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Gender Feminine
Scripts אֲשִׁימָא(Ancient Hebrew)
Other Forms FormsAsima (Latin),

Meaning & History

Means "the name, portion, or lot" depending on context. Possibly from the Semitic šmt 'charge, duty, function'. Also known as Ashim-Yahu, Ashima-Yaho, and Ashim-Beth-El

She was an ancient West Semitic goddess, related to the Akkadian goddess Shimti, and a cognate of Manat. In the Middle East she was one of several local deities protecting cities in Samaria, as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible.
Added 5/2/2014 by Ora
Edited 2/16/2023 by Nienna9

Ashima 3
Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese

Meaning & History

Ashima Shiraishi is a Japanese-American rock climber. Her name may have been influenced by Ashima 1 or Ashima 2.
Added 5/11/2022 by ShioTanbo1
Edited 4/25/2024 by Mike C