Russian Submitted Names

Russian names are used in the country of Russia and in Russian-speaking communities throughout the world. See also about Russian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Georgiya Георгия f Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian and Russian form of Georgia.
Gera Гера f Russian
Russian form of Hera.
Gerakl Геракл m Russian
Russian form of Hercules.
Geraklit Гераклит m Russian
Russian form of Herakleitos.
Germokrat m Russian
Russian form of Hermokrates.
Gerontiy Геронтий m Russian
Russian form of Gerontios.
Gersh Герш m Russian, Jewish
Russian form of Hirsh.
Gershel Гершель m Russian, Jewish
Russian form of Hershel, and diminutive of Gersh.
Gertruda Гертруда f Soviet, Russian
Contraction of Russian герой труда (geroy truda) meaning "hero of labour" and of героиня труда (geroinya truda) meaning "heroine of labour". In a way, one could say that this name is a Soviet (re-)interpretation of the Germanic name Gertruda.... [more]
Gesha Геша m Russian
Diminutive of Gennadiy.
Giakinf Гиакинф m Russian
Russian form of Hyakinthos (see Hyacinthus).
Gilariy Гиларий m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Hilarius.
Giorgy Гёргий m Russian (Anglicized, ?)
Possibly a form of George or a variant transcription of Gyorgy.
Gipparkh Гиппарх m Russian
Russian form of Hipparchos.
Gistiey Гистией m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Histiaios.
Glavk Главк m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Glaukos.
Glikeria Гликерия f Georgian (Archaic), Russian
Georgian form of Glykeria and Russian variant transcription of Glikeriya.... [more]
Glikeriy Гликерий m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Glykerios.
Gloriya Глория f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Gloria
Glowenke Гловинке m & f Russian
Goislav m Russian
Meaning "hail to glory". Combined with goiek, goier "hail" and slav "glory".
Goliaf Голиаф m Russian
Form of Goliath used in Russian Bible.
Golubitsa f Russian
Means "pigeon" in Russian.
Gonoriy Гонорий m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Honorius.
Goratsiy Гораций m Russian
Russian from Horatius.
Goratsiya Горация f Russian
Feminine form of Goratsiy.
Gorislav Горислав m Croatian, Russian
The first element of this name is derived from Proto-Slavic gora "mountain". Also see Goran, which is of the same etymology. The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
Gorislava Горислава f Croatian, Russian
Feminine form of Gorislav.
Gosca f Russian
Variant of Gosta.
Goscha f Russian (Rare)
Diminutive of Gosta.
Goscja f Russian
Variant of Gosta.
Gose f Russian
Variant of Gosta.
Gosha Гоша m Russian
Diminutive of Georgiy.
Gost m Russian
Means "guest" in Russian.
Gosta f Russian
Feminine form of Gost.
Gostimira f Russian
Meaning "guest of peace and earth". Combined with gost "guest" and miru "peace, world".
Gost'ka m Russian
Diminutive of Gost.
Gostko m Russian
Diminutive of Gost.
Gotovets m Russian
Means "one who is prepared" in Russian.
Govard Говард m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Howard.
Gradimir Градимир m Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Croatian
The first element of this name can be derived from Serbo-Croatian grȃd, which can mean "city, town" as well as "fortress, castle" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic gordъ "settlement, enclosed space")... [more]
Gradisha m Russian
Means "city" in Russian.
Gratsian m Russian
Variant of Gratian.
Grek m Russian
Means "Greek" in Russian.
Grekina f Russian
Variant of Grekyna.
Grekinia f Russian
Variant of Grekyna.
Grekyna f Russian
Feminine form of Grek.
Gridia m Russian
Diminutive of Grigorii.
Gridka m Russian
Diminutive of Grigorii.
Grig m Russian
Diminutive of Grigorii.
Griga m Russian
Diminutive of Grigorii.
Grigor m Russian
Diminutive of Grigorii.
Grigorei m Russian
Variant transcription of Grigorii.
Grigoriya Григория f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Gregoria.
Grishaka m Russian
Diminutive for Grigoriy
Grishka Гришка m Russian
Diminutive of Grigoriy.
Grishko m Russian
Diminutive of Grigorii.
Grunja f Russian (Germanized)
German transcription of Grunya.
Gruno Груно m German (Rare), Russian (Rare)
The name Gruno derives from the Dutch province Groningen.... [more]
Gumbert Гумберт m Russian
Russian form of Humbert.
Guriy Гурий m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Gourias (see Gurias). Since at least the 16th century, this name has been borne by various Russian bishops and archbishops.
Gvidon Гвидон m Literature, Russian
Russian form of Guido.
Gvozdika Гвоздика f Soviet, Russian
Derived from the Russian noun гвоздика (gvozdika) meaning "carnation" (as in, the flower from the genus Dianthus). This name was used by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names, in reference to the red carnation flower (known in Russian as krasnaya gvozdika), which had become one of the symbols of the Russian communist revolutions of February and October 1917.
Haritina Харитина f Romanian, Moldovan, Latvian (Rare), Ukrainian (Archaic), Russian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Romanian, Latvian, Ukrainian and Russian form of Charitina.
Harlampi Харлампий m Russian
Russian variant transcription of Kharlampiy.
Hionia Хиония f Romanian (Rare), Greek (Rare), Russian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Greek variant transliteration of Χιονία (see Chionia), Russian variant transliteration of Хиония (see Khioniya) as well as the Romanian form of this name.
