Feminine Submitted Names

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Armijn m & f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Armin (masculine) and Armina (feminine).
Armilda f Estonian
Estonian form of Armhilde.
Armilde f Estonian
Variant of Armilda.
Ármina f Hungarian
Feminine form of Ármin.
Arminda f Georgian (Rare)
Basically means "I don't want you", derived from the Georgian particle არ (ar) meaning "not, no" combined with Georgian მინდა (minda) meaning "I want".... [more]
Arminda f Albanian
Variant of Armenda.
Arminda f Guanche, Spanish (Canarian)
Alteration of Guayarmina. This name was borne by a Guanche princess who was baptized and married as Catalina de Guzmán right after the end of the Castilian conquest of the island of Gran Canaria.
Arminė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Arminas.
Armineh f Afghan
Armintė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Armintas.
Armira f Albanian
Feminine form of Armir.
Armista f English (Rare)
From the word, armistice, meaning "an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce." See also the name Armistice.
Armistice f & m Popular Culture, American (Rare)
From the English word armistice meaning "truce, ceasefire", ultimately derived from Latin arma "arms" and -stitium "stoppage". This is the name of a character on the HBO series 'Westworld'.
Armonda f English
Feminine form of Armond.
Armonía f Spanish (Rare)
Means "harmony" in Spanish. This name was brought to public attention by the novel 'Sembrando Flores' (1906) by Catalan anarchist Juan Montseny Carret, whose main characters are named Floreal and Armonía, and thus it came to be used by anarchist parents who were eager to reject traditional names during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939).
Armug'on f Uzbek
Means "present, gift" in Uzbek.
Army f English (American, Rare)
Possibly taken from the English word army.
Árna f Faroese, Icelandic
Icelandic and Faroese form of Arna.
Arna f Medieval German, Medieval Scandinavian, Old Swedish, German (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Icelandic, Faroese (Rare)
Originally a medieval feminine form of Germanic masculine names beginning with the Old High German element arn, Old Norse ǫrn meaning "eagle" (Proto-Germanic *arnuz)... [more]
Arnaaluk f Inuit Mythology
The spirit name of a group of Inuit from a particular region, meaning "a big woman", a spirit of the woman under the sea. Prominent in Inuit mythology.
Arnabya m & f Sanskrit
It means "The Honored One" or "The Foremost One" or "The Highest One" in Hinduism and Buddhism
Arnajaaq f Greenlandic
Younger form of Arnajâĸ.
Arnajaraĸ f Greenlandic
Means "little girl" in Greenlandic.
Arnajaraq f Greenlandic
Younger form of Arnajaraĸ.
Arnak f Greenlandic
Variant of Arnaĸ.
Arnaĸ f Greenlandic
Means "girl, woman" in Greenlandic.
Arnaĸa f Greenlandic
Short form of Arnaĸat.
Arnaĸat f Greenlandic
Means "fellow woman, girl friend, female friend" in Greenlandic.
Arnakuagsak f Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Arnakuagsak, meaning "old woman from the sea," was an Inuit goddess, one of the primary deities of the religion, who was responsible for ensuring the hunters were able to catch enough food and that the people remained healthy and strong.
Arnalda f Sicilian, Gascon
Sicilian feminine form of Arnaldu and Gascon variant of Arnauda.
Arnaluaĸ f Greenlandic
Meaning unknown.
Arnaluánguaĸ f Greenlandic
Greenlandic name of unknown meaning, possibly combination of Arnaluaĸ and suffix -nnguaq meaning "sweet, dear".
Arnaluaq f Greenlandic
Younger form of Arnaluaĸ.
Arnamineĸ f Greenlandic
Greenlandic name of unknown meaning, maybe a combination of Arnaĸ and suffix -mineq meaning "little bit".
Arnamineq f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Arnamineĸ.
Arnánguaĸ f Greenlandic
Means "sweet little woman" in Greenlandic.
Arnannguaq f Greenlandic
Greenlandic feminine name meaning "sweet little woman" (or perhaps "dear Arnaq"), derived from arnaq "woman" combined with the endearing diminutive suffix nnguaq.
Arnapkapfaaluk f New World Mythology, Inuit Mythology
Means "big bad woman". Arnapkapfaaluk was the sea goddess of the Inuit people living in Canada's Coronation Gulf area. Although occupying the equivalent position to Sedna within Inuit mythology, in that she had control of the animals of the seas, she was noticeably different as can be seen by the English translation of her name.
