Italian Submitted Names

Italian names are used in Italy and other Italian-speaking regions such as southern Switzerland. See also about Italian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Teodolinda f Italian, Spanish (Rare), Galician, Portuguese (Rare), Hungarian
Italian, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese and Hungarian form of Theodelind.
Teodorico m Italian (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Galician
Italian, Portuguese, Galician and Spanish form of Theodoric.
Teodorina f Italian, Romanian, Bulgarian
Rare feminine form of Teodor, variant of Teodora.
Teodoru m Sicilian, Corsican, Sardinian
Sicilian, Corsican and Sardinian form of Theodore.
Teodosia f Spanish, Galician (Rare), Italian, Romansh, Romanian
Spanish, Galician, Romansh, Romanian and Italian form of Theodosia.
Teodosiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Theodosius.
Teodota f Italian (Rare), Polish
Italian and Polish feminine form of Greek Theodotos.
Teodoto m Italian
Italian form of Theodotos (see Theodotus).
Teodulfo m Spanish, Italian (Archaic)
Spanish and Italian form of Theudulf.
Teodulo m Italian
Italian form of Theodoulos (see Theodulus).
Teofane m Italian
Italian form of Theophanes.
Teofania f Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish
Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Polish form of Theophania.
Teofilatta f Italian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Greek Theophylaktos.
Teofilatto m Italian
Italian form of Theophylaktos.
Teofrasto m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Theophrastus.
Teogene m Italian
Italian form of Theogenes.
Teona m Italian
Italian form of Theonas.
Teone m Italian
Italian form of Theon.
Teonilla f Italian (Rare), Polish (Rare)
Italian and Polish form of Theonilla.
Teopista f English (African), Italian (Tuscan, Archaic), Spanish (Archaic), Portuguese (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Form of Theopista in several languages. Nowadays, this name is primarily used in Uganda and other English-speaking nations in Africa.
Teramo m Medieval Italian, Italian (Rare)
Likely derived from Teramo, the name of a city in the Abruzzo region of Italy. Its name comes from the first part of its ancient Roman name, which was Interamnia Praetutiorum. It essentially means "between the two rivers of the Praetutii" in Latin, derived from the Latin words inter meaning "between" and amnis meaning "river, stream" combined with Praetutii, the name of an Italic tribe... [more]
Teraponte m Italian
Italian form of Therapon.
Terenziana f Italian
Italian form of Terentiana.
Terenziano m Italian
Italian form of Terentianus.
Tereo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Tereus.
Teresio m Italian
Masculine form of Teresa.
Terone m Italian
Italian form of Theron.
Terpandro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Terpander.
Tersandro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Thersander.
Tersilla f Italian
Variant of Tarsilla and Terza.
Tersiloco m Italian
Italian form of Thersilochus.
Tertulliano m Italian
Italian form of Tertullianus.
Terza f Italian
Feminine form of Terzo.
Terzia f Italian
Italian form of Tertia.
Terzio m Italian
Variant of Terzo.
Teseo m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Theseus.
Tesifonte m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Ctesiphon (see Ktesiphon).
Tetide f Italian
Variant of Teti.
Tetrico m Italian
Italian form of Tetricus.
Teudiselo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Theudigisel.
Thofanius m Sicilian (Latinized)
Thofanius is a variant of the name Theofanio, from theos (God) and fanes (manifestation). (See the names Theofania and Tiffany for more details.)
Tibberiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Tiberius.
Tiberio m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Tiberius.
Tiburzio m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Tiburtius (see Tiburcio).... [more]
Ticone m Italian
Italian form of Tychon.
Tideo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Tydeus.
Timandro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Timander.
Timbreo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Thymbraeus.
Timea f Italian
Italian feminine form of Greek Timaios.
Timone m Italian
Italian form of Timon.
Timotea f Spanish, Italian, Galician
Feminine form of Timoteo.
Timutèu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Timoteo.
