Italian Submitted Names

Italian names are used in Italy and other Italian-speaking regions such as southern Switzerland. See also about Italian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Corrada f Italian
Feminine form of Corrado.
Corràdu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Conrad.
Corraduzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Corrada.
Corsina f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Corso.
Corvino m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Corvinus.
Corvo m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Corvus. Corvo Attano is the name of the lead protagonist in Bethesda studio's popular video game 'Dishonored'.
Cosetta f Italian
Italian form of Cosette.
Cosimina f Italian
Diminutive of Cosima.
Còsimu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Cosimo.
Cosmia f Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek (Latinized, Rare), Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare), English (Rare)
Latinized form of the Greek name Κοσμία (Kosmia), which meant "orderly, decent".
Costabile m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Constabilis. A famous bearer is Italian-American mobster Costabile Farace (1960-1989).
Costante m Italian
Italian form of Constans. It is also a common-used adjective in Italian with the same meaning of the name.
Costantìnu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Constantine.
Crasso m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Crassus.
Cratilo m Italian
Italian form of Cratylus.
Cratippo m Italian (Archaic)
Italian form of Kratippos via its latinized form Cratippus.
Cràudiu m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian variant of Clàudiu and Sardinian form of Claudius.
Crescenza f Italian
Italian form of Crescentia.
Crescenzia f Italian
Italian feminine form of Crescentius.
Crescenziana f Italian (Archaic), Medieval Italian
Italian feminine form of Crescentianus (see Crescentian).
Crescenziano m Italian (Archaic), Medieval Italian
Italian form of Crescentianus (see Crescentian).
Crescenzio m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Crescentius. A known bearer of this name was Crescenzio Gambarelli, a 17th-century Italian painter from Siena.
Crespina f Italian, Lengadocian, Provençal
Italian feminine form of Crispino and Languedocian and Provençal feminine form of Crespin.
Creusa f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Roman Mythology, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (African), Italian (Rare)
Latinized form of Greek Κρέουσα (Kreousa) meaning "princess", from κρέων (kreon) "king, royal" (compare Kreon). This was the name of the first wife of Aeneas, who was killed in the sack of Troy and then appeared to her husband as a ghost, encouraging him to move on without her and seek a new city.
Criaso m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Criasus.
Crio m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Crius (see Kreios).
Criscenti m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Crescente.
Criscenziu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Crescenzio.
Crise m Italian
Italian form of Chryses.
Crisippo m Italian
Italian form of Chrysippos via its latinized form Chrysippus.
Crisogono m Italian
Italian form of Chrysogonos( see Chrysogonus).
Crisologo m Italian
Italian form of Chrysologus.
Crisostoma f Italian
Feminine form of Crisostomo.
Crisostomo m Italian
Italian form of Chrysostomos.
Crispiano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Crispian.
Crispina f Ancient Roman, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Sicilian, Medieval Latin
Feminine form of Crispinus. A notable bearer was the 2nd-century Roman empress Bruttia Crispina, the wife of Emperor Commodus. This name was also borne by a 4th-century Christian martyr from North Africa.
Crispiniano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Crispinian.
Crispino m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Crispin.
Crispinu m Corsican (Archaic), Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Crispinus.
Crispo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Crispus.
Crispolo m Italian
Italian form of Crispulus.
Cristianu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Cristiano.
Cristino m Italian, Catalan, Spanish
Italian, Catalan and Spanish form of Christinus.
Cristo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Christo.
Cristodoro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Christodorus.
Cristofanu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Christopher.
Cristòfuru m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Christopher.
Crizia m & f Italian
Italian form of Kritias and Krizia.
Croce f & m Italian (Rare)
Means "cross" in Italian, making it a cognate of Cruz.
Crocefisso m Italian
Variant of Crocifisso. A famous bearer of this name is Crocefisso Maggio (1962–), a five-pin billiards player.
Crocifisso m Italian
Masculine form of Crocifissa.
Cromio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Chromius.
Crucificia f Late Roman, Italian, Spanish
Earliest known usage stemmed from the mid 4th century in Rome, following the rule of Constantine. The meaning of the name is "Crucifixion."
Ctonia f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Spanish and Italian form of Chthonia.
Cuglierme m Neapolitan
Neapolitan form of William.
Culetta f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Coletta.
Cuncetta f Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Concetta.
Cuncettina f Sicilian
Diminutive of Cuncetta.
Cuncettu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Concetto.
Cunegonda f Italian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Corsican (Archaic), Gascon (Archaic), Provençal (Archaic)
Dutch variant and Italian, Corsican, Gascon and Provençal form of Kunigunde.
