Italian Submitted Names

Italian names are used in Italy and other Italian-speaking regions such as southern Switzerland. See also about Italian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ambrogiotto m Italian
A diminutive of Ambrogio.
Amedeu m Romanian (Rare), Sicilian
Romanian and Sicilian form of Amadeus.
Ameliu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Amelio.
Amèricu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Amerigo.
Ametista f Italian
Italian form of Amethyst
Amiata f Sicilian
Variant of Amata.
Amico m Italian
Means "friend" in Italian.
Amicu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Amicus.
Amideu m Sicilian
Variant of Amedeu.
Aminandro m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Amynander.
Amintore m Italian
Italian form of Amyntor.
Ammiana f Late Roman, Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Ammianus. It might also be interesting to know that Ammiana was the name of one of the islands in the Venetian lagoon, which sank after the Christmas Day earthquake in 1223 AD.
Ammiano m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Ammianus.
Amon m Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Biblical, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian
From the Hebrew name אָמוֹן, which derived from the root אמן meaning "solid, stable, constant, faithful". In the Old Testament this ist the name of a king of Judah.
Ampeliu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Ampelius.
Ampelo m Italian (Archaic)
Italian form of Ampelos.
Ampsicora m Italian
Italian form of Hampsicora.
Anacaria f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Anacario.
Anacletu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Anacleto.
Anaide f Italian
Italian form of Anaïs.
Anassagora m Italian
Italian form of Anaxagoras.
Anassandro m Italian
Italian form of Anaxander.
Anassidamo m Italian
Italian form of Anaxidamus.
Anassimandro m Italian
Italian form of Anaximander.
Anassimene m Italian
Italian form of Anaximenes.
Anastagia f Haitian Creole, Italian (Archaic)
Italian variant and Haitian Creole form of Anastasia. A famous bearer of this name is Anastagia Pierre (1988-) who is a Bahamian-Haitian-American beauty queen, model, spokesperson, and television host, elected as Miss Bahamas Universe 2011.
Anastasiu m Romanian (Rare, Archaic), Sicilian
Romanian and Sicilian form of Anastasius.
Anastazia f Danish (Modern, Rare), Swedish (Modern, Rare), Sicilian, English (Modern, Rare), Czech
Danish, Swedish, Sicilian and English modern variant of Anastasia as well as a traditional Czech variant of Anastázie.
Anatolio m Italian, Galician, Spanish
Italian, Galician and Spanish form of Anatolius.
Anatoliu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Anatolius.
Ancèlica f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelica.
Ancèlicu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelico.
Àncila f Sicilian
Variant of Àngila.
Ancilina f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelina.
Ancilinu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelino.
Àncilu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelo.
Anciluzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Àncila.
Anciluzzu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Àncilu.
Anciulina f Sicilian
Diminutive of Ànciula.
Anciuluzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Ànciula.
Andeolo m Italian
Italian form of Andeolus.
Andremone m Italian
Italian form of Andraimon via its latinized form Andraemon.
Andretto m Italian (Rare)
Italian diminutive form of Andrew. It reached the top 1000 in Italy 1982-1985.
Andrìa m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Sardinian form of Andrea 1.
Andrisco m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Andriscus.
Androgeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Androgeus.
Andronico m Italian
Italian form of Andronikos.
Anella f Italian, Danish, Swedish
Diminutive of Anna.
Anfiloco m Italian
Italian form of Amphilochus.
Angelantonio m Italian
Combination of Angelo and Antonio.
Angelella f Italian (Archaic)
Combination of Angela with the Italian dimitive suffix -ella. ... [more]
Angèlica f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelica.
Angelico m Italian
Masculine form of Angelica.
Angèlicu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelico.
Angelisa f English, Italian (Rare)
Combination of Angela and Lisa.
Angelu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelo.
Angeluzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Angela and Angelica.
Angeluzzu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Angelo.