Tindara f Italian
From Tindari, the name of a city in Sicily where there is a famous statue of the Virgin Mary. Our Lady of Tindari is a Black Madonna. The Italian place name derives from Greek Τυνδαρίς (Tyndaris), the name of the preexisting Greek colony which honours the legendary Spartan king Tyndareus.
Tindaro m Italian
Italian form of Tyndareus.
Tiòfilu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Teofilo.
Tirannione m Italian
Italian form of Tyrannion.
Tirenziu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Terenzio.
Tiresa f Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican variant and Sicilian form of Teresa.
Tirteo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Tyrtaios via Tyrtaeus.
Tisameno m Italian
Italian form of Tisamenos via Tisamenus.
Tisbe f Literature, Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Catalan (Rare)
Italian, Spanish and Catalan form of Thisbe, as well as an alternate Latin form. It occurs in the medieval French romance Floriant et Florete (c. 1250-75) belonging to a friend of Florete, the wife of Arthur's knight Floriant.
Tiseu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Theseus.
Tisifone f Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Tisiphone.
Titinio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Titinius.
Tiuduricu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Theodoric.
Tizio m Italian, Italian (Swiss)
Italian form of Titius.
Toante m Italian
Italian form of Thoas.
Tolomea f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Tolomeo.
Tolomeo m Italian, Galician
Italian and Galician form of Ptolemaios via Ptolemaeus.
Tommasa f Italian
Feminine form of Tommaso.
Tommasina f Italian
Italian form of Thomasina.
Topazia f Italian (Rare)
Elaborated from the Italian word topazio meaning "topaz". ... [more]
Tosca f Theatre, Italian, German, French, Dutch
This name was popularized by Puccini's opera Tosca (1900) and its main character Floria Tosca.... [more]
Tosseo m Italian
Italian form of Toxeus.
Totò m Italian, Popular Culture
Diminutive of Antonio or Salvatore. Totò (Antonio De Curtis) is commonly referred to as the most popular Italian comedian of all time.
Traiana f Italian
Feminine form of Traiano.
Traiano m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Trajan 1.
Traianu m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Sardinian form of Traianus (see Trajan 1).
Trasamondo m Italian
Italian form of Thrasamund.
Trasibulo m Italian
Italian form of Thrasybulus.
Trasideo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Thrasydaeus.
Trasimaco m Italian
Italian form of Thrasymachus.
Tresa f Aragonese, Sicilian, Romansh
Aragonese form of Theresa, Sicilian contraction of Tiresa and Teresa and Romansh contraction of Teresa.
Trezene m Italian
Italian form of Troezen.
Trieste m & f Italian (Rare, Archaic)
From the name of the Italian city and harbour Trieste
Trifena f Russian (Rare), Italian
Russian and Italian form of Tryphena.
Trifone m Italian
Italian form of Tryphon.
Trinità f Italian
Italian feminine variant cognate of the name Trinidad.
Tristano m Italian
Italian form of Tristan.
Trofima f Dutch (Archaic), Italian (Archaic), Polish (Archaic), Russian (Rare)
Dutch, Italian, Polish and Russian form of Trophima.
Trofimena f Italian (Rare)
This given name is best known for being the name of the 7th-century saint Trofimena, who was born and raised on the island of Sicily. During her lifetime, Sicily was a province of the Byzantine Empire, where Greek was the primary language... [more]
Troiano m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form Trojanus.
Trudone m Italian (Archaic)
Italian form of Trudo.
Tuccia f Sicilian
Feminine form of Tuccio.
Tulliu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Tullius (see Tullio).
Tulumeu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Ptolemaios via Ptolemaeus.
Tumasi m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Thomas.
Tuone m Italian, Friulian, Croatian, South Slavic
Short form of Antonio. A notable bearer was Tuone Udaina (1823–1898), the last speaker of Dalmatian language.
Turbinio m Italian
Meaning twirling, spinning, or swirling.
