Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is heyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aaronas m Lithuanian (Rare), Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek variant and Lithuanian form of Aaron.
Abdalla m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الله (see Abd Allah).
Abigaie f Biblical Greek
Form of Abigail used in some versions of Greek Bible.
Acis m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latin form of Akis (Ακις), from Greek element ακις (akis) meaning "pointed object" or "little". Acis was the husband of Galatea.
Adamos m Greek
Transferred use of the surname Adamos.
Aglaie f Obscure
Variant of Aglaia.
Agnica f Slovene
Diminutive of Agnes.
Aimilia f Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Greek
Hellenized form of Aemilia. Compare the masculine form Aimilios.
Aithra f Greek Mythology, Greek (Rare)
Original Greek form of Aethra.
Akhilley m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Achilles.
Akima m & f Russian
Diminutive or feminine form of Akim.
Akis m Greek, Greek Mythology
Greek form of Acis as well as diminutive of many Greek names also very different from each other such as Theodoros, Andreas, Athanasios and Georgios.
Akiy m Russian
Russian form of Acis or short form of Yakim or Akim.
Alesha m Russian
Variant transcription of Alyosha.
Alfredos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Alfred.
Alike f Dutch (Rare)
Variant spelling of Alieke.
Aloiziy m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Aloysius.
Alphonsos m Greek, Germanic (Hellenized)
Original Greek form of Alphonsus (see Alfonso).
Alvertos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Albertos, which is an older Greek form of Albert.
Anaias m Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Form of Anaiah used in the Greek and Latin bibles.
Anaide f Italian
Italian form of Anaïs.
Anastaas m Dutch (Archaic)
Dutch form of Anastasios (see Anastasius).
Andrianus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinate masculine form of Andriana.
Andriyana f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Андриана (see Andriana).
Androula f Greek (Cypriot)
Diminutive of Androniki (the modern Greek feminine form of Andronikos) or possibly of Andriana.
Angelike f Greek (Rare)
Variant transliteration of Angeliki.
Anniki f Estonian
Variant of Annika.
Annit f Near Eastern Mythology
Annit was a northern Babylonian moon goddess who was later replaced by Ishtar.
Anta f Greek
Greek form of Ada 1, as well as a short form of Antonia, Antigoni, Adamantia, Triantafyllia and other Greek names containing the same sound.
Aourora f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Aurora.
Archibaldos m Germanic (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Archibaldus (see Archibald).
Aristofanis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Aristophanes.
Armandos m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Armand.
Aroldos m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Harold.
Arosha m Russian
Russian diminutive of Aaron.
Arthouros m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Arthur.
Artouros m Greek
Variant of Arthouros.
Asklipios m Greek
Modern transcription of Asklepios.
Astarti f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Astarte.
Atanasius m Dutch (Rare), Finnish (Rare), German (Rare)
Dutch, Finnish and German variant of Athanasius.
Atanasiya f Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Athanasia.
Athanasie f French (Archaic)
French feminine form of Athanasius.
Attie f American (South, Archaic)
Diminutive of various names beginning with Ad- and At-.
Avel m Breton, Bulgarian, Greek (Rare), Russian (Rare), Ukrainian
Form of Abel in various languages.... [more]
Azza f Arabic
Possibly meaning "young female gazelle", deriving from the Arabic word azaza ("it was dear, it was expensive" referring to the difficulty in catching young gazelles).
Ceciliya f Russian
Russian form of Cecilia.
Charoula f Greek
Diminutive of Chara.
Chloi f Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Modern Greek transcription of Chloe.
Cretão m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Creton.
Cretón m Spanish
Spanish form of Kreton.
Danaïe f Obscure
Variant of Danaë.
Daniila f Russian
Feminine form of Daniil.
Danilos m Greek
Variant of Daniel.
Danos m Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Daniel.
Danya m Russian, Ukrainian
Diminutive of Danila 1 and Daniil in Russian and Danylo and Danyil in Ukrainian.
Dauidos m Late Greek
Late Greek form of Dauid (See David).
