Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aroarii m Tahitian
Means "face king"; a combination of aro "face, forehead, sight" and ari'i "king".
Arobynn m Literature
From Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass book series
Arodi m Biblical Hebrew
A son of Gad according to Genesis 46:16 and Numbers 26:17. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.
Arofel m Literature
Meaning unknown.... [more]
Ārohirohi f Polynesian Mythology
The name of the goddess of mirages and shimmering heat. Her name may be related to the word ārohi meaning "to scout, reconnoitre".
Aroia f Basque
Regional variant of Basque aukera "opportunity, occasion; choice".
Arolas f Medieval Occitan
Medieval form of Arola.
Aroldos m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Harold.
Arolf m Germanic
Variant of Arulf.
Årolilja f Literature, Norwegian (Rare)
Occurs in the medieval Norwegian ballad 'Bendik og Årolilja', where it belongs to a princess who dies of heartache when her lover is hanged under her father's orders.
Árón m Irish
Irish form of Aaron.
Arón m Galician
Variant of Aarón.
Aron m Hebrew
Hebrew form of Aaron
Aronia f Norwegian
Variant of Arona. This is also the name of a genus of deciduous shrubs, producing aronia berries, commonly known as chokeberry.
Aronni m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Aronne.
Arono m Esperanto
Esperanto form of Aaron.
Aroon m Thai
The name Aroon is a boy’s name of Thai origin meaning “dawn”.
Áróra f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Aurora.
Arosha m Russian
Russian diminutive of Aaron.
Arouna m Western African, Kwa
Form of Harun. Possibly a name from the Kwa languages.
Arousiag f Armenian
Variant transcription of Արուսեակ (see Aruseag)
Arp m Low German (Rare, Archaic)
Low German form of Erpo.... [more]
Arpaarti m Greenlandic
Younger form of Arpârte.
Arpád m Slovak (Rare)
Slovak borrowing of Árpád.
Arpad m Banat Swabian
Banatswabian borrowing of Árpád.
Árpádina f Hungarian
Feminine form of Árpád.
Arpallak f Greenlandic
Younger form of Arpatdlak.
Arpat m Turkish
Turkish version of Árpád.
Arphaxad m Biblical
One of the five sons of Shem, the son of Noah.
Arpina f Armenian
It means “rising of sun”.
Arpineh f Armenian (Western)
Alternate transcription of Arpine.
Arpita f Indian
Arpita is an Indian name for a female.... [more]
Arquelao m Spanish
Spanish form of Archelaos (see Archelaus)
Arquelau m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Archelaos (see Archelaus).
Arquibaldo m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Archibald.
Arquídamo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Archidamus.
Arquimbald m Catalan
Catalan form of Archibald.
Arquímedes m Spanish
Spanish form of Archimedes.
Arquimedes m Catalan, Galician, Portuguese
Catalan, Galician and Portuguese form of Archimedes.
Arquip m Catalan
Catalan form of Archippos via its latinized form Archippus.
Arquipo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Archippos via its latinized form Archippus.
Arrabeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Arrhabaeus.
Arrabeu m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Arrhabaeus.
Arrafieli m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Raphael.
Árrajuoksa m Sami
Sami combination of an unknown first element and Juoksa.
Arrammundu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Raymond.
Arramon m Gascon
Gascon form of Raymond.
Arrate f Basque
From the name of a mountain in the Spanish province of Gipuzkoa, where there is a sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Its name is possibly derived from Basque harri "stone, rock" and ate "defile, gorge" or arte "space in between".
Arren m English
An occasionally-recorded variant spelling, perhaps influenced by Darren, with the perk of having Ren as a possible nickname.
Arrhabaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of the ancient Greek given name Ἀρραβαῖος (Arrhabaios), which is also found spelled as Arrhibaios. The meaning of the name is uncertain. The first element of the name may possibly consist of the Greek prefix ar meaning "not, without" (similar to the word arrhythmia), whereas the second element might possibly be related to the Greek verb ῥαβάσσω (rhabasso) "to make a noise"... [more]
Arrhidaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of the ancient Greek given name Ἀρριδαῖoς (Arrhidaios), which might possibly be a variant form of the Greek given name Ἀρραβαῖος (Arrhabaios) (see Arrhabaeus)... [more]
Arria f Ancient Roman, History
Feminine form of Arrius. Bearers of this name include Arria Major (wife of Caecina Paetus) and her daughter Arria Minor.
