Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Korneliia f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Корнелия (see Korneliya.
Kornelij m Russian
Russian form of Cornelius.
Kornēlija f Latvian
Latvian form of Cornelia
Kornelije m Croatian
Croatian form of Cornelius.
Kornelijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cornelius.
Kornelio m Croatian
Croatian variant of Cornelius.
Kornelis m Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans variant of Cornelis.
Kornelius m Dutch, German (Rare), Estonian
Dutch and German variant and Estonian form of Cornelius.
Kòrnéliusz m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Cornelius.
Kornéliusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Cornelius, meaning "horn".
Korneliy m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Cornelius.
Kornelka f Polish
Diminutive of Kornelia.
Kornella f Polish (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Kornelia, borne by 11 women in Poland last year.
Kornely m Russian
Variant transcription of Korneliy.
Korney m Russian
Contracted form of Korneliy. Also compare Corné, which this name could be considered to be a cognate of.... [more]
Korngkoortia f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Concordia (via Danish Konkordie).
Korngkôrtia f Greenlandic
Archaic spelling of Korngkoortia.
Kornili m Estonian
Estonian transcription of Russian Корнилий (see Korniliy).
Kornilia f Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Kornelia (Κορνηλία), which is the ancient Greek form of Cornelia.
Kornilios m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Kornelios, which is the ancient Greek form of Cornelius.
Korniliy m Russian
Russian form of Cornelius via its hellenized (modern Greek) form Kornilios. Also compare the Russian name Korneliy, which is directly derived from Cornelius.
Kornosz m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish contracted form of Korneliusz.
Koro f Basque
Basque form of Coro.
Korol'ko m Russian
Diminutive of Korol'.
Koron f Japanese
Japanese name meaning "fragrance", influenced by the Japanese pronunciation of the English word cologne or from Japanese 杞 (ko) meaning "willow" combined with 侖 (ron) meaning "think, be methodical"... [more]
Koros f Shipibo-Conibo
Shipibo borrowing of the Spanish cruz meaning "cross".
Korp m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Korpr.
Korpr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Korpr.
Korra f Popular Culture
The name of the main protagonist of the animated television series The Legend of Korra. Her name is apparently a respelling of the name Cora.
Korranid f Thai
From Thai กร (kon) meaning "light" and ณิศ (nit) of unknown meaning.
Korravai f Tamil
Korravai is an ancient Hindu goddess associated with the goddess Durga. Korravai is the mother of Murugan, god of war and of Tamil Nadu, India.
Korrin f American
Variant of Corinne.
Korrina f Popular Culture
Variant of Corinna. This name is borne by the Fighting-type Gym Leader in the video games Pokemon X and Y.
Kortni f English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Courtney
Koruth m Indian (Christian), Malayalam
Form of Cyriacus used by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians and Syro-Malabar Catholics.
Korver m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Korver.
Korvin m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Corvinus.
Koryan f African American
Of unknown origin and meaning.... [more]
Koryn f & m English
Variant of Corin.
Koryna f Polish
Polish form of Corina.
Korynna f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Corinna.
Koryun m Armenian
Modern form of Koriwn.
Kósa m Medieval Hungarian
Diminutive of names beginning with the element Ko-.
Kosaburou m Japanese
Variant transcription of Kosaburo.
Kosagi f Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" combined with 鷺 (sagi) meaning "heron". Other kanji or combinations of kanji can form this name as well.
Kosala m Sinhalese
Possibly from कोसल (Kosala), the name of a kingdom in ancient India.
Kosam m Biblical Greek
Form of Cosam used in the Greek New Testament.
Kosara f Bulgarian, Serbian, Medieval Slavic
Derived from Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian коса (kosa) meaning "hair", and referring to hair as a symbol of youth and good health.... [more]
Koşehuvari f Ubykh
Historical variant transcription of Gʷašʲaxʷəraj.
Kosei m Japanese
Variant transcription of Kousei.
