Italian Submitted Names

Italian names are used in Italy and other Italian-speaking regions such as southern Switzerland. See also about Italian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Pallade f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Pallas 1.
Palladio m Italian
Italian form of Palladius.
Palma f Spanish, Croatian (Rare), Italian, Medieval Italian, Catalan, Norwegian (Rare)
Spanish, Catalan, Italian and Croatian word for "palm". This name typically referred to Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, and was historically given to girls born on this day.
Palmina f Italian, Swedish
Diminutive of Palma.
Palmino m Italian
Masculine form of Palmina. This name is usually given to an infant male born on Palm Sunday.
Pammachio m Italian
Italian form of Pammachius.
Panagioti m Italian (Rare), Greek
Italian form and Greek variant of Panagiotis.
Pancrazia f Italian, Corsican
Italian feminine form of Pancratius and Corsican feminine form of Pancraziu.
Pancrazziu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Pancratius.
Pandolfo m Italian
Italian form of Pandolf.
Pandroso f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Spanish and Italian form of Pandrosus.
Panfila f Italian, Spanish
Feminine form of Panfilo.
Panfilia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Panfilo.
Panopeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Panopeus.
Pantagato m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Pantagathos via Latinized form Pantagathus.
Pantalea f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Pantaleo.
Pantaleo m Italian
Italian short form of Pantaleone.
Paolantonio m Italian
Italian combination of Paolo and Antonio.
Paoliniano m Italian
Italian form of Paulinianus.
Pardo m Italian
Name of a 6th Century saint associated with the town of Larino, Italy. Believed to have been born in the Peloponnese, Pardo spent three years preaching in Larino before settling in the nearby town of Lucera... [more]
Parisio m Italian
Italian form of Parisius.
Parmina f Italian, Romanian
Probably derived from the name of the Italian city Parma. ... [more]
Partenio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Parthenios via Parthenius.
Partenopeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Parthenopaeus.
Pascario m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Archaic)
Italian and Spanish form of Pascarius, which is a variant of Pascharius.
Pascasio m Italian (Archaic), Galician (Rare), Spanish
Italian, Galician and Spanish form of Pascasius, which is a variant of Paschasius.
Pasitea f Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Pasithea.
Pasqua f Italian (Rare), Medieval Italian
Directly taken from Italian pasqua "Easter".
Pasquala f Italian
Feminine form of Pasquale.
Pasquali m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican variant and Sicilian form of Pasquale.
Pasquarosa f Italian
Italian compound name created from Pasqua and Rosa 1.
Passitea f Italian
Italian form of Pasithea. A known bearer was the Blessed Passitea Crogi (1564-1615), a Cistercian nun of Siena who beat herself with thorns and washed the wounds with vinegar, salt and pepper.
Pastore m Italian
Italian form of Pastor.
Paterniano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Paternianus.
Paterno m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese form of Paternus.
Patriziu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Patricius.
Patroclo m Italian
Italian form of Patroklos (see Patroclus).
Paulini m Sicilian
Variant of Paulinu.
Paulinu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Paulinus.
Pausilippo m Italian
Italian form of Pausilippus.
Paziente m Italian
Italian form of Patiens.
Pazienza f Italian
Means "patience" in Italian.
Pazienzia f Italian
Italian form of Patientia.
Pedrolino m Italian, Theatre
Diminutive of Pedro with an added diminutive Italian suffix -lino. Pedrolino is a primo Zanni of the commedia dell'arte. Contemporary illustrations suggest that his white blouse and trousers constituted "a variant of the typical Zanni suit", and his Bergamasque dialect marked him as a member of the "low" rustic class.
Pegaso m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Pegasus.
Pelagio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Pelagios via Pelagius.
Peleo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Peleus.
Peneo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Peneus.
Penteo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Pentheus.
Peppa f Italian, Sardinian
Diminutive of Giuseppa and Giosepa.
Peppiniello m Neapolitan
Neapolitan diminutive of Giuseppe.
Perfetta f Italian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Perfectus.
Perfetto m Italian
Italian form of Perfectus.
