Submitted Names of Length 9

This is a list of submitted names in which the length is 9.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Anatoliya f Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian and Russian form of Anatolia.
Anaxander m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Anaxandros. This name was borne by a king of Sparta (Greece) from the 7th century BC.
Anaxandra f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology, French (Quebec, Rare)
Feminine form of Anaxandros. In Greek legend this name was borne by the wife of King Procles of Sparta. It was also the name of a 3rd-century BC Greek painter, who is mentioned in Clement of Alexandria's essay 'Women as Well as Men Capable of Perfection'.
Anaxandre m Catalan, French
Catalan and French form of Anaxander.
Anaxandro m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Anaxander.
Anaxarete f Greek Mythology
Means "master of virtue", derived from Greek ἄναξ (anax) meaning "lord, master" and ἀρετή (arete) meaning "virtue"... [more]
Anaxibios m Ancient Greek
Means "master of life", derived from Greek αναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, chief" and βιος (bios) meaning "life".
Anaxibius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Anaxibios, used by a 5th century bc Spartan admiral.
Anaxidamo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Anaxidamus.
Anaxilaos m Ancient Greek
Means "master of the people", derived from Greek αναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, chief" and λαος (laos) meaning "people, folk".
Anaxilaus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Anaxilaos. This name was borne by a Greek philosopher from the 1st century BC.
Anaxippos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, king" and ‘ιππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Anaxippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Anaxippos. This was the name of an Athenian comic poet from the 4th century BC.
Anayatzin f Nahuatl, Mexican
Etymology uncertain, probably uses the reverential or honorific suffix -tzin.
Anchelica f Aragonese
Aragonese form of Angelica.
Anciluzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Àncila.
Anciluzzu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Àncilu.
Anciulina f Sicilian
Diminutive of Ànciula.
Andalasia f Obscure
From Andalasia, the name of the fairy tale kingdom in the Disney films 'Enchanted' (2007) and 'Disenchanted' (2022).
Andalucía f Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
From the name of an autonomous community in Spain, Andalusia, which is derived from the Arabic term 'al-andalus' meaning "land of the vandals". The spelling is likely influenced by Lucia.
Andarawus m Arabic
Arabic form of Andreas.
Andersine f Danish
Danish feminine form of Anders.
Andersson m Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern), English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Andersson, or a variant of Anderson.
Andocides m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Possibly derived from Greek (anadokhe) meaning "a taking up, acceptance, taking charge of" or "surety, pledge, guarantee". Alternatively, ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower" or ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man" combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides) have been suggested as elements.
Andraemon m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek
Latinized form of Greek Ἁνδραίμων (Andraimon), which is probably derived from Greek ανηρ (aner) meaning "man" (genetive ανδρος (andros)) and αἷμα (aima) meaning "blood"... [more]
Andralynn f English
Combination of Andra and Lynn.
Andréanne f French (Quebec)
Combination of Andrée and Anne
Andreanne f English
Anglicized form of Andréanne.
Andrebita f Medieval Basque
Derived from Basque andere "lady" and Bita.
Andredota f Medieval Basque
Derived from Basque andere "lady" and Dota.
Andregoto f Medieval Basque
Combination of Andre and Goto.
Andrelton m English (American)
Borne by American baseball player Andrelton Simmons.
Andremone m Italian
Italian form of Andraimon via its latinized form Andraemon.
Andreotto m Medieval Italian
Diminutive of Andrea 1, as -otto is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.... [more]
Andreyana f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Andreyan.
Andrianus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinate masculine form of Andriana.
Andriella f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Andrea 2 influenced by the popular suffix -ella.
Andrietta f Swedish (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Romansh
Swedish and Afrikaans variant of Andriette and Romansh feminine form of Andriu.
Andrippos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man" combined with the Greek noun ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Andriscus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Andriskos. This was the name of the last king of Macedon, who lived in the 2nd century BC.
Andriskos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ανδρος (andros) "of a man" combined with the Greek diminutive suffix -ισκος (-iskos).
Andríður m Icelandic
Means "rival, enemy" in Icelandic.
Andriyana f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Андриана (see Andriana).
Androgeus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀνδρόγεως (Androgeos), which is derived from Greek ανδρος (andros) meaning "of a man" combined with Greek γεως or γεος (geos), the genitive of Greek γῆ (gē) meaning "earth, land"... [more]
Androklis m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Androkles.
Androklos m Ancient Greek
Variant of Androkles. This was the name of the third recorded Ancient Greek Olympic victor during the 8th-century BCE.