Cuniberto m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Kunibert.
Cunimondo m Italian
Italian form of Kunimund.
Cununi m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Konon via it's Latinized form Conon.
Cunzaga m Sicilian
Siclian form of Gonzague.
Cuore f Italian
The Italian language word for "heart". It's the name of the last surviving Maenad in ''Final Fantasy IV: The After Years''.
Curinna f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Corinna.
Curneliu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Cornelio.
Currada f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Corrada.
Curradina f Sicilian
Diminutive of Currada.
Curradinu m Sicilian
Diminutive of Curradu.
Curradu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Corrado.
Currau m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Conrad.
Curzio m Italian
Italian form of Curtius.
Curziu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Curzio.
Cusma m Sicilian
Sicilian variant of Cosma.
Custanti m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Constans.
Custantina f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Constantina.
Custantinu m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Sardinian form of Constantinus (see Constantine).
Custanza f Sicilian
Feminine form of Custanzu.
Custanzu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Constantius.
Cutberto m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Cuthbert.
Dacia f Ancient Roman, Italian, Sicilian
Feminine form of Dacius and Dacio.
Daciano m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Italian and Galician form of Dacian.
Dacio m Italian, Galician
Italian and Galician form of Dacius.
Daciu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Dacius.
Dafna f Sicilian, Hungarian
Sicilian form of Dafne and Hungarian variant of Dafné.
Daliana f Italian (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Dalia 1 using the popular name suffix -ana.
Dalinda f Italian
Variant of Delinda, particularly found in the Abruzzo region of Southern Italy.
Dalmazia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Dalmazio.
Damaride f Italian
Italian form of Damaris.
Damasceno m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form of Damaskenos via it's Latinized form Damascenus.
Damaso m Italian
Italian form of Damasus.
Dàmasu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Damasus.
Damianu m Corsican, Sardinian, Sicilian
Corsican, Sardinian and Sicilian form of Damian.
Damina f Italian
Truncated form of Adamina.
Danae f Italian
Italian form of Danaë.
Danaé f Czech, German (Rare), Italian, French
Czech, German, Italian and French form of Danaë.
Daneli m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Daniel.
Danieli m Sicilian, Georgian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Campidanese Sardinian form of Daniel as well as the Georgian nominative case form of the name. It is only used in Georgian when the name is written stand-alone.
Daniello m Italian
Variant of Daniel or masculine form of Daniela.
Danila f Slovene, Sicilian, Hungarian
Feminine form of Danilo.
Danio m Italian
Short form of Daniele.
Dardano m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Dardanos.
Dariella f Italian (Rare)
Diminutive of Daria.
Dariu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Darius.
Dasio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Dasius.
Daviddi m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Sardinian form of David.
Davidi m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Campidanese Sardinian form of Davide.
Daziano m Italian
Italian form of Dacian.
Dazio m Italian
Italian form of Dacius.
Dea f Danish, Swedish, Croatian, Slovene, English, Albanian, Italian
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Latin dea "goddess" and a short form of Dorotea, Andrea 2 and Desideria... [more]
Decenzia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Decenzio.
Decenzio m Italian
Italian form of Decentius.
Decia f Italian
Italian feminine form of Decius.
Decimo m Italian
Italian form of Decimus.
Décio m Portuguese, Italian, Spanish
Corrupted form of Décimo, variant of Decimus.
Decu m Sicilian
Variant of Diegu via the form Diecu.
Dedalo m Italian
Italian form of Daedalus.
Dederica f Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Archaic), English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Dederico (Italian and Spanish), English variant of Dedericka and Dutch variant of Diederika.
Dederico m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Archaic)
Italian and Spanish form of Dederick. Also see Teodorico.
Defendente m Italian
Italian form of Defendens.
Degna f Italian (Archaic), Sardinian (Archaic)
Italian and Sardinian form of Digna. In modern Italian, degna also means "worthy, deserving".
Deifobo m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Deiphobus.
Deioneo m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Deioneus.
Delfino m Italian
Italian form of Delphinus.
Delfinu m Corsican (Rare, Archaic), Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Delphinus.
Delina f English (Rare), Sicilian, Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Romani
English truncated form of Adeline and Sicilian truncated form of Adelina. This name was borne by Delina Filkins, the first person verified to reach the age of 113, in 1928.
Delisa f Italian
Truncated form of Adelisa.
Deliso m Italian
Masculine form of Delisa.
Delizia f Italian (Modern, Rare)
Italian form of Delicia, from Italian delizia meaning "delight".
Demarato m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Demaratus.
Demetriu m Corsican (Rare), Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Demetrius.
Democrito m Italian
Italian form of Democritus.
