Hallelujahf & mEnglish (Rare) From the English word hallelujah, uttered in worship or as an expression of rejoicing, ultimately from Hebrew הַלְּלוּיָהּ (halleluyah) meaning "praise ye the Lord."
Halleyf & mEnglish, Portuguese (Brazilian) Transferred use of the surname Halley. It peaked in popularity in 1986, when Halley's Comet was last spotted from Earth. It rose again in the US in the mid 1990's when similar-sounding names (like Haley and Hallie) were increasing in popularity.
Halseym & fEnglish From Old English, meaning "from Hal's island". The name is probably given in honour of the American war hero Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, Jr. (1882-1959).
HamammArabic, Indonesian Alternate transcription of Arabic همام (see Hammam), as well as an Indonesian variant.
HamandishemShona Meaning “one’s relative or family is God”, this name may be given by and/or to someone who is devoted to God, who is an orphan, has no relatives or was abandoned.
HamathmEnglish (Puritan) The word signifies a defense or citadel, and such designation was very suitable for this chief royal city of the Hittites, situated between their northern and southern capitals, Carchemish and Kadesh, on a gigantic mound beside the Orontes... [more]
HambalimIndonesian From the name of 9th-century Islamic jurist and theologian Ahmad ibn Hanbal, who founded the Hanbali school (madhhab) of Sunni Islam.
HamengkubuwonomJavanese, Indonesian Means "guardian of the world" in Javanese. It comes from the current ruling royal house of the Yogyakarta Sultanate in Indonesia
Hamid RezamPersian Combination of Hamid 1 and Reza. Though usually transcribed into Latin characters with a dash or a space, it is not written with a space in Persian.
HamirmArabic Arabs transcripton of Amir 1 from Urdu 'گدھا چلانے والا' meaning 'Prince'.
HamismSwahili From Swahili Alhamisi meaning "Thursday" (ultimately of Arabic origin).
Hamisoam & fMalagasy From the Malagasy hamy meaning "sweetness" and soa meaning "good".
HamlinmAmerican (Rare) Transferred use of the surname Hamlin. A notable bearer is American author Hamlin Garland (1860-1940) who wrote fictional works about life in the Midwest.
HampsicoramHistory Meaning unknown. Could be a Latin form of Ampsaga, the name of a river (today known as Rhummel in Algerian Arabic) bordering with the Numidian Massylii in the vicinity of Cirta.... [more]
HamuelmBiblical, Biblical Latin Form of Hammuel used in the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610), the Clementine Vulgate (1592) and the Nova Vulgata ("Neo-Vulgate", 1979). The latter two are respectively the former and current official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.
HamulmBiblical Hamul was a son of Pharez of the Tribe of Judah according to Genesis 46:12 and Numbers 26:21. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.
HanabusamJapanese (Rare) From 花房 (hanabusa) meaning "calyx, flower cluster," combined from 花 (hana) meaning "flower" and 房 (fusa) meaning "bunch, cluster (of flowers); segment."... [more]
HanafimArabic, Malay, Indonesian From the name of 8th-century Islamic theologian and jurist Abu Hanifa, who founded the Hanafi school (madhhab) of Sunni Islam.
Hanaiakamalamaf & mHawaiian A compound name in Hawaiian meaning "work of the moon" or "guardian of the moon," derived from:... [more]
Hanaleif & mHawaiian Means "crescent bay" from Hawaiian hana "bay" and lei. It is sometimes used as the Hawaiian form of Henry.
HanamarumJapanese From Japanese 花園 (hanamaru) meaning "flower garden".
HanameelmBiblical Hanameel, meaning "rest from God," a cousin of Jeremiah from whom the latter bought property. Jeremiah 32:7ff.
HananelmHebrew Hebrew. This is a traditional, though seldom-used, Jewish name. It means "God is gracious". Ultimately, it derives from the same Hebrew root as John and Anne.
Hanaof & mJapanese From Japanese 花 or 華 (hana) both meaning "flower" combined with 桜 (o) meaning "cherry blossom" (usually feminine) or 郎 (o) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Han-badamKorean (Modern, Rare) From Bada prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."
HanbēmJapanese (Archaic) This name combines 半 (han, naka.ba) meaning "half, middle, odd number, part-, semi-" with 兵衛 (bee) (see Hyōe).... [more]
Han-binmKorean From Sino-Korean 韓 "fence; Korea" and 彬 "cultivated, well-bred".
Han-bitm & fKorean (Modern) From Bit prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."
Han-boramm & fKorean (Rare) From Boram prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."
