Russian Submitted Names

Russian names are used in the country of Russia and in Russian-speaking communities throughout the world. See also about Russian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Yevdokia Евдокия f Russian
Variant transcription of Yevdokiya.
Yevdoksiy Евдоксий m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Eudoxios.
Yevdoksiya Евдоксия f Russian
Russian form of Eudoxia.
Yeveniya f Russian
Means "well born"
Yevfimiya Евфимия f Russian
Variant transcription of Evfimiya.
Yevfroniy Евфроний m Russian
Russian form of Euphronios.
Yevlaliya Евлалия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Eulalia.
Yevlampiy Евлампий m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Eulampios.
Yevlampiya Евлампия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Eulampia.
Yevnik Евник m Russian (Archaic)
This given name is often listed as a variant form of Yevnoik, but it can also be a short form of Yevnikian as well as be the Russian form of Eunikos.
Yevnikian Евникиан m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Eunikianos.
Yevnoik Евноик m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of both Eunoicus and Eunoikos.
Yevod Евод m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Evodius.
Yevpl Евпл m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Euplius via its variant form Euplus. Known Russian bearers of this name include the lieutenant general Yevpl Semyonkin (1817-1895) and the military pilot Yevpl Nesterov (1887-died after 1917).
Yevpsikhiy Евпсихий m Russian (Archaic), Literature
Russian form of Eupsychios. In Russian literature, Yevpsikhiy Afrikanovich is a character from the novel Olesya (1898) written by Aleksandr Kuprin (1870-1938).
Yevsei Евсе́й m Russian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Yevsey.
Yevseviy Евсевий m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Eusebios.
Yevsevy Евсевы m Russian
Yevsevy comes from Greek origins which mean “pious, devout.”
Yevsey Евсе́й m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Eusebius.
Yevstafiy Евстафий m Russian
Russian form of Eustace.
Yevstoliya Евстолия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Eustolia. Notable Russian bearers of this name include the revolutionary Yevstoliya Rogozinnikova (1886-1907) and the scientist Yevstoliya Smirenskaya (1911-?), who won the Stalin Prize for her research and development of methods that restore the vital functions of the human body in cases of clinical death.
Yevstrat Евстрат m Russian (Archaic)
Either a short form or a variant of Yevstratiy. A known bearer of this name was the Russian political investigator Yevstratiy "Yevstrat" Mednikov (1853-1914).
Yevstratiy Евстратий m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Eustratios. A known bearer of this name was the Russian-Ukrainian martyr and saint Yevstratiy Pecherskiy or Postnik (died in 1097 AD).
Yezdra Ездра m Russian
Russian form of EZRA.
Yoshka m Russian
Variant of Joshua.
Yudita f Russian
Diminutive of Yudif.
Yul m Russian
Diminutive of Yuliy.
Yulechka Юлечка f Russian
Diminutive of Yuliya.
Yulenka Юленька f Russian
Diminutive of Yuliya.
Yulianiya Юлиания f Medieval Ukrainian, Ukrainian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Medieval Ukrainian feminine form of Yulian also used rarely in the modern day.
Yulichka Юличка f Russian
Variant of Yulechka.
Yulik Юлик m Russian
Diminutive of Yuliy or Yulian.
Yulina Юлина f Russian
Possibly derived from the name Yuliya or Yuliana.
Yulka Юлька f Russian
Russian diminutive of Yulia.
Yulya Юля f Russian
Variant transliteration of Yuliya.
Yulyana Юльяна f Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian (Modern, Rare)
Belarusian and Ukrainian feminine form of Yulyan. It is also a Russian variant of Yuliana.
Yulyasha Юляша f Russian
Affectionate diminutive of Yuliya.
Yulyk Юлик m Russian (Ukrainianized)
Ukrainianised form of Yulik used by Russian speaking Ukrainians that live in Ukrainian langauge dominated cities.
Yuniy Юний m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Iunius (see Junius).
Yuniya Юния f Russian
Russian form of Iunia (see Junia).
Yunna Юнна f Russian (Rare)
Variant of Yuniya or derived from Russian юная (yunaya) meaning "young". Influenced by names like Anna and Inna.
Yunona f Russian
Russian form of Juno.
Yurii Юрий m Ukrainian, Russian
Variant transcrition of Yuriy.
