Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aset f & m Chechen, KazakhDerived from Arabic أَسَد
(ʾasad) meaning "lion" (see
Asad). In Kazakh it is solely masculine while in Chechen it is feminine and masculine.
Ásgærðr f Old NorseDerived from Old Norse
áss "god" and
garðr "enclosure, protection".
Ásgunnr f Old NorseCombination of Old Norse
áss "god" and
gunnr "war, battle, fight".
Ashava f MordvinDerived from Erzya ашо
(ašo) "white" and ава
(ava) "woman".
Asha Vahishta f Persian MythologyMeans "Best Truth", from Avestan
𐬀𐬴𐬀 (
aṣ̌a) "truth" and
𐬬𐬀𐬵𐬌𐬱𐬙𐬀 (
vahišta) "best". In Zoroastrianism, Asha, commonly referred to as Asha Vahishta, is the Amesha Spenta, the hypostasis or genius of truth or Righteousness found in the Younger Avesta.
Ashe f YorubaFrom Yoruba
àṣẹ meaning "power, authority, command". In Yoruba religion, àṣẹ is the natural power that makes things happen and produces change.
Ashi f Persian MythologyMeans "that which is attained" in Avestan, from the root
ar- "to allot". In Zoroastrianism this was the personification of reward, recompense, and capricious luck.
Ashika f NepaliThe first part (आशा) of this name comes from the word for 'hope'. ... [
Ashikin f MalayDerived from Arabic عاشقين
(ʿāshiqīn) meaning "admirers, lovers", the plural of عاشق
(ʿāshiq) meaning "admirer, lover".
Ashima f Biblical Hebrew, Semitic MythologyMeans "the name, portion, or lot" depending on context. Possibly from the Semitic
šmt 'charge, duty, function'. Also known as Ashim-Yahu, Ashima-Yaho, and Ashim-Beth-El... [
Ashira f HebrewMeans "I will sing", directly from the Hebrew word in the Old Testament.... [
Ashira m & f ShonaMeaning “receive; accept; welcome”, the fuller version of the name is
Ashkhen f ArmenianFeminine Armenian given name with a number of possible meanings and etymologies - firstly, from the Ossetian
æхсин meaning "lady, mistress", or otherwise from Middle Median
*xšay-, meaning "to shine" or the Ossetian
æхсид meaning "dawn".
Ashkhen f Armenianderives from the word akhsen, ‘grey’, or Zend akhsaena which means ‘black’ or ‘bluish-black'. Ashkhen was also the name of a Queen of Armenia and a member of the Arsacid dynasty by marriage to King Tiridates III of Armenia during the early to late 3rd century AD, and is considered a Saint in the Armenian Apostolic Church.
Ashlesha f Indian, Marathi, AstronomyMeans "embrace" in Sanskrit. In ancient Indian astronomy this was the name of Epsilon Hydrae, the northernmost star or star cluster in the constellation Hydra.
Ashnah f BiblicalThe name of a city either near Palestine or near Bethlehem, mentioned in the Bible
Ashnaza f MordvinMeans "blond, light", related to Erzya ашо
(ašo) "white".
Ashouni f MaoFrom the Mao
asho meaning "continuous".
Ashrita f IndianPossibly means "dependant" and/or "a girl protected by God"
Ashu m & f Kenyang, JaghamFrom Kenyang
sǒ meaning "wash, clean, clear." Alternatively it could stem from the verb
sǔ in Ejagham which has the same meaning.
Ashura f JapaneseEither from 阿 meaning A, 修 meaning osamu, and 羅 meaning luo.
Ashwina f Indian, Sanskrit, HinduismA feminine form of
Ashvin, the seventh month of the lunisolar Hindu calendar. It means "light" in Sanskrit, and Ashvini is the first star that appears in the evening sky (the head of Aries). Ashvin also stands for the Divine twins considered to be the Hindu gods of vision in Hindu mythology.
Asianna f EnglishLikely an elaborated form of
Asia 1 with the popular name suffix -
ana, or just a combination of Asia and
Asiaq f Inuit MythologyIn Inuit mythology, Asiaq is a weather goddess (or, more rarely a god) and was quite frequently invoked by the angakoq for good weather.