Àngila f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angela.
Angilberto m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian Spanish and Portuguese form of Angilbert.
Angilica f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelica.
Angilina f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelina.
Àngilu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelo.
Angioletta f Italian
Diminutive of Angiola.
Àngiula f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angela.
Angiulina f Sicilian
Diminutive of Àngiula.
Angiulinu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Àngiulu.
Àngiulu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Angelo.
Anicetta f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Aniceto.
Anicetu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Aniceto.
Anisio m Galician, Spanish, Italian
Galician form of Anysius.
Annadomenica f Italian
Combination of Anna and Domenica.
Annalidia f Italian (Rare)
Contraction of Anna and Lidia.
Annaluisa f Italian
Combination of Anna and Luisa.
Annarita f Italian, Hungarian
Combination of Anna and Rita.
Annarosa f Italian, Sardinian, Romansh
Combination of Anna and Rosa 1.
Annibbali m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Annibale.
Annina f Romansh, Italian, Sicilian
Diminutive of Anna.
Annio m Italian
Italian diminutive of Antonio
Annio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Annius.
Annone m Italian
Italian variation of Anno.
Annunzio m Italian (Rare)
From Italian annunzio, a variant of annuncio meaning "announcement", likely after the yearly Catholic event of the announcement of Easter Day (annuncio del giorno di Pasqua).... [more]
Annuzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Anna.
Anoutsiata f Italian (Hellenized), Greek (Rare)
Greek form of the Italian name Annunziata.
Anrica f Italian (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Enrica.
Ansano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Ansanus.
Ansberto m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Ansbert.
Anscario m Italian
Italian form of Ansgar via Latinized form Anscharius and variant of Ansgario.
Anserma f Sicilian
Variant of Anzerma.
Ansfrido m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Ansfrid via Latinized form Ansfridus.
Ansgariu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Ansgar.
Ansovina f Italian
Feminine form of Ansovino.
Ansovino m Italian
Italian form of Answin via Ansovinus and variant of Ansuino.
Antandro m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Antander.
Antenore m Italian
Italian form of Antenor.
Anteo m Italian, Spanish, Galician
Italian, Galician and Spanish form of both Antaeus and Antheus.
Anterino m Italian
Diminutive of Antero.
Anteru m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Antero.
Antifonte m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Antiphon.
Antigoni f Greek, Sicilian
Modern Greek and Sicilian form of Antigone.
Antigono m Italian
Italian form of Antigonos (via it's Latinized form Antigonus).
Antima f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Antimo.
Antimo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Anthimos via Anthimus. This was the name of a 9th-century duke of Naples.
Antimu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Antimo.
Antina f Italian
Feminine form of Antinoo.
Antinea f Italian, Spanish
Spanish and Italian form of Antinéa.
Antino m Italian
Variant of Antinoo.
Antinoo m Italian
Italian form of Antinoos.
Antiocu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Antioco.
Antipatro m Italian
Italian form of Antipater.
Antolina f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Diminutive of Antonia. Perhaps most famously borne by author Anaïs Nin, whose full birth name was Angela Anaïs Juana Antolina Rosa Edelmira Nin y Culmell.
Antolino m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Diminutive of Antonio. In other words, this is the masculine form of Antolina.
Antonellu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Antoni.
Antonicella f Sicilian
Diminutive of Antonia.
Antonicellu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Antoni.
Antoniuzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Antonia.
Antoniuzzu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Antoni.
Antonmaria m Italian (Rare)
Combination of Antonio and Maria.
Antonuzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Antonia.
Antrìa m Sicilian
Variant of Andrìa.
Antunedda f Sicilian
Sicilian variant of Antonella.
Antuneddu m Corsican, Sicilian
Sicilian diminutive of Antuni and Corsican diminutive of Antonu.
Antuni m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Anthony.
Antunina f Sicilian
Diminutive of Antonia.