Arriane f Obscure
Variant of Ariane.
Arricard m Occitan
Occitan variant of Ricard.
Arricotte f Medieval Occitan
Gascon cognate of Harriet.
Arrideo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Arrhidaeus.
Arrideu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Arrhidaeus.
Arrie f English
Used in the United States around the late 1800s and early 1900s. Similar to other popular names of the time ending in -ie Addie, Annie, Allie, and Abbie. Possibly influenced by Ari 1 and variants.
Arrietty f Literature
Possibly a variant of Harriet. This is the name of a character from 'The Borrowers' by Mary Norton.
Arriga f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Arrigo.
Arrighetto m Italian
Italian diminutive of Henry via Arrigo.
Arrighino m Italian
Italian diminutive of Henry via Arrigo.
Arrigotto m Medieval Italian
Diminutive of Arrigo, as -otto is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Arrigu m Corsican
Corsican form of Henry via Arrigo.
Arriguccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Arrigo, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Arrington m & f Obscure
Transferred use of the surname Arrington. The USA Social Security Administration has recorded 17 boys and 15 girls with the name Arringtion in 2001.
Arrio m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Arrius.... [more]
Arriquard m Gascon
Gascon form of Richard.
Arris m Dutch
Variant of Aris 2.
Arrison m & f American (Americanized, Modern, Rare)
Arrison is a modern, American name with no set meaning. It is a unisex variant of the masculine name, Harrison.
Arrita f Sardinian
Variant of Rita.
Arritokieta f Basque (Rare)
From the name of a sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the Spanish province of Gipuzkoa, meaning "the place of the protruding stones". It has been used as a nom de plume by the Basque writer Julene Azpeitia (1888-1980).
Arritxu f Basque
Diminutive of Arritokieta.
Arrius m Ancient Roman
Roman nomen gentile, which is ultimately derived from the Etruscan personal male name Arntni, of which the meaning is unknown. Also compare Arruns... [more]
Arro m Estonian
Contracted form of Argo.
Arrobert m Occitan
Occitan variant of Robert.
Arrobertu m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Robert.
Arroccu m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Rochus.
Arroman m Gascon
Gascon form of Romain.
Arrosa f Basque (Rare)
Derived from Basque arrosa "rose", this name is considered the Basque equivalent of Rosa 1 and Rose.
Arrosali f Basque
Of debated origin and meaning. While the most widespread theory thinks of this name as a Basque form of Rosalie, other scholars link it to the Germanic name Rosalind.
Arrosane f Basque
Basque equivalent of Rosana.
Arrudye m Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Urooj.
Arruncio m Spanish
Spanish form of Arruntius.
Arruns m Etruscan (Latinized), Ancient Roman
Latinized form of Arnth. Compare Arrius.
Arruntia f Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Arruntius. This name was borne by one of the Vestal Virgins.
Arrunzio m Italian
Italian form of Arruntius.
Arrútaĸ m Greenlandic
From Greenlandic arrusaq meaning "small pelagic marine gastropod" (Latin name: "clione limicina") which is gelatinous and transparent, and shaped like little angels, having flapping "wings", hence their name in English: "sea angels".... [more]
Arruttaq m Greenlandic
Younger form of Arrútaĸ.
Arryah f Obscure
Possibly an alternate spelling of Aria 1 or Ariah.
Arryn m & f English, Literature
Some uses of this name may be derivative of Aaron. It is also the name of one of the houses in 'The Song of Ice and Fire' series by George R. R. Martin.
Arsace m Italian, French
French and Italian form of Arsaces.
Ársæll m Icelandic
From the Old Norse adjective ársæll meaning "happy in having good seasons, blessed in the year", composed of Old Norse ár "year" and Old Norse sæll "blissful, happy".
Arsaios m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Ancient Macedonian name of unknown meaning. In the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament), the name Arsaios appears in the Book of Esther, where it is a hellenization of Aridai (rather than Arisai).
