Arabic Submitted Names

Arabic names are used in the Arab world, as well as some other regions within the larger Muslim world. They are not necessarily of Arabic origin, though most in fact are. Compare also Persian names and Turkish names. See also about Arabic names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Muayyad مؤيد m Arabic
Means "supported" in Arabic, from the word أَيَّدَ (ayyada) meaning "to support, to endorse".
Muaz معاذ m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic معاذ (see Muadh).
Muazzam معظم m Arabic, Urdu
Means "exalted, glorified, venerated" in Arabic.
Mu'azzaz f Arabic
Variant transcription of Muazzaz.
Muazzaz f & m Arabic
Means "powerful, strong" or "honored, revered" in Arabic.
Muballig m Arabic, Pakistani
TABLIQ KARNE WALA, person who teaches religious knowledge
Mubashir مبشر m Arabic, Urdu
Means "bringing good news" in Arabic, from the word بشّر (bashara) meaning "to bring good news".
Mubeen مبين m Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic مبين (see Mubin), as well as an Urdu variant.
Mubeena مبينة f Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic مبينة (see Mubina), as well as an Urdu variant.
Mudar مضر m Arabic
Probably derived from the Arabic adjective مضر (mudirr) meaning "hurtful, harmful, pernicious". This name was borne by one of the patrilineal ancestors of the prophet Muhammad... [more]
Mudathir مدثر m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مدثر (see Muddathir).
Muddathir مدثر m Arabic
Means "covered, wrapped" in Arabic, derived from the root تدثر (tadaththara) meaning "to cover".
Mueen معين m Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic معين (see Muin), as well as the Urdu form.
Muez m Arabic
A praise name of Almighty Allah (The God)... [more]
Muezza معزة‎‎ f Arabic, Pet
Means "to care about others, one who comforts". The name of the prophet Muhammad's favourite cat.
Mufeed مفيد m Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic مفيد (see Mufid), as well as the Urdu form.
Mufeeda مفيدة f Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic مفيدة (see Mufida), as well as the Urdu form.
Mufid مفيد m Arabic, Indonesian
Means "useful, beneficial, profitable" in Arabic.
Mufida مفيدة f Arabic
Feminine form of Mufid.
Mufidah مفيدة f Arabic, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic مفيدة (see Mufida), as well as the usual Indonesian form.
Mufleh مفلح m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مفلح (see Muflih).
Muflih مفلح m Arabic, Indonesian
Means "successful, prosperous" in Arabic, from the root أفلح (ʿaflaḥa) meaning "to succeed".
Mufliha مفلحة f Arabic, Indonesian
Feminine form of Muflih.
Muflihah مفلحة f Arabic, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic مفلحة (see Mufliha), as well as an Indonesian variant.
Muhab m Arabic
Means "loving" in Arabic.
Muhaimin مهيمن m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic مهيمن (see Muhaymin), as well as an Indonesian and Malay variant.
Muhajir مهاجر m Arabic (Rare), Indonesian
Means "migrant, immigrant" in Arabic.
Muhanad مهند m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Muhannad.
Muhannad مهند m Arabic
Refers to a type of iron sword from India, derived from Arabic الْهِنْد (al-Hind) meaning "India".
Muharram محرم m Arabic
Means "forbidden" in Arabic, derived from the word حَرَّمَ‎ (harrama) meaning "to forbid". This is the name of the first month of the Islamic calendar, so named because warfare is forbidden during this month.
Muhaymin مهيمن m Arabic
Means "dominating, commanding, controlling" in Arabic. In Islamic tradition المهيمن (al-Muhaymin) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Muhi al-Din محي الدين m Arabic
Means "reviver of the religion" from Arabic محي (muhy) meaning "restorer, reviver" and دين (dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
Muhibullah محب الله m Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the Arabic noun محب (muhibb) meaning "friend, lover" combined with the Arabic noun الله (Allah) meaning "God" (see Allah).... [more]
Muhsen محسن m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic محسن (see Muhsin).
Muhtad m Arabic
Mustad - means the one who is blessed with hidayat - rightly guided ... [more]
Muhyi ad-Din محيي الدين m Arabic
Means "reviver of the religion" from Arabic محيي (muḥyī) meaning "reviver, vitalizer, livener" combined with دين (dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
Muin معين m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Means "supporter, helper, patron" in Arabic, from the root أعان (ʾaʿāna) meaning "to help".