Dimitria f Greek, Bulgarian
Modern Greek form of Demetria and Bulgarian feminine form of Dimitar.
Dimitrius m Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Dimitrios, which is the modern Greek form of Demetrios (see Demetrius).
Dionysis m Greek
Variant of Dionysios.
Dominike m Walloon
Walloon form of Dominic.
Dominiki f Greek
Greek form of Dominica.
Edouardos m Greek
Greek form of Edward.
Efsevios m Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Eusebios.
Ektor m Greek, Russian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Brazilian
Modern Greek and Bulgarian form of Hector.
Ektoras m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek variant of Hector.
Eliki f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Helike.
Emmanouela f Greek
Feminine form of Emmanouil.
Emmanouella f Greek
Female form of Emmanouil.
Ermanos m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Herman.
Errika f Greek
Feminine form of Errikos.
Errikos m Greek
Greek form of Henry via its Latinized form Henricus.
Esthir f Greek
Modern Greek form of Esther.
Estir f Greek (Rare), Macedonian, Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian and Macedonian form and modern Greek variant of Esther.
Eue f Biblical Greek
Variant of Eua.
Evlaliya f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Eulalia.
Fedon m Greek
Modern Greek form of Phaidon.
Felitsiya f Russian
Russian form of Felicia.
Feo m Russian
Either a Russian form of Theo or a short form of Feodor, Feofil, Feofilakt, Feofan or other names that begin with "Feo".
Filix m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phelix, which is the ancient Greek form of Felix.
Fivi f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Φοίβη (see Foivi).
Fivos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Phoibos.
Fonsine f Dutch (Rare)
Truncated form of Alfonsine.
Fonya m Russian
Diminutive of Agafon.
Frantsisk m Russian
Russian form of Franciscus (see Francis).
Freideriki f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Φρειδερίκη (see Frideriki).
Freiderikos m Germanic (Hellenized), Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Φρειδερίκος (see Friderikos).
Garri m Russian
Russian form of Harry.
Gasha m Russian
Diminutive of Agapit.
Gavrylo m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Gabriel.
Gertroudi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Gertrude.
Giandaniele m Italian
Combination of Gian and Daniele.
Giannos m Greek
Variant of Giannis.
Gilvertos m Greek
Greek form of Gilbert.
Giorgo m Greek
Variant of Giorgos.
Giorgoula f Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Modern Greek diminutive of Giorgia, as it contains the modern Greek feminine diminutive suffix -ούλα (-oula). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Giotis m Greek
Short form of Panagiotis.
Giuli m Sicilian
Contracted form of Giueli.
Glycérie f French (Archaic), French (African, Rare)
French form of Glykeria via its latinized form Glyceria.
Goliaf m Russian
Form of Goliath used in Russian Bible.
Goustavos m Greek (Rare)
Hellenized form of Gustavus.
Greggie m & f English, Filipino
Diminutive of Gregory or Gregoria.
Grégoirette f French (Rare, Archaic)
French feminine diminutive of Grégoire.
Gregoris m Medieval Dutch, Greek
Medieval Dutch variant of Gregorius (see Gregory) as well as a Greek alternate transcription of Grigoris.
Grigoria f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Gregoria.
Grigorije m Serbian
Serbian form of Gregory.
Gurias m History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Γουρίας (Gourias), which is a hellenization of a name that was of Aramaic or Hebrew origin. It was derived from either Aramaic גורי‎ (gure) or Hebrew גוּר (gur), which both mean "lion cub, young lion"... [more]
Harlampi m Russian
Russian variant transcription of Kharlampiy.
Havryila f Ukrainian (Rare)
Feminine form of Havryil.
Heleni f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), History (Hebraized), Hebrew (Modern)
Brazilian variant of Helene and Hebrewized spelling of Helene. As a Hebrew name it was borne by Queen Helena of Adiabene who was a Queen of a Vassal state of the Parthian Empire and a convert to Judaism... [more]
Henrikos m Germanic (Hellenized)
Ancient Greek form of Henricus (see Henry). (See its modern transliteration Errikos).
Hermanos m Germanic (Hellenized)
Older Greek form of Herman.
