combined with 久 (ku) meaning "long time", 公 (ku) meaning "public, prince, official, governmental", 空 (ku) meaning "sky", 紅 (ku) meaning "crimson, deep red", 玖 (ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine", 矩 (ku) meaning "ruler", 宮 (ku) meaning "Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess" or 丘 (ku) meaning "hill, knoll"... [more]
Samesh m Hindi
Meaning "equal to a lord", from Sanskrit साम्य (samya) meaning "equality" and ईश (isha) meaning "lord, ruler"
Sárnait f Medieval Irish
Derived from the Old Irish sár meaning "ruler, leader" or "outrage, insult", and the feminine suffix -nait.
Scirweald m Anglo-Saxon
Possibly derived from Old English scir "bright, pure" (compare Old Norse Skírnir) and weald "power, ruler".
Shailesh m Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali
Modern Hindi transcription of Sanskrit शैलेश (Shailesha) meaning "lord of the mountains", derived from शैल (shaila) meaning "mountain" and ईश (isha) meaning "lord, ruler".
Shamkhan m Chechen
Either from Arabic شمس (shams) meaning "sun" or شمال (shamal) meaning "north" combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Shyngyskhan m Kazakh
From the given name Shyngys combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler". It is most likely given in reference to the 12th-century Mongol leader Genghis Khan.
Siegbod m Old High German
Derived from the Germanic name elements sigi "victory" and boto "lord, ruler".
Sigeric m Germanic, History
Derived from Old High German sigu "victory" (a younger form of Gothic sigis, see Sigisbert) combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." Sigeric was the name of a 5th-century king of the Visigoths.
Sinderic m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Siserich m Old High German, Medieval, Medieval Spanish
Old High German sisu "lament, song" + Old High German rih "ruler".
Sōsuke m Japanese
This name can combine 颯 (satsu, sou, sa'.to) meaning "quick, sound of the wind, sudden," 聡 (sou, sato.i, mimizato.i) meaning "fast learner, wise," 奏 (sou, kana.deru) meaning "complete, play music, speak to a ruler," 創 (shou, sou, kizu, kezu.shigeru,, haji.meru) meaning "genesis, hurt, injury, originate, start, wound" or 蒼 (sou, ao.i) meaning "blue, pale" with 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, shellfish," 佑 (u, yuu, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "assist, help" or 輔 (fu, ho,, suke) meaning "help."... [more]
Soura m & f Japanese
From Japanese 宗 (sou) meaning "religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence", 青 (sou) meaning "blue, green", 創 (sou) meaning "genesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate", 双 (sou) meaning "pair, set, comparison, counter for pairs", 奏 (sou) meaning "play music, speak to a ruler, complete", 爽 (sou) meaning "refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear", 想 (sou) meaning "concept, think, idea, thought", 早 (sou) meaning "early, fast" or 蒼 (sou) meaning "blue" combined with 羅 (ra) meaning "gauze, thin silk, arrange, spread out", 良 (ra) meaning "good, pleasing, skilled", 空 (ra) meaning "sky", 楽 (ra) meaning "music, comfort, ease", 麗 (ra) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent" or 来 (ra) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become"... [more]
Sulkhan m Georgian
Derived from the Arabic noun صُلْح (sulh) meaning "peace, reconciliation" combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "ruler, leader".... [more]
Sundaresha m Indian
This name is a split up (i.e) Sundara means "Very beautiful" in sanskrit and Esha means a "Ruler"
Surethan f Ubykh
Derived from Suret and han meaning "khan, ruler".
Svevlad m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Slavic elements све (sve) meaning "all" and влад (vlad) meaning "ruler". Hence the name means "ruler of all".
Tajibek m Kazakh
Combination of the Kazakh word taj, meaning "crown" (ultimately derived from Arabic al-tāj, meaning "the crown") and the Turkic title beg, meaning "chieftain" or "ruler".
Tauqan m Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar тау (tau) meaning "mountain" and the Turkic title khan meaning "king, ruler". This was the name of a mythological musician, son of Apsat.
Taymaskhan m Chechen, Kumyk
Derived from Turkic таймас (taymas) meaning "a child whose life's path does not die" combined with the Turkic title Khan meaning "ruler, leader".
