Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Quenyazton f & m NahuatlPossibly means "how will she go?", from Nahuatl
quen "how? what? in what manner?" and
yaz "will go", combined with the diminutive suffix
Querella f Roman MythologyMeans "complaint, lamentation" in Latin. In Roman mythology Querella was the personification of mockery, blame, ridicule, scorn, complaint and stinging criticism, equivalent to the Greek daemon
Momos (who was expelled from heaven for ridiculing the gods).
Quest m EnglishFrom the English word for a search, ultimately from from Medieval Latin
questa "search, inquiry".
Quetcy f American (Hispanic, Rare)Borne by Quetcy Alma Martínez De Jesús (1956-), a Puerto Rican child singer of the 1960s and 1970s who was based in New York City. Her name may be a derivative of
Quetzala f Spanish (Mexican, Rare)From
Quetzala, the name of a river in Mexico. Quetzala is likely derived from Nahuatl
quetzalli, "quetzal feather". The word
quetzalli also denotes something precious. The quetzal held great cultural and religious significance to the Aztecs, and other indigenous peoples of Central America... [
Quetzalcuauh m NahuatlMeans "eagle plume" or "precious eagle" in Nahuatl, from
quetzalli "quetzal feather, precious thing" and
cuauhtli "eagle".
Quetzalhua m NahuatlMeans "owner of feathers", derived from Nahuatl
quetzalli "quetzal feather, precious thing" and the possessive suffix
Quetzalxiuh m NahuatlDerived from Nahuatl
quetzalli "quetzal feather, precious thing" and
xihuitl "year" (or "turquoise"). Often given to boys born during the New Fire ceremony
xiuhmolpilli, "the binding of the years", an event held every 52 years to align the Aztec’s ritual calendar with the annual calendar.
Quetzalxochitl f NahuatlMeans "feather flower" or "precious flower", from Nahuatl
quetzalli "quetzal feather, precious thing" and
xochitl "flower".
Quetzun m Central AmericanGuatemalan name referring to the Quetzal a native bird of Guatemala and Tecun Uman the last indigenious prince of Guatemala.
Quhyar m Old PersianWas the last ruler of the Karenid dynasty (in modern Iran), ruling briefly in 839 until his assassination.
Quiachton m NahuatlMeaning unknown, possibly means "his/her ancestor" in Nahuatl, derived from the singular suffix
qui- and
achtontli "great-grandfather, ancestor".
Quiauh m NahuatlDerived from Nahuatl
quiyahui "to rain" or
quiyahuitl "rainstorm".
Quiauhtonal m NahuatlDerived from Nahuatl
quiyahuitl "rain, rainstorm" and
tonalli "day, warmth of the sun". Possibly related to
Quiauhtonatiuh, "sun of rain" or "rain of fire sun", the name of the sun of the third epoch of humanity according to Aztec tradition, which was destroyed by a rain of fire and lava.
Quicemitoa m NahuatlMeans "he speaks with determination" or "he resolved to do something" in Nahuatl.
Quichichihui m NahuatlPossibly derived from Nahuatl
chihchihua "to make, fashion, craft" or "to adorn, dress, arrange".
Quicksilver m Popular CultureQuicksilver is the 'mutant' name of a protagonist, and sometimes antagonist, of Marvel's line of X-Men and Avengers comics. His real name is Pietro Maximoff, and he is the son of
Magneto... [
Quietus m Late RomanRoman cognomen which was derived from Latin
quietus meaning "quiet, at rest, peaceful, tranquil". This name was borne by Roman general Lusius Quietus (2nd century AD) and Roman usurper Titus Fulvius Iunius Quietus (3rd century AD).
Quikinna'qu m Siberian MythologyDerived from a Koryak word meaning "big raven". In Koryak mythology, Quikinna'qu (or Kutkinnaku) is a shapeshifting deity who taught humans to hunt, fish, and create fire.
Quilaztli f Aztec and Toltec Mythology, NahuatlMeans "she who creates plants, she who makes vegetables grow" in Nahuatl, from
quilitl "edible herbs and vegetables" and the instrumental suffix
-huaztli. This was the name of an Aztec creation deity, the patron of midwives, as well as a title or alternative name for the goddess
Cihuacōātl... [
Quilindschy m ObscureIn the case of Dutch soccer player Quilindschy Hartman (2001-), it is a combination of
Quirine (the name of his sister) and
Lindschy (possibly a Dutch form of
Quilla f Inca Mythology (Hispanicized)Hispanicized form of
Killa. In Inca mythology Mama Quilla or Mama Killa was the goddess of the moon, worshipped in particular by women and often represented by a disc made of either gold or silver... [
Quiller m EnglishMetonymic occupational name for a spoon maker, from Old French
cuiller 'spoon', 'ladle'.