Holiaf m Ukrainian
Form of Goliath used in the Ukrainian Bible.
Hovakim m Armenian
Armenian form of Joachim.
Hovhanna f Armenian (Rare)
Armenian feminine form of John.
Hovig m Armenian
Variant transcription of Hovik.
Hrysha m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Grisha.
Iakimu m Old Church Slavic
Older Slavic form of Joachim.
Iakovoula f Greek (Rare)
Feminine diminutive of Iakovos.
Iasonas m Greek
Modern Greek variant of Iason.
Iechova m Theology (Hellenized)
Modern Greek form of Jehovah.
Iemima f Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin
Form of Jemima used in the Latin and Greek Bible.
Ieronymos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).
Iescha f Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, English (American, Rare)
Form of Iscah used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Ieska f Biblical Greek
Greek form of Iscah.
Ilektra f Greek
Modern Greek form of Elektra.
Ioakim m Russian, Greek (Cypriot)
Greek variant transcription of Ioakeim and Russian form of Joachim.
Iokasti f Greek
Modern transcription of Iokaste.
Iolina f Bulgarian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Йолина (see Yolina).
Iordana f Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian
Feminine form of Iordanis (Greek) and variant transcription of Yordana (Bulgarian).
Iosefina f Romanian
Romanian form of Josephine.
Iosifina f Greek
Greek form of Joséphine.
Iouli f Greek
Probably a variant of Ioulia. However, this name could also be derived from Greek Ιούλη (Iouli), which is the genitive singular of Ιούλης (Ioulis), one of the Greek names for the month of July... [more]
Ioustina f Late Roman (Hellenized), Greek (Rare)
Hellenized form of Iustina (see Justina).
Ioustine f Late Greek
Late Greek variant of Ioustina.
Ioustini f Greek
Modern Greek form of Ioustine.
Ioustinos m Late Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Greek
Hellenized form of Iustinus (see Justin).
Irmushka f Russian (Rare)
Russian diminutive of Irma.
Iskhak m Tatar, Kyrgyz, Indonesian
Tatar, Kyrgyz, and Indonesian form of Ishaq (see Isaac).
Ivão m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Ivan.
Ivonna f Latvian
Latvian form of Yvonne.
Jakim m Russian
Russian variant transcription of Yakim.
Janni m Greek, Italian
Variant transcription of Gianni.
Jasonina f Filipino (Archaic)
Feminine form of Jason.
Jasonna f Obscure
Feminine form of Jason.
Jenia f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Женя (see Zhenya).
Jeremih m English (Rare), African American (Rare)
Variant of Jeremiah. It is used as a stage name by American rapper Jeremih, whose real name is Jeremy Felton.
Jiannis m Greek
Variant transcription of Giannis.
Jiska f West Frisian
Variant of Jiske.
Joakeim m Greek
Variant transcription of Ioakeim.
Joakima f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Joakim.
Joannis m Greek, Banat Swabian
Variant transcription of Ioannis.
Josephinus m Dutch (Rare, Archaic)
Masculine form of Josephina, or a Latinized form of French Joséphin.
Joulia f Greek, Russian
Rare transcription of Ioulia or Yuliya.
Justins m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Justin.
Kaciarina f Belarusian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Katsiaryna.
Kaikilia f Ancient Roman (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Caecilia (see Cecilia).
Karlot m Norwegian (Archaic)
Norwegian adoption of Charlot as well as a masculine form of Karlotte.
Kateriina f Finnish
Finnish form of Katerina.
Khriska f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Khristina.
Khristós m Greek
Modern Greek variant transcription of Christos 1.
Kirilla f Hungarian
Feminine form of Kirill.
Kiveli f Greek
Variant transcription of Kyveli.
Klaire f English, Greek
Variant of Claire. It is also a Greek variant transcription of Klairi.
Kornelis m Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans variant of Cornelis.
Lamanya f African American (Rare)
Combination of the popular prefix La with Manya.
Lamonya f African American (Rare)
Combination of the prefix La- and name Monya.
