This is a list of submitted names in which the length is 12.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
RhadamanthosmGreek Mythology I am uncertain of the meaning, but it might be etymologically related to Greek adámas "invincible, untamed" or Greek damázo "to overpower, to tame, to conquer." In Greek mythology, Rhadamanthos was a son of Zeus and Europa.
RhadamanthusmGreek Mythology Meaning unknown, probably of pre-Greek origin, but perhaps related to Greek ῥᾴδιος (rhaidios) "easy" and μανθάνω (manthanô) "to learn, come to know". In Greek mythology, Rhadamanthus or Rhadamanthys was a son of Zeus and Europa... [more]
RoncesvallesfSpanish (European, Rare) From the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora de Roncesvalles "Our Lady of Roncesvalles". Roncesvalles is the name of a municipality located in the Spanish Pyrenees.
RongomaiteremMoriori This is a personal noun. The name has different meanings that deal with the sea. It is an allegorical proportionate for ocean. This noun also means 'peace on the ocean.' One possible meaning is 'ocean god'... [more]
Sancho AbarcafSpanish (European, Rare) From Spanish Virgen de Sancho Abarca ("Virgin of Sancho Abarca"), an obscure title of the Virgin Mary venerated in the town of Tauste (Spain). This Marian devotion stems from a wooden sculpture of Mary found in the 16th century in the castle ruins of Navarrese king Sancho II of Pamplona, also known as SanchoAbarca.
Sarankhökhööf & mMongolian From Mongolian саран (saran) meaning "moon" and хөхөө (khökhöö) meaning "cuckoo". ‘The Tale of the Moon Cuckoo’, or ‘Moon Cuckoo’, is a traditional Mongolian opera based on a Tibetan work of the same name.
Saranmandakhf & mMongolian Derived from Mongolian саран (saran) meaning "moon" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
SaruulchimegfMongolian From Mongolian саруул (saruul) meaning "clear, bright, lucid" or "healthy, robust" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "decoration, ornament".
Saruul-erdenef & mMongolian From Mongolian саруул (saruul) meaning "clear, bright, lucid" or "healthy, robust" and эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" or "precious".
Sassuma-arnaafMythology Means "mother of the sea". This is the name of a character in Greenlandic mythology.
ScerdilaidasmHistory (Latinized) Scerdilaidas (ruled 218 – 206 BC) was an Illyrian ruler of the Illyrian kingdom under the Labeatan dynasty. He was the grandfather of Gentius. The name itself is of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from Albanian herdhe "nest; herd", ultimately from Proto-Albanian *skarda- "herd" and Proto-Albanian *laida "to leave, to die, to lead", thus meaning something like "herd or flock leader".
SchwertleitefTheatre Transferred from the name of an early form of accolade. Schwertleite is the name of one of the valkyries in Richard Wagner's opera 'Die Walküre'.
ScribonianusmLate Roman, History This Roman cognomen is an extended form of Scribonius. A known bearer of this name was Lucius Arruntius Camillus Scribonianus, a Roman usurper from the 1st century AD.
SeishichiroumJapanese From Japanese 精 (sei) meaning "essence", 七 (shichi) meaning "seven" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
SekheperenremAncient Egyptian From Egyptian sḫm-pr.n-rꜥ, possibly meaning "(the one) daring forth to Ra", from Egyptian sḫm "powerful" combined with prj "to come forth" combined with the Egyptian God Ra... [more]
Selengemörönf & mMongolian From the name of the Selenge River and the Mongolian word мөрөн (mörön) meaning "river".
Seth-PeribsenmAncient Egyptian Etymology uncertain. Probably from Egyptian stẖ-prj-sn, perhaps meaning "the brother comes forth to Seth", from Egyptian prj "to come forth" combined with sn "brother" combined with the Egyptian God Seth 2... [more]
SetyaningsihfIndonesian Combination of Indonesian setia meaning "faithful, loyal, true" (of Sanskrit origin) and the given name Ningsih.
