Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Tomino f Japanese
From Japanese 登 (to) meaning "sugar", 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Tomio m Japanese
From Japanese 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Tomiquia m & f Nahuatl
Means "our death" or "the death of us", from Nahuatl to- "our", a possessive prefix, and miquiztli "death, mortality".
Tomira f Polish
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a contracted form of Tomimira, itself derived from the Slavic elements tomiti "torture" and miru"peace, world", and a short form of names like Świętomira.
Tomisav m Vlach
Vlach form of Thomas.
Tomisław m Polish
Polish form of Tomislav.
Tomisława f Polish
Polish cognate of Tomislava.
Tomiszláv m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Tomislav
Tomito m Japanese
From Japanese 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Tomiye f Japanese
Variant transcription of Tomie.
Tómk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Tomôsz.
Tomka f Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian female version of Tomislav or Toma 2.
Tomke m & f German, Frisian, Dutch
Possibly a diminutive and/or feminine form of Tammo, where Frisian usage is concerned. It is also seen as a diminutive for Thomas, and could also possibly be a Low German form of Dominik.
Tomkin m Medieval English
Medieval diminutive of Thomas.
Tomko m Polish
Diminutive of Tomasz.
Tomli f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Tom 2 and Li 2.
Tomlin m Medieval English
Middle English diminutive of Thomas via its short form Tom 1.
Tommas m Cornish, Danish (Rare)
Cornish form and Danish variant of Thomas.
Tommasa f Italian
Feminine form of Tommaso.
Tommasina f Italian
Italian form of Thomasina.
Tommasu m Sardinian
Campidanese and Sassarese form of Thomas.
Tommasuccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Tommaso, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.... [more]
Tommen m Popular Culture, Literature, German (Modern, Rare)
Tommen Baratheon is the name of a royal character from the Song of Ice and Fire books by GRR Martin and the TV show Game of Thrones based upon the former. ... [more]
Tommes m Limburgish
Limburgish form of Thomas.
Tommi f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Tommy.
Tommo m English (Rare), Medieval Italian, Literature
English diminutive of Thomas and medieval Italian short form of Tommaso.... [more]
Tommuccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Tomma and Tommo, which are both short forms of Tommaso.... [more]
Tommye m & f English
Variant of Tommie.
Tómnat f Medieval Irish
Irish feminine form of Tómmán.
Tomoaki m Japanese
From Japanese 寛 (tomo) meaning "tolerant" combined with 暁 (aki) meaning "dawn, daybreak". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Tomoha f Japanese
From Japanese 朋 (tomo) meaning "friend" combined with 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf, needle, blade (of a plant)". This name can be formed of other kanji characters as well.
Tomohiko m Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 友 (tomo) meaning "friend, companion, comrade" or 知 (tomo) meaning "to know, wisdom" or 智 (tomo) meaning "intellect, knowledge, wisdom" or 朝 (tomo) meaning "morning, Imperial court, dynasty" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "accomplished young man; prince".... [more]
Tomohito m Japanese
From Japanese 智 (tomo) meaning "knowledge, wisdom" combined with 仁 (hito) meaning "benevolence". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.... [more]
Tomoho f Japanese
From Japanese 友 (tomo) meaning "friend" combined with 穂 (ho) meaning "ear of grain". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tomoi f Veps
Veps form of Tamara.
Tomojirō m Japanese
From Japanese 友 (tomo) meaning "friend", 次 (ji) meaning "next" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters can also be possible.... [more]
Tomojirou m Japanese
Variant transcription of Tomojirō.
