Russian Submitted Names

Russian names are used in the country of Russia and in Russian-speaking communities throughout the world. See also about Russian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Nataly Натали f English (Modern), Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian), Greek (Rare), Russian, Ukrainian, Estonian (Rare)
English variant and Spanish and Portuguese borrowing of Natalie, as well as a variant transcription of Russian Натали and Ukrainian Наталі (see Natali).
Natashenka f Russian
Diminutive of Nataly. Used in Tolstoy's War and Peace as term of endearment for heroine Natasha Rostov.
Natasya Натася, Натасья f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian diminutive of Natalya. Also compare Nastasya, which is quite similar in appearance.
Natella Нателла f Russian, Armenian
Form of Natela.
Natka Натка f Polish, Kashubian, Slovene, Russian, Ukrainian
Polish diminutive of Natalia, Kashubian diminutive of Nataliô, Slovene diminutive of Nataša, and Russian and Ukrainian diminutive of Nataliya or Natalya.
Navsifoy Навсифой m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Nausithous.
Navsikaya Навсикая f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Nausicaa.
Nazariya Назария f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Nazaria and feminine form of Nazariy.
Nearch Неарх m Russian
Russian form of Nearchos via Nearchus.
Nektariy Нектарий m Russian
Russian form of Nektarios.
Nellya Неллия f Russian, Ukrainian (Rare)
Variant of Nelya.
Nerey Нерей m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Nereus.
Neron Нерон m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Hellenized form of Nero 1 as well as the Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of the name.
Nestoriy Несторий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Nestorios (see Nestor).
Neya Нея f Soviet, Russian
Contracted form of Energiya. This name was used by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [more]
Nifont Нифонт m Medieval Russian, Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Nephon via its modern Greek form Nifon.
Nikas Никас m Ancient Greek, Lithuanian, Russian (Rare)
Derived either from the active present tense of the Greek verb νικάω (nikao) meaning "to win, to conquer, to prevail" or from the accusative plural of the Greek noun νίκη (nike) meaning "victory".... [more]
Nikasha Никаша m & f Russian, Belarusian (Rare)
Russian diminutive of various names including popular Nikita 1, Nikolay, Veronika and other names that contain the syllable nik.
Nikomed Никомед m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Slovene, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Slovene and Ukrainian form of Nikomedes.
Niktey Никтей m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Nycteus.
Niktim Никтим m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Nyktimon.
Niktopolion Никтополион m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Nikopolitianos through a Greek corruption of the name. This corruption was probably Νυκτοπολιων (Nyktopolion) or something close to it, which led to the name being associated with the night, as it closely resembles the Greek adjective νυκτιπόλος (nyktipolos) meaning "roaming by night".... [more]
Nikushka Никушка m & f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian diminutive of given names that contain the element -nik-, such as Kallinik, Nikifor and Nikolay (for men) and Dominika and Veronika (for women)... [more]
Nikusya Никуся m & f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian diminutive of given names that contain the element -nik-, such as Kallinik, Nikifor and Nikolay (for men) and Dominika and Veronika (for women)... [more]
Nimfodora Нимфодора f Russian (Archaic), Romanian (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Russian and Romanian form of Nymphodora. This name was borne by Russian actress and opera singer Nimfodora Semenova (1788-1876).
Ninka Нинка f Russian, Georgian
Russian diminutive of Nina 1, which the Georgians use as a diminutive for Nino 2.
Ninoshka Ниношка f Russian, Spanish (Latin American)
Diminutive of Nina 1.
Ninushka f Russian
Diminutive of Nina 1.
Nioba Ниоба f Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Kazakh, Slovene
Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Kazakh and Slovene form of Niobe.
Nolik Нолик m Russian
Nolik is a name that is of Russian origin and created in the Russian cartoon, "The Fixies".
Nonna Нонна f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Either a contracted form or a diminutive of Noyabrina. A known bearer of this name was the Russian actress Noyabrina "Nonna" Mordyukova (1925-2008).