ShafariyantifIndonesian From Safar صفر (Safar)), the second month of the Islamic calendar. The month derives its name from the Arabic adjective صفر (safr) meaning "void, empty, vacant".... [more]
ShavkatmirzamUzbek Derived from the Uzbek shavkat meaning "glory" and mirza meaning "scribe, clerk, scholar" or "lord".
ShavkatnazarmUzbek Derived from the Uzbek shavkat meaning "glory" and nazar meaning "look, glance".
ShesshoumarumPopular Culture InuYasha's half-brother, Shesshoumaru is a full dog demon in the manga/anime InuYasha. According to the character guide it means "Killing Perfection".
ShichirouzanmJapanese From Japanese 七 (shichi) meaning "seven", 郎 (rou) meaning "son" combined with 山 (zan) meaning "mountain". Other kanji combinations are possible.
ShijirbaatarmMongolian From Mongolian шижир (shijir) meaning "solid, noble, pure" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
ShilenchimegfMongolian Means "glass ornament, glass decoration" in Mongolian, from шилэн (shilen) meaning "(made of) glass" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "ornament, decoration".
ShiniinnegenfMongolian Means "first day of the lunar month" in Mongolian, ultimately derived from шинэ (shine) meaning "new" and нэг (neg) meaning "one".
Shirmentogoom & fMongolian Means "cast-iron cauldron" in Mongolian, from ширмэн (shirmen) meaning "cast-iron" and тогоо (togoo) meaning "cauldron, pot".
ShizhirtuyaafMongolian From Mongolian шижир (shijir) meaning "pure" and туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)".
ShizirchimegfMongolian From Mongolian шижир (shijir) meaning "pure" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "ornament, decoration".
ShuangshuangfChinese From the Chinese character 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost; crystallized".
ShurenchimegfMongolian Means "coral ornament" in Mongolian, from шүрэн (shüren) meaning "coral" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "adornment, ornament, embellishment".
SodontsetsegfMongolian Means "extraordinary flower" in Mongolian, from содон (sodon) meaning "extraordinary, unusual" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
SorghaghtanifMedieval Mongolian Possibly deriving in part from the Mongolian element ᠦᢈᠢᠨ okhin ("girl"). Name borne by a powerful Mongol noblewoman, who was posthumously honoured as an empress of the Yuan dynasty.
Soviet RussiamObscure From the name of the communist state that spanned Eurasia from 1922 to 1991.
Soyolbadrakhf & mMongolian From Mongolian соёл (soyol) meaning "culture, the arts" and бадрах (badrakh) meaning "thrive, grow" or "blaze, shine".
Soyolmandakhm & fMongolian From Mongolian соёл (soyol) meaning "culture, the arts" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Soyolsaikhanm & fMongolian From Mongolian соёл (soyol) meaning "culture, the arts" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
SpontaniousefAfrican American (Rare) Variant of Spontaneous. This is borne by Spontaniouse Grant, who was a contestant on the ninth season of the reality television series America's Next Top Model.
StæinfríðrfOld Norse Ancient Scandinavian with the combination of steinn "stone" and fríðr "beautiful, good, alive, peaceful, safe".
StaurophilosmLate Greek Means "friend of the cross" in Greek, derived from the Greek noun σταυρός (stauros) meaning "cross, crucifix" (see Stavros) combined with the Greek noun φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover".... [more]
SterquilinusmRoman Mythology Derived from Latin stercus, meaning "fertilizer, manure". This was the name of the god of odor and manure in Roman mythology.
StesimbrotosmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἵστημι (histemi) meaning "to make to stand, to stand, set" and βροτός (brotós), a poetic term meaning "mortal man, human being".
SukehachiroumJapanese From Japanese 輔 (suke) meaning "help", 八 (hachi) meaning "eight" combined 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
TarḫuntaradumLuwian, Ancient Near Eastern Means "worshipper of Tarhunz" in Luwian. This was the name of a 14th-century king of Arzawa who penetrated the Hittite empire, then weakened by invasions of the Kaška peoples.