Laoura f Greek
Variant form of Lavra (Λαύρα), which is the original (modern) Greek form of Laura. Lavra has fallen into disuse, however, which might possibly be because the association with lavra (the name for a type of monastery in Orthodox Christianity) had become too great... [more]
Lazaras m Irish
Irish form of Lazarus.
Lazaroula f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Lazaros.
Leonydas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Leonidas.
Lilianni f Greek, Portuguese
Greek form of Lilian.
Lito f Greek
Modern transcription of Leto.
Loudi f Greek
Diminutive of Louiza, Loudmila or anything that begins with Lou.
Loudmila f Greek, Russian
Greek form and Russian variant transcription of Lyudmila.
Loudoviki f Greek
Greek form of Ludovica.
Lountmila f Greek
Variant transcription of Loudmila.
Louqa m Arabic
Arabic form of Lucas (see Luke).
Luqa m Maltese
Maltese form of Luke.
Maarius m Estonian
Estonian form of Marius.
Mairika f Estonian (Rare)
Diminutive of Mairi, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Mairy f Scots, Greek
Scots form of Mary and Greek variant of Mairi.
Makis m Greek
Short form of Greek diminutives that end in -μάκης (-makis), such as Asimakis, Gerasimakis, Prodromakis and Thomakis.
Manolis m Greek
Greek short form of Emmanouil, which is a Greek form of Emmanuel.
Manouil m Greek
Modern form of Manouel.
Manousos m Greek
Diminutive of Emmanouil.
Mâr m Jèrriais
Variant of Mar.
Mariina f Finnish (Rare), Estonian (Rare), Greenlandic
Finnish and Estonian variant of Marina and younger Greenlandic form of Marîna.
Mariy m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Marius or masculine form of Mariya.
Markellos m Greek (Rare), Ancient Greek
Greek form of Marcellus (see Marcel).
Martinos m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Greek (Rare)
Hellenized form of Martinus (see Martin).
Maryanna f English (American)
Combination of Mary and Anna.
Mata m Arabic
Arabic form of Matthew.
Matasha f Russian (Rare), African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of names Masha and Natasha, or it is a combination of a prefix Ma and name Tasha.
Mathaios m Greek
Variant of Matthaios.
Mathousalas m Biblical Greek
Form of Methuselah used in the Greek Bible.
Matthiani f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Matthias.
Matthios m Greek
Variant of Matthias.
Matya m Russian
Variant of Matvey.
Mavrikios m Greek
Greek form of Mauricius (See Maurice).
Melaini f Greek
Variant transcription of Melaine.
Michaila f Greek
Feminine form of Michail.
Michalitsa f Greek
Greek diminutive of Michaela.
Mirsini f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Μυρσίνη (see Myrsini).
Mochamet m Greek (Rare), Muslim
Greek (Islamic) form of Mohamed.
Moises m Tagalog
Tagalog form of Moses via its Spanish form Moisés.
Monja f Slovene
Diminutive of Monika, used as a given name in its own right.
Mosha m & f Russian
Diminutive of Matvey, Mariya, or Matrona 1.
Munia m Arabic
Variant transcription of Munya.
Murqus f Arabic
Arabic form of Marcus (see Mark).
Mychailo m Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Mykhailo.
Myrtho f Haitian Creole
Form of Myrto used by the French writer Gérard de Nerval in his poem Myrtho (1854).
Nafanail m Russian
Russian form of Nathaniel.
Nasos m Greek
Either a diminutive of Athanasios or Anastasios.
Nathanail m Greek
Modern Greek form of Nathanael.
Nicolett f Dutch, German
Diminutive of Nicole.
Nikodimos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Nikodemos. A known bearer of this name is the Cypriot soccer manager and former soccer player Nikodimos "Nikki" Papavasiliou (b. 1970).
Noeme f Greek (Modern, Rare), Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese cognate and Modern Greek form of Noemin.
Noétte f French (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine diminutive of Noé recorded in the 1600s. In some cases, however, it may also have been a feminine form of Noët.
Noh m Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic نوح (see Nuh), as well as a Malay and Indonesian variant.