Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Sokrat Сократ m Abkhaz, Albanian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Georgian (Rare), Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, UkrainianForm of
Socrates in various languages. In Georgia, this name is a variant of
Sokrate, which is the standard Georgian form of the aforementioned name.
Stan Стан m Soviet, Russian (Rare)Combination of the surnames of Сталин
(Stalin) and Энгельс
(Engels), which refer to Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895). This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Stass m RussianStass SHOSTAK took part in the FIRST "international" series of the T.V. programme "Gladiators". He is RUSSIAN.
Sten Стэн m Soviet, Russian (Rare)Combination of the surnames of Сталин
(Stalin) and Энгельс
(Engels), which refer to Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895). This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Traktor Трактор m Soviet, Russian (Rare)Derived from the Russian noun трактор
(traktor) meaning "tractor" (as in, the agricultural vehicle). This name was used by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Traktorin Тракторин m Soviet, Russian (Rare)Derived from the Russian noun трактор
(traktor) meaning "tractor" (as in, the agricultural vehicle) combined with the Russian possessive suffix -ин
(-in). This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Tzarina f Russian (Rare)Derived from the notable wife of the Tzar and popularized in the newer 21st century due to it's exotic pronunciation. It means "wife of the great Tzar"
Valenka f RussianValenka is a Bond girl in the James Bond film 'Casino Royale'.
Varenka f RussianPet form of
Varvara. It is the name a heroine in Fyodor Dostoevsky's 'Poor Folk' and a minor character in Leo Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina'.
Velimudr Велимудр m Russian (Rare, Archaic)Old Russian name meaning "multiscious, much-knowing", derived from Old Church Slavonic велии
(velii) "great" combined with мѫдръ
(mǫdrŭ) meaning "wise".
Velir Велир m Soviet, RussianContraction of Russian великий рабочий
(velikiy rabochiy) meaning "great worker" as well as of Владимир Ленин и революция
(Vladimir Lenin i revolyutsiya) meaning "Vladimir Lenin and the revolution"... [
Velira Велира f Soviet, RussianFeminine form of
Velir. This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Vikenty Викентий m RussianVariant transcription of
Vikentiy. A bearer of this name was the Russian writer and medical doctor Vikenty Veresaev (1867-1945).
Vil Вил, Виль m Soviet, RussianDerived from the initials of the Russian politician and communist revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), who founded the former Soviet state. This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [
Vilora Вилора f Soviet, Russian (Rare)Russian given name of Soviet origin, which was derived from a combination of
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and
October Revolution.
Virineya Виринея f Mordvin, Russian (Rare)Claimed to be a Mordvin name meaning "seeing in the forest". This was used for the title character of 'Virineya' (1969), a Soviet film which was ultimately based on a 1924 novel by Lidiya Seyfullina (1889-1954).
Vitalii m RussianVitalii is a masculine given name of Ancient Rome origin
Vl'koslav m RussianMeans "great glory". Combination of
vl'ko "great" and
slava "glory".
Volislav Волислав m Russian, SerbianMeans "glorious will", derived from Proto-Slavic
volja "will, volition" combined with Slavic
slav "glory".
Volka Волька m RussianFrom the Russian word Volk (волк), meaning “Wolf”
Yarina Ярина f RussianVariant of
Irina, perhaps influenced by the Slavic element
yaru meaning "energetic".
Yarofey Ярофей m Russian (Archaic)Archaic variant of
Ierofey. The spelling might have been influenced by Slavic names that contain the Slavic element
yaru meaning "fierce, energetic", such as