Brazilian Submitted Names

Brazilian names are used in the country of Brazil in South America.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Juju f & m English, Portuguese
Diminutive of names beginning with Ju, such as Julius, Judith or June. As a Portuguese name it is used as a diminutive of Joana, Júlia or Juliana.
Juli f & m English, Georgian, Spanish, Portuguese
English variant spelling of Julie as well as the Georgian form of the name. It is also a short form of given names that start with Juli-, which not only applies to English, but also to Georgian, Spanish and Portuguese.... [more]
Juliani f & m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), English (American, Rare)
Variant of Juliana and Julian. While a feminine name in Brazil, in the USA, it's a unisex name.... [more]
Julianny f Brazilian
Variant of Julianne reflecting the Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation of the French variant of Julianna.
Julião m Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Iulianus (see Julian). Known bearers of this name include the Portuguese multimedia artist and painter Julião Sarmento (b. 1948) and the Brazilian amateur flyweight boxer Julião Henriques Neto (b... [more]
Juliele f Brazilian
Combination of Julia and the popular Brazilian name suffix -ele found in names such as Isabele.
Juliene f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese borrowing of Julienne.
Julinho m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Portuguese diminutive of Júlio.
Jullie f English, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Julie. This is the stage name of a Brazilian voice actress, singer and actress called Juliana "Jullie" Vasconcelos.
Júnio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Junius.
Júnior m Portuguese
Like the English name Junior, used in Portuguese most often for a boy who has the same name as his father. It is also sometimes used as an independent name.
Juraci m & f Tupi, Brazilian
Derived from Old Tupi jura "mouth" and sy "mother; source, origin" and thus commonly interpreted as "one who speaks well". This name is borne by Brazilian politician Juraci Vieira de Magalhães (1931-2009) and Brazilian triathlete Juraci Moreira Jr... [more]
Juracir m & f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Juraci with the suffix -cir (cf. Valdecir, Moacir, Iracir).
Juracy f & m Brazilian, Tupi
Variant of Juraci. This name was borne by Brazilian politician Juracy Magalhães (1905-2001).
Jurema f Tupi, Brazilian
Derived from Old Tupi yu "thorn" and rema "bad odor", oftentimes interpreted as "stinky thorn tree". The jurema plant (also known as black jurema, binho de jurema and mimosa tenuiflora) is a perennial tree or shrub native to the northeastern region of Brazil.
Juruna m & f Tupi
Means "black mouth" in Lingua Geral and it's an exonym used for the Yudjá people. The name is given after Mário Juruna (1942-2002), the first national-level federal representative in Brazil that belonged to an indigenous people.
Juscelino m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Jucelino. This name was borne by Juscelino Kubitschek (1902-1976), President of Brazil from 1956 to 1961.
Jussara f Tupi, Brazilian
Derived from Old Tupi ii'sara "sting, burn, itch", referring to the thorns of a palm tree that were used as weaving needles. Ii'sara and asaí are the Tupi names to the tree Euterpe oleracea.
Jutaí m Portuguese (Brazilian)
The meaning and origin of this name is uncertain. It may be derived from the Brazilian river of the same name.
Júvia f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portugese (Brazilian) form of Juvia.
Kaarl m Hunsrik
Hunsrik form of Charles.
Kabenti m Kayapo
Means "chatterbox" in Kayapo.
Kaiane f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Kaiane Aldorino Lopez (born 1986) is a Gibraltarian politician, dancer and beauty queen who was crowned Miss World 2009.
Kailan m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Meaning unknown, possibly a variant of Kaylan.
Kaká m Brazilian
Diminutive of Ricardo, Claudiano and David. ... [more]
Kalida f Brazilian
Meaning, "warm, ardent."
Karlen m & f English (Rare), Brazilian (Rare)
Variant of Carlin/Carline or an elaboration of Karl.
Karyme f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), American (Hispanic)
Possibly a form of Karima. A known bearer is Mexican actress Karyme Lozano (1978-).
Kássia f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese variant spelling of Cássia. A known bearer of this name is the Brazilian television presenter, singer and actress Kássia Franco.
Kássio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese variant spelling of Cássio. Known bearers of this name include the Brazilian soccer players Kassio Rinaldo de Lima Gomes (b. 1987) and Kassio Rocha Martins (b... [more]
Kathellen f Brazilian
A blend of Katharina and Ellen 1 or a variant of Kathlyn.... [more]
Kátia f Portuguese
Variant of Cátia or a Portuguese form of Katia.
Kauanny f Brazilian (Modern)
Modern spelling of Kauany (Since double consonant is a common modern thing in Brazil when giving name to a kid) which is feminine form of Kauã which itself is a variant of Cauã meaning "hawk" in tupi.
Kauê m Brazilian, Tupi
Variant of Cauê.
Kaun m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a contracted form of Kauan.
Kawahib m Tupi
A popular name in Argentina and in Eastern Paraguay among Guarani people, also the name of a dialect of the language.
Kayalle f Brazilian
Significado: Não há um significado oficial amplamente registrado para o nome "Kayalle". Contudo, ele pode ser derivado de nomes como "Kayla" e "Kauanny", cujos significados possíveis são:... [more]
Keiti f Portuguese (Brazilian), Estonian (Modern)
Brazilian variant of Keity and Estonian adaptation of Katy.
