Brazilian Submitted Names

Brazilian names are used in the country of Brazil in South America.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Manelocas m Portuguese
Diminutive of Manuel.
Manocas f Portuguese
Diminutive of Manuela.
Manoele f Brazilian
Feminine form of Manoel (Compare Manoela).
Maomé m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Muhammad.
Maomédico m Portuguese
Meaning of the name is the follower of Muhammad.
Mar f Portuguese
Means "sea" in Portuguese.
Mara f Tupi, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Derived from Tupi marã "war".
Maralina f Portuguese (Brazilian), South American
Variant of Mara with diminutive -lina.
Marcão m Portuguese
Diminutive of Marcos and Marco.
Marce m & f English, Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian), Indonesian
Short form of names that derive from the name Marcellus.
Marceli f Portuguese (Rare)
Altered form of Marcela and a variant of Marcelly.
Marceliano m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Marcellianus. Known bearers of this name were the Spanish painter Marceliano Santa María (1866-1952) and the Portuguese sculptor Marceliano de Araújo (1690-1769).
Marciel m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Maciel influenced by Marcelo.
Marciele f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Marciela. Alternatively, it may be a feminine form of Marciel.
Marcília f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly an elaboration of Márcia.
Mardoqueu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Mordecai.
Margô f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portugue form of Margo.
Mariane f Portuguese (Brazilian), French (Rare), English (Rare)
Variant of Marianne, mostly used in Brazil. A notable bearer is French journalist and reporter Mariane Pearl.
Marianny f Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Mariany. It is most used in Venezuela.
Maricota f Portuguese
Diminutive of Maria and cognate diminutive of Maria da Conceição.
Marieli f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Allegedly a variant of Mariela.
Marielly f Brazilian (Rare)
Brazilian variant form of Marielle reflecting the Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation of the French version of Mariella.
Mariene f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian variant of Mariana.... [more]
Marieti f Brazilian (Rare)
Phonetic variant of Mariete.
Marijô f Portuguese
Portuguese nick name, a contraction of Maria Joao.
Marilene f Portuguese (Brazilian), Haitian Creole, Filipino
Likely a variant of Marilyn or possibly a combination of Maria and a name ending in -lene such as Arlene... [more]
Marília f Portuguese (Brazilian), Literature
Poetic variant form of Maria. It was introduced by the Lusitan-Brazilian poet Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (1744-1810), who invented the name for his lyric poem "Marília de Dirceu", which he wrote under the pseudonym of Dirceu... [more]
Marilia f Spanish (Latin American), Greek, Portuguese (Brazilian)
A mishmash of Maria and Emilia, and likely inspired by the Marília municipality in midwestern Rio de Janeiro in Brazil... [more]
Marilza f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Contraction of Maria and either Ilza or Elza.
Marineia f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly an elaboration of Marina.
Marinha f Portuguese
Portuguese medieval form of Marina, the name of a 2nd century saint. In moderate use as a given name until the 19th century.... [more]
Mariso m Brazilian (Rare)
Creative masculinization of Marisa.
Marisse f Brazilian (Rare)
Brazilian variant of Marise.
Marle f & m Portuguese (Brazilian), Filipino (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), South African (Rare)
Meaning unknown. This name is considered feminine, particularly in the United States, though some masculine usage is present in other communities.
Marlete f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian variant of Marlette.
Marlia f English (American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Elaboration of Marley and Marla in the style of Julia (See also Marlea).
Marliana f American (Modern, Rare), Brazilian (Rare)
Elaboration of Marlia or a double elaboration of Marla/Marley. It may be also be interpreted as a blend of Marlene and Juliana.
Marlita f Filipino (Rare), Brazilian (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Possibly a diminutive of Marla using the Spanish feminine diminutive suffix -ita.
Marney f & m English (Rare), Brazilian
Variant of Marnie, while a Feminine name in English, in Brazil, it's typically masculine. It could also be transferred from the surname Marney.
Marolo m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Marolus.
Marquito m Portuguese
Diminutive of Marcos.
Marsilio m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Marsilius.
Martiniano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Martinianus.
Martirio m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian Portuguese and Spanish form of Martyrius.