Arsajla m Belarusian
Diminutive of Arsienij.
Arsalan m Persian, Urdu
Persian and Urdu form of Aslan.
Arsames m Old Persian (Hellenized), History
Hellenized form of Aršāma. This was the name of the paternal grandfather of Darius the Great, who possibly may briefly have been King of Persia.
Arseen m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Arsenius (see Arsenios).
Arsema f Amharic
Amharic form of Hripsime.
Arsena f Lithuanian (Rare)
Shortened form of Arsenija.
Arsena f Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Spanish feminine form of Arsenios.
Arsenas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Shortened form of Arsenijus.
Arsende f Gascon (Archaic), Picard (Archaic)
Gascon and Picard form of Arsendis.
Arsene f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque form of Arsenia.
Arsénia f Portuguese
Portuguese feminine form of Arsenios.
Arsenie m Romanian
Romanian form of Arsenios.
Arseniia f Russian
Variant transcription of Арсения (see Arseniya).
Arsenija f Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian feminine form of Arsenios.
Arsenija m & f Serbian
Feminine form and male variant of Arsenius.
Arsenije m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Arsenios via Arsenius.
Arsenijs m Latvian
Latvian form of Arseniy.
Arsenijus m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Arsenios.
Arseniu m Corsican (Archaic), Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Arsenios.
Arseniusz m Polish
Polish form of Arsenius.
Arseniya f Russian
Russian form of Arsenia.
Arses m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian *R̥šā, derived from *(w)ŕ̥šā meaning "man, hero" or "stallion, stud" (an element used in Xerxes). This was the name of an Achaemenid Persian ruler, also known by the regnal name Artaxerxes.
Arshakuhi f Armenian
Feminine form of Arshak.
Arsham m Persian, Armenian
Modern Persian and Armenian form of Aršāma.
Arshi f Indian, Marathi, Hindi
Derived from Sanskrit ऋषि (ṛ́ṣi) denoting a singer of sacred hymns, a poet, or a sage.
Arshida f Persian
Sunrise of east.
Arsi m Finnish
A Karelian form of Arsenios. Finnish name day March 4.
Arsień m Belarusian
Short form of Arsienij.
Arsienij m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Arsenios.
Arsine f Armenian
Feminine form of Arsen.
Arsing m & f Filipino
DIminutive of Arsenio or Arsenia.
Arsinoi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Arsinoe.
Arsinoos m Greek Mythology
Masculine form of Arsinoe. This name occurs in Homer's Iliad belonging to the father of Hecamede, a slave or maidservant of King Nestor.
Arsites m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Greek form of the Old Persian name *R̥šitah, derived from *(w)r̥šā meaning "man, hero" or "stallion, stud" and‎ the hypocoristic suffix 𐎡𐎫 (-itaʰ⁠).
Arslanbek m Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Turkmen (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)
Derived from the Turkic noun arslan meaning "lion" (see Aslan) combined with the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".... [more]
Arslonbek m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Arslanbek.
Arso m Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Short form of Arsenije. A known bearer of this name was the Montenegrin general Arsenije "Arso" Jovanović (1907-1948).
Arson m American (Modern, Rare)
Probably a spelling variant of Arsen. It coincides with the English word arson meaning "the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property".
Ârsso f Greenlandic
Meaning unknown. It maybe a diminutive of Ârssuákuluk or Ârssuatsiaĸ.
Arsyad m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Arshad.
Arszlán m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Arslan.
Arta f Albanian
Possibly derived from the name of the city of Arta in southwestern Greece. A city with connections to Albania and Albanians. The name of the city is popularly held to be derived from Albanian artë "golden" (compare ar "gold")
Arta f Latvian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a feminine form of Artis.
Arta f Romansh (Archaic)
Short form of Agata.
Arta f English (American)
Feminine form of Art.
Arta m Scythian (Hellenized)
Greek form of the Scythian name *Arθya, meaning "pious".
Artä m Veps
Veps form of Artemiy.
Artabanus m Old Persian (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Artabānu via its Greek form Artabanos. This name was borne by at least four kings of Parthia.