Keity f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Spanish and Portuguese adaptation of Katy reflecting the English pronunciation.
Kelen f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Allegedly a variant of Kailane.
Kélia f French (Modern), Portuguese (Brazilian)
French and Portuguese form of Kelia.
Kelliana f American (Modern, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Either a variant of Keliana, an elaboration of Kellia or an elaboration of Kelly.
Kelson m Brazilian, English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Kelson.
Kemily f Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern)
Variant of Kemili, possibly influenced by Emily.
Kendi f & m English (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Most likely a variant of Kennedy or Candy.... [more]
Kénedi m Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Kennedy, reflecting English pronunciation.
Kerolaine f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Carolaine; a variant of Caroline reflecting the English pronunciation.
Keron m & f English (Rare), Brazilian (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Charon, Caron and Karen 1.
Kessia f English (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Likely a variant of Keziah (compare Kesiah and Kesia).... [more]
Ketherine f Indonesian (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Meaning uncertain. In most cases it is probably a variant of the English name Katherine, but there can also be cases where it comes from the Indian name Ketharini (especially if the parents are Hindus or otherwise have some knowledge of the Hindu pantheon).
Kévim m Portuguese
Portuguese variant of Kevin.
Keyla f Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian), English (American)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Kayla reflecting the English pronunciation, as well as an English variant.
Kika f Portuguese
Variant of Quica.
Kitéria f Portuguese, Hungarian (Rare)
Portuguese variant and Hungarian normal form of Quiteria. This name is probably not normally used in Hungary, but it's employed there to refer to bearers of other nationalities.
Kiteria f Basque (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Basque, Bulgarian, and Ukrainian form of Quiteria. This is also the French transcription of the Ukrainian form, although French-speaking parents probably don't normally use it as an actual personal name (cf... [more]
Kléber m French (Quebec), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Québécois form of Kleber as well as a Brazilian variant of Cléber.
Kristiano m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese Brazilian form of Cristiano.
Laécio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Allegedly a variant of Laércio.
Laerte m Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Italian and Portuguese form of Laertes.
Laine f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Truncated form of Elaine.
Lairton m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a combination of Lair and the suffix -ton.
Laís f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Laïs.
Laisla f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Laila 1 influenced by Laís.
Lala f Portuguese, Spanish, English (Rare)
Diminutive of Laura. As a Spanish name, it may also be used as a diminutive of Eulalia, Alejandra or Esmeralda.
Lalá f Spanish, Portuguese
Diminutive of Laura.
Lalau m Portuguese
Diminutive of Nicolau.
Lalita f Spanish, Portuguese
Diminutive of Lala, itself a diminutive of Laura. In other words, this is a double diminutive of Laura.
Lamartine m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Means “dweller by the sea” in French. Alphonse de Lamartine was a French writer and politician in the Second Republic of France.
Landinho m Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of Rolando. A known bearer of this name is the Portuguese soccer player Rolando "Landinho" Pereira Rocha Almeida (b. 1993).
Lauan m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Meaning unknown, possibly a masculine form of Lauane.
Lauane f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Rhyming variant of Kauane.
Laudo m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Polish (Archaic)
Portuguese and Polish form of Laud.
Laurêncio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Laurence 1.
Laurinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Laura.
Laurinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Lauro.
Laveran m Brazilian
Transferred use of the French surname Laveran.... [more]
Lavinho m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Male version of Lavinha, which is derived from Lavinia
Lavínia f Catalan, Portuguese, Hungarian
Hungarian, Portuguese and Catalan form of Lavinia.
Lázara f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, Caribbean
Spanish and Portuguese feminine form of Lazarus.
f Portuguese
Diminutive of Leticia.
Leanderson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a combination of Leander and Anderson.
Leania f American (South, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Either a variant of Leonia, influenced by Leah, or an elaboration of Leana.
Lebuíno m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Leobwin via it's Latinized form Lebuinus.
Leca f Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive for the feminine given name Leticia.
Lediça f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Leticia.
Leici f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Portuguese form of Lacy reflecting the English pronunciation.
Leidi f Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Lady reflecting the Spanish and Portuguese pronunciation.
Leilo m Brazilian (Rare)
Masculine form of Leila.
Lelê m & f Portuguese
Short form of names containing the letter L like Wesley and Helena.
Leme m & f Brazilian
The meaning of the name is belonging to God.
Lenice f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Apparently a diminutive of Helenice.
Lenilson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a combination of Leni and Nilson.
Leninha f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese diminutive of Lena and Helena.
Leninho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Heleno and Eleno.
Lenir f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly taken from Portuguese lenir, meaning "to relieve, to mitigate, to smoothen", ultimately from Latin lenire.
Lenita f Portuguese (Brazilian), Indonesian (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Diminutive of Lena and various names that end in -lena.
Leno m Portuguese
Diminutive of Heleno and Eleno.
Léo f Portuguese
Diminutive of Leonor.
Leocelso m Brazilian
Probably a contraction of Leo and Celso.
Leofanto m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Leophantos.
Leomar m Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American), Filipino
Combination of Leo-, from names beginning with this pattern such as Leonardo and Leopoldo, and -mar, from names beginning in that pattern, e.g. María (Spanish)/Maria (Portuguese).... [more]
Leonam m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
The name is the inverse of Manoel.