Antuninu m Sicilian, Corsican
Sicilian and Corsican form of Antoninus.
Antuniuzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Antonia.
Antuniuzzu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Antuni.
Anurata f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Honorata.
Anuratu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Honoratus.
Anzerma f Sicilian
Sicilian feminine form of Anselm.
Anzermu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Anselm.
Anzia f Italian
Italian form of Anthia.
Apollinare m Italian
Italian form of Apollinaris.
Apollinari m Russian, Sicilian
Russian variant transcription of Apollinariy and Sicilian form of Apollinaris.
Apollodoro m Italian
Italian form of Apollodorus.
Apollonio m Italian
Italian form of Apollonius.
Apollu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Apollo.
Apostolo m Italian
Italian form of Apostolus (see Apostolos).
Appiano m Italian
Italian form of Appianus.
Appio m Italian
Italian form of Appius.
Aprile f Italian (Modern, Rare)
Italian form of April as the common word for that month.
Aprilia f Italian (Modern, Rare)
It comes from the Italian name of the month aprile (April). It is the name of a town in the same region of Rome which was given this name because it was established on April, 25 1936 during Fascism on a reclaimed swamps... [more]
Apsandro m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Apsander.
Apullunia f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Apollonia.
Aquillio m Italian
Italian form of Aquillius.
Araldo m Italian
Italian form of Harald.
Arancia f Italian
Arancia is the Italian word for orange (the fruit, not the color)
Aràsimu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Erasmus.
Arba f Sicilian
Variant of Alba 1.
Arbace m Theatre, Old Persian (Italianized), Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Arbaces. It was used for the title character of Arbace (1781), an opera seria by Francesco Bianchi.
Arbanu m Sicilian
Variant of Albanu.
Arberta f Sicilian
Sicilian variant of Alberta.
Arbina f Sicilian
Variant of Albina.
Arbinu m Sicilian
Variant of Albinu.
Arbiricu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Alberico.
Arcadio m Galician, Italian (Rare), Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Arkadios.
Arcadiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Arcadius.
Arcangela f Italian
Feminine form of Arcangelo.
Archidamo m Italian
Italian form of Archidamus.
Archimede m Italian
Italian form of Archimedes.
Archippo m Italian
Italian form of Archippos via its latinized form Archippus.
Arcieor m Italian
It is an altered version of the Italian word "Arciro", meaning archer.
Arctino m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Arctinus.
Arda f Sicilian
Variant of Alda 1.
Ardu m Sicilian
Variant of Aldu.
Arduzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Arda.
Areo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Areios via Areus.
Aresio m Italian (Rare)
Derived form the Greek God Ares.
Areteo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Aretaeus.
Arfiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Alfio.
Arfonzu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Alfonso.
Arfredu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Alfredo.
Argante m Literature, Italian
Name used by Italian author Torquato Tasso in his masterpiece 'Gerusalemme Liberata' (1581) and 'Gerusalemme Conquistata' (1583). Argante is a Muslim, king of Jerusalem. The name's origin is uncertain... [more]
Argene f Italian
Italian name of Greek origin (possibly related to Argentina). A famous bearer was Argene del Carlo, a second-class survivor of the Titanic disaster.
Argenide f Italian (Rare)
Likely related to Argene.
Argent m Italian (Rare)
Masculine version of "Argenta".
Argenta f Italian (Rare), English (Rare), Medieval Italian (Tuscan)
Derived from Latin argenta meaning "silver".
Argentina f Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (African), Italian, Romanian (Rare), English (Rare), Medieval English, Medieval Italian
Derived from Latin argentum meaning "silver" combined with the feminine adjectival suffix -ina.... [more]
Argeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Argeus.
Argia f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Italian (Rare)
Latinized form of Argeia, as well as the Italian form.
Aricu m Sicilian
Variant of Arigu.