Muiz معز m Arabic
Means "giver of honour, empowerer, comforter" in Arabic. In Islamic tradition المعز‎ (al-Mu'izz) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Mujahed مجاهد m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مجاهد (see Mujahid).
Mujahid مجاهد m Arabic, Urdu, Indonesian, Malay
Means "fighter, struggler" in Arabic, from the root جاهد (jāhada) meaning "to endeavour, to strive, to toil".
Mujdā مُجْدَى f Arabic
Feminine form of أَمْجَد (ʾamjad) (see Amjad), itself an elative of مَجِيد Majid, feminine مَجِيدَة‎ (Majīda).... [more]
Mujeeb مجيب m Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic مجيب (see Mujib), as well as the usual Urdu form.
Mujib مجيب m Arabic
Means "answerer, responder" as well as "responsive" in Arabic.
Mujtaba مجتبى m Arabic
Means "the chosen one, the selected one" in Arabic. This is one of the titles of Muhammad.
Mukarram مكرم m & f Arabic, Urdu, Uzbek
Means "honoured, venerated, exalted" in Arabic, from the root كرم (karrama) meaning "to honour, to exalt". As an Uzbek name it is solely feminine.
Mukhlis مخلص m Arabic, Indonesian
Means "sincere, devoted, loyal" in Arabic.
Muktar مختار m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مختار (see Mukhtar).
Munawar منور m & f Arabic, Urdu, Indonesian
Means "luminous, bright, shining, blooming" in Arabic, from the root نَوَّرَ (nawwara) meaning "to illuminate, to blossom".
Munawara منورة f Arabic, Urdu
Strictly feminine form of Munawar.
Munawarah منورة f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic منورة (see Munawara), as well as an Indonesian and Malay variant.
Munawwar منور m & f Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic or Urdu منور (see Munawar).
Mundher منذر m Arabic (Modern, Archaic)
An arabic name meaning someone who warns / alerts others from danger or something bad / ominous happening. From the arabic word انذار meaning "warning".
Munia منية m Arabic
Variant transcription of Munya.
Munib منيب m Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
Means "repentant" in Arabic, a derivative of أَنَابَ (ʔanāba) meaning "to turn, to delegate" (implying "to repent and return to Allah").
Muniba منيب f Arabic, Pakistani, Turkish
Feminine form of Munib.
Munirah منيرة f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic منيرة (see Munira), as well as the usual Malay and Indonesian form.
Muntader منتظر m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic منتظر (see Muntadhar).
Muntadhar منتظر m Arabic
Means "awaited, anticipated, expected" in Arabic, from the root انتظر (intaẓara) meaning "to wait for".
Muntadher منتظر m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic منتظر (see Muntadhar).
Muntaser منتصر m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic منتصر (see Muntasir).
Muntasir منتصر m Arabic, Bengali
Means "victorious, successful" in Arabic, from the word اِنْتَصَرَ (intaṣara) meaning "to gain victory, to triumph".
Muntasser منتصر m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic منتصر (see Muntasir).
Muntazar منتظر m Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic منتظر (see Muntadhar), as well as the Urdu form.
Muntazer منتظر m Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic منتظر (see Muntadhar), as well as an Urdu variant.
Muqaddas مقدس f & m Arabic, Urdu
Means "sacred, holy" in Arabic, from the root قدس (qaddasa) meaning "to sanctify, to make holy".
Muqdam مقدام، المقدام m Arabic
Me qdam in Arabic language also usually mentioned bad (ALMEQDAM)... [more]
Muqtada مقتدى m Arabic
Muriza f Arabic (Egyptian)
An arabian variant of "Marissa"
Murqus مرقص f Arabic
Arabic form of Marcus (see Mark).
Mursal مرسل m & f Arabic, Pashto, Indonesian
Means "messenger, emissary, apostle" in Arabic.
Murtadha مرتضى m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مرتضى (see Murtada).
Musab مصعب m Arabic
Means "hard, difficult, tough" in Arabic, from the word صَعُبَ (sa'uba) meaning "to be hard, to be difficult". This was the name of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad.
