Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Varima-te-takerefPolynesian Mythology Primordial mother goddess in Cook Islands mythology. Her name has been attested as meaning "goddess of the beginning" or "the mud at the bottom". It may be derived from vari meaning "mud" and takere meaning "bottom of a canoe".
VårinfNorwegian (Rare) Elaboration of Vör, perhaps influenced by Karin. It is also associated with the Norwegian word vår meaning "spring (the season)".
VarinafEnglish (Rare) Possibly a variant of Varinia. This name was most notably borne by Varina Davis (1826-1906), the second wife of Jefferson Davis and the First Lady of the Confederate States of America.
Varinderm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit वर (vára) "environing, enclosing, space" or "boon, gift, reward, benefit" combined with the name of the Hindu god Indra.
VarinnmOld Norse From the name of a Germanic tribe, the Varini. Varinn was the runemaster of the Rök runestone, the first known piece of Swedish literature.
VarlamimGeorgian Form of Varlam with the nominative suffix, used in Georgian when the name is written stand-alone.
VarlenmSoviet (Rare) Means "great army of Lenin", from великая армия Ленина (velikaya armiya Lenina). This name was used by communists in the Soviet Union who wanted to use non-traditional names for their children.
Varlikm & fTurkish Means "asset, wealth" in Turkish.
Varmaf & mFinnish Means "sure, certain, reliable" in Finnish.
VarqamPersian The name conferred upon an early martyr of the Baha'i religion (Mirza 'Ali-Muhammad Varqa) by the founder of that religion, Baha'u'llah. Means "dove" in Persian.
VarricmPopular Culture In the Dragon Age video game series, Varric Tethras is a "surfacer" dwarf (who traditionally live underground), merchant, and best-selling novelist. His most notable traits are his loyalty, sense of humor, gravelly voice, chest hair, and a one-of-a-kind semi-automatic crossbow named Bianca... [more]
VarromAncient Roman Roman cognomen of which the etymology is obscure, though there is a possibility that it might be of Etruscan origin. Known bearers of this name are Roman consul Gaius Terentius Varro (3rd century BC), Roman scholar Marcus Terentius Varro (1st century BC) and Roman poet Varro Atacinus (1st century BC).
VarronianusmLate Roman Roman cognomen which was derived from the Roman nomen gentile Varronius. A bearer of this name was the son of Roman Emperor Jovian (4th century AD).
VarskvlavisafGeorgian (Archaic) Means "of a star" in Georgian. It is derived from Georgian ვარსკვლავის (varskvlavis), which is the genitive of the Georgian noun ვარსკვლავი (varskvlavi) meaning "star".
VarysmLiterature, Popular Culture Varys is the name of an eunuch character from the Song of Ice and Fire books by GRR Martin and the TV show Game of Thrones based upon the former. ... [more]
VarytimosmGreek (Rare) From the Ancient Greek adjective βαρύτιμος (barytimos) meaning "very costly, of great value", a word used in the New Testament (itself composed of βαρύς (barys) "heavy, deep" and τιμή (time) "value, esteem").
Vasam & fSamoan Means "(open) ocean, sea" in Samoan.
VasagmArmenian Means "treacherous person" in Armenian.
VasarafLivonian (Rare), Medieval Baltic (Rare) Of uncertain origin and meaning. One theory links this name to Latvian vasara "summer", while other academics rather see a connection to Finnish vasara "hammer".
VasarismLithuanian (Rare) Derived from the Lithuanian noun vasaris meaning "February" (as in, the month). There are also several cases where this name is the masculine form of Vasara.
VashafAlbanian Derived from Albanian vashë, a poetic term meaning "young girl, maiden".
VashanmPersian Means "Mighty King", Vashan is an uncommon but rare name. "sincere, loyal" and "dependable"; however, "quite unpredictable" and "overly possessive."
VashishmMauritian Creole, Indian, Hinduism Variant of Vashisht, which is a varaint of Vashistha. In Hinduism, Vashistha is one of the Saptarishis (seven great Rishis) in the seventh, i.e. the present Manvantara, or age of Manu. Vashista is a manasputra (mind-son) of Brahma.
VasillaqmAlbanian Albanian form of Vasilakis. Unlike the original Greek name, the Albanian form is used as an official name on birth certificates.... [more]
VasoulafGreek Diminutive of Vasiliki (formed of Vaso 2 and the Greek feminine diminutive suffix -ούλα (-oula)).
VasparianomArthurian Cycle Son of the famous knight named Guiron the Courteous. Vaspariano guarded the castle of Crudele, at which he was slain in combat by Sir Lamorat, who had to assume his post.
VaspiefCrimean Tatar Derived from Arabic وَصْفِيّ (waṣfiyy) meaning "attributive, descriptive" or perhaps "praising".
VassagijikmAlgonquin The name for "Greasy Mouth" an eccentric and erratic culture hero and might be derived from the Algonquin Wesucechak.
VassagomLiterature Vassago is a demon described in demonological grimoires such as the Lesser Key of Solomon and the Book of the Office of Spirits. He is the third demon in the Lesser Key (including Thomas Rudd's variant) and is referred to as a prince "of a good nature" and of the "same nature as Agares"... [more]
Vassarm & fAmerican (Rare) Transferred use of the surname Vassar. Notable namesakes are Vassar CarltonClements (1928 - 2005) American folk musician known as the Father of Hillbilly Jazz and female poet Vassar Miller (1924 - 1998).
VathsalyafIndian "Vathsalya" means "Eternal Love". It is a form of expressing feelings. It is one of the five forms expressing feelings of devotion - Shantha (Serenity), Sakhya (friendliness), Vathsalya (eternal love), Anuraga (affection) and Madhura (sweetness).
VatnarrmOld Norse Derived from the Germanic name elements vatn "water, waters, river, brook, tears" and herr "army". Vatnarr was the name of a legendary Norwegian king.
VatosoafMalagasy Means "pearl" or "gems" in Malagasy. From vato (meaning stone) and soa (meaning good). Vato soa literally means "good stones".
VatromirmSerbian, Croatian (Rare) From Serbian ватра (vatra) meaning "fire" and мир (mir) meaning "peace" or "glory". Thus the name means "vigorous or passionate for glory/peace".
VaudréefFrench, French (Quebec) A French form of Waldrada. It was borne by a 7th-century saint, the first abbess of Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnais in Metz, France.
VaulafFinnish (Rare) Vaula is both a flower/flowering plant genus ("Asarina" in Latin) and in old Finnish language a little wooden ring that kept a bunch of silver birch branches together in a sauna.
VaurafPolynesian, Tahitian Polynesian origin name, composed by "vai", meaning "water" and "ura", referred to a typical Polynesian dance; hence the meaning can be interpreted as "dancing water".
VaylenmAmerican The masculine name Vaylen is used in American. Other countries in which name Vaylen being used are. Vaylen is not a very common name for a boy. It Is not ranked with in the top 1,000 names.
VazulmHungarian (Rare) Variant of Vászoly via the Old Hungarian form Wazul. Vazul, (before 997–1031 or 1032) was a member of the House of Árpád, a grandson of Taksony, Grand Prince of the Hungarians.
VémNorse Mythology Derived from vé, a Germanic shrine or sacred enclosure. In Norse Mythology, Vé is the brother of Odin and Vili.
VectormPopular Culture Means "carrier" in Latin. This is the name of two fictional characters; Vector the Crocodile from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and a villain from Despicable Me.
VedmPopular Culture A character appearing in the 4th series of 'The Tribe', a British TV series.