Tomoka f Japanese
This name combines 友 (yuu, tomo) meaning "friend", 智 (chi, tomo) meaning "intellect, reason, wisdom" or 朋 (hou, tomo) meaning "companion, friend " with 香 (kyou, kou, ka, kao.ri, meaning "incense, perfume, smell", 花 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower", 華 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower, gay, gorgeous, luster, ostentatious, petal, shine, showy, splendour" or 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good, pleasing, skilled."... [more]
Tomoki m Japanese
From Japanese 委 (tomo) meaning "committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard", 花 (tomo) meaning "flower", 皆 (tomo) meaning "all, everything", 共 (tomo) meaning "together, both, neither, all, and, alike, with", 具 (tomo) meaning "tool, utensil, means, possess, ingredients, counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture", 丈 (tomo) meaning "length", 誠 (tomo) meaning "sincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity", 曹 (tomo) meaning "office, official, comrade, fellow", 大 (tomo) meaning "big, great", 知 (tomo) meaning "know, wisdom", 智 (tomo) meaning "wisdom, intellect, reason", 朝 (tomo) meaning "morning", 悌 (tomo) meaning "serving our elders", 伴 (tomo) meaning "consort, accompany, bring with, companion", 朋 (tomo) meaning "companion, friend", 睦 (tomo) meaning "intimate, friendly, harmonious" or 友 (tomo) meaning "friend" combined with 紀 (ki) meaning "chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period", 綺 (ki) meaning "figured cloth, beautiful", 生 (ki) meaning "life, genuine, birth", 基 (ki) meaning "fundamental", 輝 (ki) meaning "radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle", 樹 (ki) meaning "tree", 貴 (ki) meaning "precious, value, prize, esteem, honor", 己 (ki) meaning "self", 器 (ki) meaning "utensil, vessel, receptacle, implement, instrument, ability, container, tool, set", 幾 (ki) meaning "how many, how much, how far, how long, some, several", 機 (ki) meaning "loom, mechanism, machine, airplane, opportunity, potency, efficacy, occasion", 季 (ki) meaning "seasons", 記 (ki) meaning "scribe, account, narrative", 甲 (ki) meaning "armor, high (voice), A grade, first class, former, instep, carapace", 来 (ki) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become", 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice", 希 (ki) meaning "hope, beg, request", 毅 (ki) meaning "strong", 規 (ki) meaning "standard, measure", 城 (ki) meaning "castle", 暉 (ki) meaning "shine, light", 葵 (ki) meaning "hollyhock", 亀 (ki) meaning "tortoise, turtle" or 禧 (ki) meaning "fortunate, auspicious"... [more]
Tomono f Japanese
From Japanese 朝 (tomo) meaning "morning" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Tömör m Mongolian
Means "iron" in Mongolian, of Turkic origin.
Tomor m Albanian, Albanian Mythology
Father Tomor is the personification of Mount Tomorr, also known as Mount Tomor in Albanian, a mountain range which includes the highest peak in central Albania. Mount Tomorr is considered the home of the gods in central Albanian popular belief... [more]
Tomôsz m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Thomas.
Tomotake m Japanese
From 智 (tomo, chi) meaning "wisdom, intellect" or 朋 (tomo) meaning "friend" combined with 丈 (take) meaning "unit of length equal based on 10 shaku", 剛 (take, go, tsuyoi) meaning "sturdy", or 勇 (take, isamu) meaning "courage, bravery"... [more]
Tomoyo f Japanese
Several different possible kanji spellings, all of them roughly meaning "wise age." (智代, 知世, 智世)
Tomoyuki m Japanese
From Japanese 智 (tomo) meaning "knowledge, wisdom", 臣 (tomo) meaning "one who serves a lord; a vassal, subject", 知 (tomo) meaning "to know, wisdom" or 友 (tomo) meaning "friend" combined with 幸 (yuki) meaning "happiness"... [more]
Tompa m Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Tomas, Tommy, and in some rare cases, Torbjörn.
Tomris f Turkish
Modern Turkish form of Tomyris.
Tomsin f Cornish (Archaic)
Contracted form of Thomasin.
Tomtom m Filipino
Diminutive of Tomas and Thomas.
Tömu m German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of Thomas.