Musalam مسلم m Arabic (Rare), Indonesian (Rare)
Arabic alternate transcription of Musallam as well as the Indonesian form.
Musallam مسلم m Arabic
Means "unblemished, flawless" in Arabic.
Musbah f Arabic
Musbah bint Nasser was the first queen consort of Jordan.
Musharaf مشرف m Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic/Urdu مشرف (see Musharraf).
Musharraf مشرف m Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
Means "honoured, honourable" in Arabic, from the root شرف (sharrafa) meaning "to make noble, to elevate, to honour".
Musheera مشيرة f Arabic (Mashriqi)
Variant spelling of Mushira.
Mushirah مُشِيرة f Arabic
Another form of the name "Mushira". It is "to give to counsel, to guide, or advise" or means "one who sets an example" in Arabic.
Mushtaq مشتاق m Arabic, Urdu
Means "desirous, eager, yearning" in Arabic.
Musleh مصلح m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مصلح (see Muslih).
Muslih مصلح m Arabic, Indonesian
Means "reformer, peacemaker, conciliator" in Arabic, from the word أَصْلَحَ ('aslaha) meaning "to reform, to make peace, to reconcile".
Musliha مصلحة f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Feminine form of Muslih.
Muslihah مصلحة f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic مصلحة (see Musliha), as well as an Indonesian and Malay variant.
Muslimah مسلمة f Arabic, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic مسلمة (see Muslima), as well as the usual Indonesian form.
Muslimuddin مسلمالدين m Indonesian, Bengali, Indian (Muslim), Pashto, Urdu, Arabic
Combination of Muslim and الدين (al-din) meaning “the religion” in Arabic
Mussab مصعب m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مصعب (see Musab).
Mustabsherah f Arabic
one who will be happy in the hereafter, in the paradise. It is an Arabic word used in Quran- a collection of revelations by the God on prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Lord be upon him).
Mustakim مستقيم m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay, Bengali
Alternate transcription of Arabic مستقيم (see Mustaqim), as well as an Indonesian, Malay and Bengali variant.
Mustaqim مستقيم m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Means "straight, correct, right" in Arabic.
Mu'taaz معتاز m Arabic
Variant transcription of Arabic معتاز (see Mu'taz).
Mutaaz معتاز m Arabic
Variant transcription of Arabic معتاز (see Mu'taz).
Mutahar مطهر‎ m Arabic
Means "clean, pure" in Arabic, from the root طَهَّرَ (ṭahhara) meaning "to purify".
Mutaher مطهر m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مطهر (see Mutahar).
Mutakabbir m Arabic
Mutakabbir comes from the root kaaf-baa-raa, which has three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be great in size, rank, or dignity.... [more]
Mutasem معتصم m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic معتصم (see Mutasim).
Mutassem معتصم m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic معتصم (see Mutasim).
Mutassim معتصم m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic معتصم (see Mutasim).
Mu'taz معتاز m Arabic
From Arabic مُعْتَاز (muʿtāz) meaning "possessor of great honor and glory, powerful".
Mutaz معتاز m Arabic
Variant transcription of Arabic معتاز (see Mu'taz).
Mutaza Billah معتزّة بالله m & f Arabic
Variant transcription of Arabic معتزّة بالله (see Mu'tazzah Billah).
Mu'tazzah Billah معتزّة بالله m & f Arabic
From Arabic مُعْتَزّة بالله (muʾtazzah billah) meaning "one who has high honor from God".
Mutazzah Billah معتزّة بالله m & f Arabic
Variant transcription of Mu'tazzah Billah.
Muthanna مثنى m Arabic
Means "double, dual, two at a time" in Arabic.
Mutlaq مطلق m Arabic
Means "absolute, free, unlimited" in Arabic, from the root أطلق (ʾaṭlaqa) meaning "to free, to liberate".
Muwafak موفق m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic موفق (see Muwaffaq).
Muwafaq موفق m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic موفق (see Muwaffaq).
Muwaffak موفق m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic موفق (see Muwaffaq).
Muwaffaq موفق m Arabic
Means "successful, fortunate, proper, fit" in Arabic, from the root وفق (waffaqa) meaning "to grant success to, to make fit".