Novomir Новомир m Soviet, Bulgarian, Russian
Means "new peace" or "new world", derived from Russian новый (novyy) meaning "new, fresh" combined with Russian мир (mir) meaning "peace" as well as "world". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Novoslav Новослав m Russian
Russian cognate of Nowosław.
Noyabrin Ноябрин m Soviet, Russian
Derived from Russian ноябрь (noyabr) meaning "November". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names. It was used in order to commemorate the October Revolution of 1917, which according to the Gregorian calendar (not in use in Russia at the time) actually took place in November 1917... [more]
Nyurochka Нюрочка f Russian
Diminutive of Anastasiya or Anna.
Nyusha Нюша f Russian
Diminutive of Anna.
Nyuta Нюта f Russian
Diminutive of Anna.
Obram m Russian
Variant of Abram 2.
Odri f Russian, Croatian (Rare)
Variant of Audrey, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Okean Океан m Bosnian, Bulgarian (Rare), Croatian, Kyrgyz (Rare), Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Ukrainian
Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Kyrgyz, Russian, Serbian, Slovene and Ukrainian form of Okeanos.... [more]
Okeana Океана f Bulgarian (Rare), Kyrgyz (Rare), Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Feminine form of Okean. This name is not to be confused with Oksana.
Okinf Окинф m Russian (Archaic)
Medieval Russian variant of Akinf, which itself is a variant form of Iakinf.
Oksaniya Оксания f Russian, Ukrainian
Alternative form of Oksana, sometimes transliterated as Oxaniya.
Oksanya Оксаня f Russian (Rare)
Diminutive of Oksana.
Okseniia f Russian
Variant of Kseniia.
Oksil Оксил m Russian, Serbian
Russian and Serbian form of Oxylos.
Oktavian Октавиан m Bulgarian, German (Rare), Russian, Ukrainian
Form of Octavianus (see Octavian) in various languages.
Oktaviy Октавий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Octavius.
Oktaviya Октавия f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Octavia.
Oktavy Октавий m Russian
Variant transcription of Oktaviy.
Oktyabr Октябрь m & f Kyrgyz, Tuvan, Russian, Mongolian
Means "October" in Russian.
Oktyabrin Октябрин m Soviet, Russian
Derived from Russian октябрь (oktyabr) meaning "October". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names, and was used in order to commemorate the October Revolution of 1917 and the creation of the (now former) Soviet state in 1922.
Olegg Олегг m Russian (Rare), Ukrainian
Variant of Oleg.
Olej m Russian
Variant of Oleg.
Oleka Олька f Russian
Colloquial diminutive of Olya.
Oleksasha Олексаша m & f Ukrainian, Russian (Rare)
Ukrainian form and Russian variant of Aleksasha.
Olenitsa f Russian
Diminutive of Olena.
Oleshka Олешка m Russian
Russian diminutive of Oleg.
Olesja Олеся f Russian, Albanian (Rare), Latvian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare), Estonian
Diminutive of Olga and a Russian variant transcription of Olesya.
Olessia f Russian (Germanized), Ukrainian (Germanized)
German transliteration of Олеся (see Olesya and Olesia).
Oley m Russian
Variant transcription of Oleg.
Olezhka Олешка m Russian
Olgerd Ольгерд m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Algirdas.
Olia Оля f Georgian, Moldovan (Rare), Bulgarian, Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Georgian and Moldovan form of Olya as well as a Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian variant transcription of the name.... [more]
Olimpiodor Олимпиодор m Croatian, Russian, Serbian
Croatian, Russian and Serbian form of Olympiodoros.
Olimpiodora Олимпиодора f Russian
Russian form of Olympiodora.
Oliviia Оливия f Ukrainian, Russian
Variant transliteration of Оливия (Russian) or Олівія (Ukrainian) (see Oliviya).
Olsk m Russian
Diminutive of Aleksey.
Olyenka Оленька f Russian
Diminutive of Olya.
Ondreika m Russian
Diminutive of Andrei.
Onik m Armenian, Georgian, Bulgarian, Russian
Dialectical development of Hovhannes + -իկ (-ik).
Onisifor m Russian
Means "to fulfill".
Onodrag m Russian (Archaic)
Means "dear to him" in Russian.