Tomu m & f Japanese (Modern)
This name combines 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten", 登 (shou, chou, to, tou, dou, a.garu, meaning "ascend, climb up", (to, tou) meaning "Big Dipper, sake dipper", 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis", 富 (fu, fuu, tomi, meaning "abundant, enrich, wealth" or 吐 (to, tsu.ku, ha.ku) meaning "belch, confess, spit, tell (lies), vomit" with 夢 (bou, mu, kura.i, yume, yume.miru) meaning "dream, illusiom, vision."... [more]
Tömür m Uyghur
Uyghur cognate of Timur.
Tomuś m Polish
Diminutive of Tomasz.
Tomutenda m Shona
Meaning “we give thanks to him”, a longer form of the name is Tomutendaishe, whilst Tom is the shorter form.
Tomy m French
Variant of Tommy.
Tomya f English (Rare)
Probably a variant of Tonya, influenced by Tom 1.
Tomyla f Medieval Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Tomila.
Tön m Romansh
Short form of Antoni, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Tóna m Kashubian
Diminutive of Antón and Antoni.
Töna m Romansh
Short form of Antoni, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Tona f Dutch, Scandinavian, Spanish, African American
Diminutive of Antonia. In Scandinavia it is also used as a variant of Tone (the Norwegian form of Þone).... [more]
Tona m Romansh
Variant of Töna.
Tōnacācihuātl f Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Derived from Nahuatl tōnac meaning "abundance" and cihuātl "woman, lady". This was the name of an Aztec goddess of fertility.
Tonal m Nahuatl
Older form of Tonalli, meaning "day, sun, solar heat, life force" in Nahuatl.
Tonaloxochitl f Nahuatl
From the name of a type of red orchid (species Bletia coccinea) commonly known as the brick red bletia in English. Ultimately derived from tonalli "day, warmth of the sun" and xōchitl "flower".
Tonantzin f Aztec and Toltec Mythology, Mexican
Means "our dear mother" or "our sacred mother" in Nahuatl, from to- "our" combined with nantli "mother" and the diminutive or reverential suffix tzin... [more]
Tonapet m Armenian
Means "chief, host of a festival" in Armenian.
Tonček m Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive form of Anton and Antonio via Toni 1.
Tončica f Slovene
Diminutive of Antonija.
Tončika f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Tonček.
Tončka f Slovene
Originally a diminutive of Antonija, used as a given name in its own right.
Toncsi m & f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Tonči.
Tonda m Sorbian (Archaic), Literature
Sorbian short form or diminutive of Anton. In the literary world, Tonda is a character in Otfried Preußler's novel 'Krabat'.
Tondalaya f African American
The (misspelled) name of an 11 year old girl featured in the 'Jet' magazine in 1955.... [more]
Tondelayo f Popular Culture
The title character of a film in 1942.... [more]
Tóne m Portuguese
Diminutive of Antonio.
Tonecas m Portuguese
Diminutive of António.
Tonecho m Galician
Diminutive of Anton.
Tonecocal m Nahuatl
Meaning uncertain. Possibly means "our useful thing", derived from Nahuatl to- "our" and necoca "usefulness (of something)".
Tonee f & m English
Variant of Toni 2 or Tony.
Tonel m Portuguese
Diminutive of the double names António Manuel or António Leonel.
Tönet m Romansh
Diminutive of Tön, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Tonet f Catalan
Diminutive of Antoni and Antonia.
Tonette f English (Modern, Rare)
Likely a (slightly corrupted) short form of Antoinette.
Toney m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Tony or Toni 2.
Tongchang f Chinese
From the Chinese 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion" and 嫦 (cháng), the name of a moon goddess.
Tonger m Frisian
Frisian form of Thor.
Tongjue f Chinese
From the Chinese 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion" and 珏 (jué) meaning "two pieces of jade joined together".
Tongling f Chinese
From the Chinese 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion" and 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade".
Tongmei f Chinese
From the Chinese 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion" or 瞳 (tóng) meaning "pupil of the eye" and 美 (měi) meaning "beauty, beautiful".
Tongxuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion" or 瞳 (tóng) meaning "pupil of the eye" and 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful jade" or "star".