Muzafar مظفر m Arabic, Urdu, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic/Urdu مظفر (see Muzaffar), as well as a Malay variant of the name.
Muzaffar مظفر‎‎ m Arabic, Urdu, Uzbek, Tajik, Malay
Means "victorious, triumphant, one who has been aided to victory" in Arabic, from the root ظفر (ẓaffara) meaning "to make victorious, to grant victory".
Muzakir مذكر m Arabic, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic مذكر (see Muzakkir), as well as an Indonesian variant.
Muzakkir مذكر m Arabic, Indonesian
Means "reminder, one who reminds" in Arabic, from the root ذكر (dhakkara) meaning "to remind".
Muzammil مزمل m Arabic, Urdu, Indonesian
Means "enshrouded, enfolded, bundled" in Arabic, from the root زَمَّلَ (zammala) meaning "to cover up". Al-Muzammil is the name of the 73rd surah (chapter) of the Qur'an.
Muzdalifa مزدلفة f Arabic (Rare)
From the name of an area near the city of Mecca that is visited by pilgrims during the hajj. The name is derived from Arabic مزدلف (muzdalif) meaning "approaching, nearing, meeting", itself from the root ازدلف (izdalafa) meaning "to precede, to be near to".
Muzdalifah مزدلفة f Arabic (Rare), Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic مزدلفة (see Muzdalifa), as well as an Indonesian variant.
Muzzammil m Arabic
After the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and the 73rd Surah of the Qu'ran. Means "The Enshrouded One."
Myha ماء f & m Arabic
in arabic means water.... [more]
Myriame مريم f Arabic (Maghrebi), French
Variant of Maryam.
Myrieme f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Variant of Miriam (chiefly Moroccan).
Nabeeh نبيه m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نبيه (see Nabih).
Nabeeha نبيهة f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نبيهة (see Nabiha).
Nabeela نبيلة f Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic نبيلة (see Nabila), as well as the usual Urdu transcription.
Nabi نبي m Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, Persian
Means "prophet" in Arabic.
Nabieh نبيه m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نبيه (see Nabih).
Nabih نبيه m Arabic
Means "keen, astute, clever, bright" in Arabic, from the root نبه (nabbaha) meaning "to alarm, to alert, to inform".
Nabiha نبيهة f Arabic
Feminine form of Nabih.
Nabihah نبيهة f Arabic, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic نبيهة (see Nabiha), as well as a Malay variant.
Nabilah نبيلة f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نبيلة (see Nabila), as well as the Malay and Indonesian form.
Nacer ناصر‎‎ m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Nasir used in Algeria.
Nacéra ناصرة, نصيرة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Nasira chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Nacereddine m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Nasir al-Din (chiefly Algerian).
Naceur ناصر m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic ناصر (see Nasir) chiefly used in North Africa.
Nacim نسيم m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Nasim chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Nadeen نَادِين f American (Rare), Arabic
Variant or Arabic form of Nadine.
Nadeer m Arabic
Variant transcription of Nadir
Nadeera f & m Arabic (Rare)
Variant of Nadira.
Nadhem ناظم m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic ناظم (see Nazim).
Nadhim ناظم m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic ناظم (see Nazim).
Nadhir نذير m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نذير (see Nazir 1).
Nadhira نظيرة f Arabic, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نظيرة (see Nazira), as well as an Indonesian variant.
Nadiah نادية f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Arabic alternate transcription of Nadiyya as well as the Malay and Indonesian form.
Nadif m Bengali (Muslim), Arabic
Probably derived from Arabic نَظِيف (naẓīf) meaning "clean".
Nadima نديمة f Arabic
Feminine form of Nadim.
Nadimah نديمة f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic نديمة (see Nadima), as well as an Indonesian and Malay variant.
Nadirah نادرة f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نادرة (see Nadira), as well as a Malay and Indonesian variant.
Nadiyyah f Arabic
Means “moist, tender, delicate” in Arabic.
Nadjia f Arabic
Variant transcription of Najia.
Nadjib نجيب m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Najib (chiefly Algerian).
Nadjoua نجوى f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجوى (see Najwa) chiefly used in North Africa.
Nady m Arabic
Variant of Nadie.
Naef نايف m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نايف (see Naif).