Maruca f Portuguese, Galician
Diminutive of Maria and María.
Masé f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Short form of María José coming from the first and last syllables.
Matusalém m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Methuselah via its latinized form Mathusalem.
Maurino m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Maurinus.
Mausolo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Mausolus.
Mavia f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian), History
Variant transliteration of ماوية (see Māwiyya).
Mavutsinim m Kayapo
Meaning not available.
Maxander m Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern, Rare)
Probably a blend of any name starting with Max- (such as Maximilian) with any name ending in -ander (such as Alexander).
Maximilano m Spanish, Portuguese
Variant spelling of Maximiliano.
Maximiniano m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Maximinianus.
Maya f Tupi, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Derived from Tupi maya "mother".
Mayra f Tupi, Brazilian
Variant of Maíra.
Maysa f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Maísa. Maysa Matarazzo (1936 – 1977) was a Brazilian singer-songwriter, performer and actress. She is also associated with Bossa nova music but is widely known as a torch song (fossa) interpreter.
Mazé f Portuguese
Diminutive of Maria Jose.
Mediadora f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
From the title of the Virgin Mary, referring to her intercessory role as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ (compare English Mediatrix, French Médiatrice and Spanish/Portuguese Mediatriz alongside Portuguese Medianeira).
Medianeira f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
From the title of the Virgin Mary, referring to her intercessory role as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ (compare English Mediatrix, French Médiatrice and Spanish/Portuguese Mediatriz alongside Spanish/Portuguese Mediadora).
Mediatriz f Filipino (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
From the title of the Virgin Mary, referring to her intercessory role as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ (compare English and French equivalents Mediatrix and Médiatrice, Portuguese Medianeira and Spanish/Portuguese Mediadora).
Meire f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese borrowing of Meira.
Mel f & m Catalan (Modern, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish
Means "honey" in Catalan and Portuguese.... [more]
Melaneu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Melaneus.
Melânia f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Melania.
Melanto m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Melanthos via its latinized form Melanthus.
Meléagro m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Meleager.
Melécio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Meletios via Meletius.
Melisseu m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Melisseus.
Melisso m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Melissos via its latinized form Melissus.
Melita f Portuguese
Diminutive of Amélia.
Melito m Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
Spanish Portuguese and Galician form of Mellitus.
Melquior m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Melchior.
Mena f Italian, Sardinian, Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of Filomena and Italian diminutive of names containing the element -mena-, such as Filomena and Domenica.
Menandro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
Italian, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Menander.
Menêdemo m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Menedemos via it's Latinized form Menedemus.
Menelau m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Menelaus.
Menipo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Menippos via its latinized form Menippus.
Mera f Tupi
Derived from Tupi mãra meaning "war".
Mercês f Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Mercedes.
Mercúrio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Mercurius (see Mercury).
Messênia f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Messene.
Metrodoro m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Metrodorus.
Metrófanes m Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese and Spanish form of Metrophanes.
Mi f English, Portuguese, Swedish
Diminutive of Maria. ... [more]
Mia f Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
European Portuguese diminutive of Camila and Brazilian Portuguese diminutive of Emília.
Micá f Portuguese
Diminutive of Maria do Carmo, Maria Carlos, and other similar composed names.
Micaele f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian variant of Micaela.
Mical f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Michal 2.
Micarla f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a contraction of names beginning with Mi-, such as Miguel and Miriam, and Carla and a variant of Micaela.
Micas m Portuguese
Short form of Miguel.
Micchel m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian version of Michael and an alternative version of Michel.
Miche f & m American (Modern, Rare), Brazilian (Rare)
Perhaps a diminutive of Michel or Michelle (See also Mish). It's a feminine name in the USA and a masculine name in Brazil.
Michelly f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Variant of Michelle influenced by similar names such as Danielly.
Miguelinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Miguela.
Miguelinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Miguel.
Mígui m Portuguese
Diminutive of Miguel.
Miju f Portuguese
Diminutive of Maria de Jesus, Maria João, Maria Júlia and other similar compound names, formed by combining Mi and Ju.
Mikeila f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Form of Mikaela based on the English pronunciation.
Mila f Galician, Portuguese
Short form of Emília, Camila or the composed name Maria Emília.