Tongying f Chinese
From the Chinese 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion" or 同 (tóng) meaning "same, similar" and 璎 (yīng) meaning "necklace of precious stones" or 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous".
Tonhão m Portuguese
Diminutive of Antonio.
Tonho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Antonio.
Tòni m Provençal
Short form of Antòni.
Töni m Romansh
Short form of Antoni, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Toñi f Spanish
Diminutive of Antonia.
Toni f German (Rare)
Short form of Oluwatoniloba.... [more]
Toni m Georgian
When written as თონი, this name is a short form of Tornike. But when written as ტონი, it is a short form of names that end in -ტონ (-ton), such as Anton and Meliton.... [more]
Tònia f Catalan
Diminutive of Antonia.
Tonia f Polish
Diminutive of Antonina.
Tonia f Sardinian, Romansh
Short form of Antonia.
Tonibler m Albanian (Modern, Rare), Kosovar (Modern, Rare)
Derived from the name of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Tonica f Slovene
Diminutive of Antonija, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Tonica f Portuguese
Diminutive of Antónia, a shortening of Antonica.
Tonicha f African American (Rare), English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Tanisha. In the case of the Portuguese singer Tonicha (1946-), born Antónia de Jesus Montes Tonicha, it is apparently from her surname.
Tonička f Czech (Rare)
Diminutive of Antonie 1, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Tonico m Portuguese
Diminutive of Antonio.
Tonie m & f English
Variant of Tony and Toni 2.
Tonija f Slovene
Short form of Antonija.
Tonika f Slovene (Rare)
Diminutive of Antonija, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Tonimir m Bulgarian, Croatian
The first element of this name is possibly derived from Russian tónkij or tónkiy "thin, slim, slender", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic tьnъkъ "thin". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
Toñín m Spanish
Diminutive of Antonio.
Tonine f Albanian
Feminine form of Tonin.
Toninha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Antónia.
Tonis m Greek, Medieval Baltic
Greek short form of Antonios and Antonis and medieval Latvian short form of Antonijs.
Tonisha f English (Modern)
Combination of the popular name element Ton (from names such as Antonia) and the common name suffix sha.
Tonislav m Bulgarian
The first element of this name is possibly derived from Russian tónkij or tónkiy "thin, slim, slender", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic tьnъkъ "thin". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
Tonislava f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Tonislav.
Tonita f African American
Posibbly a diminutive of Tonia.
Tönius m German
German diminutive of Antonius.
Tonja f Danish, Finnish, Slovene (Rare)
Slovene short form of Antonija and Scandinavian short form of Antonia as well as a variant of Tonje.
Tonke f & m Dutch (Rare)
A Dutch hypochoristic form of Antonia or Antonius.... [more]
Tonko m Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene diminutive of Anton or Antonio.
Tõnn m Estonian
Originally a short form of Tõnis, now used as a given name in its own right.
Tönnes m Swedish (Rare)
Originally a German variant of Tönius, a diminutive of Antonius.
Tønni f Norwegian
Norwegian dialectal variant of Torny.
Tonnie m & f Dutch
Diminutive form of Ton and pet form of Antonia, depending on the sex of the bearer.
Tönnies m German
German variant of Tönius.
Tonnis m Dutch (Rare), Medieval Baltic
Short form of Antonius, which was possibly inspired by the more popular Teunis. As a medieval Latvian name, it is a variant of Tonis.
Tonnus m Dutch (Rare)
Variant form of Tonnis. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch writer and poet Tonnus Oosterhoff (b. 1953).
Tonny m & f Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, Central African
Variant of Toni 1 and Toni 2, which are short forms of Anton and Antonia respectively... [more]
Tono m Georgian (Rare)
Short form of Tornike.
Tonraq m Popular Culture
Means either "a tiny man" or a "spirit" or "ghost". Name of Korra's father from Legend of Korra.
Tonton m Walloon
Diminutive of names ending in -ton.
Tönu m German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of Anthony.
