Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Theopistos m Late Greek, Greek (Rare)Derived from the Greek adjective θεόπιστος
(theopistos) meaning "faithful to God", which consists of the Greek noun θεός
(theos) meaning "god" and the Greek adjective πιστός
(pistos) meaning "faithful, trusty" (also see
Theopompos m Ancient GreekMeans "sent by the gods, godsent" in Greek, ultimately derived from θεός
(theos) meaning "god, deity; divine" and πέμπω
(pempo) meaning "to send, conduct, escort"... [
Theopoula f GreekMeans "daughter of god" from Greek θεος
(theos) "god" combined with the patronymic suffix -πουλος
Theosebia f Late Greek (Latinized)Derived from the Greek noun θεοσέβεια
(theosebeia) meaning "service" as well as "fear of God", which consists of Greek θεός
(theos) meaning "god" combined with Greek σέβας
(sebas) meaning "respect, reverential awe"... [
Theosteriktos m Late GreekDerived from the Greek adjective θεοστήρικτος
(theosteriktos) meaning "supported by God", which consists of the Greek noun θεός
(theos) meaning "god" and the Greek adjective στηρικτός
(steriktos) meaning "solid, firmly based".... [
Theostichos m Late GreekDerived from the Greek noun θεός
(theos) meaning "god" combined with the Greek noun στίχος
(stichos) meaning "row". Also compare the related Greek noun στοῖχος
(stoichos) meaning "row in an ascending series"... [
Theoteknos m Late GreekMeans "child of God", derived from the Greek noun θεός
(theos) meaning "god" combined with the Greek noun τέκνον
(teknon) meaning "child".... [
Theotonius m History (Ecclesiastical)Theotonius of Coimbra (c. 1082 - 1162) was a Canon Regular and royal advisor. He is noted in Portugal, for being the first prior of the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Coimbra, Portugal. He is celebrated as the reformer of religious life in Portugal, and is the first Portuguese saint.
Theoxena f Ancient GreekFeminine form of
Theoxenos. This name was borne by several Greek noblewomen, one of which was a stepdaughter of Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt.
Theoxenos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek noun θεός
(theos) meaning "god" combined with Greek ξένος
(xenos) meaning "foreign, strange" as well as "foreigner, guest".
The-Peace-of-God m & f English (Puritan)Referring to Colossians 3:15, "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."
Theraephone f Greek Mythology (Latinized)Latinized form of Greek Θηραιφόνη
(Theraiphone), which probably means "slayer of wild beasts" from Greek θήρ
(ther) "a wild beast, beast of prey" or θήρα
(thera) meaning "the hunting of wild beasts, the chase", which is ultimately derived from θηράω
(therao) "to hunt, to chase", combined with φόνος
(phonos) "murder, slaughter"... [
Þerfr m Old NorseFrom Old Norse
þjarfr meaning "insipid, flat, unleavened (of bread)".
Theriault m French (Quebec)A bearer of the surname from the Angoumois region of France was documented as Thériault or Terriot in Sainte-Famille, Quebec, in 1713, with the secondary surname Granmaison.
Therikles m Ancient GreekThe first element of this name is probably derived from Greek θήρα
(thera) meaning "the hunting of wild beasts, the chase", which is ultimately derived from Greek θηράω
(therao) "to hunt, to chase"... [
Thero f Greek MythologyA nymph of Greek mythology and according to some accounts the nurse of the god
Ares. Her name is directly derived from
θηρ (ther) referring to a wild, carnivorous animal, but as she was a nymph of a town named Therapne, from the same root, it is more probable that she was named after the place.
Théroigne f French (Belgian, Rare)A pseudonym based off of the birth surname of Théroigne de Méricourt (1762-1817), a leading feminist in the first years of the French Revolution, who was born Anne-Josèphe
Terwagne in Wallonia (Belgium).
Thersagoras m Ancient GreekThe first element of this name is derived from the Aeolic Greek noun θέρσος
(thersos) meaning "courage, confidence, audacity". The second element is derived from either the Greek verb ἀγορεύω
(agoreuo) meaning "to orate, to speak publicly" or the Greek noun ἀγορά
(agora), which can mean "assembly" as well as "market, marketplace".... [
Thersandros m Greek MythologyDerived from the Aeolic Greek noun θέρσος
(thersos) meaning "courage, confidence, audacity" combined with Greek ἀνδρός
(andros) meaning "of a man".
Thersilochos m Ancient Greek, Greek MythologyDerived from the Aeolic Greek noun θέρσος
(thersos) meaning "courage, confidence, audacity" combined with the Greek noun λόχος
(lochos) meaning "ambush", a word that later came to signify a tactical sub unit of the ancient Greek army... [
Thersippos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Aeolic Greek noun θέρσος
(thersos) meaning "courage, confidence, audacity" combined with the Greek noun ἵππος
(hippos) meaning "horse".
Thesan f Etruscan MythologyIn Etruscan mythology, Thesan was the Etruscan goddess of the dawn, divination and childbirth (as well as a love-goddess) and was associated with the generation of life. Her name is derived from Etruscan
thesan "divination".
Thespia f Greek MythologyPossibly derived from Greek θέσπις
(thespis) meaning "having words from god, inspired" or "divine, wondrous, awful". This was the name of a nymph in Greek mythology.
Thespis m Greek MythologyAccording to Ancient Greek sources, Thespis was the first person to appear on stage as an actor.
Thessalonike f Ancient GreekMeans "victory in Thessaly" from Greek Θεσσαλός
(Thessalos) "Thessalian" and νίκη
(nike) "victory". This was the name of a 4th-century BC Macedonian princess, the daughter of king Philip II by his Thessalian wife or concubine, Nicesipolis, and as such a half-sister of Alexander the Great... [
Thessaly f EnglishThessaly is a traditional geographic and modern administrative region of Greece, comprising most of the ancient region of the same name. This name is borne by Thessaly Lerner, American stage, film and voice actress.
Theta f English (Rare)From Ancient Greek
thē̂ta, thī́ta is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, derived from the Phoenician letter
Theudebert m Germanic, HistoryMeans "bright people", derived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old High German
beraht "bright." Theudebert I was a 6th-century Merovingian king, grandson of Clovis I through his father Theuderic I.
Theudebod m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Gothic
biutan "to offer" or Old High German
boto "bid, offer."
Theudebrand m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old Norse
brand "sword."
Theudeburg f GermanicThe first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element
þeud "people." The second element is derived from Gothic
bairgan (
bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German
burg "fortress."
Theudefrid m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old High German
fridu "peace."
Theudegard f GermanicThe first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element
þeud "people." The second element is derived from
gardan "to hedge in, to enclose, to fence in" or from Gothic
gards "house, garden, (court)yard."
Theudegild f GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Gothic
gild "sacrifice."
Theudegisel m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with
gisel "hostage" or "pledge."
Theudegotho m GermanicThe first element of this Germanic name is derived from
þeud "people." The second element refers to the Goths (a Germanic tribe) who derive their name from Gothic
giutan "to pour."
Theudegrim m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old Norse
grîma "mask."
Theudegund f GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old High German
gund "war."
Theudehad m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old High German
hadu "battle."
Theudehar m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old High German
hari "army."
Theudehard m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Gothic
hardus (
hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Theudehelm m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old High German
helm "helmet, protection".
Theudehild f GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old Norse
hildr "battle."
Theudeman m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with
man "man."
Theudemund m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old High German
mund "protection."
Theuderad m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old High German
rât "counsel."
Theuderam m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with
hraban or
hramn "raven."
Theudewald m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Gothic
valdan "to reign."
Theudewin m GermanicMeans "friend of the people", derived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Old High German
wini "friend."
Theudhard m GermanFrom the Germanic elements
theod "people, race" and
hard "hardy, brave, strong".
Theudis m GothicTheudis was king of the Visigoths in Hispania from 531 to 548.
Theudulf m GermanicDerived from the Germanic element
þeud "people" combined with Gothic
vulfs "wolf."
Theya f Dutch (Rare)Dutch variant spelling of
Thea and
Theia. The only bearer of this name that I know of, is Theya Schilt (1948-2016), a Dutch artist who was also the wife of the Dutch television host and producer Han Peekel (b... [
Thiam m ThaiMeans "yoke, harness" or "equal" in Thai.
Thian m & f ChinMeans "clear, clean" in Hakha Chin.
Thianchai m ThaiFrom Thai เธียร
(thian) meaning "clever, wise, intelligent" and ชัย
(chai) meaning "victory".
Thidarat f ThaiFrom Thai ธิดา
(thida) meaning "daughter, girl" and รัตน
(rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Thiên m & f VietnameseFrom Sino-Vietnamese 天
(thiên) meaning "sky, heaven".
Thiện m VietnameseFrom Sino-Vietnamese 善
(thiện) meaning "good, kind, moral".
Thiệp m & f VietnameseFrom Sino-Vietnamese 涉
(thiệp) meaning "wade, ford, experience, undergo".
Thiều m & f VietnameseFrom Sino-Vietnamese 韶
(thiều) meaning "splendid, glorious, beautiful".
Thiệu m VietnameseFrom Sino-Vietnamese 紹
(thiệu) meaning "continue, carry on".