Turchese f Italian (Rare)
Means "turquoise" in Italian.
Turibio m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Turibius (see Toribio).
Turo m Spanish, Italian
Short form of Arturo
Turpiliano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Turpilianus.
Turpilio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Turpilius.
Tutti f & m German, Norwegian (Archaic), Popular Culture, Italian
German diminutive of Gertrude and other names containing the Germanic element thrud meaning "strength". This was used for one of Barbie's little sisters, now discontinued.
Ubaldina f Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, Italian
Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, and Italian diminutive of Ubalda.
Ubaldino m Italian
Diminutive of Ubaldo.
Ubaldo m Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, Italian
Spanish, Galician, Portuguese and Italian form of Hugbald.
Ubbardu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Uberto.
Ubertino m Italian
Diminutive of Uberto.
Ucu m Sicilian
Variant of Ugu.
Ugolina f Italian
Feminine form of Ugolino.
Ugu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Hugo.
Ulpiana f Italian
Feminine form of Ulpiano.
Ulpiano m Italian, Spanish, Spanish (Caribbean)
Italian and Spanish form of Ulpianus.
Ulpio m Italian
Perhaps derived from Latin lupus meaning "wolf". A famous bearer was Ulpio Minucci, father of smooth jazz guitarist Chieli Minucci.
Ulrico m Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Galician
Spanish, Portuguese, Galician and Italian form of Ulrich.
Ultimo m Italian (Rare)
Means "last" in Italian.
Umbelina f Portuguese, Italian (Rare)
Portuguese and Italian form of Ombeline.
Umberta f Italian
Feminine form of Umberto.
Umbertu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Umberto.
Umbra f Italian
Feminine form of Umbro. In some cases, however, it can also be a variant of Ombra.
Umbro m Italian
Means "from Umbria" in Italian.
Umfredo m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Humphrey.
Umfrido m Italian
Italian form of Humphrey.
Umile m Italian
Italian form of Humilis, also the Italian word for "humility".
Umiltà f Italian
Italian form of Humilitas.
Ummertu m Sicilian
Variant of Umbertu.
Unerico m Italian
Italian form of Huneric.
Unfredo m Italian
Italian form of Humphrey.
Unfredu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Humphrey.
Unfrido m Italian
Italian form of Humphrey.
Ungero m Italian
Italian form of Hunger.
Unuratu m Sicilian, Quechua, Corsican (Archaic)
Corsican and Sicilian form of Onorato, Quechua form of Honorato.
Uria m Dutch (Rare), Italian, Norwegian, Swedish
Dutch, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish form of 'Uriyah (see Uriah) via its latinized form Urias.
Uriela f Hebrew, Italian
Feminine form of Uriel.
Urrica f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Ulrica.
Ursicina f Italian
Feminine form of Ursicino.
Ursicino m Italian
Italian form of Ursicinus.
Ursino m Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Ursinus.
Ursmaro m Italian (Archaic)
Italian form of Ursmar.
Ursu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Ursus.
Ùrsula f Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Sardinian form of Ursula.
Ursulo m Italian
The name Ursulo is the Italian translation of Ursulus and Úrsulo.
Usvardu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Osvaldo.
Uttuni m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Ottone.
Valchiria f Italian (Rare)
Italian cognate of Valkyrie. (Cf. Valquíria.)
Valdemaro m Italian
Italian form of Waldemar.
Valdo m Italian, Portuguese, Galician
Italian, Galician and Portuguese short form of masculine names that start with Vald- (such as Valdemaro and Valdemiro) or end in -valdo (such as Osvaldo)... [more]
Vale f & m Italian, Spanish
Diminutive of Valentino and Valentina.
Valenti m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Valente.
Valentiniano m Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Valentinian.
Valerica f Italian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Walherich via the Latinization Valericus.
Valerico m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Valéry (via Walericus, a Latinized form of Walherich).