Onoslava f Russian
Meaning "his glory".
Onoslawa f Russian
Variant transcription of Onoslava.
Onufry Онуфрий m Polish, Russian
Polish form of Onouphrios via Onuphrius, as well as a Russian variant transcription of Onufriy... [more]
Opor m Russian
Means "reflection".
Optat Оптат m Bulgarian, Catalan, French, Polish, Russian, German (Bessarabian)
Bulgarian, Catalan, French, Polish and Russian form of Optatus.
Oresfey Оресфей m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Orestheus.
Oreshnik m Russian
Means "hazelnut" in Russian.
Orest Орест m Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian
Croatian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Orestes.
Orfey Орфей m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Orpheus.
Orifija Орифия f Russian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Orithyia. According to Greek mythology, upon the death of her mother, she became the new queen of the Amazons. She was famous for her perpetual virginity. Her war techniques were outstanding and brought much honor to the Amazon empire.
Orney Орней m Russian
Russian form of Orneus.
Orontsiy Оронций m Russian
Russian form of Orontius.
Oryol m Russian
Russian nickname meaning "eagle".
Oryol Орёл m Russian (Rare)
Means "eagle"
Osanna f German (Archaic), Russian (Rare)
Probably derived from an Old Germanic name beginning in os-.
Ota Ота m Russian (Archaic), Uzbek (Rare)
As a Russian name, this name is ultimately derived from the genitive of the Russian noun отец (otets) meaning "father".... [more]
Otaslav m Russian
Meaning "father's glory". From ota "father" and slav "glory".
Otazlaus m Russian
Variant of Otaslav.
Otryad Отряд m Russian (Rare), Mongolian (Rare)
Means "troop, brigade" in Russian and Mongolian.
Ovidiy Овидий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Ovidius (see Ovid).
Oxaniya Оксания f Russian
Russian diminutive of Oksana.
Pafnuty Пафнутий m Russian
Variant transcription of Pafnutiy. A known bearer of this name was Pafnuty Chebyshev (1821-1894), a Russian mathematician.
Pahom Пахом m Russian (Rare, ?), Literature
Alternate transcription of Russian Пахо́м (Pakhom), which is a variant form of Pakhomiy. This was the name of the main character in Leo Tolstoy's short story "How Much Land Does A Man Need?" (1886).
Paisi Паисий m Russian
Variant transcription of Paisiy. A known bearer of this name was Paisi Kaysarov (1783-1844), a Russian general who served during the Napoleonic Wars.
Paisiy Паисий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Paisius.
Paisy Паисий m Russian
Variant transcription of Paisiy.
Pakhomiy Пахомий m Russian
Russian form of Pachomius.
Pakhomy Пахомий m Russian
Variant transcription of Pakhomiy. A known bearer of this name was the Russian revolutionary Pakhomy Andreyushkin (1865-1887).
Pakian Пакиан m Russian
Russian form of Pacianus (see Paciano).
Palladiy Палладий m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Palladios.
Pammakhiy Паммахий m Russian (Archaic)
Archaic Russian form of Pammachius.
Panas Панас m Russian
Russian diminutive of Afanasiy. It can be also a short form of Panagiotis.
Pankraty Панкратий m Russian
Variant transcription of Pankratiy.
Pantelei Пантелей m Bulgarian, Russian
Variant transcription of Panteley.
Paramon Парамон m History (Ecclesiastical), Moldovan (Archaic), Russian (Rare)
Polish, Romanian and Russian form of Paramonus.
Parasha Параша f Russian
Diminutive of Praskovya.
Paraskovia f Russian (Archaic)
Archaic Russian form of Paraskeve and older transcription of Praskovya. In the Russian Orthodox Church, Paraskovia is the patron saint of cloth as well as of spinning and weaving.
Parfeniy Парфений m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Parthenios.
Parfenopey Парфенопей m Russian
Russian form of Parthenopaeus.
Parmen Пармен m Croatian, Georgian, Russian, Serbian
Croatian, Georgian, Russian and Serbian form of Parmenas.
Pashka Пашка m Russian
Variant of Pasha.