Andròmaca f Catalan
Catalan form of Andromache.
Andromahi f Greek (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Greek variant transcription of Ανδρομάχη (see Andromachi), as well as an Albanian form.
Andrómeda f Galician, Spanish
Galician and Spanish form of Andromeda.
Andronica f South African, Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Feminine form of Andronicus. This is also the Latinized form of Andronika.
Andrónico m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Andronikos.
Andronico m Italian
Italian form of Andronikos.
Andronika f Ancient Greek, Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot, Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Albanian (Rare), South African
Feminine form of Greek Andronikos and Bulgarian Andronik. This name was borne by Andronika 'Donika' Arianiti (1428-1506), also known as Donika Kastrioti, the wife of Albanian national hero Skanderbeg, leader of a revolt against the Ottoman Empire.
Andronike m Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Andronikos (see Andronicus).
Androniki f Greek
Modern Greek feminine form of Andronikos.
Androniqi f Albanian
Albanian borrowing of Androniki.
Andrunela f Medieval Italian (Italianized, ?)
"caminho curto, ou estradinha"
Andryusha m Russian
Diminutive of Andrey.
Andrzejek m Polish
Diminutive of Andrzej.
Andrzejka f Polish
Diminutive of Andrzeja.
Andzelika f Polish (Modern, Rare)
Rare variant spelling of Andżelika, without Polish special characters.
Anesidora f Greek Mythology
Means "giver of gifts" (or "she who sends forth gifts", "sender-up of gifts") or "spender of gifts" in Greek. This was an epithet (and epiklesis) of the Greek goddesses Demeter, who had a temple under this name at Phlius in Attica, and Gaia; it was also applied to Pandora.
Anesuishe f & m Shona
Meaning "the Lord is with us", also a longer form of the name Anesu.
Anfelisia f Medieval Italian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. It is most likely related to medieval English Amphelisa.
Anfosseta f Provençal
Feminine form of Anfòs.
Anfossina f Provençal
Feminine form of Anfòs.
Angaaetau m Tongan
Means "the ways of war" in Tongan.
Angajôraĸ f & m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name with the combination of Angajo and suffix -raq "young animal".
Angaleena f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Angelina. A famous bearer is Angaleena Presley (1976-), an American country singer and member of the Pistol Annies.
Angãnguaĸ m Greenlandic (Rare)
Combination of Angâĸ and the diminutive suffix -nnguaq.
Angayuqaq m Yupik
Means "parent, chief" in Yupik.
Angelakis m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Angelos, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Angelella f Italian (Archaic)
Combination of Angela with the Italian dimitive suffix -ella. ... [more]
Angelette f American
Combination of Angel and the French feminine diminutive suffix -ette.... [more]
Angelines f Spanish
Diminutive of Ángeles.
Angelinus m Late Roman, Dutch
Masculine form of Angelina.
Angeliqua f African American (Rare)
Elaboration of Angelique and a variant of Angelica.
Angelista f English (African, Rare)
Possibly a short form of Evangelista. This is used mainly in Tanzania.
Angelitha f Hungarian
Born by Wass Angelitha, a lady in waiting of Anne of Foix-Condale.
Angelmiro m Spanish (Latin American)
Combination of Ángel and -miro, taken from names ending with this pattern, e.g. Clodomiro. It is mainly used in Colombia.
Angelonia f English (Rare)
From the genus of about 30 species of herbaceous plants.
Angeluzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Angela and Angelica.
Angeluzzu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Angelo.
Angenette f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Anjanette, possibly influenced by Angela. A notable bearer is American journalist Angenette Levy.
Angetenar f Astronomy
Means "bend of the river" in Arabic. This is the traditional name of the star Tau 2 Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Anggraini f Indonesian Mythology, Javanese, Indonesian
Likely derived from Javanese anggara meaning "Tuesday", ultimately from Sanskrit अङ्गार (angara). Alternately it may be from Javanese anggrek meaning "orchid". In Javanese wayang (shadow puppetry), Anggraini is the beautiful wife of the prince Ekalavya.
Angielika f Polish (Rare)
Rare variant of Angelika, possibly influenced by "ge" being pronounced as "gie" in some parts of Poland, or by some other Slavic language.
Angielina f Russian
Polish transcription of Ангелина (see Angelina).
Angilbald m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilburg f Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilfrid m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilhard m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angilmund m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angiltrud f Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from angil, but we don't exactly know where angil itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Angiolina f Romansh
Romansh diminutive of Angela (compare Angelina).
Angiulina f Sicilian
Diminutive of Àngiula.
Angiulinu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Àngiulu.
Angjelina f Albanian
Albanian form of Angelina.
Angnulinu m Corsican
Diminutive of Angnulu.
Angúnguaĸ f Greenlandic
Derived from the combination of Anguk with the Greenlandic suffix -nnguaq meaning "sweet, dear".
Angusínâĸ m Greenlandic
Means "the One proficient in catching sea mammals" in Greenlandic.
Angústies f Catalan
Catalan form of Angustias.
Anhielina f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Angelina.
Aniamaowo f Efik
Means "who likes you" in Efik.
Aniekpeno m & f Ibibio
Means "Who would have given me?" in Ibibio.
Anikushka m & f Russian
Diminutive of Anastas or Anastasiya
Anindhita f Indonesian
Indonesian feminine variant of Anindita.
Aninnguaq m Greenlandic
Younger form of Anínguaĸ.
Aniriddhi f Hindi
Beautiful fortune
Anistasia f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Anastasia. Anistasia was given to 5 girls in 2014 according to the SSA.
Anjanique f African American (Rare)
Blend of Anjanette and the suffix que.
Anjarasoa m & f Malagasy
From the Malagasy anjara meaning "lot, share" or "destiny" and soa meaning "good".
Ankarette f English (British, Archaic), Medieval English
Medieval English form of Welsh Angharad (compare Anchoretta).
Ankatrīna f Latvian (Archaic)
Latvian borrowing of German Anna Katharina.
Ankhtamir m & f Mongolian
Means "first strength" from анх (ankh) meaning "first" and тамир (tamir) meaning "strength, vigour".
Ankhtuyaa f Mongolian
Means "first light" in Mongolian, from анх (ankh) meaning "first" and туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)".
Ankhzayaa f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian анх (ankh) meaning "first" and заяа (zayaa) meaning "future, destiny, fate".
Annaberdi m Turkmen
From Turkmen anna meaning "Friday" combined with the past tense of bermek meaning "give".
Annabetha f Obscure
Elaboration of Annabeth.
Annageldi m Turkmen
Means "Friday came", from Turkmen anna meaning "Friday" and geldi meaning "came".
Annagheta f Romansh
Contraction of Anna and Gheta.
Annagrace f English
Combination of Anna and Grace.
Annaleece f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Annalise.
Annaleigh f English (Rare)
Combination of Anna and Leigh.
Annalidia f Italian (Rare)
Contraction of Anna and Lidia.
Annaluisa f Italian
Combination of Anna and Luisa.
Annaluise f German
Combination of Anna and Luise. This was the name of the main character in the movie version of Erich Kästner’s book Pünktchen und Anton“, released in 1999.
Annamaija f Finnish (Rare)
Combination of Anna and Maija.
Annamenga f Romansh
Contraction of Anna and Menga.
Annamyrat m Turkmen
From Turkmen anna meaning "Friday" combined with the given name Myrat.
Annapurna f Hinduism, Bengali, Marathi, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu
Means "filled with food" from Sanskrit अन्न (anna) meaning "food, grains" combined with पूर्ण (pūrṇa) meaning "filled with, full of". This is the name of the Hindu goddess of food and nourishment, considered a manifestation of Parvati or Durga.
Annasofia f English (Modern)
A combination of Anna and Sofia.
Annavirág f Hungarian
Combination of Anna and Virág.
Annazella f English (American, Rare)
Probably a combination of Anna with Izabella or a given name that ends in -sella (but then variantly spelled as -zella), such as Gisella and Rosella... [more]
Annazette f African American
Actress Annazette Chase, born Annecetta (Aniceta or Anicette?)
Annclaire f American (South)
Combination of Ann and Claire.
Annebritt f Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Annbritt. It is also a combination of Anne 1 and Britt.
Annechien f Dutch
Diminutive of Anne 1. It originated in the northeastern Dutch province of Drenthe, as the name contains the Drents diminutive suffix -chien, which is cognate to medieval Dutch -gjen (variantly spelled -gien) and medieval Dutch -tjen (variantly spelled -tien)... [more]
Annedorle f German
Diminutive of Annedore
Annedorte f Danish
Blend of Anna and Dorothea.
Anne-Fleur f Dutch
Combination of Anne 1 and Fleur.
Annelinde f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Anne 1 and Linde.
Annemette f Danish
Combination of Anne 1 and Mette.
Annephine f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of Anne 1 with a given name ending in -phine, such as Josephine. Also compare Annefien, which is a different spelling of this name but the more prevalent of the two (even though they are both rare in the Netherlands).
Annesofie f Danish (Rare)
Combination of Anne 1 and Sofie.
Annestine f Danish
Danish variant of Annastina.
Annetraut f German (Rare, Archaic)
Blend of Anne and names ending in -traut, e.g., Irmtraut
Annevieve f English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Annavieve.
Annibbali m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Annibale.
Anniebeth f English
Combination of Annie and Beth.
Anniegale f Obscure
Combination of Annie and Gale.
Anniejane f English
A combination of Annie and Jane.
Anniekate f English
A combination of Annie and Kate.
Annituuli f Finnish (Rare)
Combination of Anni and Tuuli.
Annkatrin f Swedish (Rare), German
Swedish and German combination of Anne 1 and Katrin.
Annonaria f Roman Mythology
Means "she who supplies corn" in Latin, derived from annona "yearly produce", "crop, harvest" or "corn, grain" (also the name of a Roman goddess who personified the year), which was ultimately from annus "year"... [more]
Annunitum f Near Eastern Mythology, Akkadian
Means "the skirmisher" or "the martial one". This was an epithet of Ishtar in her capacity as a war goddess. Later in the Sargonic period, Annunitum became a distinct deity in her own right.
Anoeschka f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Variant of Anuschka. This is borne by Namibian author Anoeschka von Meck (1967-).
Anongluck f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อนงค์ลักษณ์ (see Anonglak).
Anongnard f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อนงค์นาฏ (see Anongnat).
Anongnart f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อนงค์นาฏ (see Anongnat).
Anongphon f Thai
From Thai อนงค์ (anong) meaning "beautiful woman" and พร (phon) meaning "blessing".
Anongporn f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อนงค์พร (see Anongphon).
Anpuhotep m Ancient Egyptian
Means "Anubis is content", from Egyptian Anpu, a variant form of Anubis, and ḥtp "peace, satisfaction".
Ansalewit f Indigenous American
Means "Angel" in Mi'kmaq.
Ansealbma m Sami
Sami form of Anselm.
Ansegilde f Frankish
Derived from Old High German ansi meaning "god, deity" and Proto-Germanic *geldą meaning "reward, gift, money".
Ansegisus m Germanic (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ansegis, derived from Old High German anse "God" and gis, either "spear" or "pledge". This was the name of a 9th-century saint and Benedictine monk.
Ansoberta f Germanic
Feminine form of Ansbert.
Antandros m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄντανδρος (antandros) meaning "instead of a man, as a substitute", which consists of Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, opposed, compared to, like" and ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man".... [more]
Antevorta f Roman Mythology, Astronomy
Meaning uncertain. This was another name for the goddess Prorsa. It is also an alternative name for Gamma Virginis, a binary star system in the constellation of Virgo.
Anthemion m Greek Mythology
Means "small flower", derived from Greek ἄνθεμον (anthemon) meaning "flower" combined with the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων (-ion). The former is ultimately derived from Greek ανθος (anthos) meaning "flower, blossom"... [more]
Anthemius m Ancient Roman
Likely a latinized form of Greek Anthemios. ... [more]
Antheunis m Medieval Flemish
Medieval Flemish variant of Antonius.
Anthippos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower, blossom" combined with Greek ‘ιππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Anthippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Anthippos. This was the name of an ancient Greek comic poet, of whom it is not (yet) certain whether he really existed.
Anthoulis m Greek (Cypriot)
Diminutive of names containing the Greek element ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower, blossom", such as Kleanthis.
Anthrakia f Greek Mythology
Means "embers, burning charcoal" in Greek. In Greek myth this name belonged to one of the nurses of the infant Zeus.
Antialkes m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, compared to, like" combined with the Greek noun ἀλκή (alke) meaning "strength".
Antianira f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Antianeira, as well as the Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of this name.
Antibrote f Greek Mythology
Means "equal to man", from Greek ἀντί (anti) meaning "against, compared to, like" combined with βροτός (brotos), a poetic term meaning "mortal man"... [more]
Antidoros m Ancient Greek
Means "against gifts", derived from Greek αντι (anti) "against" combined with Greek δωρον (doron) "gift."
Antifonte m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Antiphon.
Antigenes m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek αντι (anti) meaning "against, opposed, compared to, like" and γενης (genes) meaning "born"... [more]
Antikonie f Arthurian Cycle
Medieval German variant of Antigone. In Arthurian legend, she is the sister of King Vergulaht of Ascalun who became infatuated with Gawain during one of his visits... [more]