Tasmetu-tabnifBabylonian, Akkadian Possibly means "Tashmetu is our comrade", deriving from the goddess Tashmetum, and the Akkadian elements tappa-um ("comrade") and ni ("our").
Taté-iyòhiwinfSioux Means "Every Wind" or "Reaches for the Wind" in Dakota. This was the name adopted by Ellen Simmons, the mother of Dakota musician, activist and writer Zitkála-Šá (legal name Gertrude Simmons Bonnin).
TaurosthenesmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ταῦρος (tauros) meaning "bull" combined with Greek σθενος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength". This name was borne by a Greek tyrant from the 4th century BC, who ruled over Chalcis together with his brother Kallias (usually known as Callias, which is the latinized form of his name).
TecciztecatlmAztec and Toltec Mythology Means "person from Tecciztlann" in Nahuatl, a place name derived from Nahuatl tēcciztli "conch" and tlācatl "person, human being". In Aztec mythology, Tecciztecatl was a lunar deity, representing the "Man in the Moon"... [more]
Tegshbadrakhm & fMongolian From Mongolian тэгш (tegsh) meaning "equal, even, flat, smooth" and бадрах (badrakh) meaning "thrive, grow" or "blaze, shine".
Tegshsaikhanm & fMongolian From Mongolian тэгш (tegsh) meaning "equal, even, flat, smooth" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Tegshyerööltm & fMongolian From Mongolian тэгш (tegsh) meaning "equal, even, flat, smooth" and ерөөлт (yeröölt) meaning "fated, blessed".
Tegshzhargalf & mMongolian From Mongolian тэгш (tegsh) meaning "equal, even, flat, smooth" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Teiztlacahuaf & mNahuatl Possibly related to Nahuatl teiztlacahui "deceiver, one who tells lies".
TematlalehuafNahuatl Possibly derived from Nahuatl tematlahuia "to use a rock-hurling sling on something", or from a combination of tematlatl "rock-throwing sling" and either elehuia "to wish, to desire" or ilihuiz "thoughtlessly".
TemazcaltecifAztec and Toltec Mythology Derived from Nahuatl temāzcalli meaning "steam bath" and tecitl "grandmother". This was the name of an Aztec goddess of steam baths.
TenicahuehuemNahuatl Meaning uncertain, probably contains the element huehue meaning "an elder, an old man; old" in Nahuatl.
TepotzitolocmNahuatl Means "he slanders", or perhaps "he is slandered", derived from Nahuatl tepotzitoa "to slander, to denigrate someone", literally "behind-talk".
TesselschadefDutch (Rare) Combination of Tessel (referring to the Dutch island Texel) and schade "damage".... [more]
TetsuichiroumJapanese From Japanese 哲 (tetsu) meaning "philosophy, clear", 徹 (tetsu) meaning "penetrate" or 鉄 (tetsu) meaning "iron", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
TezcacoacatlmNahuatl Means "of the mirrored snake", derived from Nahuatl tezcatl "mirror" and coatl "snake, serpent; twin", with the affiliative suffix -catl.
TheophrastosmAncient Greek Derived from Greek θεος (theos) "god" combined with Greek φράζω (phrazo) meaning "to explain, to point out, to tell" as well as "to show".
ThéoudehildefFrankish Théoudehilde was the second wife of Theudebert II, king of Austrasia.
ThersilochosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Aeolic Greek noun θέρσος (thersos) meaning "courage, confidence, audacity" combined with the Greek noun λόχος (lochos) meaning "ambush", a word that later came to signify a tactical sub unit of the ancient Greek army... [more]
ThessalonikefAncient Greek Means "victory in Thessaly" from Greek Θεσσαλός (Thessalos) "Thessalian" and νίκη (nike) "victory". This was the name of a 4th-century BC Macedonian princess, the daughter of king Philip II by his Thessalian wife or concubine, Nicesipolis, and as such a half-sister of Alexander the Great... [more]
ÞrúðgelmirmOld Norse, Norse Mythology Derived from þrúðr ("strength") and galmr ("shouting one, roarer"). In Norse mythology this is the name of a Jotunn with six heads.