Demofilo m Italian
Italian form of Demophilus.
Demostene m Italian
Italian form of Demosthenes.
Deodata f Italian
Italian feminine form of Deodatus.
Deograzia f Italian
Means "grace of God" or "gratitude, thanks to God", from Latin Deus "God" and gratia "grace".
Derfina f Sicilian
Variant of Delfina.
Desideriu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Desiderius.
Desiré f Swedish, Italian (Modern), Spanish (Modern)
Swedish, Italian and Spanish variant form of Désirée.
Desolina f Italian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories include an adoption of title of the Virgin Mary La Madonna Desolata and a derivation from the Latin name Desolinus.
Despena f Italian
Italian form of Despoina.
Dessippo m Italian
Italian form of Dexippos via its latinized form Dexippus.
Deudata f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Deodata.
Devuta f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Devota.
Diadoco m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Diadochos via Diadochus
Diadumeniano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Diadumenian.
Diamante f Italian, Judeo-Italian
Directly from the Italian word diamante meaning "diamond".
Dianora f Italian, Literature, Medieval Italian
Meaning uncertain. It could be a Medieval Italian variant of Diana influenced by Teodora or Eleonora... [more]
Didaco m Italian
Italian form of Didacus.
Didimo m Italian
Italian form of Didymus.
Didone f Italian
Italian form of Dido.
Diegu m Corsican (Rare), Sardinian, Sicilian
Corsican, Sardinian and Sicilian form of Diego.
Dilia f Italian
Truncated form of Edilia.
Dimetria f Sicilian
Sicilian feminine form of Demetrios.
Dinfna f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Dymphna.
Dinostrato m Italian
Italian form of Dinostratus.
Dio m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Italian
Latinized form of Dion. In modern-day Italy, this name is also a short form of Diodato, Dionisio and other names starting with Dio-.... [more]
Diocleziano m Italian
Italian form of Diocletian.
Diodora f Greek (Rare), Neapolitan (Rare), Sicilian, Spanish (Rare), Polish (Archaic)
Greek feminine form of Diodoros, Spanish and Neapolitan feminine form of Diodoro, Sicilian feminine form of Diodoru and Polish feminine form of Diodor.
Diodoro m Italian, Galician
Italian and Galician form of Diodoros.
Diodoru m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Diodorus.
Diogene m Italian, Romanian
Italian and Romanian form of Diogenes.
Diogini m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Diogenes.
Diomede m Italian
Italian form of Diomedes.
Diomira f Italian
Italian feminine form of Theodemar.
Dionisodoro m Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian form of Dionysodoros.
Diotaleva f Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diotalevo m Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings. It was borne from the nobleman Diotalevo Diotalevi.
Diotalleva f Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diotallevi m Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diotallevia f Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diotallevio m Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings. It was borne from the painter Diotallevio D'Antonio.
Diotallevo m Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diovanni m Italian, Brazilian
Dio means god... [more]
Disidderiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Desiderius.
Disma m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Δυσμάς (Dysmas) (see Dismas).
Disnomia f Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Dysnomia.
Ditimu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Didimo.
Ditta f Italian, Hungarian
Truncated form of Editta as well as a Hungarian short form of Edit and Judit, used as a given name in its own right.
Diudoru m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Diodoros via it's Latinized form Diodorus.
Diunigi m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Dionigi and variant of Diunisu
Diunisu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Dionisio.
Diviana f Italian
An ancient form of Diana.
Divo m Italian (Rare)
Derived from Latin divus meaning "god".
Divu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Divo.
Dolcelina f Italian
Italian form of Douceline via its latinized form Dulcelina.
Dolcelino m Italian
Italian form of Doucelin via its latinized form Dulcelinus.
Dolcelinu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Dolcelino.
Dolcina f Italian
Italian form of Dulcina.
Dolcino m Italian
Italian form of Dulcinus.
Dolcissima f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Latin name Dulcissima, meaning "sweetest", "very sweet" (superlative adjective from dulcis - "sweet"). Saint Dolcissima is a virgin and martyr, a patron saint of Sutri.
Dolfo m Asturian, Filipino, Italian (Archaic)
Asturian form and Italian variant of Adolfo.... [more]
Dolorata f Italian
Truncated form of Addolorata.
Domecio m Spanish (Archaic), Italian (Archaic)
Spanish and Italian form of Dometius.
Domenicantonio m Italian
Contraction of Domenico and Antonio.
Domenichino m Italian, History
Diminutive of Domenico. Domenico Zampieri (1581-1641), known by his diminutive, Domenichino after his shortness, was an Italian Baroque painter of the Bolognese School of painters.