Milady f Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), English (American, Rare)
From the word, now used in historical or humorous contexts, referring to an English noblewoman or gentlewoman, the form of address to such a person or a lady. It came partly from a colloquial pronunciation of my Lady and partly from French milady (from my Lady).
Milagre f Portuguese
Singular form of Milagres.
Milagres f Portuguese (Rare), Galician (Rare)
Portuguese and Galician cognate of Milagros.
Milai f Portuguese
A diminutive of the composed name Maria Adelaide.
Milena f Portuguese
Diminutive of the double name Maria Helena, formed by combining Mi and Lena.
Milenna f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Most likely a variant of Milena.
Milho f Portuguese
Diminutive of Emilia that literally means, "maize."
Milinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Emilia.
Milú f Portuguese
Diminutive of Maria Luísa, Maria de Lurdes, and Maria Lúcia.
Minervina f Ancient Roman, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Minervina was the first wife of Constantine the Great. She was of Syrian origin. Constantine either took her as a concubine or married her in 303, and the couple had one son, Crispus.
Minho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Jaime 1.
Miqueila f Brazilian (Rare)
Form of Mikaela based on the English pronunciation and a variant of Mikeila.
Miquelina f Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (African), Gascon, Provençal
Portuguese diminutive of Micaela and Gascon and Provençal form of Micheline.
Mirabela f Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
Latinate and Romanian form of Mirabella.
Miraildes f Brazilian
The given name of the women football player known as Formiga.
Mireie f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Mireille.
Miriã f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Miriam.
Mirinho m Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of names ending in -miro, such as Almiro, Casimiro, Clodomiro and Ramiro.
Míron m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Myron.
Mirtes f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese cognate of Myrtle.
Mirtis f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Myrtis.
Misericordiosa f Portuguese
"Person who forgives the harm done to him"
Mística f Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Modern, Rare)
Means "mystical" in Portuguese and Spanish. Occasionally used as a given name.
Mité f Portuguese
Diminutive of the composed name Maria Teresa, formed by combining Mi and .
Mitó f Portuguese
Cognate diminutive of Maria Antonia.
Mizé f Portuguese
Cognate diminutive of Maria José.
Monalisa f Indian, Brazilian, English (African), English (American, Rare), Various
From Mona Lisa meaning "Madam Lisa", derived from the archaic Italian term of address monna (a contraction of Old Italian ma donna "my lady") and the name Lisa... [more]
Moniquinha f Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive form of Mônica and Mónica.
Monómaco m Galician, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Monomachos.
Morfeu m Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian
Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian form of Morpheus.
Mozart m English (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Transferred use of the German surname Mozart, most likely in honour of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Muhno m Portuguese
medieval name. masculine form of Monica.
Mumadona f Portuguese (Archaic)
Portuguese form of the compound name Muniadomna, which is likely not genuinely Latin but instead a latinization of a name that was probably of either Basque or Germanic origin. Even so, compare the Latin words munia meaning "duties, functions" and domna meaning "lady, mistress".... [more]
Mundinho m Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of names ending in -mundo, such as Edmundo and Raimundo.
Mundo m Portuguese, Spanish
Short form of names ending in -mundo such as Raymundo or Edmundo.
Munho m Portuguese
Name of medieval Portuguese man. Masculine form of Monica.
Murilo m Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Means "small wall" in Spanish.
Museu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Musaeus.
Naiá f Tupi, Guarani
Per the legend, an indigenous tribe believed that the moon was the goddess Jaci, who came at night and kissed and lit up the faces of the most beautiful virgins in the village. When the moon hid behind the mountain, she would take girls with her and turn them into stars.... [more]
Náiade f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Náyade
Nailson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a rhyming variant of Mailson or Ailson.
Naira f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from Greek Ναϊάς (Naias), a type of water nymph in Greek mythology (plural Ναϊάδες).
Nália f Portuguese
Diminutive of Anália.
Ñamandu m Tupi
Meaning "God" in Tupí, this name is popular in North-Eastern Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.
Namaria f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Ana and Maria, often used as a nickname.
Nana f Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
European Portuguese diminutive of Ana and Brazilian Portuguese diminutive of Daiana.