Pasifaya Пасифая f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Pasiphaë.
Pasikrat Пасикрат m Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Pasikrates.
Patrikiy Патрикий m Russian
Russian form of Patricius (see Patrick).
Pavlik m Russian
Diminutive of Pavel.
Pavsekakiy Павсекакий m Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Russian variant of Pavsikakiy and Ukrainian form of Παυσικακίος (Pausikakios), which is an extremely rare variant of Pausikakos.
Pavsikakiy Павсикакий m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Παυσικακίος (Pausikakios), which is an extremely rare variant of Pausikakos.
Pavsilip Павсилип m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Pausilypos.
Pavyel Павел m Russian
Variant transcription of Pavel.
Pelageia f Russian (Archaic)
Variant transcription of Pelageya.
Pelageja Пелагея f Estonian, Russian (Germanized)
Estonian and German transcription of Russian Пелагея (see Pelageya).
Pelagiy Пелагий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Pelagios.
Peley Пелей m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Peleus.
Penfey Пенфей m Russian
Russian form of Pentheus.
Periandr Периандр m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Periander.
Persefona Персефона f Russian, Ukrainian, Polish
Polish, Russian and Ukrainian form of Persephone.
Persey Персей m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Perseus.
Petiya m & f Russian, Bulgarian
Variant of Petia
Petroniy Петроний m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Petronius.
Petroniya Петрония f Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Bulgarian and Russian form of Petronia.
Pifagor Пифагор m Russian
Russian form of Pythagoras.
Piley Пилей m Russian
Russian form of Pylaeus.
Pimen Пимен m Georgian (Rare), Polish (Archaic), Romanian (Rare), Russian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare, Archaic)
Georgian, Polish, Romanian, Russian and Serbian form of Poimen (see Poemen). Known bearers of this name include a Metropolitan of Moscow (14th century AD) and the 14th Patriarch of Moscow (20th century AD).
Pimin Пимин m Romanian (Rare), Russian (Archaic)
Romanian and Russian variant of Pimen.
Pirra Пирра f Italian, Spanish, Russian
Cognate of Pyrrha.
Pitfey Питфей m Russian
Russian form of Pittheus.
Pitirim Питирим m Russian
Russian form of the late Greek masculine name Pithyrion, which is possibly derived from Greek πίτυρον (pituron) or (pityron) meaning "husks of corn, bran" - which itself is derived from Greek πίτυρα (pitura) or (pityra) meaning "bran"... [more]
Piy Пий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Pius.
Platona Платона f Italian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Feminine form of Platon.
Platonida f Russian, Medieval Romanian
Russian feminine form of Platon. This is the name of a character in Ivan Turgenev's novella: 'Klara Milich' (1883).
Platosha f Russian
Diminutive of Platonida.
Platya m Russian
Diminutive of Platon.
Plenira Пленира f Russian, Literature
Name invented by Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin (1743 - 1816), one of the most highly esteemed Russian poet. It is derived from Russian verb пленить (plenit') meaning "to captivate", "to charm"... [more]
Pliniy Плиний m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Plinius (see Pliny).
Plutarkh Плутарх m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Plutarch.
Poliyushka f Russian
Diminutive of Polina
Polyna f Ukrainian, Russian, Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Polina.
Pontiy Понтий m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Pontius.
Porfiry Порфирий m Russian
Variant transcription of Porfiriy.
Potap Потап m Ukrainian, Russian
Ukrainian and Russian folk form of Patapios.
Potit Потит m Bulgarian (Archaic), French (Archaic), Russian (Archaic), Serbian (Archaic)
Bulgarian, French, Russian and Serbian form of Potitus.
Praskova Праскова f Russian
Variant of Praskovya.
Pravda Правда f Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Macedonian
Derived from the Proto-Slavic word *pravьda meaning "truth; justice" in many Slavic languages.
Praxeda Пракседа f Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic)
Variant transcription of Prakseda.
Priap Приап m Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Polish, Russian and Ukrainian form of Priapos.
Prim Прим m Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian
Bulgarian, Macedonian and Russian form of Primus.