Valfreda f Italian (Tuscan)
Tuscan feminine form of Gualfredo.
Valintinu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Valentino.
Vania f & m Bulgarian, Romanian, Italian
Italian and Romanian form of Vanya as well as Italian variant of Vanna and Bulgarian diminutive of Ivana.
Vanina f Corsican, Italian, French, Literature
Corsican short form of Ghjuvannina. The name was borne by 16th-century Corsican noblewoman Giovannina "Vannina" d'Ornano (also known as "Vanina").... [more]
Vanozza f Italian (Rare)
Italian diminutive of Giovanna.
Varinio m Italian
Italian form of Varinius.
Vario m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Varius.
Varrone m Italian
Italian form of Varro.
Varroniano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Varronianus.
Vassilissa f Estonian, Italian
Estonian and Italian transcription of Russian Василиса (see Vasilisa).
Vedasto m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Archaic), Filipino
Italian and Spanish form of Vedastus. The name is also in use in the Philippines, which is a remnant of the influence that Spain has had over the country, what with the country having been part of the Spanish Empire for several centuries.
Veliana f Italian
Variant of Velia.
Velio m Italian (Rare)
Masculine form of Velia.
Venanzia f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Venantia.
Vendi f Italian
Italian borrowing of Wendy.
Veneranda f Latvian, Italian, Spanish (Philippines), Galician, English (African), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Venerando. It belonged to a semi-legendary saint of the early Christian era, also known as Venera... [more]
Venerando m Italian, Galician
Italian and Galician form of Venerandus.
Veneria f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Venerio.
Venerina f Italian
Possibly a diminutive of Venere.
Venerino m Italian (Rare)
Masculine form of Venere.
Venerio m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Venerius.
Venio m Italian, Croatian (Rare)
From Latin veniō ‎meaning ''come, approach''.
Venturino m Italian
Italian name derived from the name Bonaventura. This name was borne by Italian preacher Venturino of Bergamo.
Venusia f Italian (Rare)
This name may be an elaboration of Venere, via its Latin form Venus.
Venusta f Italian
Feminine form of Venusto.
Venusto m Italian
Italian form of Venustus.
Vercingetorige m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Vercingetorix mainly used for the historical person. It is rarely used as a given name in Italy.
Verdia f Italian
Shortened form of Verdiana
Verdiana f Italian, Venetian, Medieval Italian, History (Ecclesiastical)
Contracted form of Veridiana. This was the name of an Italian saint from the 13th century AD.
Veremonda f Italian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Wermund and Warimund.
Veriano m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Verianus.
Veridiana f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Rare), Italian, Venetian, History (Ecclesiastical)
Portuguese, Venetian and Spanish form of Viridiana as well as an Italian variant of this name. Blessed Veridiana was a Benedictine virgin and recluse... [more]
Verissimo m Italian
Italian form of Verissimus and masculine Verissima.
Vermondo m Italian
Italian form of Wermund.
Vero m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Verus.
Veronia f Italian
Elaboration of Verona, a a city on the Adige River in Veneto, Italy. Rarely used as a given name.
Verrisa f English (American, Americanized, Modern), Italian
Verissa came from the city of Berissa in Italy and became the name of a few people in america and Italy
Veru m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Verus.
Vespasianu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Vespasianus (see Vespasian).
Vespasio m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Vespasius.
Vetulia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Vetulio.
Veturia f Ancient Roman, Late Roman, Romanian, Italian, English (American, Archaic)
Feminine form of Veturius. Veturia was a Roman matron, the mother of the possibly legendary Roman general Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus.
Veturio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Veturius and Masculine form of Veturia.
Vezia f Italian (Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. Some scholars consider this name a short form of Elvezia, while other see a connection to the Ancient Roman masculine Vetius... [more]
Viana f Spanish, Italian
Short form of Viviana.
Viatore m Italian
Italian form of Viator.
Vibiano m Italian
Italian form of Vibianus.
Vibio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Vibius.