Naeim ناعم f Arabic
Means “soft” in Arabic.
Nafia نافعة f Arabic
Means 'Profitable' in Arabic
Nafis نفيس m Arabic (Rare), Bengali, Tatar
Means "precious, valuable" in Arabic.
Nafisah نفيسة f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Arabic alternate transcription of Nafisa as well as the Indonesian and Malay form.
Nafiya نافعة f Arabic
Variant transcription of نافعة (See Nafia)
Nafiza نَافِذَة f Arabic
Variant transcription of Nafizah.
Naged m Arabic (Egyptian)
The “rescuer” a person who saves, rescues, or delivers. Arabic spelling: ناجد
Nagham نغم f Arabic
Means "tune, melody" in Arabic.
Nagla نجلاء f Arabic (Egyptian)
Egyptian Arabic transcription of Najla.
Naglaa نجلاء f Arabic (Egyptian)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجلاء (see Najla). This corresponds more closely with the Egyptian Arabic pronunciation of the name.
Nagmeldin نجم الدين‎ m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجم الدين‎ (see Najm ad-Din). This spelling is chiefly used in Sudan.
Naguib نجيب m Arabic (Egyptian)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجيب (see Najib). This corresponds more closely with the Egyptian Arabic pronunciation of the name.
Nagwa نجوى f Arabic (Egyptian)
Egyptian transcription of Najwa.
Nahid ناهض m Arabic
Means "rising, getting up" in Arabic, from the root ناهض (nahaḍa) meaning "to rise".
Nahida تهامي, ناهدة f Bengali (Muslim), Indian (Muslim), Arabic
Possibly a variant of Nahid.
Nahïl m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi form of Nahil.
Nahila f Arabic, Spanish
Variant transcription of Najla or Naila.
Nahir نهير m & f Arabic
Derived from the Arabic root نهير (nahir), which refers to flowing water or a small river,
Nahyl m Arabic
Variant of Nahil.
Naida f Filipino, Arabic
Short form of Zenaida.
Naijla f Bosnian, Arabic
Variant form of Najla or Naila.
Naïl m Arabic (Gallicized)
French form of Nail.
Nailah نائلة f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic نائلة (see Naila), as well as an Indonesian and Malay variant.
Naïm m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Na'im.
Naimah نعيمة f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نعيمة (see Naima), as well as the usual Malay and Indonesian form.
Naira نيرة, نايرة f Arabic (Egyptian), Georgian
Derived from Arabic نير (nayyir) meaning "bright, luminous, brilliant".
Nairah نيره f Arabic
Meaning luminous
Najah نجاح f & m Arabic
Means "success, prosperity" in Arabic.
Najat نجاة f Arabic
Means "salvation, rescue, deliverance" in Arabic.
Najdat نجدة m Arabic
Means "bravery, courage in battle" in Arabic.
Najee m Arabic
means good friend
Najeebah f Arabic
of noble birth, born into royalty, excellent
Najeebullah نجيب الله m Arabic, Pakistani, Urdu
Urdu form of Najibullah as well as an Arabic variant transcription of the name.... [more]
Najeemuddin نَجِيم الدين m Arabic
Means "brilliance of the faith, radiance of religion", derived from Arabic نَجْم (najm) "star, luminary" and دين (din) "religion, faith".
Najeh ناجح m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic ناجح (see Najih).
Najet ناجيت f Arabic (Mashriqi)
Variant spelling of Najat.
Najia f Arabic
Feminine form of Naji.
Najiba نجيبة f Arabic, Pashto
Feminine form of Najib.
Najibah نجيبة f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجيبة (see Najiba), as well as a Malay and Indonesian variant.
Najih ناجح m Arabic
Means "successful, prosperous, fortunate" in Arabic, from the root نجح (najaḥa) meaning "to suceed".
Najiha ناجحة f Arabic, Malay
Feminine form of Najih.
Najihah ناجحة f Arabic, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic ناجحة (see Najiha), as well as a Malay variant.
Najila f Arabic (Egyptian)
The name Najila is a girl's name of Arabic origin meaning "bright eyes". Pretty and feminine Arabic name.
Najima نجمة f Arabic
From Arabic نجمة (najima) meaning "star".
Najlaa نجلاء f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجلاء (see Najla).