Ariela f Hebrew, Albanian, Croatian, Italian (Rare), Polish
Hebrew variant of Ariella, Polish feminine form of Ariel, Italian feminine form of Ariele as well as a Croatian and Albanian borrowing of the Italian name.
Ariele m & f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Ariel.
Arieli f & m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), American (Modern, Rare), Sicilian (Rare)
Creative phonetic variant of Arielle/Ariel or a Sicilian variant of Ariele.
Arigu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Arrigo.
Ario m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Areios via its latinized form Arius.... [more]
Ariodante m Carolingian Cycle, Literature, Theatre, Italian (Rare)
This is the name of an Italian knight from canto V of the 16th-century epic poem Orlando furioso written by the Italian poet Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533). Two centuries later, the character became the subject of George Frideric Handel's opera seria Ariodante (1735).... [more]
Aris m Italian, Spanish
Diminutive of Aristeo.
Aristarco m Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Aristarchus.
Aristeo m Italian (Archaic), Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Aristaeus.
Aristippo m Italian
Italian form of Aristippos via its latinized form Aristippus.
Aristobulo m Italian
Italian form of Aristobulus.
Aristocle m Italian
Italian form of Aristokles via it's Latinized form Aristocles.
Aristocli m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Aristokles via it's Latinized form Aristocles.
Aristodemo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Aristodemos.
Aristofane m Italian
Italian form of Aristophanes.
Aristofanto m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Aristophantus.
Aristone m Italian
Italian form of Ariston.
Aristonico m Italian
Italian form of Aristonicus.
Aristosseno m Italian
Italian form of Aristoxenus.
Aristotele m Italian
Italian form of Aristotle.
Armanda f Italian, Slovene, Hungarian, Gascon, Provençal
Italian feminine form of Armando and Slovene, Hungarian, Gascon and Provençal feminine form of Armand.
Armandino m Italian
Diminutive of Armando.
Armandu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Armando.
Armanduccio m Medieval Italian, Italian (Rare)
Medieval Italian diminutive of Armando, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Armanna f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Ermanna.
Armannu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Ermanno.
Armano m Italian
Italian form of Herman.
Arminio m Italian (Rare), Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Arminius. Also compare Erminio.
Armocrati m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Hermocrates (see Hermokrates).
Arnalda f Sicilian, Gascon
Sicilian feminine form of Arnaldu and Gascon variant of Arnauda.
Arnaldu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Arnaldo.
Arnarda f Sicilian
Variant of Arnalda.
Arnardu m Sicilian
Variant of Arnaldu.
Arnestu m Sicilian
Variant of Ernestu.
Arnolfu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Arnolfo.
Aronni m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Aronne.
Arrabeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Arrhabaeus.
Arrammundu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Raymond.
Arrideo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Arrhidaeus.
Arriga f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Arrigo.
Arrighetto m Italian
Italian diminutive of Henry via Arrigo.
Arrighino m Italian
Italian diminutive of Henry via Arrigo.
Arrio m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Arrius.... [more]
Arrunzio m Italian
Italian form of Arruntius.
Arsace m Italian, French
French and Italian form of Arsaces.
Arseniu m Corsican (Archaic), Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Arsenios.
Artema m Italian
Italian form of Artemas.
Artemia f Spanish (Mexican), Italian (Tuscan, Rare), Sicilian, Polish
Italian and Spanish feminine form of Artemio, Sicilian feminine form of Artemiu and Polish feminine form of Artemiusz.
Artemide f Georgian (Archaic), Italian (Rare)
Georgian and Italian form of Artemis.... [more]
Artemidoro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Artemidoros.
Artemiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Artemio.
Artemone m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Italian
Italian and Latinized form of Artemon.
Artimide f Italian
Italian variant of Artemis.
Artmanno m Italian
Italian form of Hartmann.
Artù m Medieval Italian, Literature, Italian (Rare)
Medieval Italian and literarian form of Arturo. This is the form used to refers to King Arthur, the legendary figure.