Artabazanes m Old Persian (Latinized), History
Latinized variant of Artabazus or Artabrzana. It was the name of a prince and king of the Atropatene Kingdom who ruled in 221 BC or 220 BC
Artabazus m Old Persian (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Artavazda via its Greek form Artabazos. This name was borne by two Persian satraps from Phrygia.
Artabes m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Greek form of an Old Persian name.
Artagan m Scottish Gaelic
A diminutive of the Gaelic name Artair, which is thought to mean "bear" or "stone". Also refers to the ancient Celtic word "art" which has three meanings: "a stone", "God" and "noble".
Artahe f Aquitanian Mythology
The name of an ancient goddess that was worshiped in Southern Gaul, in the region of Aquitania. She is a protector goddess that is thought to be associated with bears. The origin and meaning of her name are uncertain but appear to be of ancient Aquitanian origin and may be cognate with modern Basque arte "oak".
Artaimís f Irish
Irish form of Artemis, used in Irish translations of Greek myths.
Artaios m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Greek form of the Old Persian name *R̥tayah, derived from 𐎠𐎼𐎫 (arta) meaning "truth" and the adjectival suffix -𐎹 (⁠*-yaʰ⁠).
Artakama f Old Persian
Derived from Old Persian arta "truth, right, righteous" combined with Old Persian kāma "desire, wish". A well-known bearer of this name was Artakama, the second wife of Ptolemy I Soter I; her husband was the founder of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in ancient Egypt.
Artakamas m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Greek form of the Old Persian name *R̥takāma meaning "desiring Arta" or "wishing for truth", derived from 𐎠𐎼𐎫 (arta) meaning "truth" and 𐎣𐎠𐎶 (kama) meaning "wish, desire".
Artakserkso m Esperanto
Esperanto form of Artaxerxes.
Artal m Medieval Catalan, Catalan (Rare), Aragonese
Catalan and Aragonese cognate of Artald.
Ărtaman m Chuvash
Chuvash form of Artamon.
Artamon m Russian
Russian form of Artemon.
Artana f Albanian
Feminine form of Artan.
Artanis f Literature
Means "noble woman" in Quenya. Artanis was the given name of Galadriel, given to her by her father.
Artaphernes m Old Persian (Hellenized), History
Hellenized form of Artafarnah. This was the name of a brother of King Darius I of Persia.
Artas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Shortened form of names beginning with Art-, like Artūras and Artemijus.
Artashes m Armenian
Armenian form of Artaxes.
Artashir m Ancient Armenian
Old Armenian form of Artaxerxes.
Artastūnā f Old Persian
The name of a daughter of Cyrus the Great, meaning "pillar of Arta, the deified true".
Artautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Artautas.
Artaxias m Old Persian (Hellenized), Ancient Greek
Variant form of Artaxes. This was the name of the founder of the Artaxiad dynasty, who lived in the 2nd century BC.
Artaynte f Old Persian (Hellenized)
Meaning unknown. This name's only bearer was the wife of the crown prince Darius, who later committed adultery with Xerxes I. This name may be related to the similar masculine name Artayntes.
Artayntes m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Meaning unknown. This name was borne by a commander of Xerxes I, who almost killed Xerxes' brother Masistes in an argument, but Masistes was saved by Xenagoras, who was given rule of Cilicia because of this... [more]
Artazauštri f Old Persian
Old Persian form of Artazostre.
Artazostre f Old Persian (Hellenized), History
Hellenized form of Old Persian *Artazauštrī meaning "who is in favor of Arta/Ṛta, the deified Truth" or "who is devoted to Arta". This name was borne by a Persian princess (5th century BC); Artazostre was the daughter of Darius the Great by his wife Artystone.
Artė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Shortened form of names beginning with Art-, like Artūra and Artemidė.
Artea f Basque (Rare)
Basque name derived from arte.... [more]
Artek m Polish
Diminutive form of Artur.
Artelia f American (South, Archaic)
Of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a variant of Adelia, reflecting the Appalachian pronunciation.
Artelus m Romani (Latinized)
Possibly a Latinized form of Arthur or a masculine form of Arthelais.
