Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Naina Наина f Russian (Rare)Created by Alexander Pushkin for a character in his poem "Ruslan and Ludmila". Sometimes used as a given name or as a diminutive of
Neron Нерон m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, UkrainianHellenized form of
Nero 1 as well as the Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of the name.
Neya Нея f Soviet, RussianContracted form of
Energiya. This name was used by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [
Nikas Никас m Ancient Greek, Lithuanian, Russian (Rare)Derived either from the active present tense of the Greek verb νικάω
(nikao) meaning "to win, to conquer, to prevail" or from the accusative plural of the Greek noun νίκη
(nike) meaning "victory".... [
Niktopolion Никтополион m Russian (Archaic)Russian form of
Nikopolitianos through a Greek corruption of the name. This corruption was probably Νυκτοπολιων
(Nyktopolion) or something close to it, which led to the name being associated with the night, as it closely resembles the Greek adjective νυκτιπόλος
(nyktipolos) meaning "roaming by night".... [
Nolik Нолик m RussianNolik is a name that is of Russian origin and created in the Russian cartoon, "The Fixies".
Nonna Нонна f Soviet, Russian (Rare)Either a contracted form or a diminutive of
Noyabrina. A known bearer of this name was the Russian actress Noyabrina "Nonna" Mordyukova (1925-2008).
Novomir Новомир m Soviet, Bulgarian, RussianMeans "new peace" or "new world", derived from Russian новый
(novyy) meaning "new, fresh" combined with Russian мир
(mir) meaning "peace" as well as "world". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Noyabrin Ноябрин m Soviet, RussianDerived from Russian ноябрь
(noyabr) meaning "November". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names. It was used in order to commemorate the October Revolution of 1917, which according to the Gregorian calendar (not in use in Russia at the time) actually took place in November 1917... [
Okean Океан m Bosnian, Bulgarian (Rare), Croatian, Kyrgyz (Rare), Russian, Serbian, Slovene, UkrainianBosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Kyrgyz, Russian, Serbian, Slovene and Ukrainian form of
Okeanos.... [
Oktyabrin Октябрин m Soviet, RussianDerived from Russian октябрь
(oktyabr) meaning "October". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names, and was used in order to commemorate the October Revolution of 1917 and the creation of the (now former) Soviet state in 1922.
Orifija Орифия f RussianRussian and Ukrainian form of Orithyia. According to Greek mythology, upon the death of her mother, she became the new queen of the Amazons. She was famous for her perpetual virginity. Her war techniques were outstanding and brought much honor to the Amazon empire.
Otaslav m RussianMeaning "father's glory". From
ota "father" and
slav "glory".
Pafnuty Пафнутий m RussianVariant transcription of
Pafnutiy. A known bearer of this name was Pafnuty Chebyshev (1821-1894), a Russian mathematician.
Pahom Пахом m Russian (Rare, ?), LiteratureAlternate transcription of Russian Пахо́м
(Pakhom), which is a variant form of
Pakhomiy. This was the name of the main character in Leo Tolstoy's short story "How Much Land Does A Man Need?" (1886).
Paisi Паисий m RussianVariant transcription of
Paisiy. A known bearer of this name was Paisi Kaysarov (1783-1844), a Russian general who served during the Napoleonic Wars.
Pakhomy Пахомий m RussianVariant transcription of
Pakhomiy. A known bearer of this name was the Russian revolutionary Pakhomy Andreyushkin (1865-1887).
Pitirim Питирим m RussianRussian form of the late Greek masculine name
Pithyrion, which is possibly derived from Greek πίτυρον
(pituron) or
(pityron) meaning "husks of corn, bran" - which itself is derived from Greek πίτυρα
(pitura) or
(pityra) meaning "bran"... [
Plenira Пленира f Russian, LiteratureName invented by Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin (1743 - 1816), one of the most highly esteemed Russian poet. It is derived from Russian verb
пленить (
plenit') meaning "to captivate", "to charm"... [
Radel Радель m RussianFrom the Slavic name element
rad meaning "willing"
Radiy Радий m Russian (Rare), Tatar (Rare)Variant form of
Radik. Also note that
radiy is also the Russian word for radium, an alkaline earth metal. The name was used in the Soviet era in reference to scientific progress.
Raduga Ра́дуга f RussianFrom Russian
ра́дуга (
ráduga) meaning "rainbow".
Rem Рэм m Soviet, RussianAcronym consisting of the Russian word революция
(revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution" and the surnames of Энгельс
(Engels) and Маркс
(Marx), which refer to Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) and Karl Marx (1818-1883).... [
Rem Рем m Soviet, RussianContraction of Russian революция мировая
(revolyutsiya mirovaya) meaning "world revolution". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [
Remir Ремир m Soviet, RussianVariant form of
Revomir. A known bearer of this name is the Russian former sambo wrestler Remir Solnitsev (b. 1933).
Remir Рэмир m Soviet, RussianAcronym of the Russian words революция
(revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution", электрификация
(elektrifikatsiya) meaning "electrification" and мир
(mir) meaning "peace" as well as "world"... [
Remo Рэмо f Soviet, RussianAcronym of the Russian words революция
(revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution", электрификация
(elektrifikatsiya) meaning "electrification" and мобилизация
(mobilizatsiya) meaning "mobilization" or мировой Октябрь
(mirovoy Oktyabr) meaning "world's October"... [
Revolt Револт, Револьт m Soviet, RussianThis name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [
Revolyutsiya Революция f Soviet, RussianDerived from the Russian noun революция
(revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution". Like names such as
Melor and
Vilen, this name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Revomir Ревомир m Soviet, RussianContraction of Russian революция мировая
(revolyutsiya mirovaya) meaning "world revolution" as well as of революционный мир
(revolyutsionnyy mir) meaning "revolutionary world"... [
Rimma Римма f RussianThe name of a Slavic (male) saint, which was Ριμμᾶς
(Rimmas) in the original Greek, the etymology of which is uncertain. In modern times this is used as a Russian feminine name and is sometimes associated with Рим
(Rim) "Rome", the Russian name for the Italian city.
Roblen Роблен m Soviet, RussianContraction of Russian родился быть ленинцем
(rodilsya byt' lenintsem) and of родившйся быть ленинцем
(rodivshiysya byt' lenintsem), which both mean "born to be a Leninist"... [
Rodomir Родомир m RussianThe first element of this name is derived from Russian
rod "family, kind, race, genus", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic
rodъ "family". The second element is derived from Slavic
mir "peace".
Rostimir Ростимир m RussianDerived from Slavic
rosts "usurp" combined with Slavic
mir "peace".
Rufin Руфин m Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare), French, Polish, Russian, Serbian, ProvençalBulgarian, Croatian, French, Provençal, Polish, Russian and Serbian form of
Sevir Севир m RussianRussian form of
Severus via its hellenized (modern Greek) form
Seviros. Also compare the Russian name
Sever, which is directly derived from Severus.
Sharik Шарик m Russian, PetMeans "small ball" in Russian. It is a common dog name but is used for humans too.