Thijsje m & f DutchWhen borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (
Thijs) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix
-je to the original name... [
Thilak m SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit तिलक
(tilaka) meaning "mark, dot, ornament".
Thìn m & f VietnameseFrom Sino-Vietnamese 辰
(thìn) meaning "early morning", also referring to the fifth Earthly Branch (7 AM to 9 AM), which is itself associated with the dragon of the Chinese zodiac.
Thin f ObscureFrank Zappa named his daughter Diva Thin Muffin in 1979.
Thin f & m BurmeseMeans "fragrant, aromatic" in Burmese.
Thingerad m GermanicThe first element of this Germanic name is derived from Anglo-Saxon
thing, which can have several meanings: "thing," "cause," "gathering" or "council." As such,
thing is related to Old High German
dingôn "to judge, to condemn" and
dingjan "to hope." The second element in this name comes from Old High German
rât "counsel."
Thingmund m GermanicThe first element of this Germanic name is derived from Anglo-Saxon
thing, which can have several meanings: "thing," "cause," "gathering" or "council." As such,
thing is related to Old High German
dingôn "to judge, to condemn" and
dingjan "to hope." The second element in this name comes from Old High German
mund "protection."
Thingol m LiteratureThe King of Doriath and High King of the Sindar in 'The Silmarillion' by J.R.R. Tolkien. He was the husband of Melian and father of Luthien. His name, which is an honorific, means "Greycloak" in Quenya from
thind "grey" and
coll "mantle".
Thingulf m GermanicThe first element of this Germanic name is derived from Anglo-Saxon
thing, which can have several meanings: "thing," "cause," "gathering" or "council." As such,
thing is related to Old High German
dingôn "to judge, to condemn" and
dingjan "to hope." The second element in this name comes from Gothic
vulfs "wolf."
Thingund f GermanicThe first element of this Germanic name is derived from Anglo-Saxon
thing, which can have several meanings: "thing," "cause," "gathering" or "council." As such,
thing is related to Old High German
dingôn "to judge, to condemn" and
dingjan "to hope." The second element in this name comes from Old High German
gund "war."
Thingwin m GermanicThe first element of this Germanic name is derived from Anglo-Saxon
thing, which can have several meanings: "thing," "cause," "gathering" or "council." As such,
thing is related to Old High German
dingôn "to judge, to condemn" and
dingjan "to hope." The second element in this name comes from Old High German
wini "friend."
Thịnh m & f VietnameseFrom Sino-Vietnamese 盛
(thịnh) meaning "prosperous, thriving, flourishing".
Thiota f GermanicOld High German name derived from the Proto-Germanic
theudō meaning "people","nation","folk". The present day adjective
deutsch derivated from
thiota. The only known person with this name was a heretical Christian prophetess from Alemannia who in 847 began prophesying that the world would end that year.
Thiphaine f FrenchFrench cognate of
Tiffany which had fallen out of usage after the Middle Ages and was rediscovered in the 1970s. The fact that in modern times this name is most commonly used in Brittany has led folk etymology to believe that this was a Breton name.
Thipphaphone f LaoFrom Lao ທິບ
(thip) meaning "heaven, sky" and ພອນ
(phone) meaning "blessing".
Thippharat f ThaiFrom Thai ทิพ
(thip) meaning "heaven, sky" and รัตน์
(rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Thipphavanh f & m LaoFrom Lao ທິບພະ
(thippha) meaning "heaven, sky" and ວັນ
(vanh) meaning "sun, day".
Thipphawan f ThaiFrom Thai ทิพ
(thip) meaning "heaven, sky" and วรรณ
(wan) meaning "colour, tint".
Thira m ThaiMeans "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" in Thai.
Thirachai m ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and ชัย
(chai) meaning "victory".
Thiradet m ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and เดช
(det) meaning "power, might, authority".
Thiraphat m ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and ภัทร
(phat) meaning "magnificent, glorious, excellent".
Thiraphon m ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and พล
(phon) meaning "force, strength, power".
Thiraphon f ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and พร
(phon) meaning "blessing".
Thiraphong m ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and พงศ์
(phong) meaning "lineage, family, race".
Thirasak m ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and ศักดิ์
(sak) meaning "power".
Thirawan f ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and วรรณ
(wan) meaning "colour, tint".
Thirawat m ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and วัฒน์
(wat) meaning "prosperity, culture, development".
Thirawut m ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and วุฒิ
(wut) meaning "knowledge".
Thirayut m ThaiFrom Thai ธีร
(thira) meaning "scholar, philosopher, wise, learned" and ยุทธ
(yut) meaning "war, battle".
Thiriel m LiteratureIn the mythological writings of William Blake, Thiriel is the first son of Urizen. There is a possible confusion with Tiriel, the protagonist of the first prophetic book, of that name.