Najlae نجلاء f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجلاء (see Najla) chiefly used in Morocco.
Najlah نجلاء f Arabic, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجلاء (see Najla), as well as an Indonesian variant.
Najm ad-Din نجم الدين‎ m Arabic
Means "star of the religion" from Arabic نجم (najm) meaning "star" combined with دين (dīn) meaning "religion, faith, belief".
Najmah نجمة f Arabic, Indonesian, Filipino, Maranao
Arabic alternate transcription of Najma as well as the Indonesian and Maranao form.
Najm al-Din نجم الدين‎ m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجم الدين‎ (see Najm ad-Din).
Najmeddin نجم الدين m Arabic, Persian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجم الدين‎ (see Najm ad-Din), as well as the Persian form.
Najmeddine نجم الدين‎ m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجم الدين‎ (see Najm ad-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Najmi نجمي m & f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Means "astral, celestial, star-like" in Arabic, from the word نجم (najm) meaning "star".
Najmuddin نجم الدين‎ m Arabic, Dari Persian, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic نجم الدين‎ (see Najm ad-Din), as well as the Dari Persian and Malay form.
Najmul m Arabic (Archaic)
Famous monnikers include Najmul Millat, an Islamic jurist, and Najmul Hoda, a writer and scholar.
Nakheel نَخِيل m & f Arabic
Plural form of Nakhlah, means "date palm," but it also means "something that is purified."
Nakhlah نَخْلَة f Arabic
Means "date palm" in Arabic.
Nameer m Arabic (Rare)
Variant transcription of Namir.
Nameera نميرا f Arabic (Mashriqi)
Variant spelling of Namira.
Namir m Arabic (Rare)
Means "leopard" in Arabic.
Namira f Arabic
Feminine form of Namir.
Namur نمر m Arabic
From Arabic نمر (namur) meaning "tiger".
Naoual نوال‎‎ f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نوال‎‎ (see Nawal) chiefly used in North Africa.
Naoufal نوفل m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نوفل (see Nawfal) chiefly used in North Africa.
Naoufel نوفل m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نوفل (see Nawfal) chiefly used in North Africa.
Naoul f Arabic
Variant of Nawal
Naqeebullah نقيب الله m Arabic, Pakistani, Urdu
Urdu form of Naqibullah as well as an Arabic variant transcription of the name.
Naqib نقيب m Arabic, Persian
Derived from the Arabic noun نقيب (naqib) meaning "chief, leader, captain". Known bearers of this name include the Afghan cricketer Naqib Nangarhari (b. 1998) and the Persian storyteller Naqib ol Mamalek, who is the author of the popular Persian epic Amir Arsalan (19th century AD).
Naqibullah نقيب الله m Arabic, Afghan
Derived from the Arabic noun نقيب (naqib) meaning "chief, leader, captain" (see Naqib) combined with the Arabic noun الله (Allah) meaning "God" (see Allah).... [more]
Narimene ناريمان f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Algerian Arabic feminine form of Nariman.
Narjis f Arabic, Medieval Arabic (Moorish)
Means "narcissus" in Arabic.
Narmin نرمين f Arabic
Variant transcription of Nermin.
Nas m Arabic
Diminutive of Nasir and Naseer.
Naseema نسيمة f Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi
Arabic alternate transcription of Nasima as well as the Urdu and Dhivehi form.
Nasiba f Arabic
Feminization of Nasib.
Nasibah نسيبة f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Arabic alternate transcription of Nasiba as well as the Indonesian and Malay form.
Nasih ناصح, نصيح m Arabic, Indonesian, Dhivehi
Means "adviser, counselor, guide" in Arabic, from the root نصح (naṣaḥa) meaning "to give sincere advice, to counsel". This transcription represents two related yet distinct names: ناصح (with a long first vowel) and نصيح (with a long second vowel).
Nasimah نسيمة f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نسيمة (see Nasima), as well as a Malay and Indonesian variant.
Nasimullah m Arabic, Afghan
The first element of this name is likely derived from either the Arabic noun نَسِيم‎ (nasim) meaning "breeze" (see Nasim) or from the Arabic noun نَاظِم‎ (nazim) meaning "organizer" (see Nazim)... [more]
Nasirah ناصرة, نصيرة f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic ناصرة/نصيرة (see Nasira), as well as a Malay and Indonesian variant.