Periandro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Periander.
Peribea f Italian (Rare), Catalan (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Italian, Spanish and Catalan form of Periboea.
Pericle m Italian
Italian form of Pericles.
Perlina f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Diminutive of Perla. In other words: you could say that this name is the Italian and Spanish cognate of Perline... [more]
Peronella f Italian (Rare), Medieval Italian
Catalan form and medieval Italian variant of Petronilla. The Italian novelist Boccaccio used this name in his work 'The Decameron' (1350).
Persea f Italian
Feminine form of Perseo.
Persefone f Italian
Italian form of Persephone.
Perseo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Perseus.
Pertinace m Italian
Italian form of Pertinax.
Petronio m Italian, Galician, Venetian
Italian, Venetian and Galician form of Petronius.
Pierangela f Italian
Feminine form of Pierangelo.
Pierangelo m Italian
Combination of Piero and Angelo.
Pieranna f Italian
Combination of Piera and Anna.
Pierantonio m Italian
Combination of Pier and Antonio.
Pieretta f Italian, Corsican
Diminutive of Piera.
Pierfrancesco m Italian
Combination of Piero and Francesco.
Piergiorgio m Italian
Combination of Pier and Giorgio.
Piermaria m Italian (Rare)
Combination of Piero and Maria.
Piermassimiliano m Italian
Combination of Pietro and Massimiliano. A famous bearer of this name is the Italian rugby union player Piermassimiliano Dotto (1970-2012).
Pierrina f Italian
The name of a genus of flowering plants, and when used as a name probably a feminine form of Pierre or Piero. This makes it a variant of Pierina, Perrine and Pierrette.
Piersanti m Italian
Meaning "of Saint Peter".
Pietru m Maltese, Sicilian
Maltese and Sicilian form of Peter.
Pigmenio m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Pigmenius. In the Spanish-speaking world (especially in Mexico), this name is also encountered as a short form or variant of Epigmenio.
Pileo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Pylaeus.
Pileria f Italian (Rare)
Taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Maria Santissima del Pilerio whose name is derived from the Calabrian dialect word pileri (pilastro in Standard Italian) "pillar" (compare Spanish Pilar).
Pilerio m Italian
Possibly from Calabrian pilíeri, meaning "pillar", referring to Our Lady of the Pillar, one of the titles given to Mary, or from Ancient Greek πυλωρός ("gatekeeper, guardian").
Pinuccia f Italian, Sardinian
Diminutive of Pina ultimately a short form of Giuseppa, Giuseppina or Filippa.
Pinuccio m Medieval Italian, Italian
Diminutive of Pino, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.... [more]
Pipino m Spanish, Italian
Spanish and Italian form of Pépin via Latinized form Pippinus.
Pirro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Albanian
Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Albanian form of Pyrrhos.
Pirtinaci m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Pertinax.
Pisandro m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Peisander.
Pitteo m Italian
Italian form of Pittheus.
Piu m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Sardinian form of Pius.
Plàcidu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Placidus.
Platone m Italian
Italian form of Plato.
Platuni m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Plato
Plautilla f Late Roman, Italian
Late Latin and Italian feminine diminutive of Plautus.
Plistarco m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Pleistarchus.
Plutarco m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Plutarch.
Plutone m Italian
Italian form of Pluto.
Polibio m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Polybius.
Policarpo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Polycarp.
Polidora f Italian
Feminine form of Polidoro.
Polidoro m Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese form of Polydorus.
Polieucto m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian Portuguese and Spanish form of Polyeuctus (see Polyeuktos).
Polito m Italian
The reduced form of Ippolito.
Pòlitu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Hippolytos.
Poliuto m Italian
Italian form of Polyeuctus (see Polyeuktos). Masculine form of Poliuta.
Polizelo m Italian
Italian form of Polyzalus.
Pollione m Italian, Theatre
Italian form of Pollio. This name was used by Vincenzo Bellini and Felice Romani for the main masculine character in the opera 'Norma' (1831), based on Alexandre Soumet's play 'Norma, ou L'infanticide'.
