Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
ZephathimBiblical, Jewish The name might mean "one born on Sabbath", but more probably is a modification of the ethnic Zephathi (Zephathite), from Zarephathi (Zarephathite).
ZepherinmHistory (Anglicized) Anglicized form of Ceferino. In the English-speaking world, the Venerable Ceferino Namuncurá (1886-1905) is sometimes known as Zepherin.
ZéphirinmFrench (Archaic), French (African) Variant of Zéphyrin (see Zephyrinus). Though it was a popular French name in the 19th and early 20th centuries, its usage is mainly confined to various French-speaking African nations today.
ZephomBiblical This is the name of one of the sons of Eliphaz listed in the Bible.
ZephonmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Variant of Ziphion. Means "hidden" in Hebrew. In the apocryphal Book of Enoch this was the name of an angel sent by the archangel Gabriel, along with the angel Ithuriel, to find the location of Satan after his fall.
ZephyranthefObscure From Zephyranthes, the name of a genus of flowering plants in the Amaryllis family, derived from the name of the Greek god Zephyros and Greek ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower, blossom".
ZephyriafAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from Greek ζεφύριος (zephyrios) "of the West". This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Aphrodite.
ZeppelinmEnglish (Modern) Transferred use of the name of the Zeppelin airships; from the surname of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin (1838-1917), a German aeronautical pioneer, designer and manufacturer of airships... [more]
Zeqingm & fChinese From Chinese 泽 (zé) meaning "moist, grace, brilliance" and 清 (qīng) meaning "blue, green, young", as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
ZereldafEnglish (American, Archaic), American (South, Archaic) Variant of Serilda. It was regionally popular in the Midwestern and Southern United States in the 19th century, borne by the Kentuckian mother of Jesse James, outlaw, as well as her husband's niece, whom Jesse later married... [more]
ZerlenefEnglish (American, Rare) Possibly a variant of Zerline. This is the title of a 1955 song by American R&B duo Gene & Billy (singers Gene Ford and Billy Boyd), about a woman named Zerlene.
ZernebogmSlavic Mythology (Slovak) variant transcription of Chernobog. Zernebog is a Slavic deity, about whom much has been speculated but little can be said definitively. The name may also be given as Crnobog, Czernobóg, Černobog, Црнобог or Chernobog; these are all romanizations of the Russian Чернобог, meaning black god... [more]
ZernigarfOttoman Turkish From Persian زر (zar) meaning "gold" and نگار (negār) meaning "beloved, sweetheart; painting, picture".
Zerom & fVarious Derived from the Italian zero itself from Medieval Latin zèphyrum, Arabic صفر (ṣifr) and Sanskrit शून्य (śūnyá), ultimately meaning "empty".... [more]
ZeromItalian from the medieval Greek personal name Xeros, derived from Greek xeros meaning "dry", "bare".
ZerrinfTurkish Means "golden, yellow" or "daffodil, jonquil, narcissus" in Turkish, ultimately from Persian زرین (zarrin).
ZeruafBasque Modern coinage derived from Basque zeru "sky; heavens; heaven".
ZerubbabelmBiblical, English (Puritan) Possibly means "conceived and born in Babylon" from a contraction of either Assyrian-Babylonian Zəru Bābel "seed of Babylon" or Hebrew זְרוּעַ בָּבֶל (Zərua‘ Bāvel) "the one sown of Babylon"... [more]
ZerynthiafGreek Mythology, Thracian Mythology Epithet of the Greek goddess Hecate which meant "of Zerynthos", Zerynthos being an ancient Greek town in Thrace famous for a cave or grotto dedicated to Hecate.
ZetafEnglish (Rare) English variant of Zita 1. It is also the name of the sixth letter in the Greek alphabet, Ζ. A famous bearer is Welsh actress Catherine Zeta-Jones (1969-); born Catherine Zeta Jones, she was named after her paternal grandmother, Zeta Jones, who was herself named for a ship that her father sailed on.
ZetemHungarian Hungarian male name, of possible Slavic origin, from zet ''son-in-law''.
ZetesmGreek Mythology Possibly derived from Ancient Greek ζητέω (zeteo) "to seek, look forc inquire; to strive for, desire, wish". In Greek myth, Zetes and his twin brother Calais were sons of Boreas, the god of the north wind, and members of the Argonauts.
ZetharmBiblical According to Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, means "he that examines or beholds". In the Bible, this is the name one of the seven eunuchs of Ahasuerus in the Book of Esther.
Zethuf & mXhosa, Zulu Means "ours" or "belongs to us" in both Xhosa and Zulu within the Nguni language group. Notable South African name bearers include actor Zethu Dlomo and orchestral musician Zethu Mashika.
Zetianf & mChinese, History Means "to the day" in Mandarin Chinese. This is the posthumous name of Wu Zhao, the sole female ruler of the Chinese Empire.
ZeuxidamosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek noun ζεῦξις (zeuxis) meaning "a yoking together" (which comes from the verb ζεύγνυμι (zeugnymi) "to yoke, saddle a beast of burden; to join, link together; to join in wedlock") and δᾶμος (damos), the Doric Greek form of δῆμος (demos) "the people".
ZeuxipposmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Means "desultor, someone who can leap from one horse or chariot to another", from Greek ζεύγνυμι (zeugnumi) meaning "to yoke, saddle; to join, link together" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
ZeuxismAncient Greek Means "to yoke together" or "to bridge", ultimately derived from Greek ζεύγνυμι (zeugnymi) meaning "to yoke, saddle; to join, link together".
ZeuxitheafAncient Greek Derived from Greek ζεύγνυμι (zeugnumi) "to yoke, join together, join in wedlock" and θεά (thea) "goddess".
ZeuxofGreek Mythology Derived from Greek ζεύγνυμι (zeugnumi) "to yoke, join together, join in wedlock". In Greek mythology Zeuxo was one of the Oceanids, possibly a goddess of marriage.
ZewditufEastern African, Amharic Zewditu is an Amharic word meaning "the Crown". Although it was sometimes erroneously Anglicized as Judith, it's not a cognate.... [more]
ZewimMedieval Jewish, Jewish (Rare) German transcription of Zvi. It was recorded in medieval German-speaking countries but became very rare in modern times.
ZeyamBurmese Alternate transcription of Burmese ဇေယျ/ဇေယျာ (see Zeyar).
ZeyadmArabic Alternate transcription of Arabic زياد (see Ziyad).
ZeyarmBurmese From Burmese ဇေယျ (zeya) meaning "victory", ultimately from Sanskrit जय (jaya).
ZezettefObscure (Rare) Meaning unknown, perhaps a misinterpretation of the French name Suzette. This name is not used in French, though, as it is a crude word for female genitalia.
ZezollafLiterature Meaning unknown. This is the name of the main character of the fairy tale Cenerentola, an early version of Cinderella written by Giambattista Basile.
ZezozosemObscure Likely an invented name. This is the name of Charles Manson's son.
ZgjimmAlbanian Derived from Albanian zgjim "awakening" as well as from Albanian zgjim, an archaic term meaning "knowledge, education".
ZhadanmUkrainian Ukrainian non-canonical name meaning "welcomed, desired, wished for", derived as a contracted patriciple of verb zhadaty (жадати) - "to want, to wish for, to desire, to demand, to wish something to somebody, to crave"... [more]
ZhadyrafKazakh Possibly from Arabic جدير (jadir) meaning "suitable, worthy, proper" or Kazakh жаудырау (zhaudyrau) meaning "gleaming (eyes), tender (gaze)".
ZhalafPersian Kabuli dialectal variant of Jaleh or Zhaleh. This is how the name is pronounced in the Kabuli dialect of Persian spoken in Afghanistan, as opposed to the Tehrani dialect spoken in Iran.
ZhambylmKazakh Kazakh form of Janpolad. It could also be that the name has a slightly different etymology, in which case it is derived from the Arabic adjective جميل (jamil) meaning "beautiful, handsome, good" (see Jamil) combined with the Persian noun پولاد (polad) meaning "steel"... [more]
Zhanm & fChinese Derived from the Chinese character 湛 (zhàn) meaning "deep; profund; clear" or 瞻 (zhān) meaning "to look forward; to observe" or 占 (zhān) meaning "to divine; to foretell".... [more]
ZhanafGeorgian Georgian form of the French name Jeanne. It is also used as a short form of Zhaneta in Georgia.
ZhanarfKazakh Means "shine of the eyes" in Kazakh. Alternately, it may be derived from Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" and Arabic نار (nar) meaning "fire".
Zhanatf & mKazakh Either derived from Kazakh жанат (zhanat) meaning "raccoon" (figuratively meaning "large eyes") or Arabic جنة (jannah) meaning "paradise, garden".
ZhanbekmKazakh From Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" combined with the Turkic military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
ZhanbolatmKazakh From Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" and болат (bolat) meaning "steel".
ZhanbolotmKyrgyz From Kyrgyz жан (zhan) meaning "soul" and болот (bolot) meaning "steel".
ZhanbotamKazakh From жан (jan) meaning "soul, life" combined with бота (bota) "camel calf, colt" in Kazakh
ZhanbyrbaymKazakh Means "rich in rain" in Kazakh, derived from жаңбыр (zhanbyr) "rain" and бай (bay) "rich, wealthy".
ZhanchangfChinese From the Chinese 湛 (zhàn) meaning "deep, profound" or "clear, tranquil, placid" and 嫦 (cháng), the name of a moon goddess.
ZhandauletmKazakh From Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" and дәулет (daulet) meaning "contentment, wealth, fortune".