Tonwen f Welsh
Means "white wave" in Welsh. Tonwen (or simply Gwen) was the mother of Saint Cybi and sister of Non (herself mother of Wales' patron saint, David)... [more]
Tonye m & f Ijaw
Short form of Ayibatonye.
Tonying m Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Antonio.
Tonyna f Medieval Occitan
Possibly a shortening of Anthonia.
Tonyo m Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Antonio.
Took m Scots
Diminutive of Tom 1.
Toom m Estonian
Short form of Toomas.
Tooni f Estonian (Rare)
Diminutive of Antonia, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Toornavia f Greenlandic
Younger form of Tôrnavia.
Toornivia m Greenlandic
Younger form of Tôrnivia.
Toortia f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Dorthea.
Toos f Dutch
Short form of Antonia, Catharina and Cato 2. The -s might possibly indicate that the name originated from a diminutive of these names, such as Teunisje for Antonia (variants include Tonisje, Toonisje and Toonsje) and the extremely rare Catoosje for Cato (see Catootje, which is much more common).
Tooske f Dutch
Diminutive of Toos, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke.... [more]
Tootie f English
Diminutive of Dorothy.
Tootiya f Persian
Means "zinc oxide". It is also Persian for a genus of sea urchins.
Toots m Estonian
Estonian name of Livonian origin.
Tootsie f English
Diminutive of Dorothy.
Topacia f Medieval
This is a female name used in the Medieval era. Probably a variant of Topazia, Topaz.
Topanga f Popular Culture, Indigenous American
Place name of an area in western Los Angeles County, California. The area was originally named by the Tongva people and may mean "a place above."... [more]
Topê m Portuguese
Diminutive of the composed name António Pedro.
Topeka f American (Modern, Rare), Indigenous American
From the name of the capital city of the US state of Kansas (see Topeka).... [more]
Topgay m Tibetan
Alternate transcription of Tibetan སྟོབས་རྒྱས (see Tobgay).
Toph f Popular Culture
Toph is the name of a character in Avatar: The Last Airbender (Avatar: The Legend of Aang in some regions), an American animated television series that aired on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008. Toph was written as 北方拓芙, giving her name the meaning "expanding lotus"... [more]
Toplica m Serbian (Rare)
A toponym literally meaning "warm river" (from the Slavic element topao, toplo ''warm''). Toplica is a river in southern Serbia which gave its name to Toplica District with the administrative center in the city of Prokuplje... [more]
Topsannah f Comanche (Anglicized, Rare)
Means "prairie flower" in Comanche.... [more]
Topsu m Finnish
Diminuitive of Topias, Tobias. Would be used for a baby or toddler.
To'qson m Uzbek
Means "ninety" or "the ninety days of winter" in Uzbek.
To'qsonsharif m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek to'qson meaning "ninety" or "the ninety days of winter" and sharif meaning "sacred, holy".
To'qsonsuluv f Uzbek
Derived from to'qson, refering to "the ninety days of winter" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Tor m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Means "turtle-dove" in Hebrew. The turtledove is a type of pigeon bird of small medium size. There are 16 species for this bird. The upper part is light brown and the lower part is in shades of pink-red... [more]
Tóra f Old Norse, Faroese
Old Norse variant and Faroese form of Þóra.
Torahiko m Japanese
From Japanese 虎 (tora) meaning "tiger" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Toraichi m Japanese
Tora means "tiger" and Ichi means "one." Ichi usually refers to a person if it's at the end of the name, such as, "the powerful one."
Toraki f Afghan
Variation of Taraki, used in reference to Nur Muhammad Taraki.
Torakusu m Japanese
From Japanese 寅 (tora) meaning "tiger" combined with 楠 (kusu) meaning "camphor tree". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Torán m Irish
Formed from a diminutive of tor ‘lord’, ‘hero’, ‘champion’.
Toran m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Torin.
Toran m Indian, Hindi
This name is derived from Hindi/Sanskrit तोरण (tōraṇa) meaning "festoon, archway."... [more]
Torarin m Norwegian
Norwegian form of Þórarinn.
Toras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Thor.