Kōsen m & f Japanese
ray of light
Kosenc m Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology
An old Croatian name of unknown meaning.... [more]
Kōshirō m Japanese
This name combines 光 (kou, hikari, meaning "light, ray," 公 (ku, kou, ooyake) meaning "formal, official, prince, public," 功 (ku, kou, isao) meaning "achievement, honour, merit, success," 孝 (kyou, kou) meaning "filial piety," 宏 (kou, hiro.i) meaning "large, wide, vast" or 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, sachi, meaning "blessing, fortune, happiness" with 四 (shi, yo, yo'.tsu, yo.tsu, yon) meaning "four" or 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, samurai" and 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son."... [more]
Koshy m Malayalam, Indian (Christian)
Koshy is a derivative of Jesus. St. Thomas Christians of Kerala, India adopt Syriac version of Biblical names. Jesus is accepted in its Aramaic version Yesu or Eeso. Infant Jesus is Koch+Eeso = Kocheesso or Kochoi mutated to Koshy, also spelt as Koshi, Coshi and Koshy.
Kosim m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Qasim.
Kosisochi m & f Igbo
Kosisochi Meaning: As it Pleases God. ... [more]
Kosit m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai โฆษิต (see Khosit).
Kosjenka f Croatian (Rare), Literature
The name of a fairy in the book Croatian Tales of Long Ago by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić.
Kosode f Japanese
From Japanese 小袖 (kosode), a smaller Japanese robe similar to a kimono, worn either under a kimono or on its own.... [more]
Kosora f Japanese
From Japanese 湖 (ko) meaning "lake" or 心 (ko) meaning "heart, mind, soul" combined with 空 (sora) meaning "sky". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Kosovare f Kosovar
Derived from Kosovo, the name of a partially recognized country in Europe that declared independence from Serbia in 2008. Kosovare Asllani (b... [more]
Kosovka f Serbian (Rare)
A place name derived from Kosovo (Polje), meaning "Blackbird's field", the place where Serbian army fought the decisive battle against the Turks in 1389. In the epic poem, Kosovka devojka ("Girl from Kosovo") stands as an idealized type of Serbian maiden, and is a symbol of fidelity, compassion, and charity.
Kossola m Yoruba
Means "I do not lose my fruits anymore" or "my children do not die any more" in Yoruba.... [more]
Kostadina f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Kostadin.
Koštana f Serbian, Theatre
Koštana is a popular play, written by Borisav Stanković, which features many themes of Serbian folklore and patriarchal customs which were still present in the late nineteenth century.
Kostandina f Albanian
Feminine form of Kostandin.
Kostanze f Basque
Basque form of Constance.
Kostaq m Albanian
Albanian form of Kostakis. Unlike the original Greek name, the Albanian form is used as an official name on birth certificates.... [more]
Kostė f Lithuanian
Short form of Konstancija and Konstantina and related names.
Kostek m Polish
Diminutive of Konstanty and Konstantyn.
Kosti m Finnish
Short form of Konstantin.
Kostia m Russian
Alternate transcription of Kostya, diminutive of Konstantin.
Kostik m Armenian (Rare)
Armenian diminutive of Kostandin.
Kostja m German
German transcription of Russian Костя (see Kostya).
Kostobare m Basque (Archaic)
Northern Basque equivalent of Cristóbal and Christophe.
Kostoku m Evenki
Evenki form of Konstantin.
Kostoula f Greek
Diminutive of Konstantina.
Kostroma f Slavic Mythology
Derived from Russian костёр (kostyor) meaning "bonfire". This is the name of an East Slavic fertility goddess. According to myth, she drowned herself in a lake and became a rusalka when she discovered that her newlywed husband, Kupalo, was her brother.
Koʹstten m Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami form of Constantine.
Kosumi f Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 澄 (sumi) meaning "clear". Other combinations of kanji can form this name as well.
Kota m & f English
Diminutive of Dakota
Kota m Japanese
Variant transcription of Kouta.
Kotan-kar-kamuy m Ainu, Far Eastern Mythology, Japanese Mythology
Ainu creator deity, responsible for the creation of the human world, the six gods (Kamuy), and six underworlds.
Kotarou m Japanese
The male name Kotaro is pronounced KOW-Taa-Row- †. Kotaro is of Japanese origin and it is also used mainly in the Japanese language. The name is of the meaning 'grand, shining son'.
Kote m Georgian, Popular Culture
Short form of Konstantine, which tends to be used as an independent name rather than as an unofficial nickname.... [more]
Köten m Cuman, Medieval Turkic
Köten is the name of a Cuman Turk Chieften(Khan) and Military commander active in the mid-13th century in Hungary.
Kothar-wa-khasis m Semitic Mythology, Ugaritic Mythology
Means "skillful and wise". Name borne by an Ugaritic god of craftsmanship and magic. Some academics consider him to be equivalent to the Greek god Hephaestus.