Temirkhan m Kazakh
Combination of the given name Temir and the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Thancric m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from thanc, which comes from Old High German dankjan "to think" or dank "thanks." The second element is derived from rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Thangamba m Manipuri
Means "moon ruler" in Meitei.
Théoden m Literature
Means "king, ruler" in Old English, probably from þeud "people" and þegen "thane, warrior" This name was invented by J. R. R. Tolkien who used Old English to represent the Rohirric language... [more]
Þeodric m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Proto-Germanic Þeudōrīks, using the Old English elements þēod "people, nation" and ric "king, ruler"... [more]
Þjóðann m Icelandic
From Old Norse þjóðann meaning "king, ruler" (of a þjóð).
Thrasaric m Germanic
Derived from Old Norse thras "quarrel, battle" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Tīlweald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements tīl "good" and weald "powerful, mighty" or "authority, ruler". This name gave rise to the place name Tyldesley in Greater Manchester.
Timerkhan m Tatar, Bashkir
Combination of the given name Timer and the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Tlacateuctli m Nahuatl
Means "leader, ruler, protector" in Nahuatl, literally "people-lord", from tlacatl "human, person, man" and teuctli "lord". This was also used as a noble title.
Tojikhon f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek toj meaning "crown" and khan "leader, ruler or king/queen".
Tolgahan m Turkish
Combination of the given name Tolga and han, a variant of the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Tömörkhaan m Mongolian
Means "iron khan" in Mongolian, from төмөр (tömör) meaning "iron" and khan (kaan) meaning "khan, leader, ruler".
Toshmir m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek tosh meaning "rock, stone" and mir meaning "ruler".
Trrishaant m Indian
"Ruler of The Universe"... [more]
Trzebowit m Polish
Meaning "rulers sacrifice", composed of the Old Polish elements trzebo "sacrifice, offering" and wit "lord, ruler".
Tuluykhan m Yakut
Combination of Tuluy and the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Tyrannion m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun τύραννος (turannos) or (tyrannos) meaning "absolute ruler" combined with the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων (-ion). A known bearer of this name was Tyrannion of Amisus, a Greek grammarian from the 1st century BC.
Tyrannos m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology, Biblical Greek
Derived from the Greek noun τύραννος (tyrannos) meaning "absolute ruler" as well as "tyrant, dictator, despot".
Ualikhan m Kazakh
From Arabic ولِي (wali) meaning "guardian, friend" combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Udalrich m Medieval German
Udalrich or Uodalrich is a German personal name derived from Old High German word elements uodal ("allodium") and richi ("mighty", "ruler"). The modern form of the name is Ulrich.
Ulfric m English (Rare), Popular Culture
Derived from the Germanic elements wulf "wolf" and rik "power; ruler".... [more]
Umesh m Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese
Means "lord of Uma" from the name of the goddess Uma combined with Sanskrit ईश (isha) meaning "lord, ruler".
Ümmühan f Turkish
Derived from the Arabic أم ('umm) meaning "mother" and خان‎ (khan) meaning "khan, ruler".
Uniewit m Polish
Derived from Slavic unie "better, improved" combined with Slavic vit or wit(o) "lord, master, ruler".
Vaharsolt m Chechen
Meaning unknown; possibly from Nakh vakha meaning “to live” (see Vakha) combined with Arabic سُلْطَان (sulṭān) meaning “sultan, ruler, king”.
Valdus m Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Derived from the Norse name element valdr "power, leader, ruler".
Vallamat m Uzbek
Means "guide, mentor", "ruler, leader", or "generous" in Uzbek.
Valtu m Finnish
Finnish pet form of names containing the name element vald "ruler, mighty one, powerful one".
Veraldr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse verr "man" and valdr "ruler, mighty one, powerful one".
Vezirkhan m Dagestani, Lezgin
Derived from the Arabic title وَزِير (wazīr) denoting a minister or adviser combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "ruler, leader".
Viskhan m Chechen
From Arabic وَاصَلَ (wāṣala) meaning "to meet, to be united with" combined with the Mongolian title хан (khan) meaning "leader, ruler, commander".
Walderic m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Wallia m Gothic
From Germanic walt or Gothic waljan, meaning "ruler" or "to choose". Wallia (?-418) was a king of the Visigoths.