Arnaqa f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Arnaĸa.
Arnaqat f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Arnaĸat.
Arnâraĸ f Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "little woman". Combination of Arnaĸ and suffix -raq meaning "young animal".
Arnarda f Sicilian
Variant of Arnalda.
Arnarigsoĸ f Greenlandic
Means "the well-made female" in Greenlandic.
Arnarissoq f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Arnarigsoĸ.
Arnarquagssaq f Inuit Mythology
The Inuit goddess of the sea. According to most versions of the legend Arnarquagssaq, commonly known as Sedna, was once a beautiful mortal woman who became the ruler of Adlivun (the Inuit underworld at the bottom of the sea) after her father threw her out of his kayak into the ocean... [more]
Arn’aš m & f Mari
From the Mari arn'a meaning "week".
Arnatuk f Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
The name is from the mythological concept of soul or name wandering: arnattartoq: arnattoq/arnappoq meaning "seeks a mother".
Arnavaraĸ f Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "little woman". Combination of Arnaĸ and suffix -raq "young animal".
Arnavaraq f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Arnavaraĸ.
Arnaviaĸ f Greenlandic
Means "female animal" in Greenlandic.
Arnaviaq f Greenlandic
Younger form of Arnaviaĸ.
Arnavínguaĸ f Greenlandic
Greenlandic feminine name with the combination of Arnaviaĸ and Greenlandic suffix -nnguaq "sweet, dear".
Arndís f Icelandic, Old Norse
A Germanic name formed from the name elements arn "eagle" and dís "goddess".
Arnela f Bosnian, Slovene
Feminine form of Arnel.
Arnell m & f African American, English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Arnell.
Arnelle f African American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Arnell. This name recieved a boost in 1995, coinciding with the trial of Arnell Simpson's father, OJ Simpson.
Arnelyn f Filipino
This name is a combination of Arnel and Lyn.
Arnemetia f Celtic Mythology
Arnemetia's name contains Celtic elements are, meaning "against, beside," and nemeton, meaning "sacred grove." Her name is thus interpreted as "she who dwells in the sacred grove," suggesting Arnemetia may be a divine epithet rather than a name in its own right.
Arnesa f Bosnian
Feminine form of Arne.
Arnett m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Arnett.
Arnetta f English (Rare)
Perhaps intended to be a feminine form of Arnold, using the Italian feminine diminutive suffix etta (compare Annetta, Netta 1).
Arnette f English
A feminine form of Arno.
Arnevi f Finnish (Rare), Finland Swedish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse arn "eagle" and meaning "holy" or "devoted, dedicated".
Arnfrid f Norwegian, Swedish
Modern Norwegian form of Arnfríðr, an Old Norse name derived from the elements arn "eagle" and fríðr "peace, love" or "beloved" (later "beautiful, fair"; compare Fríða, an Old Norse short form of Arnfríðr and other feminine names containing the element).
Arnfridh f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Arnfríðr.
Arnfrith f Old Danish
Old Danish form of Arnfríðr.
Arnfríðr f Old Norse
Combination of the Old Norse elements ǫrn "eagle" and fríðr "beautiful", originally "beloved".
Arnfríður f & m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic form of Arnfríðr and Faroese form of Arnfrøðr.
Arngærdh f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Arngerðr.
Arngerð f Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Arngerðr.
Arngerðr f Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse arn "eagle" and gerd "enclosure".
Arngilde f Frankish
Derived from the Old High German or Old Saxon element arn, Old Norse ǫrn meaning "eagle" and Proto-Germanic *geldą meaning "reward, gift, money".
Ärngun f Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Ærngun.
Arngun f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Arngunnr.
Arngunn f Norwegian (Rare), Faroese (Archaic)
Norwegian and Faroese form of Arngunnr (see Æringunnr.
Ärngunna f Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Ärngun.
Arngunna f Norwegian (Rare)
Variant of Arngunn (see Æringunnr).
Arngunnr f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Æringunnr.
Arngunnur f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Arngunnr.
Arnheid f Old High German
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements arn "eagle" and haidu "kind, sort, type".... [more]
Arnheiðr f Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and heiðr "honor".
Arnhildr f Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ari or arn "eagle" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle".