TlacateuctlimNahuatl Means "leader, ruler, protector" in Nahuatl, literally "people-lord", from tlacatl "human, person, man" and teuctli "lord". This was also used as a noble title.
TlacochtemocmNahuatl Means "descending spear, falling arrow" in Nahuatl, from temochtli "weapon; spear, arrow, javelin" and temo "to descend, to fall".
TlacochyaotlmNahuatl Derived from Nahuatl tlacochtli "weapon; spear, arrow, javelin" and yaotl "combatant, enemy".
TlamaceuhquimNahuatl Means "penitent one, devotee" in Nahuatl. Alternately, it may derive from a homophone meaning "dancer".
TlilpotonquimNahuatl A type of priestly regalia, possibly derived from Nahuatl tliltic "black" and either potonia "to cover in feathers" or potonqui "something stinky".
Togtokhbayanm & fMongolian From Mongolian тогтох (togtokh) meaning "to settle, set, entrench" or "to decide, determine" and баян (bayan) meaning "rich, wealthy".
Togtokhbayarm & fMongolian From Mongolian тогтох (togtokh) meaning "to settle, set, entrench" or "to decide, determine" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, celebration".
Togtokhbuyanm & fMongolian From Mongolian тогтох (togtokh) meaning "to settle, set, entrench" or "to decide, determine" and буян (buyan) meaning "good deed, virtue, charity" or "fortune, blessing".
TömörchuluunmMongolian Means "iron stone" in Mongolian, from төмөр (tömör) meaning "iron" and чулуун (chuluun) meaning "stone".
Tömörtogtokhm & fMongolian From Mongolian төмөр (tömör) meaning "iron" and тогтох (togtokh) meaning "to settle, set, entrench" or "to decide, determine".
ToshiichiroumJapanese From Japanese 寿 (toshi) meaning "longevity, long life", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Toyotama-himefJapanese Mythology From Japanese 豊 (toyo) meaning "abundant, lush", 玉 (tama) meaning "jewel, gem, ball" and 姫 (hime) meaning "princess". This is the name of a Japanese goddess who appears in the Kojiki in the episode of the 'Luck of the Sea and the Luck of the Mountain'... [more]
TrishnakshaymSanskrit MEANING : cessation of desire , tranquility of mind. It is joining of तृष्णा + अक्षय. Here तृष्णा means desire + अक्षय means cessation... [more]
TrismegistosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective τρισμέγιστος (trismegistos) meaning "thrice-greatest", which consists of the Greek adverb τρίς (tris) meaning "thrice, three times" combined with the Greek adjective μέγιστος (megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest" (see Megistos).... [more]
TrismegistusmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Trismegistos. This was an epithet of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth, who were worshipped as one god by Greeks in Ptolemaic Egypt.
TrugernannerfIndigenous Tasmanian Meaning unknown. This was the name of Trugernanner (often referred to as Truganini), who was the last full-blooded Tasmanian Aboriginal, dying in 1876.
TryphiodorosmAncient Greek Means "delicate gift", derived from the Greek elements τρυφη (tryphe) "softness, delicacy" and δωρον (doron) "gift."
Tsagaandalaif & mMongolian Means "white sea" in Mongolian, from цагаан (tsagaan) meaning "white" and далай (dalai) meaning "ocean, sea".
Tsagaandorzhm & fMongolian From Mongolian цагаан (tsagaan) meaning "white, fair" and дорж (dorj) meaning "diamond, vajra", deriving from Tibetan རྡོ་རྗེ (rdo rje) (see Dorji).