Koti f English (Modern, Rare)
Probably a cognate of the Finnish word koti, meaning "home"
Kotiba f Tajik
Tajik form of Katiba.
Kotiko m Georgian
Diminutive of Kote and Koto, which are both short forms of Konstantine.
Koto m Georgian (Rare)
Short form of Konstantine as well as a variant of Kote.
Koto m & f Japanese (Modern)
From a Japanese "musical instrument", "harp" or "lute". ... [more]
Kotoa f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kotobuki m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 寿 (kotobuki) meaning "congratulations; longevity," derived, via a sound shift, from a combination of 言 (koto) meaning "word" and continuative/stem form of obsolete verb 祝く (hoku) meaning "to pray for a good outcome" (compare Kotohogi)... [more]
Kotoe f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 絵 (e) meaning "picture". Other kanji combinations are also possible.... [more]
Kotohiko m Japanese
From Japanese 異 (koto) meaning "uncommon, special", 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp or 言 (koto) meaning "to say, speech" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince"... [more]
Kotohime f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 姫 (hime) meaning "princess". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Kotohina f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 雛 (hina) meaning "doll". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Kotohito m Japanese
From Japanese 載 (koto) meaning "force" combined with 仁 (hito) meaning "two". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Kotoho f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 帆 (ho) meaning "sail". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kotoi f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 妃 (i) meaning "empress". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Kotoji m Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, 言 (koto) meaning "say, word", 古 (ko) meaning "old" or 柱 (kotoji) meaning "pillar, post, cylinder, support", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything" combined with 司 (ji) meaning "director, official, govt office, rule, administer", 糸 (ji) meaning "thread", 次 (ji) meaning "next, order, sequence", 治 (ji) meaning "reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve", 柱 (ji) meaning "pillar, post, cylinder, support", 二 (ji) meaning "two" or 路 (ji) meaning "path, route, road, distance"... [more]
Kotoka f & m Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp (mostly feminine) or 言 (koto) meaning "to say" (mostly masculine), combined with 奏 (ka) meaning "to play (music)" or 郁 (ka) meaning "fragrance, perfume"... [more]
Kotoki f & m Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 樹 (ki) meaning "tree". Other kanji combinations are also possible.... [more]
Kotoko f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kotome f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot" or 女 (me) meaning "female, woman, wife". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Kotomi f Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 琴 (koto) meaning "koto (a Japanese zither)" or 寿 / 壽 (koto) both meaning "(something worthy of) congratulations, longevity" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beauty, beautiful" or 弥 (mi) meaning "widely, increasingly, for a long time"... [more]
Kotomu f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 夢 (mu) meaning "dream". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Kotona f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kotono f Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 琴 (koto) meaning "harp" and 乃 (no) meaning "of".
Kotonoha f Popular Culture
From Japanese 言葉 (kotonoha) meaning "language". This is the name of a character from the visual novel and adapted anime School Days.
Kotora f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 良 (ra) meaning "good". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Kotosaburou m Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, 三 (sabu) meaning "three" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son".
Kotose f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 星 (se) meaning "star". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Kotoshi f Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" combined with 敏 (toshi) meaning "keen, clever" (where 俊 shares a similar meaning) or 年/歳/才 (toshi) meaning "year; age", or 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 登 (shi) meaning "ascent" or 志 (shi) meaning "will, aim, goal"... [more]
Kotowa f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 和 (wa) meaning "peace, harmony, Japan, Japanese". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Kotoya m Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 屋 (ya) meaning "shop" or 代 (ya) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Kotoyo f Japanese
From Japanese 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp, combined with 世 (yo) meaning "generations". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kotsos m Greek
Diminutive of Konstantinos.
Kotsuru f Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" combined with 鶴 (tsuru) meaning "crane" or 蔓 (tsuru) meaning "vine". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Kotys m & f Thracian (Hellenized), Greek Mythology
Greek form of Thracian *Kotus, probably meaning "war, slaughter" (cognate to Ancient Greek κότος "anger, grudge, spite"). This was the name of a Thracian goddess, as well as several Thracian kings.
Kouadio m Baoulé
Derived from Baoulé jɔlɛ "Tuesday", referring to the day of the week on which the child was born and hence to be understood as "born on Tuesday".