Torashi m Japanese
From Japanese 寅 (torashi, tora) meaning "sign of the tiger" or 虎 (torashi, tora) meaning "tiger, drunkard" combined with 史 (shi) meaning "history, chronicle", 司 (shi) meaning "director, official, govt office, rule, administer", 嗣 (shi) meaning "heir, succeed", 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai", 志 (shi) meaning "intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling" or 至 (shi) meaning "climax, arrive, proceed, reach, attain, result in"... [more]
Torasuke m Japanese
From Japanese 寅 (tora) meaning "the Tiger, the third of the twelve Earthly Branches" combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "help". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Torato m Japanese
From Japanese 虎 (tora) meaning "tiger" or 寅 (tora) meaning "sign of the tiger" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly" or 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything"... [more]
Torazou m Japanese
Variant transcription of Torazo.
Torberg m Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Þórbergr.
Tórbjørt f Faroese
Faroese variant of Torbjørt.
Torbjørt f Faroese
Faroese combination of þórr "thunder" and bjartr "light", "shining".
Torcado m Galician
Galician form of Torquatus and variant of Trocado.
Torcato m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Torquatus and variant of Torquato.
Torcuato m Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Torquatus.
Tordar m Norwegian
Either a variant form of Tord, a combination of Þórðr, Tord and herr "army" or þórr "thunder" and sufix -dar/-ðar.
Tordine f Norwegian (Rare)
Feminine form of Tord.
Tórdis f Faroese
Faroese variant of Tordis.
Tordur m Norwegian, Danish
Danish and Norwegian form of Þórður and Tórður.
Torea m Moriori
This name means oystercatcher. This was the name of a Owenga Moriori Chief named Torea Takarehe (d. 1876) who was the teacher of Moriori elder Hirawanu Tapu.
Torec m Arthurian Cycle (Dutchified)
Meaning uncertain. This is the name of the hero in a 13th-century Dutch romance by Jacob van Maerlant; for the love of a maiden, Sir Torec defeats all the Knights of the Round Table except Arthur.
Toree f & m American (Rare)
Variant of Tori and Tory
Töregene f Medieval Mongolian
Töregene Khatun (1242–1246) was the Great Khatun and regent of the Mongol Empire.
Torene f Walloon
Walloon form of Victorine.
Torevei m & f Shona
Means "What shall we say?". This is a name of exclamation or questioning given by a parent who is a lost for words regards the situation they are in
Torey m & f English
Variant of Tori and Tory.
Torfi m Icelandic, Old Norse
Variant of Þórviðr and Tiǫrvi. May also be derived directly from Old Norse torf "turf".
Torfríð f Faroese
Faroese form of Þórfríðr.
Torfríður m Faroese
Faroese younger form of Þórfreðr.
Torgal m Norwegian
Variant of Torgard.
Torgard m Norwegian
Norwegian form of Þorgarðr.
Torgaut m Old Norwegian, Medieval Scandinavian
Torgaut was the name of a Torgaut Jonson who was assumed to be the son of knight Jon Ragnvaldson who was the founder of the Smør house around the mid 13th century for being lord of Blindheim at the time, the Smør house was one of the few remaining original Norwegian houses that survived from being wiped out by the Black Plague.... [more]
Torgerð f Faroese
Faroese younger form of Þorgerðr.
Torgestur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þórgestr.
Torghva m Georgian (Rare), Folklore
Meaning unknown. In Georgian folklore, this is the name of a Khevsur hero from the village of Mutso in the historical Georgian province of Khevsureti.
Torgjerd f Norwegian
Norwegian form of Þorgerðr.
Torgrímur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þórgrímr.
Torgun f Swedish, Norwegian
Modern Swedish form of Thorgun.
Torgunn f Norwegian
Modern Norwegian form of Þórgunnr.
Tórhallur m Faroese
Faroese form of Þórhallr.
Torhthere m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements torht "bright, shiny" and here "army". This was the name of an 8th century Bishop of Hereford.