Wanjun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 万 (wàn) meaning "myriad, numerous, ten thousand" or 婉 (wǎn) meaning "graceful, beautiful, elegant" combined with 军 (jūn) meaning "army", 钧 (jūn) meaning "potter's wheel" or 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler"... [more]
Wealdhelm m Anglo-Saxon
From Old English weald "powerful, mighty" or "leader, ruler" and helm "helmet, protection". Cognate to Germanic Waldhelm.
Wealdræd m Anglo-Saxon
From Old English weald "powerful, mighty" or "leader, ruler" and ræd "advice, counsel, wisdom".
Weijun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 维 (wéi) meaning "tie, fasten, preserve, maintain", 为 (wéi) meaning "do, act, make", 伟 (wěi) meaning "great, robust, extraordinary", 惟 (wéi) meaning "but, however, only, alone", 炜 (wěi) meaning "flaming, bright, glowing", 威 (wēi) meaning "power, pomp" or 韦 (wéi) meaning "tanned leather" combined with 军 (jūn) meaning "army", 钧 (jūn) meaning "potter's wheel", 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, handsome", 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler", 濬 (jùn) meaning "profound, deep, enlighten, dredge, dig" or 竣 (jùn) meaning "complete, finish"... [more]
Wenjun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing" or 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns" combined with 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler", 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, handsome", 骏 (jùn) meaning "good horse, fast", 军 (jūn) meaning "army" or 珺 (jùn) meaning "beautiful jade"... [more]
Wenrich m Medieval German
Derived from the Germanic elements wân meaning "hope, expectation" and ric meaning "ruler, mighty".... [more]
Wigric m Germanic, Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements wig "war, battle" and ric "ruler, king". The surnames Guerry and Weigrich are derived from this name.
Wilrich m German (Silesian)
Derived from Old High German willo meaning "will" and rih meaning "ruler".
Winguric m Germanic, History
The first element comes from vinga, which is probably derived from viga "battle" or Old High German wîg "warrior" - but this is not certain. If vinga isn't derived from either of those two, then its meaning is lost... [more]
Winiric m Germanic
Derived from Old High German wini "friend" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Witeric m Germanic
Means "powerful forest", derived from Old High German witu "forest, wood" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Witomił m Polish
Derived from Slavic vit or wit(o) "lord, master, ruler" combined with Slavic mil "gracious, dear".
Witomysł m Polish
Derived from Slavic vit or wit(o) "lord, master, ruler" combined with Polish myśl "thought" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic mysliti "to think").
Xiaojun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 小 (xiǎo) meaning "small", 晓 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak", or 骁 (xiāo) meaning "brave, valiant" combined with 军 or 軍 (jūn) meaning "army", 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler", or 骏 (jùn) "good horse, fast"... [more]
Xuejun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 学 (xué) meaning "study, learning, school" or 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow" combined with 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, handsome", 军 (jūn) meaning "army" or 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler"... [more]
Yarovit m Germanic Mythology, Slavic Mythology
The name of a Polabian god of war, often identified with the Roman god Mars.... [more]
Yarzar m Burmese
Means "king, ruler" in Burmese, ultimately from Sanskrit राज (raja).
Zaurkan m Circassian
Derived from the given name Zaur combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "ruler, leader".
Zhangirkhan m Kazakh
Combination of the name Zhangir and the Turkic title khan meaning "ruler, leader".
Zhaojun f Chinese Mythology
Means "brilliant noble" in Chinese (貂 zhāo "brilliant", 君 jūn "king, ruler, noble"). This name is the courtesy name of one of the Four Beauties of ancient China, Wang Zhaojun (王昭君 Wáng Zhāojūn), whose given name was Wang Qiang (王嬙 Wáng Qiáng)... [more]
Zhijun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 芝 (zhī) meaning "sesame", 直 (zhí) meaning "straight, erect" or 知 (zhī) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 军 (jūn) meaning "army", 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler" or 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, handsome"... [more]
Zhumakhan m Kazakh
From Kazakh жұма (zhuma) meaning "Friday" (of Arabic origin) combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Ziroatkhon f Uzbek (Rare)
Derived from Persian and Ottoman Turkish زراعت (zirâ’at) meaning “farming, agriculture, cultivation” combined with the Turkic title khan meaning “leader, ruler”.
Ziyodakhon f Uzbek
From ziyoda meaning "more, numerous, abundant" combined with khan meaning "king, ruler"