Artema m Italian
Italian form of Artemas.
Ártemas m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Artemas.
Artemas m Ancient Greek, Biblical, Polish (Archaic)
Presumably a short form or contraction of Artemidoros (compare Zenas, Alexas, Phileas)... [more]
Artemasz m Hungarian
Hungarian variant of Artemon.
Artèmi m Lengadocian, Gascon
Languedocian and Gascon form of Artemios.
Artemi f Greek
Modern Greek variant of Artemis.
Artemi m Catalan
Catalan form of Artemius.
Artémia f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Artemia.
Artemia f Spanish (Mexican), Italian (Tuscan, Rare), Sicilian, Polish
Italian and Spanish feminine form of Artemio, Sicilian feminine form of Artemiu and Polish feminine form of Artemiusz.
Artemide f Georgian (Archaic), Italian (Rare)
Georgian and Italian form of Artemis.... [more]
Artemidė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Artemis.
Artemidor m German, Polish
German and Polish form of Artemidoros.
Artemidoro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Artemidoros.
Artemij m Russian
Variant transcription of Artemiy.
Artemija f Croatian
Croatian form of Artemis.
Artemije m Serbian (Rare)
Variant form of Artemios.
Artemijs m Latvian
Latvian form of Artemiy.
Artemijus m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Artemios.
Artêmio m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Artemius.
Artemis m Greek
Variant of Artemios.
Artemisa f Spanish, Albanian, Galician
Spanish, Albanian and Galician form of Artemis.
Artemisi m Catalan
Catalan form of Artemisios.
Artemísio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Artemisius via Artemisios.
Artemiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Artemio.
Artemiusz m Polish
Polish form of Artemios.
Artemiya f Russian
Russian form of Artemia.
Artemiz f Turkish (Rare)
Turkish form of Artemis.
Artemiziya f Ukrainian (Rare)
Ukrainian form of Artemisia. Artemiziya Halytska (1912-1985) was an Ukrainian nationalist.
Artemó m Catalan
Catalan form of Artemon.
Artemón m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Artemon.
Artemonas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Artemon.
Artemone m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Italian
Italian and Latinized form of Artemon.
Artemono m Esperanto
Esperanto form of Artemon.
Artesia f Theatre, Arthurian Cycle
Likely from Artois, the name of a region in France (for which "artesian wells" are named), itself derived from Atrebates, a Belgic tribe that inhabited the region of Gaul and Britain during Julius Caesar's time; Atrebates is cognate with Irish aittrebaid meaning "inhabitant".... [more]
Artghal m Irish
Variant of Ardghal.
Artgnou m Medieval Breton
Old Breton form of Artognou.
Artham m Literature
Variant of Arthur, used in Andrew Peterson's Wingfeather Saga. The character was inspired by the author's brother, Arthur.
Arthas m Popular Culture (?)
The name of a character from the online game 'World of Warcraft'. It is obviously derived from the name Arthus.
Arthelais f History (Ecclesiastical)
Saint Arthelais (544–560) is venerated as a Christian saint.... [more]
Arthello m Obscure
Possibly a blend of Arthur and Othello.
Arthenia f African American
Possibly a variant of Parthenia.
Arther m English
Variant of Arthur.
Arthi f Indian, Tamil
Arthi is a Balmiki ritual, similar in form to the Hindu practice of Aarti in which light from wicks soaked in ghee or camphor is offered to Bhagawan Valmiki. Arthi is a form of bhakti devotion. The word also refers to the traditional devotional song that is sung during the ritual.... [more]
Arthitaya f Thai
Alternate transcription of Athittaya.
Arthittaya f Thai
Alternate transcription of Athittaya.
Arthlyn f Jamaican Patois (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Possibly intended as a feminization of Arthur.
Arthon m Thai
Alternate transcription of Athon.
Arthor m English
Variant of Arthur.
Árþóra f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic variant of Arnþóra.
Arthorn m Thai
Alternate transcription of Athon.
Arthouros m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Arthur.
Arthura f English (Rare)
Feminized version of Arthur.
Arthuria f American (Rare)
Feminine form of Arthur.