UuganzulfMongolian From Mongolian ууган (uugan) meaning "firstborn, oldest" and зул (zul) meaning "light, lamp".
Üürdmendm & fMongolian (Rare) Means "forever health" in Mongolian, from үүрд (üürd) meaning "forever, always" and мэнд (mend) meaning "health, well-being", often used as a greeting.
VaçtirekmChuvash Chuvash masculine name derived from Vaç, a name element inspired by diminutive forms of the Russian name Vasiliy and tirek meaning "aspen tree".
VæringrmOld Norse From Old Norse VæringR meaning "Varangian, Northern warrior who served as lifeguard to the emperors of Constantinople" The word derives from Old Norse várar meaning "solemn vow, oath" with an -ingr-ending (ingr-endings are quite common in Old Norse names... [more]
VætildrfOld Norse, Algonquian Probably an Old Norse form of an unknown Algonquian or Beothuk name, though the second element coincides with Old Norse hildr meaning "battle".
VaharielmJewish Legend A name for an angel in Jewish tradition which means 'Chosen of God', from the word 'bachar (בָּחַר)' meaning 'to choose, chosen.'
Vahinalam & fMalagasy From the name of a plant native to Madagascar, ultimately from the Malagasy vahiny meaning "stranger" and ala meaning "forest".
VaidarasmLithuanian (Rare) The meaning of this name as a whole is uncertain, as both of its two elements are uncertain, due to there being several possibilities for their etymology.... [more]
VaidilasmLithuanian Derived from the Lithuanian noun vaidila meaning "priest" (as in, a pagan one) as well as "bard". In turn, the word is ultimately derived from the old Lithuanian verb vaidyti meaning "to visit, to appear", which is related to the modern Lithuanian verb vaidentis meaning "to haunt" as well as "to appear, to see"... [more]
VaidotasmLithuanian Derived from Vaidotis, which could be considered to be a diminutive of masculine names that start with Vaid- (such as Vaidaras and Vaidmantas) or end in -vaidas (such as Norvaidas), because it contains the masculine suffix -otis, which is sometimes listed as a diminutive suffix and other times as a derivative suffix... [more]
VaidutismLithuanian Diminutive of masculine given names that start with Vaid- (such as Vaidaras and Vaidmantas) or end in -vaidas (such as Norvaidas), since this name contains the masculine diminutive suffix -utis.
VaigedasmLithuanian The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb vajoti meaning "to chase, to pursue" or from the old Lithuanian noun vajys meaning "messenger, courier". The second element is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)".
VainorasmLithuanian The meaning of the first element of this name is uncertain, as there are several possibilities for its etymology. First, it is important to know that the element is either vai- or vain-... [more]
VainotasmLithuanian Derived from Vainotis, which could be considered to be a diminutive of masculine names that start with Vain- (such as Vaingedas and Vainoras) or end in -vainas (such as Žadvainas), because it contains the masculine suffix -otis, which is sometimes listed as a diminutive suffix and other times as a derivative suffix... [more]
VainutismLithuanian Diminutive of masculine given names that start with Vain- (such as Vaingedas and Vainoras) or end in -vainas (such as Žadvainas), since this name contains the masculine diminutive suffix -utis.
VaivydasmLithuanian (Rare) The meaning of the first element of this name is uncertain, as there are three possibilities for its etymology. The first possibility is that it is derived from the old Lithuanian noun vaiva meaning "light" (also see Vaiva)... [more]
VakarinėfBaltic Mythology Derived from Lithuanian vakaras meaning "evening; (plural only) west" (compare Vakarė) with the feminine adjectival suffix -inė, referring to something made from or pertaining to a noun, ultimately meaning something along the lines of "vesperal; pertaining to the evening."... [more]
ValanicefPopular Culture Variant of the name Balanice, which appears in the French fairy tale Rosanella. Valanice is the name of a character in the King's Quest series of computer games... [more]
ValantismGreek Short form of Chrysovalantis. A known bearer of this name is the Greek soccer player Chrysovalantis "Valantis" Kozoronis (b. 1992).
ValbjörkfIcelandic (Rare) Derived from the Old Norse elements valr meaning "those slain in battle" and bjǫrk meaning "birch tree" (compare Björk)... [more]
ValbjǫrnmOld Norse Derived from Old Norse valr "the slain" and bjǫrn "bear".
ValbjörtfIcelandic (Rare) From the Old Norse elements valr "those slain in battle" and bjǫrt "bright" (feminine of bjartr). Alternatively, the first element could be derived from Primitive Germanic *walha- meaning "Celtic, foreign".