Kouakou m Baoulé
Derived from Baoulé we "Thursday", referring to the day of the week on which the child was born and hence to be understood as "born on Thursday".
Kouamé m Baoulé
Derived from Baoulé mɔnnɛn "Sunday", referring to the day of the week on which the child was born and hence to be understood as "born on Sunday".
Kouassi m Baoulé
Derived from Baoulé kisie "Monday", referring to the day of the week on which the child was born and hence to be understood as "born on Monday".
Koufax m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Koufax.
Kouga m Japanese
Kouga is a character in the manga/anime Inuyasha. He is a wolf-youkai and is in the wolf clan of the yourouzou (not sure if i spelt that right). As far as I know this isnt a 'real name' but...
Kougo m Japanese
From Japanese 光 (kou) meaning "light" combined with 悟 (go) meaning "enlightenment". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Kouhei m Japanese
Variant transcription of Kouhei.
Kouichi m Japanese
Alternate transcription of Kōichi.
Kouintos m Ancient Roman (Hellenized)
Variant form of Kointos, which is the main Greek form of Quintus.
Kouirinos m Roman Mythology (Hellenized), Late Roman (Hellenized)
Variant form of Kyrinos, which is the main Greek form of Quirinus.
Kouiteria f Greek
Greek form of Quiteria.
Koujaku m Japanese
From DRAMAtical Murder anime, Koujaku was one of the main characters
Koukalaka m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Douglas.
Koula f Greek
Diminutive of Angeliki, Vasiliki, Kyriaki and other names ending in ki (via their diminutives Angelikoula, Vasilikoula and Kyriakoula, respectively).
Koulis m Greek
Diminutive of Kyriakos
Koulm m Breton
Directly taken from Breton koulm "dove", this name is considered a Breton cognate of Callum.
Koulma f Breton
Feminine form of Koulm.
Koulmen f Breton
Variant of Koulmenn.
Koulmenn f Breton
Feminine form of Koulm.
Koulmez f Breton
Feminine form of Koulm.
Koume f Japanese
From the Japanese kanji 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 梅 (ume) meaning "plum". ... [more]
Kounosuke m Japanese
From Japanese 興 (kou) meaning "entertainment; pleasure; interest", 之 (no), a possessive marker, combined with 助 (suke) meaning "help, assistance". Other kanji combinations are also possible. ... [more]
Koupaïa f Breton (Gallicized)
Gallicized form of Koupaia.
Koupaia f Breton
Possibly a Breton form of Pompée.
Kourei f & m Japanese
A name of unspecified gender, Kourei comes from Japanese 凰 (kou), meaning "female phoenix" and 麗 (rei), meaning "beautiful, lovely".
Kourtnee f & m English
Variant of Courtney.
Kourtnei f & m English
Variant of Courtney.
Kourtni m & f American
Variant of Courtney.
Koushi m Japanese
From Japanese 黄 (kou) meaning "yellow", 興 (kou) meaning "entertain", 光 (kou) meaning "light", 公 (kou) meaning "official, governmental", 功 (kou) meaning "a success, a great achievement", 厚 (kou) meaning "thick, heavy", 垢 (kou) meaning "grime", 好 (kou) meaning "fondness; what one likes", 孝 (kou) meaning "filial piety", 工 (kou) meaning "workman, artisan", 巧 (kou) meaning "clever, skillful", 幸 (kou) meaning "happiness", 康 (kou) meaning "peace", 弘 (kou) meaning "to spread, enlarge, expand", 恒 (kou) meaning "always; constant", 晃 (kou) meaning "clear", 浩 (kou) meaning "prosperous", 港 (kou) meaning "port", 紅 (kou) meaning "crimson", 紘 (kou) meaning "vast, expansive", 耕 (kou) meaning "plow, cultivate", 考 (kou) meaning "thought", 行 (kou) meaning "a line of text", 香 (kou) meaning "fragrance", 高 (kou) meaning "tall", 剛 (kou) meaning "firm; strong; hard", 嵩 (kou) meaning "high, lofty", 虹 (kou) meaning "rainbow", 亘 (kou) meaning "request", 晧 (kou) meaning "daybreak", 洸 (kou) meaning "sparkle, glitter", 煌 (kou) meaning "brilliant", 皓 (kou) meaning "bright, luminous" or 耿 (kou) meaning "bright, shining" combined with 史 (shi) meaning "history", 志 (shi) meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition", 司 (shi) meaning "officer; official", 四 (shi) meaning "four", 師 (shi) meaning "teacher, master, one's mentor", 士 (shi) meaning "samurai, warrior", 沙 (shi) meaning "sand", 之 (shi) meaning, a possessive marker, 至 (shi) meaning "to reach; to arrive", 紫 (shi) meaning "purple; violet" or 資 (shi) meaning "money; fund; wealth; capital"... [more]
Koussai m Arabic (Rare), Muslim (Rare)
An other version of Qusay or from a city in Egypt "El Quseyya" who many translations like Kussai or Koussai.