Han-byeolf & mKorean (Modern) From Byeol prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."... [more]
Hangm & fChinese From Chinese 航 or 杭 (háng) meaning "ship, boat, sail, navigate" or 行 (háng) meaning "business, line, row", as well as other characters that are pronounced similarly.
Han-garamm & fKorean (Modern, Rare) From Garam prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."
Han-geurum & fKorean (Modern, Rare) From Korean 한그루 (han-geuru), which refers to a raising of a single crop (of rice) a year or, in general, single-crop farming, from Geuru prefixed with determiner 한 (han), from the numeral Hana meaning "one" (can also come from the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great").
HangfeizimHistory Hanfeizi was a scholar who developed the teachings of legalism.
HangilmKorean A Native-Korean name that means "One Way", "One Path", or "One Direction".
Han-gyeolm & fKorean (Modern) From native Korean 한결 (hangyeol) meaning "uniformity," effectively a combination of determiner 한 (han), from the numeral Hana meaning "one" (can also come from the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great"), and 결 (gyeol) meaning "layer, ply; chance, opportunity, moment."
HangyumKorean From Sino-Korean 閒 (han) meaning "peaceful, calm" combined with 赳 (gyu) "grand".
Hạnhm & fVietnamese From Sino-Vietnamese 行 (hạnh) meaning "business, line, row" or 幸 (hạnh) meaning "luck, favour".
HanhmVietnamese From Sino-Vietnamese 亨 (hanh) meaning "smoothly progressing".
Hanifahf & mArabic, Indonesian, Malay Alternate transcription of Arabic حنيفة (see Hanifa), as well as an Indonesian and Malay variant. It is sometimes used as a masculine name in Malaysia as a form of Abu Hanifa.
HanishmNear Eastern Mythology Possibly deriving from the Akkadian word ḫanīšum ("submission"), although this etymology is contested. Name borne by a god of destruction, that was always invoked alongside his twin Shullat.
Hanisim & fRotuman A common name in Rotuman culture. The word hanisi means "love" and so if you have a very affectionate child then this is the name for them. Interestingly, the word hanisi can be added to other words to further expand on the meaning of the name such as the name Rauhanisi
HanjaemKorean From Sino-Korean 瀚(han) meaning "Vast, Wide, Extensive" combined with 宰(jae) "To rule" other hanja characters with the same sounds are possible.
Han-maeumf & mKorean (Modern, Rare) From Maeum prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."
Hannemanm & fMedieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare) Medieval Dutch pet form of Hanne 1, as the Germanic element man has been used as a suffix for pet forms of both masculine and feminine names since the 7th century AD... [more]
HannielmBiblical Means "grace of God" in Hebrew, the first element from the stem of hanan "he was gracious, showed favour" (compare Hannah, Hannibal, John)... [more]
HannomMedieval German, German (Rare) A short form of German names containing the name element han. The name element is explained as "cock" (modern German Hahn) or as "Singer".
Han-nurif & mKorean (Modern, Rare) From Nuri prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."
Hanoraim & fPolynesian, Tahitian Name of Polynesian origin, composed by "hano", meaning "going" and "rai", meaning "sky". Hence the meaning is "going to the sky".
HanpeimJapanese (Rare) From 半 (han) meaning "odd number, part, semi-, half, middle" and 平 (pei, hei, hira, taira, daira) meaning "peace, level, flat, even". Other kanji combinations are possible.
HanpeitamJapanese (Rare, Archaic) This name is used as 半平太 with 半 (han, naka.ba) meaning "half, middle, odd number, part-, semi-," 平 (hyou, byou, hei) meaning "plain, flat, even, level" and 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big, plump, thick."... [more]
Hanraf & mKorean Meaning "High Land". From Ancient Native Korean 'Han(한) / Khan, Kan(칸)' Meaning "Giant, Great, Big, High" and Ancient Native Korean 'Na, Ra(나, 라)' Meaning "Land"... [more]
HansmPunjabi, Hindi Derived from Sanskrit हंस (haṃsá) meaning "goose, swan".
Han-sarangf & mKorean (Modern, Rare) From Sarang prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."
HansinnguaqmGreenlandic Possibly a combination of Hans and the Greenlandic word -nnguaq meaning "sweet; dear".
Hansjem & fDutch, West Frisian When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Hans) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix je to the original name... [more]
Han-solf & mKorean (Modern) From Sol prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana 4 meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."... [more]
Han-somf & mKorean (Modern, Rare) From Som prefixed with 한 (han), either a determiner from the numeral Hana meaning "one," or the present determiner form of adjective 하다 (hada) meaning "big, large, great."