Yurik Юрик m Russian
Diminutive of Yuriy.
Yustin Юстин, Иустин m Russian
Russian form of Justinus (see Justin). Also compare Yustina.
Yustinian Юстиниан m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Iustinianus (see Justinian).
Yuvenaliy Ювеналий m Russian
Russian form of Iuvenalis (see Juvenal) via its variant form Iuvenalius.
Yuvenaly Ювеналий m Russian
Variant of Yuvenaliy.
Zabava Забава f Slavic Mythology, Russian
Means "cheerful, funny" in Old Slavic.
Zachar Захар m Russian
Variant transcription of Zakhar.
Zakhey Закхей m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Zacchaeus.
Zalya Заля f Russian (Rare)
Russian diminutive of Azaliya and Rozaliya.
Zangief Зангиев m Popular Culture, Russian (Anglicized)
Anglicized spelling of the Russified form of the Ossetian surname Зæнджиаты (Zændžiaty). It is derived from the Persian word zangi meaning "dark-skinned" or a "Negro"... [more]
Zaria Заря f Russian
Variant transcription of Zarya.
Zarliyah f Russian
meaning scattering wind
Zarya Заря f Soviet, Russian
Derived from the Russian noun заря (zarya) meaning "dawn, daybreak". Also compare the related name Zorya.... [more]
Zaryana Заряна f Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Variant of Zoryana influenced by Russian and dialectal Ukrainian заря (zarya) "dawn", or simply deriving from it. It can also be an elaboration of Soviet Zarya 2.
Zeenah f Russian, English
Alternative transcription of Zina
Zefir Зефир m Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian
Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian form of Zephyr.
Zelfa Зелфа f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Zilpah.
Zenobiya Зенобия f Azerbaijani, Russian
Azerbaijani and Russian form of Zenobia.
Zevksippa Зевксиппа f Russian
Russian form of Zeuxippe.
Zhanneta f Russian
Russian form of Jeannette.
Zhdan Ждан m Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic)
From жданий (zhdanyy), meaning "waited for".
Zheka Жека m & f Russian
Diminutive of Yevgeniy or Yevgeniya.
Zhenechka Женечка f & m Russian
Diminutive of Yevgeniya or Yevgeniy. As a male diminutive is is mainly used on young kids.
Zhenev'eva Женевьева f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Genevieve.
Zherar Жерар m Russian
Russian form of Gerald.
Zhora Жора m Russian
Diminutive of Yuriy or Georgiy.
Zhores Жорес m Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Taken from the French surname Jaurès, which was most famously borne by French Socialist Jean Jaurès (1859-1914)... [more]
Zhoslina Жослина f Russian
Russian form of Jocelyn.
Zhozef m Russian, Armenian
Russian and Armenian variant of Josef.
Zhozefina Жозефина f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Josephine.
Zilija Зилия f Russian
Variant of Ziliä.
Zlatina Златина f Bulgarian, Russian
Diminutive of Zlata.
Zlatislava Златислава f Russian, Ukrainian
Means "golden and glorious" in Old Slavic.
Zlatodan Златодан m Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Possibly derived from Slavic elements zlato "gold" and dan "given."
Zlatoslava Златослава f Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Derived form the Slavic elements zlato "gold" and slava "glory".
Zoia Зоя f Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Romanian, Moldovan
Variant transcription of Zoya.
Zoil Зоил m Catalan, Basque, Croatian, Polish, Russian
Basque, Catalan, Croatian, Polish and Russian form of Zoilus.
Zorya Зоря f Slavic Mythology, Soviet, Russian
The name given to the goddess (sometimes two or three) of the dawn or the morning and evening stars. The most common depiction was that of a warrior woman. Also compare the related names Zarya, Zvezda and Danica.... [more]
Zosim Зосим m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian (Rare), Serbian, Slovene, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene and Ukrainian form of Zosimos (see Zosimus).
Zosima m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Zosimas. Also see Zosim, which is the Russian form of Zosimos (see Zosimus).... [more]
Zosya Зося f Russian, Belarusian
Possibly a Russian and Belarusian adoption of Zosia.
Zot m Russian
Short form of Izot. ... [more]
Zotik Зотик m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Zotikos (see Zoticus).