Polluce m Italian
Italian form of Pollux.
Polo m Spanish, English, Italian, English (American), Medieval Spanish, Medieval Italian
This name likely roots from Paolo or Paulo, and Polo is a variant of both. It can be used in association with the sport also, but very rarely is.
Pompea f Italian
Italian form of Pompeia.
Pompilio m Italian
Italian form of Pompilius.
Ponzia f Italian
Feminine form of Ponzio.
Ponziano m Italian
Italian form of Pontian.
Poppea f English (Rare, Archaic), Theatre, Italian (Rare, Archaic, ?)
Variant of Poppaea. This name was used for the title character of Claudio Monteverdi's opera 'L'incoronazione di Poppea' (1642).
Porcario m Italian
Italian form of Porcarius.
Porcio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Porcius.
Porfi m Spanish, Italian
Short form of Porfirio.
Porfiria f Italian (Archaic), Spanish, Spanish (Mexican), Galician, Dutch (Antillean, Archaic), Portuguese (Indian, Archaic)
Italian, Spanish and Galician form of Porphyria (see Porfirio) as well as a variant of Porfíria used in former Portuguese India.
Porzia f Italian
Italian form of Portia.
Porziano m Italian
Italian form of Portianus.
Porzio m Italian
Italian form of Porcius.
Poseidone m Italian
Italian form of Poseidon.
Potino m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Archaic), Portuguese (Archaic)
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Potheinos via its latinized form Pothinus.
Potito m Italian
Italian form of Potitus. A notable bearer of this name is the Italian former tennis player Potito "Poto" Starace (b. 1981).
Pragmazio m Italian
Italian form of Pragmatius and variant of Prammazio.
Prammazio m Italian
Italian form of Pragmatius and variant of Pragmazio.
Prassede f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Praxedes.
Prassifane m Italian
Italian form of Praxiphanes.
Prassitea f Italian
Italian form of Praxithea.
Prete m Italian
Variant of the name Peter.
Pretestato m Italian
Italian form of Praetextatus.
Preziosa f Italian, Judeo-Spanish
Italian form of Precious, possibly via the Medieval Spanish name Preciosa.
Preziusa f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Preziosa.
Priapo m Italian
Italian form of Priapos via its latinized form Priapus.
Prima f Late Roman, Italian (Archaic)
Feminine form of Primus (see Primo).
Primarosa f Italian (Rare)
Italian adoption of Primrose.
Primavera f Italian (Rare), Medieval Italian, Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Derived from Vulgar Latin prīmavēra "spring". The descendant word primavera is used in Asturian, Catalan, Galician, Italian, Portuguese (and Old Portuguese), Sicilian, and Spanish.
Primetta f Italian (Rare)
Diminutive of Prima.
Primiano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Primianus. A bearer of this name was the Argentinian jurist and politician Primiano Acuña Vieyra (1852-1934).
Prisciano m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Priscian.
Prisco m Italian, Galician
Italian and Galician form of Priscus.
Proclo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Proklos via Proclus.
Procolo m Italian
Italian form of Proculus.
Procopio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Prokopios.
Prometeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Prometheus.
Prometto m Italian
Pronace m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Pronax.
Properzia f Italian
Italian feminine form of Propertius. Properzia de' Rossi was a female marble sculptor of the Italian Renaissance.
Prosdocimo m Italian
Italian form of Prosdocimus.
Prosimno m Italian
Italian form of Prosymnus.
Prosperina f English (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Prosper and Prospero and diminutive form of Prospera.
Protasio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Protasius. A known bearer of this name was the Mexican soldier and politician Protasio Tagle (1839-1903).
Proteo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Proteus.
Protogene m Italian
Italian for of Protogenes.
Provina f Italian (Archaic)
Feminine form of Provino.
Provvidenza f Italian
Italian cognate of Providence.
Prucopiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Procopius via Prokopios.
Prudente m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Prudens. In Italy, this name is also encountered as a variant of Prudenzio, which is the main Italian form of Prudentius.... [more]
Prudenza f Italian (Rare)
Means "prudence" in Italian, directly from Latin prudentia.