Arnica f Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Arnika, though this name can also be directly derived from the name of the plant genus Arnica, which is ultimately of Greek origin.... [more]
Arnida f Faroese
Of unknown origin and meaning. Current theories include a variant of Armida and a combination of the Old Norse name elements ǫrn "eagle" and "industrious; work; activity".
Árnika f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Arnika. The name coincides with Hungarian árnika "arnica, leopard's bane".
Arnika f Dutch (Rare), German (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Originally a Latinized diminutive form of names beginning with the element arn-, such as Arnhild, this name is used as a given name in its own right... [more]
Árnína f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Arnina.
Arnina f Faroese
Elaboration of Arna.
Arnique f Dutch (Rare), English (American, Rare), French (African, Rare)
Derived from French arnique meaning "arnica" (as in, the plant). In other words, you could say that this name is a gallicization of Arnica.... [more]
Arnisaq f Greenlandic
Younger form of Arnissaĸ.
Arnissaĸ f Greenlandic
Meaning unknown.
Arnita f Latvian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a feminine form of Arnis.
Arnlaug f & m Old Norse, Norwegian (Rare), Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and laug possibly meaning "betrothed woman".
Arnlín f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse elements ǫrn "eagle" and lín "flax, linen". Alternatively the second element could be derived from Hlín (which occurs in many Old Norse poetic compounds meaning "woman") or Lína.
Arnljot m & f Norwegian (Rare, Archaic), Old Swedish
Old Swedish and modern Norwegian form of Arnljótr. This is also the feminine form, though usage nowadays appear to be exclusively masculine.
Arnolde f Medieval French
Feminine form of Arnold
Arnoldina f Dutch
Dutch elaboration of Arnolda.
Arnoštka f Czech (Rare)
Feminine form of Arnošt.
Arnrós f Icelandic (Archaic)
Derived from Old Norse ǫrn meaning "eagle" and rós meaning "rose".
Arnrún f Icelandic
Combination of the Old Norse name elements ǫrn "eagle" and rún "secret".
Arnthi f Etruscan
Feminine form of Arnth.
Arnþrúðr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic elements ǫrn "eagle" and þrúðr "strength".
Arnþrúður f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Arnþrúðr.
Arntine f Norwegian (Rare)
Feminine form of Arndt.
Arntrud f German (Rare), Old Norwegian
Modern transcription of the Old Nose name Arnþrúðr.
Arnulfa f Spanish (Mexican)
Feminine form of Arnulfo.
Arnveig f Norwegian
Relatively modern name (from 1908) created by combining the Old Norse name elements ǫrn "eagle" and veig "power, strength".
Árný f Icelandic
Derived from Old Norse ár "year; plenty, abundance" and nýr "new", perhaps inspired by the masculine name Árni.
Årny f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Árný.
Arny f Norwegian
Variant of Arna or a combination of the Old Norse name elements ǫrn "eagle" and nýr "new".
Arnya f English (Australian, Rare), English (New Zealand, Rare), Popular Culture
Variant of Anya. Arnya Duchevnic was a character on the Australian 2001 situation comedy 'Flat Chat'.
Aroa f Japanese
From Japanese 彩 (a) meaning "colour", 路 (ro) meaning "a road, a street" combined with 歩 (a) meaning "walk". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Arogo f Igbo
Means “rise, go up” in Igbo.
Aroha f Japanese
From Japanese 有 (aro) meaning "exist" combined with 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ārohirohi f Polynesian Mythology
The name of the goddess of mirages and shimmering heat. Her name may be related to the word ārohi meaning "to scout, reconnoitre".
Aroia f Basque
Regional variant of Basque aukera "opportunity, occasion; choice".
Aroipaanbi f Manipuri
Means "she who finally rules" in Meitei.
Arolas f Medieval Occitan
Medieval form of Arola.
Årolilja f Literature, Norwegian (Rare)
Occurs in the medieval Norwegian ballad 'Bendik og Årolilja', where it belongs to a princess who dies of heartache when her lover is hanged under her father's orders.
Arom f & m Thai
Means "emotion, feeling, mood" in Thai.
Aronia f Norwegian
Variant of Arona. This is also the name of a genus of deciduous shrubs, producing aronia berries, commonly known as chokeberry.
Arooj f Arabic, Pakistani
Means "promote" in Arabic
Aroos f Arabic
Means “bride” in Arabic.
Áróra f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Aurora.