Prokofiy Прокофий m Russian
Variant of Prokopy.
Prokofy m Literature, Russian
Variant of Prokofiy used in Anton Checkov's short story, "The Orator".
Prokopi Прокопий m Georgian, Russian
Georgian form of Prokopios. As for Russia, Prokopi is a variant transcription of Prokopiy there.
Prometey Прометей m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Prometheus.
Protas Протас m Ancient Greek, Russian
Short form of Greek compound names that contain the Greek element πρωτος (protos) meaning "first", such as Protagoras and Protogenes... [more]
Protasi Протасий m Catalan, Russian
Catalan form of Protasius and Russian variant transcription of Protasiy.
Protasiy Протасий m Russian
Russian form of Protasius.
Protey Протей m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Proteus.
Protogen Протоген m Croatian, Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian
Croatian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Protogenes.
Psamafa Псамафа f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Psamathe.
Ptolemei Птолемей m Russian
Variant transcription of Ptolemey.
Ptolemey Птолемей m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Ptolemaios.
Pulheria Пульхерия f Romanian (Archaic), Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Romanian form of Pulcheria and Russian and Ukrainian variant transliteration of Пульхерия (see Pulkheriya).
Pulkheria Пулхерия f Russian (Rare, Archaic), Literature
Russian form of Pulcheria
Pulkheriya Пульхерия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Pulcheria.
Raav Раав f Russian
Russian form of Rahab.
Raddy m Russian (Rare)
Short for Radojko, Radomir or Radislav
Radel Радель m Russian
From the Slavic name element rad meaning "willing"
Radia f Russian (Archaic)
Elaboration of Rada.
Radiy Радий m Russian (Rare), Tatar (Rare)
Variant form of Radik. Also note that radiy is also the Russian word for radium, an alkaline earth metal. The name was used in the Soviet era in reference to scientific progress.
Radoe m Russian
Means "joyful" in Russian.
Radosav m Russian
Variant of Radoslav.
Raduga Ра́дуга f Russian
From Russian ра́дуга (ráduga) meaning "rainbow".
Radya m & f Czech, Russian
Czech male nickname for Radim and a Russian female variant of Rada.
Radyslav Радислав m Russian
Rakhil f Russian
Russian form of Rachel.
Ratmir Ратмир m Russian
Russian form of Ratimir.
Raychka Райчка f Russian
Diminutive of Raisa 1.
Raysa f Ukrainian, Russian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American)
Ukrainian form, Russian variant transcription and Portuguese and Spanish variant of Raisa 1.
Regul Регул m Russian
Russian form of Regulus.
Rem Рэм m Soviet, Russian
Acronym consisting of the Russian word революция (revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution" and the surnames of Энгельс (Engels) and Маркс (Marx), which refer to Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) and Karl Marx (1818-1883).... [more]
Rem Рем m Soviet, Russian
Contraction of Russian революция мировая (revolyutsiya mirovaya) meaning "world revolution". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [more]
Rema Рэма f Soviet, Russian
Feminine form of Rem 4.
Remigiy Ремигий m Russian
Russian form of Remigius (see Rémy).
Remir Ремир m Soviet, Russian
Variant form of Revomir. A known bearer of this name is the Russian former sambo wrestler Remir Solnitsev (b. 1933).
Remir Рэмир m Soviet, Russian
Acronym of the Russian words революция (revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution", электрификация (elektrifikatsiya) meaning "electrification" and мир (mir) meaning "peace" as well as "world"... [more]
Remira Ремира f Soviet, Russian
Feminine form of Remir, which is a variant form of Revomir.
Remo Рэмо f Soviet, Russian
Acronym of the Russian words революция (revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution", электрификация (elektrifikatsiya) meaning "electrification" and мобилизация (mobilizatsiya) meaning "mobilization" or мировой Октябрь (mirovoy Oktyabr) meaning "world's October"... [more]
Renata Рената f Russian, Soviet
Feminine form of Renat.
Renya Реня f Russian
Russian diminutive of Regina.