Kouvr f Obscure
Meaning unknown. Notable bearer of the name is Kouvr Annon (2000—), an American TV personality and YouTuber.
Kova m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Either transferred use of the surname Kova or a variant of Cove or Cova.
Kovals m Livonian (Rare), Medieval Baltic (Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. While some modern-day academics link this name to Livonian koval "smart", others rather see a connection to Slavic kowal "blacksmith".
Kövecs m Hungarian (Rare)
Old Hungarian first name, means "pebble", made out of the words , kavics.
Kovendan m Bhojpuri
Meaning "King of the Kings".
Kovinath m Hinduism
Shows signs of greatness and power. Also is depicted as smart and intelligent
Kovit m Thai
Alternate transcription of Kowit.
Kovsər f Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Kawthar.
Kovu m Swahili
It's Kiswahili for "Scar" and possibly, and is used in the Lion King 2. Kovu was chosen by Scar to become King before Simba returned to Pride Rock. Kovu's Mother Zira almost let Simab kill him when he was just a cub when they were caught in the Pridelands, but Simba told her to take him and leave before departing with his own daughter Kiara... [more]
Koy m American (Rare)
Variant of Coy.
Koya f English
Diminutive of Sequoia.
Koyah m Haida (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Haida xhuuyaa "raven". Koyah (fl. 1787–1795) was the chief of Ninstints or Skungwai, the main village of the Kunghit-Haida during the era of the Maritime Fur Trade in Haida Gwaii off the North Coast of British Columbia, Canada.
Koyuzu f Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" and 柚 (yuzu) meaning "grapefruit, pomelo, citrus fruit". Other combinations of kanji can form this name as well.
Koz m Biblical
Means "thorn". In the Bible, this was the name of a descendant of Judah.
Kozakura f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
From Sakura prefixed with a ko kanji, like 小 meaning "small" or 瑚, part of Sango.... [more]
Kozeta f Albanian
Albanian borrowing of Cosette.
Kozim m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Kazim.
Kozima f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Cosima.
Koz'ma m Russian
Variant transcription of Kos'ma.
Kozma m Bulgarian, Slovene, Albanian, Serbian
Albanian, Slovene, Serbian and Bulgarian form of Cosmas.
Kozman m Georgian (Archaic)
Georgian form of Kosmas (see Cosmas), perhaps via Greek κοσμᾶν (kosman). Also compare Kuzman.
Kozue f Japanese
This name can be used on its own as 梢 (shou, kusunoki, kozue) meaning "treetop, twig," derived from a combination of 木 (ko), the combining form of ki meaning "tree," and and 末 (sue) meaning "tip, top."... [more]
Kpadia m Ijaw
Meaning unknown. It was the name of an Ijaw king.
Kӑpitan m Chuvash
Chuvash form of Kapiton.
Krabat m Folklore, German (Modern, Rare), Literature, Sorbian
Krabat is derived from the Sorbian word for "Croat". He is a legendary figure in Sorbian folklore and the hero of Otfried Preußler's novel 'Krabat'. ... [more]
Kracht m Low German
Low German form of Kraft.
Kræn m Danish
Diminutive of Kresten
Kraft m Medieval German, German (Modern, Rare)
Kraft is a normal German word meaning "power, force".... [more]
Kragh m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Krákr.
Kraigg m English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Craig.
Kraina f Yiddish
Variant of Kreina.
Kraisorn m Thai
Alternate transcription of Kraison.
Krajna f Yiddish
Polish-Yiddish variant of Kraina.
Krákr m Old Norse
Old Norse name and byname, from Old Norse krákr meaning "a kind of crow or raven".
Krampus m Folklore
Either derived from Bavarian krampn meaning "dead, rotten", or else from German krampen meaning "claw". This is the name of a half-goat, half-demon monster that punishes misbehaving children at Christmastime, according to central European folklore.