Arousiag f Armenian
Variant transcription of Արուսեակ (see Aruseag)
Árpádina f Hungarian
Feminine form of Árpád.
Arpallak f Greenlandic
Younger form of Arpatdlak.
Arpaphon f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อาภาพร (see Aphaphon).
Arpaporn f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อาภาพร (see Aphaphon).
Arpatdlak f Greenlandic
Meaning unknown.
Arpenik f Armenian
Derived from Armenian արփենի (arpʿeni) meaning "solar, bright, luminous".
Arphaphon f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อาภาพร (see Aphaphon).
Arphaporn f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อาภาพร (see Aphaphon).
Arpiar m & f Armenian
Meaning: “sun”
Arpina f Armenian
It means “rising of sun”.
Arpineh f Armenian (Western)
Alternate transcription of Arpine.
Arpita f Indian
Arpita is an Indian name for a female.... [more]
Arpitha f Indian (Christian)
Offered to GOD
Arrate f Basque
From the name of a mountain in the Spanish province of Gipuzkoa, where there is a sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Its name is possibly derived from Basque harri "stone, rock" and ate "defile, gorge" or arte "space in between".
Arrene f Basque
Derived from Basque arren "request; please". Due to its meaning, it is understood as an equivalent to both Oración and Rosario.
Arria f Ancient Roman, History
Feminine form of Arrius. Bearers of this name include Arria Major (wife of Caecina Paetus) and her daughter Arria Minor.
Arriane f Obscure
Variant of Ariane.
Arricotte f Medieval Occitan
Gascon cognate of Harriet.
Arrie f English
Used in the United States around the late 1800s and early 1900s. Similar to other popular names of the time ending in -ie Addie, Annie, Allie, and Abbie. Possibly influenced by Ari 1 and variants.
Arrietty f Literature
Possibly a variant of Harriet. This is the name of a character from 'The Borrowers' by Mary Norton.
Arriga f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Arrigo.
Arrington m & f Obscure
Transferred use of the surname Arrington. The USA Social Security Administration has recorded 17 boys and 15 girls with the name Arringtion in 2001.
Arrison m & f American (Americanized, Modern, Rare)
Arrison is a modern, American name with no set meaning. It is a unisex variant of the masculine name, Harrison.
Arrita f Sardinian
Variant of Rita.
Arritokieta f Basque (Rare)
From the name of a sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the Spanish province of Gipuzkoa, meaning "the place of the protruding stones". It has been used as a nom de plume by the Basque writer Julene Azpeitia (1888-1980).
Arritxu f Basque
Diminutive of Arritokieta.
Arrosa f Basque (Rare)
Derived from Basque arrosa "rose", this name is considered the Basque equivalent of Rosa 1 and Rose.
Arrosali f Basque
Of debated origin and meaning. While the most widespread theory thinks of this name as a Basque form of Rosalie, other scholars link it to the Germanic name Rosalind.
Arrosane f Basque
Basque equivalent of Rosana.
Arrow m & f English (Modern)
From the English word arrow, ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European *h₂érkʷo- "bow, arrow".
Arrowyn f English (?)
Given to 5 baby girls in 2022.
Arruntia f Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Arruntius. This name was borne by one of the Vestal Virgins.
Arryah f Obscure
Possibly an alternate spelling of Aria 1 or Ariah.
Arryn m & f English, Literature
Some uses of this name may be derivative of Aaron. It is also the name of one of the houses in 'The Song of Ice and Fire' series by George R. R. Martin.
Arsay f Semitic Mythology, Ugaritic Mythology
Means "earthy", deriving from the Ugaritic element ‘arṣ ("earth, underworld"), combined with the feminine suffix y. Although her role is unknown, it is theorised that she was an underworld goddess... [more]
Arsema f Amharic
Amharic form of Hripsime.
Arsena f Lithuanian (Rare)
Shortened form of Arsenija.
Arsena f Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Spanish feminine form of Arsenios.
Arsende f Gascon (Archaic), Picard (Archaic)
Gascon and Picard form of Arsendis.
Arsene f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque form of Arsenia.
Arsénia f Portuguese
Portuguese feminine form of Arsenios.
Arseniia f Russian
Variant transcription of Арсения (see Arseniya).
Arsenija f Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian feminine form of Arsenios.
Arsenija m & f Serbian
Feminine form and male variant of Arsenius.
Arseniya f Russian
Russian form of Arsenia.