Reva Рева f Russian (Rare), Soviet (Rare)
Diminutive of Revolyutsiya, or also a standalone name derived from Russian революция (revolyutsiya), meaning "revolution".
Revmir Ревмир m Soviet, Russian
Variant form of Revomir.
Revmira Ревмира f Soviet, Russian
Feminine form of Revmir, which is a variant form of Revomir.... [more]
Revokat Ревокат m Bulgarian (Archaic), Russian (Archaic)
Bulgarian and Russian form of Revocatus.
Revolt Револт, Револьт m Soviet, Russian
This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [more]
Revolyutsiya Революция f Soviet, Russian
Derived from the Russian noun революция (revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution". Like names such as Melor and Vilen, this name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Revomir Ревомир m Soviet, Russian
Contraction of Russian революция мировая (revolyutsiya mirovaya) meaning "world revolution" as well as of революционный мир (revolyutsionnyy mir) meaning "revolutionary world"... [more]
Reychel Рэйчел f Russian
Russian transcription of Rachel (after the English pronunciation).
Rimma Римма f Russian
The name of a Slavic (male) saint, which was Ριμμᾶς (Rimmas) in the original Greek, the etymology of which is uncertain. In modern times this is used as a Russian feminine name and is sometimes associated with Рим (Rim) "Rome", the Russian name for the Italian city.
Riorita f Russian
Alternate form of Aurora
Robiy Робий m Russian, Indonesian
Form of Robby or diminutive of Robert.
Roblen Роблен m Soviet, Russian
Contraction of Russian родился быть ленинцем (rodilsya byt' lenintsem) and of родившйся быть ленинцем (rodivshiysya byt' lenintsem), which both mean "born to be a Leninist"... [more]
Rodomir Родомир m Russian
The first element of this name is derived from Russian rod "family, kind, race, genus", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic rodъ "family". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace".
Rodopian Родопиан m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Rhodopianus via its hellenized form Rhodopianos.
Rodoslav Родослав m Russian
Russian cognate of Rodosław.
Roksolano m Russian, Ukrainian
Masculine form of Roksolana.
Romashka Ромашка m Russian
Diminutive of Roman.
Romil Ромил m Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Bulgarian and Russian form of Romulus via the Greek form Rhomylos.
Romka Ромка m Russian
Diminutive of Roman.
Ronya Роня f & m Russian
Russian diminutive of Veronika and Roman.
Rossiya Россия f Russian (Rare)
Means "Russia" in Russian. Used by patriotic parents.
Rostimir Ростимир m Russian
Derived from Slavic rosts "usurp" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Rosty m Russian
Diminutive of Rostislav.
Rozalina Розалина f Russian, Bulgarian
Russian and Bulgarian form of Rosalind or Rosaline.
Ruf Руф m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Rufus.
Rufin Руфин m Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare), French, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Provençal
Bulgarian, Croatian, French, Provençal, Polish, Russian and Serbian form of Rufinus.
Rumiya f Uzbek, Russian, Tajik, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijani, Turkmen
Form of Rumina used in Central Asia.
Rutanya f Latvian, Russian
Best known as the given name of a Latvian American actress.
Ryurik Рюрик m Russian
Variant transcription of Rurik.
Ryzza Риза f Russian (Latinized, Rare), Filipino
Diminutive of Clarissa
Samojlo m Russian
Russian form of Samuel.
Sanechka Санечка f & m Russian
Russian diminutive form of Aleksandr or Aleksandra.
Sania Саня f & m Russian
Variant transcription of Sanya 2.
Sanyok Санёк m Russian
Diminutive of Aleksandr.
Sashunya Сашуня m & f Russian
Russian diminutive form of Aleksandr or Aleksandra.
Savvati Савватий m Russian
Variant transcription of Savvatiy.
Savvatiy Савватий m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Sabbatios.
Savvaty Савватий m Russian
Variant transcription of Savvatiy.
Schanna Жанна f Russian
German transcription of Zhanna, a Russian form of Jeanne.
Sedekiya Седекия m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Tzidqiyyahu (see Zedekiah) via its latinized form Sedecias.