ZhangirkhanmKazakh Combination of the name Zhangir and the Turkic title khan meaning "ruler, leader".
ZhangmeifChinese From the Chinese 璋 (zhāng) meaning "jade ornament" and 玫 (méi) meaning "rose".
Zhangqiaom & fChinese From the Chinese 长 (zhǎng) meaning "long, lasting" or "excel, be good at" and 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever".
Zhangyum & fChinese From Chinese 樟 (zhāng) meaning "camphor tree" or 长 (zhǎng) meaning "to grow, to develop" combined with 煜 (yù) meaning "brilliant, glorious", 豫 (yù) meaning "relaxed, comfortable, carefree, happy", 宇 (yǔ) meaning "house, eaves, universe" or 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain"... [more]
ZhanibekmKazakh Derived from Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master" or Kazakh бекем (bekem) meaning "firm, strong, steady".
ZhaniyafKazakh Derived from Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul", ultimately from Persian.
ZhanjinmChinese (Rare) From Chinese 占 (zhān) meaning "to divine, to foretell" combined with 金 (jīn) meaning "metal" or "gold", as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
ZhanjuanfChinese From the Chinese 湛 (zhàn) meaning "deep, profound" or "clear, tranquil, placid" and 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful".
ZhanmeifChinese From the Chinese 湛 (zhàn) meaning "deep, profound" or "clear, tranquil, placid" and 妹 (mèi) meaning "younger sister" or 梅 (méi) meaning "plum".
ZhannifChinese From the Chinese 湛 (zhàn) meaning "deep, profound, tranquil" and 霓 (ní) meaning "rainbow".
Zhannurf & mKazakh From Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" (of Persian origin) combined with нұр (nur) meaning "light" (of Arabic origin).
ZhanqingfChinese From the Chinese 湛 (zhàn) meaning "deep, profound" or "clear, tranquil, placid" and 晴 (qíng) meaning "fine weather".
ZhansultanmKazakh From Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" and сұлтан (sultan) meaning "sultan, king".
ZhansulufKazakh Means "beautiful soul", from Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" (of Persian origin) combined with сұлу (sulu) meaning "beauty, beautiful".
ZhanwenfChinese From the Chinese 湛 (zhàn) meaning "deep, profound" or "clear, tranquil, placid" and 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns".
ZhanwisefCircassian Derived from zhan meaning "princess (unmarried royal daughter)" and wise meaning "poem".
ZhanxiafChinese From the Chinese 湛 (zhàn) meaning "deep, profound" or "clear, tranquil, placid" and 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds".
ZhanybekmKyrgyz Derived from Kyrgyz жан (zhan) meaning "soul" combined with the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
ZhanzhufChinese From the Chinese 湛 (zhàn) meaning "deep, profound" or "clear, tranquil, placid" and 珠 (zhū) meaning "bead, pearl, precious stone".
Zhaom & fChinese The name of a Chinese area in the Zhou dynasty. This was the name of several Chinese emperors, including Empress Wu Zetian.
ZhaobeifChinese From the Chinese 兆 (zhào) meaning "omen" or "million" or 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 蓓 (bèi) meaning "bud".
ZhaobifChinese From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 碧 (bì) meaning "jade, green, blue"
ZhaofeifChinese From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 霏 (fēi) meaning "falling of snow and rain".
ZhaofenfChinese From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 芬 (fēn) meaning "fragrance".
Zhaofengm & fChinese From Chinese 兆 (zhào) meaning "omen, sign" or 肇 (zhào) meaning "cause, start" combined with 丰 or 豐 (fēng) meaning "abundant, plentiful, lush, bountiful" or 峰 (fēng) meaning "peak, summit"... [more]
ZhaoguifChinese From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 桂 (guì) meaning "laurel" or "cassia".
ZhaohongfChinese From the Chinese 照 (zhào) meaning "shine, illuminate, reflect" and 虹 (hóng) meaning "rainbow".
Zhaohuam & fChinese From Chinese 照 (zhào) meaning "shine, illumine, reflect" combined with 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, flowery, Chinese"... [more]
ZhaojiefChinese From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 洁 (jié) meaning "clean, purify, pure".
ZhaojingfChinese From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright" or 静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle".
ZhaojuanfChinese From the Chinese 照 (zhào) meaning "shine, illuminate, reflect" and 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful".
ZhaojuefChinese From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" and 珏 (jué) meaning "two pieces of jade joined together".
ZhaojunfChinese Mythology Means "brilliant noble" in Chinese (貂 zhāo "brilliant", 君 jūn "king, ruler, noble"). This name is the courtesy name of one of the Four Beauties of ancient China, Wang Zhaojun (王昭君 Wáng Zhāojūn), whose given name was Wang Qiang (王嬙 Wáng Qiáng)... [more]
ZhaolanfChinese From the Chinese 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous" or 照 (zhào) meaning "shine, illuminate, reflect" and 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid".