NicaretefAncient Greek (Latinized) From the Greek name Νικαρέτη (Nikarete) which was derived from Greek νικη (nike) "victory" and αρετη (arete) "virtue, excellence". This belonged to a 4th-century BC Megarian philosopher and a 5th-century AD Byzantine saint.
NicasiasmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Nikasias. A known bearer of this name was the Olympic victor Nicasias of Opus, who won the stadion race at the 70th Olympiad in 500 BC.
NicasicratesmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Nikasikrates. This was the name of an obscure Epicurean philosopher from the Greek island of Rhodes, who is thought to have lived in the 2nd century BC.
NicatmAzerbaijani Derived from Arabic نجاة (najah) meaning "salvation, saving, delivery".
NicatormAncient Greek (Latinized), History Latinized form of Nikator. A notable bearer of this name was Seleucus I Nicator (c. 358 BC-281 BC), one of the generals of Alexander the Great. He later founded the Seleucid Empire.
NicephorusmAncient Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical) Latinized form of Nikephoros. Saint Nicephorus I (c. 758 - 829) was a Greek Orthodox theologian, historian, and patriarch of Constantinople (806–815) whose chronicles of Byzantine history and writings in defense of Byzantine veneration of icons provide data otherwise unavailable on early Christian thought and practice.
NicermenicmIndigenous Tasmanian Meaning unknown. This was the name of the father of Fanny Cochrane Smith (1834-1905), who was the last fluent speaker of a Tasmanian language.
NicesipolisfAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Nikesipolis. A notable bearer of this name was Nicesipolis of Pherae (4th century BC). She was a Thessalian woman, who became a wife or concubine of king Philip II of Macedon... [more]
NichenfChinese From the Chinese 旎 (nǐ) meaning "fluttering of flag; romantic" and 辰 (chén) meaning "celestial bodies, early morning".
NichettefTheatre, Literature Nichette is the name of a character in Alexandre Dumas's (fils) 1848 novel and play named "Camille" (also known as "The Lady of the Camellias"). The name Nichette was also featured in the title of a movie short from 1911 named "The Heart of Nichette"... [more]
Nichikof & mJapanese (Rare) From 日 (nichi) meaning "day, sun" combined with 光 (ko) meaning "light, radiance." Other kanji combinations can be used.
NichinafJapanese From Japanese 仁 (ni) "humaneness, benevolence, kindness", 知 (chi) meaning "to know" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
NiclaesmMedieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare) Medieval Dutch shorter form or variant of Nicolaes. In other words, you could say that this name is basically the medieval form of the modern name Niklaas - but then via the form Niclaas.... [more]
NicoclesmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Nikokles. This name was borne by two kings from the island of Cyprus: one was a king of Paphos (4th century BC), the other was a king of Salamis (4th century BC).
NicodorusmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Nikodoros. A known bearer of this name was Nicodorus of Mantineia, an ancient Greek statesman from the 5th century BC.
Nicolm & fMedieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare) Medieval Dutch shorter form or variant of Nicolaes. It was exclusively a masculine name at the time. The name has since become used on females as well, which happened in the second half of the 20th century (after World War II)... [more]
NicomainefEnglish (Rare) Combination of Nico and Maine. Nicomaine Dei Capili Mendoza-Atayde (1995-), known professionally as Maine Medoza, is a Filipina actress and television personality.
NicotelesmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Nikoteles. A known bearer of this name was Nicoteles of Cyrene, an ancient Greek mathematician from the 3rd century BC.
Nicquem & fAncient Greek The origin of this name is still today quite uncertain. The theories include: 1) From the Latin “moneō”, which in turn derives from the Proto-Italic “*moneō”, meaning “warn, advise, remind”... [more]
NictaefClassic Mayan (Latinized, Rare) Nicté ( maya : nicte : flower: May flower, tree), according to the alphabetical encyclopedia Yucatan in Time, is the name of a legend in the book compiled Mayan Legends by writer Yucatan Clemente López Trujillo, which refers to the May Flower and star constellation Southern Cross .
NidalifArabic Feminine of Nidal. It means 'my struggle' in Arabic as the final 'i' means 'my, mine'. Nidali is the main protagonist of Randa Jararr book 'A Map of Home: a Novel' published in 2008.
NidawifOmaha-Ponca Derived from the Omaha word nidawį meaning "elephant woman", composed by nida referring to the giant bones found in riverbanks.
NidrafIndian The name Nidra is related to the concept of nidra, which is “one of the four states of consciousness in Hindu philosophy”. Nidra is the state of “deep sleep”, where the individual is “unaware of the external world and the inner self”... [more]
NiebianafPolish (Rare, Archaic) A very rare name, it appears on the Polish calendar, seems to be a pre-Christian name, derived from niebo (heaven; sky) or niebieskie (blue).
Niekym & fDutch For men, this name is a diminutive of Nicolaas via its short form Niek. For women, this name is a diminutive of Nicola 2, Nicole, Nicolette, Nicolien, Nicolina and Nicoline (all very commonly used in the Netherlands as feminine forms of the aforementioned Nicolaas).... [more]
NiemirmPolish (Archaic) Allegedly derived from Polish nie "not" and the Slavic name element mir "peace; world". In old Masovian sources the name Erazm often appears as a replacement for this name in the form of Niemierz.
NiennafLiterature Means "she who weeps" from Quenya nie "tear". According to 'The Silmarillion', Nienna is a Vala (angelic being) who constantly mourns all terrible things, though from her is learned not despair but mercy, compassion and hope... [more]
Niennáf & mNorthern Sami Listed in Finnish linguist Pekka Sammallahti's Northern Sámi dictionary Sámi-suoma sátnegirji / Saamelais-suomalainen sanakirja (1989) as a Northern Sámi personal name (gender not given) and surname... [more]
NienorfLiterature Means "mourning" in Sindarin. This was the name of the sister and wife of Túrin in 'The Silmarillion'.
NierodmMedieval Polish Derived from Polish nie "not" and Old Slavic *rodъ "family; generation".
Niesm & fDutch (Rare), Limburgish (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian (Rare) In Dutch, Frisian and Limburgish, Nies is predominantly a masculine given name. For the Dutch, it is a variant form of Nijs (which has a different pronunciation), while for the Frisians, it is a variant spelling of Nys (which has the same pronunciation)... [more]
NiescomDutch (Rare) Variant spelling of Niesko. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch politician Niesco Dubbelboer (b. 1962).
NiezamysłmPolish (Rare, Archaic) From the Polish negative prefix nie and the Polish element mysł, which derives from the Old Slavic element myslĭ "thought, idea".... [more]
NiffmAmerican (Rare) Short for Kenneth. Popularized in the SNL Firing Skits with Dana and Niff. Used more as a comical kind of nickname because of this.