Publio m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Publius.
Pudente m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Archaic)
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Pudens.
Pulchera f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Pulcheria.
Pulcheria f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical), German (Bessarabian), Italian (Rare)
Derived from Latin pulcher meaning "beautiful, noble". This name was borne by Saint Pulcheria, elder sister of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius II. It was also the name of a character in 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Pullunia f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Apollonia.
Pupella f Italian (Rare, ?)
Pupella Maggio (1910-1999) was an Italian film actress. She was born Giustina Maggio. Pupella was her nickname, and it means "little doll" in Italian. She worked with Federico Fellini, the famous Italian film director.
Pupillo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Pupillus.
Quadrato m Italian
Italian form of Quadratus.
Quartino m Italian
Italian form of Quartinus.
Quarto m Italian
Italian form of Quartus.
Quieta f Ancient Roman, Italian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), English (Rare), German (Swiss, Rare), Caribbean (Rare)
Derived from Latin quietus, -a, -um "quiet". This was the name of a saint.
Quieto m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Quietus.
Quincetta f American (Rare), Italian (Rare, Archaic)
Possibly Italian diminutive of Quinzia. This name is also used as English feminine form of Quincy.
Quintiliano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
Italian, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Quintilianus (see Quintilian).
Quintilianu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Quintilianus (see Quintilian).
Quintilio m Italian, Spanish (Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Quintilius.
Quintilla f Ancient Roman, Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare), Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Latin diminutive of Quinta, which thus makes this name the feminine equivalent of Quintillus.
Quintillo m Italian
Italian form of Quintillus.
Quintillu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Quintillus.
Quintiniano m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Archaic)
Italian and Spanish form of Quintinianus (see also Quintinian).
Quintu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Quintus.
Quinzia f Italian, Emilian-Romagnol
Italian and Emilian form of Quintia.
Quinziano m Italian
Italian form of Quintianus.
Quinzio m Italian
Italian form of Quintius.
Quirico m Galician, Italian
Galician and Italian form of Quiricus.
Quirinu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Quirinus.
Rabano m Italian, Spanish, Sardinian, Esperanto
Italian, Spanish, Sardinian, and Esperanto form of Raban via it's Latinized form Rabanus.
Rachela f Italian (Rare), Polish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Italian variant of Rachele, Polish form of Rachel as well as a Latinate form of Rachel.
Radamanto m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Rhadamanthos.
Radegonda f Italian, Sardinian
Italian and Sardinian form of Radegund.
Radolfo m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Ráðúlfr.
Raffaelangelo m Italian
combination of Raffaele and Angelo.
Raffaeli m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Raffaele.
Raffaellino m Italian (Rare)
Variant of Raffaele with an added Italian diminutive suffix -ino. Raffaellino del Colle (1490–1566) was an Italian Mannerist painter active mostly in Umbria.
Ramberto m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Rambert. A known bearer of this name was the Italian military leader Ramberto Malatesta (died in January 1330).
Ramboldo m Italian
Ramboldo, Count of Collalto
Ramondo m Italian
Variant of Raimondo.
Randolfo m Portuguese, Italian, Spanish
Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish form of Randolf.
Raniera f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Raniero.
Ranieri m Italian, Sicilian, Medieval Corsican
Variant of Raniero. This name is is borne by Ranieri III di Monaco. It is also the Italian name of Rainier III, Prince of Monaco.
Raziedda f Sicilian
Truncated form of Graziedda.
Reccesvindo m Italian
Italian form of Recceswinth.
Rechiaro m Italian
Italian form of Rechiar.
Redenta f Italian
Italian form of Redempta.
Regino m Spanish, Italian
Masculine form of Regina.
Regola f Italian (Rare)
Cognate of Regula. It coincides with the regular Italian vocabulary regola "rule; norm".
Regolo m Italian
Italian form of Regulus.
Reinilde f Italian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Italian form of Reinhild as well as a Dutch and Flemish variant of Reinhilde.
Rema f Italian (Rare), English (Modern)
Italian feminine form of Remo.