Vica f Hungarian, Romansh, Italian
Hungarian short form of Evica as well as Italian and Romansh short form of Ludivica.
Vicenza f Galician (Rare), Sicilian
Galician feminine form of Vicenzo and Sicilian feminine form of Vicenzu.
Vicenzu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Vincentius (see Vincent).
Vichi f & m Italian
Diminutive of Vittoria and Vittorio.
Vicinia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Vicinio.
Vicinio m Italian
From the Latin Vicinius, meaning uncertain. Possibly a deformation of Vinicio.
Vigberto m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Wigbert.
Vigilia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Vigilio.
Vigilio m Italian
Italian form of Vigilius.
Vigor m History (Ecclesiastical), Croatian, Serbian, Italian, Swedish, Medieval French
Derived from Latin vigor "vigor, strength, liveliness".
Vilasi m Sicilian
Variant of Bilasi.
Vilberto m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Wilbert.
Viliberta f Italian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Willibert.
Vinanziu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Venanzio.
Vincente m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Vincent.
Vincia f Italian, English (Rare)
The name Vincia is used in the modern Italian language. It's a feminine form of Vincent.
Vincislau m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Wenceslaus.
Vinfreda f Italian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Winifrid.
Vinfredo m Italian
Italian form of Winfred and variant of Vinfrido.
Vinfrido m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Winfred and Italian variant of Vinfredo.
Vinicia f Italian, Spanish
Feminine form of Vinicio.
Viniciano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Vinicianus.
Vinizio m Italian
Italian form of Vinicio.
Vinolia f Italian
Means “peace” in Old English. This name increased in popularity in Italy in the 2000s.
Violanta f Italian, Romansh, Sardinian
Italian variant and Romansh form of Violante.
Violetto m Italian
Italian masculine form of Violet.
Violo m Italian
Italian masculine form of Violet.
Virdiana f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Viridiana.
Virgilia f Late Roman, Theatre, Italian, Spanish
Feminine form of Vergilius (see Virgil). This is the name of Coriolanus' wife in Shakespeare's play of the same name.
Viridis f Italian (Archaic), Medieval Italian
Derived from the Latin color word viridis "green".... [more]
Visitazione f Italian (Rare)
Means "visitation" in Italian, referring to the visit of St. Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, to St. Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist.
Vistano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Wystan.
Vitagrazia f Italian (Rare)
Formed from the Italian words vita "life" and grazia "grace"
Vitala f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Vitale.
Vitaliana f Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese feminine form of Vitaliano.
Vitalina f Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, Ancient Roman
Russian, Ukranian, Italian, and Ancient Roman feminine form of Vitale.
Vitangela f Italian
Combination of Vita 1 and Angela.
Vitangelo m Italian
The name Vitangelo is Italian in origin and means “Angel of Life or Life Angel.” ... [more]
Vitantonia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Vitantonio. Combination of Vita 1 and Antonia.
Vitantonio m Italian (Rare)
Combination of Vito and Antonio.
Vitellia f Ancient Roman, Theatre, Italian (Archaic)
Feminine form of Vitellius. This was the name of an Ancient Roman noblewoman, daughter of Emperor Vitellius (15-69 AC).... [more]
Vitige m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Witiges.
Vittiore f Italian (Tuscan, Rare)
The name Vittiore was founded in Tuscany, Italy. This name is not a commonly found or known name. The name 'Vittiore' means "victory", similar to the names 'Victoria', 'Vitore', 'Vittore', and 'Vittoria'.
Vittoriana f Italian
Italian form of Victoriana.
Vittoriano m Italian
Italian form of Victorian. A bearer of this name is Vittoriano Guareschi (b. 1971), an Italian former professional motorcycle road racer.
Vittorico m Italian
Italian form of Victoricus.
Vittorina f Italian
Feminine form of Vittorino.
Vittoriu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican form of Victor and Sicilian form of Vittorio.