Domezio m Italian
Italian form of Dometius.
Dominatore m Italian
Italian form of Dominator.
Dominico m Italian
Italian form of Dominic.
Domizia f Italian
Italian form of Domitia.
Domiziana f Italian
Feminine form of Domiziano.
Domiziano m Italian
Italian form of Domitian.
Domizio m Italian
Italian form of Domitius.
Domizziu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Domitius.
Donatilla f Late Roman, Sicilian
Diminutive of Donata. Also compare Donatella, which is basically a younger form of the name.... [more]
Donatuccia f Medieval Italian, Italian (Rare)
Medieval Italian diminutive of Donata, as -uccia is an Italian feminine diminutive suffix.
Donnino m Italian
Italian form of Domninus.
Doralba f Italian
Combination of Dora and Alba 1, with the overall meaning of "gift of dawn" or "white gift".
Doralice f Carolingian Cycle, Literature, Theatre, Italian (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Name used by the Italian poets Matteo Maria Boiardo and Ludovico Ariosto in their epic poems Orlando innamorato (1483-1495) and Orlando furioso (1516-1532), where it belongs to a Saracen princess.... [more]
Doranda f Italian (Rare)
Truncated form of Adoranda.
Doraura f Italian, Literature
Possibly a contraction of names Dora and Aura. It appears in tragicomedy "L'Armelindo" (1664) by Francesco Maria de Luco Sereni and in a novel "Il Floridoro ò vero Historia del conte di Racalmuto" (1703) by Gabriele Martiano.
Doro m Spanish, Asturian, Italian
Short form of names such as Teodoro, Isidoro and Doroteo.
Dositeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Dositheos via Dositheus.
Driope f Italian, Catalan
Italian and Catalan form of Dryope.
Drusiana f Ancient Roman, Italian (Rare, Archaic), Gnosticism
Feminine form of Drusianus. The tale of the resurrection of Drusiana features prominently in the Acts of John.
Duardu m Sicilian
Truncated form of Eduardu.
Duccia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Duccio.
Duccio m Medieval Italian (Tuscan), Italian (Tuscan)
Medieval masculine given name recently fashionable in Tuscany. It is a short form of Andreuccio, Leonarduccio (diminutive of Leonardo), Bernarduccio (diminutive of Bernardo), Armanduccio (diminutive of Armando) and other given names ending in -duccio.... [more]
Duilia f Italian
Feminine form of Duilio.
Duiliu m Romanian, Sicilian
Romanian and Scilian form of Duilius.
Dumìnica f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Domenica. The name coincides with Sicilian Dumìnica "Sunday".
Duminicu m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Gallurese form of Domenico.
Dumizzianu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Domitianus (see Domitian).
Dunata f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Donata.
Dunatedda f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Donatella.
Dunateddu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Donatello.
Dunatu m Corsican (Archaic), Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Donatus.
Dunnina f Sicilian
Feminine form of Dunninu.
Dunninu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Donnino.
Dunstano m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Dunstan.
Duranti m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Durante.
Duriana f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Doriana.
Durutea f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Dorotea.
Dusolina f Italian (Rare)
Of unknown meaning. Name of operatic soprano Dusolina Giannini (1902 - 1986).
Eaco m Italian
Italian form of Aiakos via its latinized form Aeacus.
Eborico m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Eboric.
Ebroino m Italian
Italian form of Ebroin.
Ecateo m Italian
Italian form of Hekataios via Hecataeus.
Eco f & m Italian
Italian form of Echo, both the mythological figure and the word.
Edea f Italian (Modern, Rare)
Of very uncertain origin and meaning.... [more]
Edelberto m Spanish, Italian (Rare)
Spanish and Italian form of Edelbert.
Edelfa f Italian (Rare), Filipino (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a rare variant of Adelfa. A known bearer of this name is Edelfa Chiara Masciotta (1984-), an Italian television personality and former beauty queen who won Miss Italia 2005.
Edera f Italian, Albanian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Maltese (Rare)
Means "ivy" in Italian, from Latin hedera "ivy", perhaps related to the Latin root -hendere "to grasp; to take; to cling onto".
Ederina f Italian, Albanian
Italian diminutive of Edera as well as an Albanian borrowing of this name.
Edgaro m Esperanto, Italian
Esperanto form of Edgar and Italian variant of Edgardo.
Edilberta f Spanish, Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Edilberto. In other words, this is a Spanish and Italian cognate of Ethelberta.
Editta f Italian
Italian form of Edith.
Edmea f Italian, Maltese
Italian cognate of Edmée.
Edmondu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Edmund.
Edmunnu m Sicilian
Variant of Edmondu.