Remigia f Italian, Polish
Italian feminine form of Remigio and Polish feminine form of Remigiusz.
Remina f Italian (Rare)
Diminutive of Rema.
Remismonda f Italian
Feminine form of Remismondo
Remismondo m Italian
Italian form of Remismund.
Remola f Italian (Rare)
Diminutive form of Rema.
Remolo m Italian (Rare)
Diminutive form of Remo.
Renatu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican variant of Rinatu and Sicilian form of Renato.
Renea f Italian (Tuscan)
Tuscan truncated form of Irenea.
Reneo m Italian (Tuscan)
Truncated form of Ireneo.
Renetta f Italian
Italian form of Reinette.
Reno m & f Italian, Popular Culture, Spanish
Short form of Moreno and other names ending in -reno.
Renzia f Italian
Diminutive of Lorenza.
Renzu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Renzo.
Reo f Italian, Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese
Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form of Rhoeo.
Restituta f Late Roman, Italian, Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Archaic), Filipino, Galician (Rare)
Feminine form of Restitutus. This was the name of a 4th-century Christian martyr from Roman Africa.
Restituto m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Rare), Galician (Archaic), Portuguese (Brazilian, Archaic), Filipino
Italian, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Restitutus. Known bearers of this name include the Argentine soccer player Restituto Brito (born c. 1929) and Restituto del Valle (1865-1930), a Spanish poet and Augustinian cleric.
Ribellio m Italian (Archaic)
It comes from the Italian word ribellione meaning "rebellion".
Riccardu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Richard.
Ricimero m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Ricimer.
Ricimondo m Italian
Italian form of Richimund.
Ricu m Sicilian, Sardinian, Lombard
Lombard, Sicilian and Sardinian form of Rico.
Ridolfo m Italian
Variant of Rodolfo.
Rigoberta f Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Rigoberto. A famous bearer is the Guatemalan human rights activist Rigoberta Menchú (1959-).
Rimiggiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Remigius (see Rémy).
Rinalda f Italian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Rinaldo and Dutch variant form of Reinalda.
Rinardu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Rinaldo.
Riniero m Italian
Italian variant of Rainer.
Rinuccio m Medieval Italian, Italian (Rare)
Medieval Italian diminutive of Rino, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.... [more]
Ripalta f Italian (Rare)
It means "hight bank" from the archaic word ripa "bank" (nowadays riva) and alta "high". ... [more]
Rito m Spanish (Latin American), Italian
Possibly a male form of Rita.
Riziero m Italian (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. It could derive from the Italian word riccio meaning "curly-haired" with the suffix -iero. Another etymology is from the French verb risier meaning "to laugh; to mock"... [more]
Rocca f Sicilian
Feminine form of Rocco.
Rocchina f Italian
A feminine form to Rocco.
Roderica f Italian
Feminine form of Rodrigo.
Roderico m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Roderic.
Rodoaldo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Rodoald, which is a variant form of Rodwald.
Rodrico m Italian
Italian form of Rodrigo.
Rogata f Late Roman, Italian (Archaic), Polish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Feminine form of Rogatus. This name was borne by several obscure martyrs and saints.
Roldolf m Italian (Tuscan)
Mostly in books. Originated in Medieval Italy. Mainly in Tuscany, Rome, Sicily. Read "A River in Time: Italy." By Lisa T. Bergren to really enjoy how this name is used.
Romarica f Italian
Feminine form of Romarico.
Romarico m Italian
Italian form of Romaric.
Romea f Italian, Slovene (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Romeo.
Romedio m Italian
Italian form of Romedius.... [more]
Romilio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Romilius.
Ròmulu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Romulus.
Rosalio m Italian
Masculine form of Rosalia.
Rosamunda f Italian, Galician, Spanish
Italian, Galician and Spanish form of Rosamund.
Rosangelo m Italian (Rare)
Masculine form of Rosangela.
Roscio m & f Italian, Spanish
Variant of Rocio.
Rosello m Italian
Italian masculine form of Rose.
Rosemma f Italian (Rare)
Contraction of Rosa 1 and Emma.