Torhtræd m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements torht "bright, shiny" and ræd "advice, counsel, wisdom". This was the name of Torthred of Thorney, a saint and hermit of the 9th century.
Tóri m Faroese
Faroese form of Thori.
Tōri f & m Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 桃李, 冬里, 桃里, 桃梨, 桃理, 冬莉, 東李, 東里 or 桐璃 with 桃 (tou, momo) meaning "peach tree", 冬 (tou, fuyu) meaning "winter", 東 (tou, higashi) meaning "east", 桐 (tou, dou, kiri) meaning "paulownia", 李 (ri, sumomo) meaning "plum", 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village", 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree", 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth", 莉 (rai, ri, rei) meaning "jasmine" and 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli."... [more]
Toriana f American (Rare)
Combination of Tori and Ana.
Toriano m African American
Perhaps originally a short form of Victoriano. This name was borne by American musician Toriano 'Tito' Jackson (1953-2024), a member of the Jackson 5.
Toribia f Spanish
Feminine form of Toribio.
Torie f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Tory or Tori.
Toriel f Popular Culture
This is the name of a character in the RPG Undertale. Her name is a pun off of "tutorial" as she guides you through the ruins and shows you how the game works.
Torild m Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Thorild, a Swedish dialectal form of Thorald.
Torin m Spanish
Diminutive of Hector.
Torine f Norwegian
Variant of Torina.
Tórir m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þórir.
Torje m Norwegian
Norwegian variant of Torgeir.
Torjus m Norwegian
Variant of Torgils.
Törkell m Swedish (Rare, Archaic)
Former Swedish dialectal variant of Thorketil.
Torkil m Norwegian, Danish, Faroese
Modern form of the Old Norse name Þórketill meaning "Thor's cauldron".
Torkild m Danish
Danish younger form of Thorkil.
Torkjel m Norwegian
Norwegian dialectal variant of Torkjell.
Torkora m Basque
Basque form of Torquatus.
Torkvat m Croatian
Croatian form of Torquatus.
Torkvatas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Torquatus.
Torlacus m Old Danish
Latinized form of Þórlakr.
Torlaug f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Þórlaug.
Torleik m Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
Norwegian younger form of Þórleikr.
Torleiv m Norwegian
Norwegian form of Þorleifr.
Torleivur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þórlæifr.
Torlek m Danish (Rare)
Danish modern form of Þórlæikr.
Torlif m Danish (Rare)
Danish variant of Torleif.
Torlof m Swedish (Rare)
Modern Swedish form of Thorlof.
Torluk m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Tordluk.
Tormach m Scottish Gaelic
Gaelic form of Þórmóðr, effectively a cognate of Tormod.
Tormi m Estonian
Variant of Torm.
Tormóður m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Þórmóðr.
Tormund m Norwegian, Literature, Popular Culture
Modern Norwegian form of Þórmundr. Tormund Giantsbane is a character in the book series 'A Song of Ice and Fire' (1996-present) by American author George R. R. Martin, and the TV series 'Game of Thrones' (2011-2019).
Tornarsuk m Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Tornarsuk is a god of the underworld and head of the protective gods known as the tornat.
Tôrnavia f Greenlandic
Greenlandic short form of toornaviarsuk meaning "harlequin duck".
Törner m Swedish (Rare)
Modern form of the Old Swedish name Thyrnir meaning "thorn, spike", ultimately derived from Old Norse þyrnir.
Torngasoak m Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Torngasoak is a very powerful sky god, one of the more important deities in the Inuit pantheon. Leader of the Tornat.
Torngínguaĸ f Greenlandic
Combination of Tornge and witht the suffix -nnguaq meaning ('sweet, dear')
Tornginnguaq f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Torngínguaĸ.
Tornil m Aragonese
Short form of Satornil.
Torodd m Norwegian
Norwegian form of Þóroddr.
Tóroddur m Faroese
Faroese form of Þóroddr.
Torolf m Norwegian
Modern form of Þórolfr.
Toromona m Tahitian
Tahitian form of Solomon.
Toroq m Greenlandic
Younger form of Toroĸ.