Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Ukrainian
Scripts Жадан(Ukrainian)
Pronounced Pron. zhu-DUN  [key]
Other Forms FormsZhadanets (Жаданець), Zhadko (Жадко), Zhdan (Ждан), Zhdanets (Жданець), Zhdanko (Жданко), Zhdas (Ждась)

Meaning & History

Ukrainian non-canonical name meaning "welcomed, desired, wished for", derived as a contracted patriciple of verb zhadaty (жадати) - "to want, to wish for, to desire, to demand, to wish something to somebody, to crave". There were 159 cossacks of this name in 1649 Zaporozhian Army register. It may have been used as translation of Desiderius.
Added 11/13/2021 by Kvitoslava-Orysia