VallettafAmerican Valletta, the name of a city in Malta, it is a transferred use of the surname of Jean Parisot de la Vallette, Grand Master of the Order of Malta.
ValvanuzfSpanish (European) From the Spanish titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de Valvanuz and Nuestra Señora de Valvanuz, meaning "The Virgin of Valvanuz" and "Our Lady of Valvanuz," venerated at the sanctuary in Selaya in Cantabria, northern Spain... [more]
VanlandimNorse Mythology Means "man from Vanaheimr" in Old Norse. Vanaheimr was the home of the Vanir, a group of gods. Njǫrðr, Freyr and Freyja were members of the Vanir.... [more]
VannozzafMedieval Italian Medieval Italian diminutive of Giovanna. The most notable bearer of this name was Vannozza dei Cattanei, the mistress of Pope Alexander VI and the mother of Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia.
VaraidzomShona Varaidzo means "One who keeps company". This is given to acknowledge your child as one with whom you keep company. It is common to give this name to a child born in your later years.
VarakiyafTatar (Rare) Derived from Arabic وَرَق (waraq) meaning "foliage, leaves".
VarazdatmOld Persian, Armenian, History Derived from Middle Persian warāz meaning "boar" combined with Middle Persian dādan "to give". For the latter element, also compare Old Persian dāta, which can mean "law" but also "gift" as well as "gave, given" (as past tenses of the verb dadātuv "to give, to put")... [more]
VarbinkafBulgarian Derived from Bulgarian върбинка "verbena, vervain".
VardamirmLiterature Means "jewel of Varda". In Tolkien's Legendarium this is the name of the second King of Númenor. He was the son of Elros, nephew of Elrond, and grandson of Earendil.
VardilmëfLiterature A character mentioned in the works of JRR Tolkien. The name is derived from the fictional Quenya language. Although it is of uncertain etymology, it is possibly a contraction of Vardandilme, a compound of the name Varda and a feminine form of the name element ndil meaning "friend of, lover, devoted to".
VarenītefLatvian (Archaic) Possibly derived from Latvian varens "mighty, powerful, forceful, strong; famous, great".
Varinderm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit वर (vára) "environing, enclosing, space" or "boon, gift, reward, benefit" combined with the name of the Hindu god Indra.
VasillaqmAlbanian Albanian form of Vasilakis. Unlike the original Greek name, the Albanian form is used as an official name on birth certificates.... [more]
VatromirmSerbian, Croatian (Rare) From Serbian ватра (vatra) meaning "fire" and мир (mir) meaning "peace" or "glory". Thus the name means "vigorous or passionate for glory/peace".
VéfreyjafOld Norse Possibly meant "devotee of Freyja" from the Old Norse element vé meaning "devoted, dedicated" or "home, temple, sanctuary" (compare the word *véseti "one who sits with (= is in charge of) a Vé (= temple, sanctuary)") combined with the name of the goddess Freyja.
VégerðrfOld Norse Derived from Old Norse vé "holy place, temple, sanctuary" (which is related to Gothic weihs "holy") combined with Old Norse garðr "enclosure".
VehanushfArmenian From the Armenian վեհ (veh) meaning "majestic, sublime" and անուշ (anush) meaning "sweet".
VelimudrmRussian (Rare, Archaic) Old Russian name meaning "multiscious, much-knowing", derived from Old Church Slavonic велии (velii) "great" combined with мѫдръ (mǫdrŭ) meaning "wise".
VelouriafEnglish (Modern, Rare) Possibly derived from English velour, which refers to a fabric that is similar to velvet. This is also the name of a 1990 song by the American alternative rock band Pixies.
VendettafEnglish (American) Transferred use of the surname Vendetta or from the word vendetta, from Italian vendetta "a feud, blood feud," from Latin vindicta "vengeance, revenge."
VerdellafAfrican American While its precise origin is uncertain, it may be related to names like Verdell, which derives from the French "vert" or Latin "viridis," meaning "green." The "-ella" suffix suggests a feminine elaboration, following a pattern common in African American naming traditions of the early 20th century.... [more]
VerdoanafArthurian Cycle The lady of the castle Aspetta Ventura in La Tavola Ritonda. She suffered from leprosy and could only be cured by the blood of a royal virgin. In the quest to heal her, her knights bled hundreds of virgins, most of whom perished... [more]
VergiblemLiterature Used by Zora Neale Hurston in her 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. The main character, Janie, marries and finds love with a man called Tea Cake whose real name is Vergible Woods.