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Gender Masculine

Meaning & History

Derived from the English noun revolt, which is a term used to refer to an act of rebellion. This word was used as a given name by Puritans who had arrived in what is nowadays the United States of America.
Added 3/26/2015 by LMS
Edited 5/22/2018 by Lucille and LMS

Gender Masculine
Scripts Револт, Револьт(Russian)

Meaning & History

This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.

When spelled as Револт, it is a combination of the Russian noun революция (revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution" with the surnames of Ленин (Lenin) and Троцкий (Trotskiy), which refer to the Soviet politicians Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) and Leon Trotskiy (1879-1940).

But when spelled as Револьт, it is derived from either the English noun revolt (see the other entry for Revolt), the French word révolté meaning "rebel" as well as "rebellious" or from the Russian noun револьвер (revolver) meaning "revolver" (as in, the handgun).

A known bearer of this name was Revolt Pimenov (1931-1990), a Russian historian, mathematician and human rights activist.
Added 5/22/2018 by Lucille
Edited 3/9/2020 by HL