Nasir al-Din ناصر الدين, نصير الدين m Arabic
Means "supporter of the faith" from Arabic ناصر/نصير (nasir) meaning "helper, supporter" and دين (dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
Nasiriyah f English (Rare), Arabic
From the city of Nasiriyah in southern Iraq. The city was founded in the 1870s and named after a local sheikh named Nasir.
Nasiruddin ناصر الدين, نصیر الدین m Arabic, Bengali, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic ناصر الدين/نصیر الدین (see Nasir al-Din), as well as the Bengali and Malay form.
Nasouh نصوح m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نصوح (see Nasuh).
Nasra نصرة f Arabic, Somali, Swahili
Means 'helper, support" in Arabic.
Nasr al-Din نصر الدين m Arabic
Means "victory of the religion" from Arabic نصر (naṣr) meaning "triumph, victory" combined with دين (dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
Nasrallah نصر الله m Persian, Arabic
Persian form of Nasrullah, as well as an Arabic alternate transcription.
Nasratullah m Arabic
Derived from the Arabic noun nasrah meaning "help, aid, assistance" (see Nasrat and compare Nasser) combined with the Arabic noun الله (Allah) meaning "God" (see Allah).... [more]
Nasreddine نصر الدين m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نصر الدين (see Nasr al-Din) chiefly used in North Africa.
Nasri نصري m & f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Means "my victory" or "my help" from Arabic نصر (nasr) meaning "victory" or نصر (nasara) meaning "to help, to assist, to support". It is sometimes used as a feminine name in Indonesia.
Nasria نصرية f Arabic
Nasruddin نصر الدين m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay, Dari Persian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نصر الدين (see Nasr al-Din), as well as an Indonesian, Malay and Dari Persian variant.
Nasrul نصر ال m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
First part of compound Arabic names beginning with نصر ال (Nasr al) meaning "victory of the" (such as Nasrullah).
Nasrullah نصر الله m Arabic, Urdu, Indonesian, Malay
Means "victory of Allah" from Arabic نصر (nasr) meaning "victory, triumph" combined with الله (Allah). Known bearers of this name include the Afghan crown prince Nasrullah Khan (1874–1920) and the Pakistani politician Nasrullah Khan Khattak (1923-2009).
Nassera f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Nasira (chiefly Algerian).
Nassima نسيمة f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Nasima chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Nassir ناصر m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic ناصر (see Nasir).
Nassira f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Nasira (chiefly Algerian and Moroccan).
Nasuh نصوح m Arabic, Turkish
Means "sincere, truthful, faithful" in Arabic.
Nasuha نصوحة f Arabic, Malay
Feminine form of Nasuh.
Naureen نوری f Arabic (Rare), Pakistani (Rare), Bengali (Rare)
Possibly an elaboration of Noor 1.
Nawaf نواف m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نواف (see Nawwaf).
Nawar نوار m & f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نوار (see Nawwar).
Nawel نوال f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Nawal chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Nawf نوف m Arabic (Mashriqi)
Masculine form of Nawfa.
Nawfa f Arabic
The name means exalted, wise. It also means “Nova” in english.
Nawfal نوفل‎‎ m Arabic
Means "generous" in Arabic, also an archaic word meaning "sea, ocean".
Nawfel نوفل m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic نوفل (see Nawfal) chiefly used in North Africa.
Nawraa نَوراء f Arabic
Nawraa' includes meanings of "beauty", "purity", and "radiancy". It is a derivative of Noor 1, which means "glowing light".
Nawwaf نواف m Arabic
Means "elevated, lofty, high" in Arabic.
Nawwar نوار m & f Arabic
Means "flower, blossom" in Arabic.
Nay ناي f Arabic (Mashriqi)
Traditional bamboo flute used in the levant
Nayla نايلة f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Naila.
Nazar نَظَر m Arabic
Alternative transcription of Nazr.
Nazara f Arabic
Feminine form of Nazar/Nazr
Nazeef نظيف m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نظيف (see Nazif).
Nazeeh نزيه m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نزيه (see Nazih).
Nazeeha نزيهة f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic نزيهة (see Naziha).