TsagaangerelfMongolian, Kalmyk Means "white light" in Mongolian, from цагаан (tsagaan) meaning "white" and гэрэл (gerel) meaning "light".
TsetsegkhandfMongolian Means "flower infusion, flower extract, flower tea" in Mongolian, from цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower" and ханд (khand) meaning "infusion, extract, tincture".
Tsetsenbayarm & fMongolian From Mongolian цэцэн (tsetsen) meaning "wise, intelligent, profound" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, celebration".
Tsogtkhishigm & fMongolian From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and хишиг (khishig) meaning "grace, blessing, favour".
Tsogtsaikhanm & fMongolian From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Tsogtzhargalm & fMongolian From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Tsolmonbayarm & fMongolian From Mongolian цолмон (tsolmon) meaning "Venus, morning star" and баяр (bayar) meaning "celebration, joy".
TsolmontuyaafMongolian From Mongolian цолмон (tsolmon) meaning "Venus, morning star" and уяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)".
Tsozhavkhlanm & fMongolian From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and жавхлан (javklan) meaning "dignity, majesty".
TsunesaburoumJapanese From 恆 or 恒 (tsune) meaning "constant, persistent" or 常 (tsune, hisa, jo, tsura) meaning "eternal, unchanging, ordinary, usual" combined with 珊 (sabu) meaning "coral", and 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, melodious, serene."
TsyrendorzhomBuryat Derived from Tibetan ཚེ་རིང (tshe ring) meaning “long life, longevity” combined with རྡོ་རྗེ (rdo rje) meaning “diamond”.
Tümen-amgalanmMongolian From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and амгалан (amgalan) meaning "peace, calm".
Tümensaikhanm & fMongolian From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
TümentsetsegfMongolian From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Tümenzhargalm & fMongolian From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Turg'unbuvishfUzbek Derived from turg'un meaning "unchanging" and buvish meaning "lady".
Turgunu-SangamSumerian Turgunu-Sanga (3100 BC) seems to have been a Sumerian accountant for the Turgunu family. His names is one of the earliest names recorded.
TüvshinbayarmMongolian Means "level of happiness" in Mongolian, from түвшин (tüvshin) meaning "level, degree" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, happiness".
TuyaabadrakhmMongolian From Mongolian туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and бадрах (badrakh) meaning "thrive, grow" or "blaze, shine".
TuyaamandakhfMongolian From Mongolian туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Tuyaaryma KuofYakut Combination of the Yakut name Tuyaaryma and the Yakut word куо (kuo) meaning "beautiful".
TuyaasaikhanfMongolian From Mongolian туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
TyonajanegenfOneida Means "two kettles together" in Oneida. Notable bearer of this name is Tyonajanegen, an Oneida woman who fought in the Battle of Oriskany during the American Revolutionary War.
Udamdemberelm & fMongolian (Rare) From Mongolian удам (udam) meaning "lineage, heritage, ancestry" and дэмбэрэл (demberel) meaning "herald, (good) omen".
UdvaltsetsegfMongolian Means "aquilegia, columbine (flower)" or "chrysanthemum" in Mongolian.
UlaantsetsegfMongolian Means "red flower" in Mongolian, from улаан (ulaan) meaning "red" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
UnnikrishnanmIndian, Malayalam Means "young Krishna" or "infant Krishna", derived from Malayalam ഉണ്ണി (uṇṇi) meaning "infant, young boy" combined with the name Krishna... [more]
Urantülkhüürf & mMongolian From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and түлхүүр (tülkhüür) meaning "key".
UrantungalagfMongolian From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "serene, clear, unclouded, transparent".
UshiwakamarumJapanese Mythology Ushiwakamaru is a combination of 牛 (ushi), meaning "cow, bull"; 若 (waka), meaning "young"; and 丸 (maru), meaning "round". Maru was also a common ending for young boys' names in feudal Japan. Thus "young bull", with maru denoting it's a young child... [more]