Semën Семён m Russian, Dutch (Rare)
Russian variant transcription and Dutch form of Semyon.
Senya m & f Russian
Russian short form of several names including Semyon, Ksenofont, and Kseniya
Sepfora Сепфора f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Zipporah.
Sergy Сергей m Russian (Modern, Rare)
Modern variant transcription of Sergey.
Serj m Breton, Ukrainian, Russian
Breton form and Ukrainian and Russian variant transliteration of Serge.
Serjoscha Серёжа m Russian
Diminutive of Sergei.
Servatiy Серватий m Russian
Russian form of Servatius.
Servilian Сервилиан m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Servilianus.
Serviliy Сервилий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Servilius.
Serviliya Сервилия f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Servilia.
Serviy Сервий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Servius.
Seryozha Серёжа m Russian
Diminutive of Sergey.
Serzh m Russian, Armenian, Ukrainian
Phonetic transcription of Serge.
Sevastiana Севастиана f Bulgarian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Russian, Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Bulgarian, Romanian and Russian form of Sebastiana and modern Greek spelling of Sebastiana.... [more]
Sevastyana Севастьяна f Russian
Russian variant spelling of Sevastiana (which is spelled as Севастиана in Russian).
Sever Север m Catalan, Croatian, Russian, Norman
Catalan, Croatian, Russian and Norman form of Severus.
Severa Севера f Ancient Roman, Late Greek, Italian, Russian (Rare), Spanish, Portuguese, Sardinian, Galician
Feminine form of Severus. This name was borne by Aquilia Severa, the second and fourth wife of the Roman emperor Elagabalus (3rd century AD).
Severian Севериан m Bulgarian, English, Georgian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, English, Russian and Ukrainian form of Severianus. This name is also used in Georgia, where it is a shorter form of Severiane, the older Georgian form of Severianus... [more]
Severyan Северьян m Russian
Russian variant spelling of Severian (which is spelled as Севериан in Russian).
Sevir Севир m Russian
Russian form of Severus via its hellenized (modern Greek) form Seviros. Also compare the Russian name Sever, which is directly derived from Severus.
Sevira Севира f Greek, Russian (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Severa and Russian feminine form of Sevir.
Sevirian Севириан m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Severianus via its hellenized (modern Greek) form Sevirianos. Also compare the Russian name Severian, which is directly derived from Severianus.
Sfenel Сфенел m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Sthenelus.
Shakherezada Шахерезада f Russian
Russian form of Shahrazad.
Sharik Шарик m Russian, Pet
Means "small ball" in Russian. It is a common dog name but is used for humans too.
Shasha Шаша m & f Russian
Diminutive of Aleksandr or Aleksandra.
Shurik Шурик m Russian
Diminutive of Aleksandr.
Shusha Шуша m & f Russian
Diminutive of Aleksandr or Aleksandra.
Siagriy Сиагрий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Syagrius.
Sidoniy Сидоний m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Sidonius.
Sidoniya Сидония f Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian and Russian form of Sidonia.
Sidor Сидор m Russian
Variant or short form of Isidor.
Sif Сиф m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Seth 1.
Sigizmund Сигизмунд m Russian
Russian form of Sigismund.
Siley Силей m Russian
Russian form of Syleus.
Silouan m Russian (Rare, Archaic)
Silouan the Athonite, Orthodox monk
Simforian Симфориан m Occitan (Archaic), Gascon (Archaic), Lengadocian (Archaic), Russian (Rare)
Languedocian, Gascon and Russian form of Symphorianus.
Simforoza Симфороза f Lithuanian (Archaic), Russian (Archaic), Slovene (Archaic)
Lithuanian, Russian and Slovene form of Symphorosa.
Simmakh Симмах m Russian
Russian form of Symmachus.
Sinklitikiya Синклитикия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Syncletica.
Sinya Синя, Синья f Russian
Short form or diminutive of Aksinya and Yevfrosiniya.
Sirgiy Сиргий m Ukrainian, Russian
Russian transcription of Syrhiy or Sirhiy.
Sivilla f Russian
Russian form of Sybil.
Sizif Сизиф m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Sisyphus.