Kraneia f Greek Mythology
Derived from Ancient Greek κράνεια meaning "cornelian cherry", a small species of dogwood. This was the name of one of the eight hamadryad daughters of Oxylos and Hamadryas, associated with the cornelian cherry tree.
Kras m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Crassus.
Krasarma f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Contraction of Russian Красная армия (Krasnaya armiya) meaning "Red army". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Krasas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Crassus.
Krasnoroda f Polish (Rare, Archaic)
An old Polish name composed of the elements krasna (beauty) and uroda (charm).
Krasomila f Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Literature
Composed of the Old Slavonic elements kras meaning "beauty" and mil meaning "gracious, dear".... [more]
Krassimir m Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Красимир (see Krasimir).
Krassimira f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Красимира (see Krasimira).
Krästa m Sami
Southern Sami form of Christopher.
Krastan m Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian кръст (krast) meaning "cross" (see Krastyo). This name is sometimes mistaken for a variant form of Kristiyan.... [more]
Krastana f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Krastan. This name is sometimes mistaken for a variant form of Kristina and Kristiyana.... [more]
Krastin m Bulgarian (Rare)
Variant form of Krastan.
Kratandros m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek κρατος (kratos) meaning "power" combined with Greek ανδρος (andros) meaning "of a man".
Krateia f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Krates, a derivative of Greek κράτος (kratos) meaning "strength, power". This was borne by the mother of 7th-century BC Greek tyrant Periander.
Kratet m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Crates.
Kratil m Croatian
Croatian form of Cratylus.
Kratipp m Russian
Russian form of Kratippos.
Kree f & m American, Popular Culture
Variant of Cree.... [more]
Kreet f Estonian
Variant of Krõõt.
Kreeta f Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian variant of Greta.
Kreia f Popular Culture
Kreia is a fictional character in the RPG 'Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords' (2004). She's a Force sensitive elderly woman with mysterious motives, and a member of the main player's party... [more]
Kreina f Yiddish
Variant of Kreine.
Krejas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kreios.
Krejna f Yiddish
Variant of Kreina.
Kremena f Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian кремен, a dialectal variant of кремък "flint, flintstone".
Krenare f Albanian
Feminine form of Krenar.
Krenle f Yiddish (Archaic)
German-Yiddish diminutive of Kreine.
Kreousa f Greek Mythology
Original Greek form of Creusa.
Křesćan m Sorbian
Sorbian form of Christian. Křesćan Krawc (German: Christian Schneider), born 1938, is a Sorbian writer.
Krescencija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Crescentia.
Krescencijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Crescentius.
Krescencja f Polish
Polish form of Crescentia.
Krescens m Polish
Polish form of Crescentius.
Krescenty m Polish
Polish form of Crescentius.
Kreskentia f Late Roman (Hellenized)
Feminine form of Kreskentios and Hellenized form of Crescentia.
Kresna m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Krishna.
Kresnik m Slavic Mythology
Slavic god associated with fire, the summer solstice, and storms. Kresnik was worshipped among the Slavic population of the eastern Alps. He is probably the same deity as Svarožič, son of the Slavic sun god, Svarog, described as having golden hair and golden hands... [more]
Kresno m Javanese
Javanese form of Krishna.
Křesomysl m Czech (Archaic)
Křesomysl's name is thought to be derived from the old Slavonic words "křesat" meaning to strike a light and "mysl" meaning mind or spirit thus literally the name should have meant "lighting the mind"... [more]
Kressel f Jewish, Yiddish
Pet form of Kressia, the Yiddish form of the Judeo-Spanish name Gracia, used as an alternative to Channah.
Kressia f Yiddish
Yiddish form of Gracia. Used as an alternative to Chana ... [more]
Kressyda f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Cressida.
Krestine f Danish
Variant of Kristine.
Kresyda f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Cressida.
Kreszcenciusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Crescentius.
Krëszk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Krësztof.
Krësztof m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Christopher.
Krethon m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Etymology uncertain. This was the name of an Aechaean warrior who died in the Trojan war, twin of Orsilochus and great-grandson of the river god Alpheios.
Kreuza f Albanian
Albanian form of Creusa.
Kriangdech m Thai
Alternate transcription of Kriangdet.
Kridsada m Thai
Alternate transcription of Kritsada.
Kridtika f Thai
Alternate transcription of Kritika.