Asida f AbkhazMeans "lioness" from Arabic أَسَد
(ʾasad) meaning "lion" (see
Asil f ArabicMeans "smooth, soft, long (of the cheeks)" in Arabic.
Asılhaniy f Karachay-BalkarFrom the Karachay-Balkar
асыл (asıl) meaning "real, precious, noble" and the Turkic title
khan meaning "king, ruler".
Asilposhsha f UzbekDerived from the Uzbek
asil meaning "real, genuine", "precious", or "dear" and
poshsha, an endearing name for a girl or woman.
Asima f TurkishMeans "exceeding; one who exceeds" in Turkish.
Asiman m & f AzerbaijaniMeans "sky" in Azerbaijani, ultimately from Persian آسمان
Asimina f GreekDerived from Greek ασήμι
(asemi) meaning "silver", literally "without mark" from α
(a), a negative prefix, combined with σῆμα
(sema) "sign, mark, token"... [
Asisat f NigerianThe name of the professional woman football player Asisat Oshoala, playing for FC Barcelona.
Aska f KurdishFrom Kurdish
ask meaning "deer, gazelle".
Aşkın m & f TurkishMeans "exceeding, transcending, over, beyond" in Turkish.
Askja f Icelandic (Modern)Directly taken from Icelandic
askja "little box; caldera (of a vulcano)". The name is also related to the Old Norse name element
askr "ash tree".
Əsmər f AzerbaijaniMeans "dark complexioned" in Azerbaijani, ultimately from Arabic أسمر
Asmara m & f IndonesianMeans "love" in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit स्मर
Asmat f Literature, GeorgianGeorgian form of
Asma according to a Russian source, but Georgian sources say that this name means "innocent, chaste, virginal" and "honest" in Arabic.... [
Asmaul f Indonesian, BengaliFrom the first part of the Arabic phrase الأسماء الحسنى
(al-asma' al-husna) meaning "the beautiful names (of God)", referring to the 99 names of Allah.
Asmîn f KurdishDerived from Kurdish
asîman meaning "sky", or a type of wildflower.
Ašmu-nikal f HittiteWhile the meaning is unknown, the second element likely derives from Nikkal, a Hittite goddess derived from the Sumerian
Asnat f Yiddish, HebrewVariant transcription of
'Asenat. 'The Biblical pronunciation is "Asnat"; today, it is often pronounced "Osnat".'
Asona f Medieval BasqueThis was the name of a daughter of the king of Pamplona who married Muza in 802.
Asora f JapaneseFrom Japanese 青空 (asora) meaning "blue sky". Other kanji or kanji combinations can form this name as well.
Aspazija f Latvian (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)Latvian and Lithuanian form of
Aspasia. Aspazija was the pen name of Elza Johanna Emilija Lizete Pliekšāne (16 March 1865 – 5 November 1943), one of the most important Latvian poets and playwrights.
Asphodel f LiteratureFrom the name of the flower. J. R. R. Tolkien used this name on one of his characters in
The Lord of the Rings.
Asra f LiteratureInvented by Samuel Coleridge for his poem 'A Day-Dream' (composed 1802, published 1828). He arrived at it by inverting the first two letters of
Sara, the first name of Sara Hutchinson, with whom he was in love... [
Asrar m & f Arabic, UrduDerived from أسرار
(asrar), which is the plural of the Arabic noun سر
(sirr) meaning "secret, mystery". In Iran, this is also the name of a daily newspaper.... [
Ašratum f Near Eastern MythologyA cognate of the Ugaritic
Asherah. Name borne by an Amorite goddess who was likely derived from the same source as Asherah, however she came to occupy her own distinct position in the Amorite pantheon... [
Asri m & f Indonesian, MalayMeans "my age, my time" from Arabic عصر
('asr) meaning "time, age, era". This also coincides with the Indonesian word
asri meaning "beautiful, fair". It is a unisex name in Indonesia while it is only masculine in Malaysia.
Asriya f UzbekDerived from
asriy, a literary term meaning "centuries long".
Ásrós f IcelandicAltered form of
Ástrós, from the Old Norse name element
áss "god" combined with Icelandic
rós "rose" (from Latin
Assata f AfricanUnknown Country- West African- adopted by Revolutionary Black activist Assata Shakur. Assata means "she who struggles", Shakur means "thankful one"