Arshakuhi f Armenian
Feminine form of Arshak.
Arshaya f & m Sanskrit
Means “desire, wish”.
Arshdeep m & f Punjabi, Indian (Sikh)
From Urdu عَرْش (ʻarś) or Hindi अर्श (arś) meaning "sky, heaven" (both of which come from Arabic عَرْش (ʕarš)) combined with Sanskrit दीप (dīpa) meaning "lamp, light".
Arshi f Indian, Marathi, Hindi
Derived from Sanskrit ऋषि (ṛ́ṣi) denoting a singer of sacred hymns, a poet, or a sage.
Arshida f Persian
Sunrise of east.
Arshpreet f Punjabi, Indian (Sikh)
Means "love for the sky" in Punjabi.
Arsine f Armenian
Feminine form of Arsen.
Arsing m & f Filipino
DIminutive of Arsenio or Arsenia.
Arsinoi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Arsinoe.
Ársól f Icelandic
Possibly means "morning sun" from the Old Norse elements ár "early" and sól "sun". Alternatively, the first element may be Old Norse ár "year; plenty, abundance" (also found in the masculine name Ársæll).
Ârsso f Greenlandic
Meaning unknown. It maybe a diminutive of Ârssuákuluk or Ârssuatsiaĸ.
Ârssuatsiaĸ f Greenlandic
Meaning unknown.
Arsuri f Aymara
Means "talkative" in Aymara.
Arta f Albanian
Possibly derived from the name of the city of Arta in southwestern Greece. A city with connections to Albania and Albanians. The name of the city is popularly held to be derived from Albanian artë "golden" (compare ar "gold")
Arta f Latvian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a feminine form of Artis.
Arta f Romansh (Archaic)
Short form of Agata.
Arta f English (American)
Feminine form of Art.
Artahe f Aquitanian Mythology
The name of an ancient goddess that was worshiped in Southern Gaul, in the region of Aquitania. She is a protector goddess that is thought to be associated with bears. The origin and meaning of her name are uncertain but appear to be of ancient Aquitanian origin and may be cognate with modern Basque arte "oak".
Artaimís f Irish
Irish form of Artemis, used in Irish translations of Greek myths.
Artakama f Old Persian
Derived from Old Persian arta "truth, right, righteous" combined with Old Persian kāma "desire, wish". A well-known bearer of this name was Artakama, the second wife of Ptolemy I Soter I; her husband was the founder of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in ancient Egypt.
Artana f Mordvin
Means "decorative" in Erzya.
Artana f Albanian
Feminine form of Artan.
Artanis f Literature
Means "noble woman" in Quenya. Artanis was the given name of Galadriel, given to her by her father.
Artastūnā f Old Persian
The name of a daughter of Cyrus the Great, meaning "pillar of Arta, the deified true".
Artautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Artautas.
Artaynte f Old Persian (Hellenized)
Meaning unknown. This name's only bearer was the wife of the crown prince Darius, who later committed adultery with Xerxes I. This name may be related to the similar masculine name Artayntes.
Artazauštri f Old Persian
Old Persian form of Artazostre.
Artazostre f Old Persian (Hellenized), History
Hellenized form of Old Persian *Artazauštrī meaning "who is in favor of Arta/Ṛta, the deified Truth" or "who is devoted to Arta". This name was borne by a Persian princess (5th century BC); Artazostre was the daughter of Darius the Great by his wife Artystone.
Artė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Shortened form of names beginning with Art-, like Artūra and Artemidė.
Artea f Basque (Rare)
Basque name derived from arte.... [more]
Arteena f Persian (Rare)
Means "pure, virtuous, holy" in Persian.
Artelia f American (South, Archaic)
Of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a variant of Adelia, reflecting the Appalachian pronunciation.
Artemi f Greek
Modern Greek variant of Artemis.
Artémia f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Artemia.
Artemia f Spanish (Mexican), Italian (Tuscan, Rare), Sicilian, Polish
Italian and Spanish feminine form of Artemio, Sicilian feminine form of Artemiu and Polish feminine form of Artemiusz.
Artemide f Georgian (Archaic), Italian (Rare)
Georgian and Italian form of Artemis.... [more]
Artemidė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Artemis.
Artemija f Croatian
Croatian form of Artemis.
Artemisa f Spanish, Albanian, Galician
Spanish, Albanian and Galician form of Artemis.