Quillien m Breton (Archaic), French (Archaic)Breton and French form of
Killian, which is no longer in use as a given name today, but it still survives as a patronymic surname (which is most prevalent in Brittany and the rest of northwestern France).
Quimich m & f NahuatlMeans "mouse" in Nahuatl, a nickname for a child.
Quinidius m History (Ecclesiastical)Catholic saint, hermit and bishop. He was originally a hermit in the region of Aix in Provence, France, becoming bishop of Vaison in that region.
Quintessa f African American (Rare)Variant of
Quintella inspired by the word
quintessence, meaning "the fifth element", "aether". According to Medieval science, the quintessence was the material that filled the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere... [
Quintessence f English (Rare)This name comes from the word that can mean "a thing that is the most perfect example of its type" or, in its literal sense, "fifth essence." The word is derived from Middle French
quinte essence, which is, ultimately originated from Medieval Latin
quinta essentia, a combination of Latin
quinta, the feminine equivalent of
quintus meaning "five," and
essentia meaning "essence."
Quintianus m Ancient Roman, HistoryFrom the Roman cognomen
Quintianus (originally written as
Quinctianus), which was derived from the Roman nomen gentile
Quintius. This was the name of the father and a nephew of the Roman general Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus (2nd century AD), as well as of several Roman Catholic saints.
Quintilis m Late RomanDerived from Latin
Quintilis, which was the name of the fifth month in the ancient Roman calendar. The month ultimately derived its name from the Latin ordinal number
quintus meaning "fifth" (see
Quintus)... [
Quintinianus m Late RomanFrom the rare Roman agnomen
Quintinianus (also found spelled as
Quinctinianus), which was derived from the Roman cognomen
Quintinus (which was originally spelled as
Quinctinus).... [
Quiolas m Arthurian CycleA name appearing in Le Livre d’Artus, a work of Arthurian romance. He wass a Saxon king who, under King Hargadabran, fought Arthur’s forces at the battle of Clarence and was killed by Adragain.
Quirentia f ObscureAnna Quirentia Nilsson, better known as Anna Q. Nilsson, was a well-known Swedish-born silent movie actress. She was given her middle name because she was born on March 30, the feast day of
Quirinus of Neuss.
Quirillus m HistoryPerhaps a form of
Cyrillus. It was borne by an obscure saint, one of a group of 35 martyrs executed in northwestern Africa.
Quirinius m BiblicalRoman cognomen of unknown meaning (not to be confused with
Quirinus). Publius Sulpicius Quirinius was a Roman governor of Syria when Jesus was born.
Quiritis f Roman MythologyMost likely derived from Latin
quiritis, the genitive form of
quiris, a Sabine word meaning "spear". Quiritis was a Sabine goddess of motherhood, later equated with the goddess
Quisara f TheatreOrigin uncertain. This was used for the title character in John Fletcher's play 'The Island Princess' (written ca. 1619-1621): a princess of Tidore (an Islamic state in Indonesia) who vows to marry the man who frees her brother, the king, who has recently been captured by a local rival.
Quiselpoo f Indigenous AmericanThe name of an Akokisa woman, recorded in a mission record (the Akokisa being an extinct Native American tribe in what is now Texas). It has been suggested that the name could mean "full moon woman", in part from Atakapa
ki.c "woman".
Quisqueya f Spanish (Caribbean)From a Taíno name for the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, which is made up of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. It has been applied poetically to the Dominican Republic since the Restoration War in the 1860s, and appears in its national anthem (sometimes known as 'Valiant Quisqueyans')... [
Quissik m Greenlandic, Inuit MythologyMeans "urinated on" in Greenlandic. Quissik was the name of a shaman, still remembered in local legends, who acquired that name when foxes in human figure urinated on him.
Quitlemati m NahuatlPossibly means "he suffers" or "he makes him suffer" in Nahuatl, derived from
tlemati "to suffer something, with regret and anguish". Alternatively, it could derived from
tlemaitl "hand-held brazier, clay censer", a device for carrying fire.
Quiyauh m NahuatlMeans "it has rained", derived from Nahuatl
quiyahuitl "rain, rainstorm", the nineteenth day sign of the tonalpohualli.
Quji m & f YiMeans "silver origin" in Yi.
Quliang m ChineseFrom the Chinese character 渠 (
qu) meaning “canal” and (
liang) meaning “bridge; roof beam”.... [
Qulla Nayra f AymaraFrom the Aymara
qulla meaning "medicine, remedy" and
nayra meaning "eyes".
Qulla Panqara f AymaraFrom the Aymara
qulla meaning "medicine, remedy" and
panqara meaning "flower".
Qulla Uma f AymaraFrom the Aymara
qulla meaning "medicine, remedy" and
uma meaning "water".
Qullqi Titi f AymaraFrom the Aymara
qullqi meaning "silver, money" and
titi meaning "wildcat".