Hyugo Хьюго m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian variant of Hugo, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Iakinf Иакинф m Russian (Rare)
Variant form of Giakinf.
Iakov Иаков m Russian
Older Russian form of Yakov via Old Church Slavic Iakovu, which in turn came from Biblical Greek Iakobos.
Idey Идей m Soviet, Russian
Masculine form of Ideya. This name was used by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Ideya Идея f Soviet, Russian
Derived from the Russian noun идея (ideya) meaning "idea, thought, notion". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names, possibly in reference to the word идеология (ideologiya) meaning "ideology" or to communist ideas, concepts or ideals in general.... [more]
Ielizaveta Елизавета f Russian
Alternate transcription of Russian Елизавета (see Yelizaveta).
Ielyzaveta Елизавета f Russian
Variant transcription of Yelizaveta.
Ieremiya Иеремия m Russian
Russian form of Yirmiyahu (see Jeremiah) via its Biblical Greek form Ieremias.
Ierofey Иерофей m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Hierotheos.
Iessey Иессей m Russian
Russian form of Yishay (see Jesse) via its Biblical Greek form Iessai.
Ifigeniya Ифигения f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Iphigenia.
Ignati Игнатий m Bulgarian (Archaic), Russian
Variant transcription of Ignatiy and Archaic Bulgarian form of Ignatius.
Ignaty Игнатий m Russian
Variant transcription of Ignatiy. A known bearer of this name was Russian writer and playwright Ignaty Potapenko (1856-1929).
Igoryok ИГОРЁК m Russian
Russian diminutive of Igor
Ikar Икар m Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Ikaros (see Icarus).
Ikon Икон m Russian (Archaic)
Derived from the Greek noun εἰκών (eikon) meaning "likeness, image, portrait". This given name is religious in nature, since its first use as a given name was inspired by the religious paintings (a.k.a. icons) of biblical characters and saints from the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Ilariya Илария f Ukrainian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Ukrainian and Russian form of Hilaria.
Ilary Иларий m Russian
Variant transcription of Ilari and Ilariy.
Ilaydzha Илайджа m Russian
Russian spelling of Elijah, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Ilena Илена f Russian (Archaic), Medieval Portuguese
A Russian folk form and possibly a medieval Portuguese form of Helena.
Ilifiya Илифия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Ilithyia.
Iliodor Илиодор m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Heliodoros.... [more]
Iliy m Russian
Variant of Iliya.
Iliza Илиза f Russian (Rare)
Illirika Иллирика f Russian
Apparently derived from Illyricum, an ancient region conquered by the Romans. It is etymologically related to Illyria (see Illyrios).
Illyana Иллиана f Russian
I've heard many different meanings ranging from snowflake, daughter of the sun, and even light I have found God.
Illyana f Russian
This is the feminine form of Ilya, Russian form of Elijah, which means 'My God is Yahweh'.
Ilonna Илонна f Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Variant of Ilona.
Ilyena f Russian
Variant of Ileana.
Ilyukha Илюха m Russian
Diminutive of Ilya.
Ilyusha m Russian
Russian diminutive of Ilya.
Industrializatsiya Индустриализация f Soviet, Russian (Archaic)
Derived from the Russian noun индустриализация (industrializatsiya) meaning "industrialization". This name was used by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names, in reference to the rapid industrialization of the Soviet Union, which at the beginning was predominantly agricultural.
Industriy Индустрий m Soviet, Russian (Archaic)
Masculine form of Industriya. This name was used by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [more]
Industriya Индустрия f Soviet, Russian (Archaic)
Derived from the Russian noun индустрия (industriya) meaning "industry". In some cases, this name can also be a contracted form of Industrializatsiya.... [more]
Innokentiya Иннокентия f Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian and Russian form of Innocentia.
Ioakim Иоаким m Russian, Greek (Cypriot)
Greek variant transcription of Ioakeim and Russian form of Joachim.
Ioannikiy Иоанникий m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Ioannikios via its latinized form Ioannicius (see Joannicius).
Ioanniky Иоанникий m Russian
Variant transcription of Ioannikiy.
Ioav Иоав m Russian
Russian form of Yoav (see Joab) via its Biblical Greek form Ioab.
Iokhaveda Иохаведа f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Jochebed.
Ionafan Ионафан m Russian
Russian form of Yehonatan (see Jonathan) via its Biblical Greek form Ionathan.
Iosiya Иосия m Russian
Russian form of Yoshiyahu (see Josiah) via its Biblical Greek form Iosias.
Iov Иов m Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), Romanian (Rare), Moldovan (Rare), Biblical Romanian
Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian form of 'Iyyov (see Job).
Iovel Иовель m Soviet, Russian
Contraction of Russian исполняющий обязанности Владимира Ленина (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti Vladimira Lenina) meaning "fulfilling the obligations of Vladimir Lenin"... [more]
Ipatia Ипатия f Russian
Russian variant of Hypatia.
Ipatiya Ипатия f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Hypatia.
Ipaty Ипатий m Russian
Variant transcription of Ipatiy.
Irinka f Russian, Slovak
Diminutive of Irina.
Irino m Russian
Masculine version of "Irina".
Irmushka ирмушка f Russian (Rare)
Russian diminutive of Irma.
Irodiada f Russian
Russian form of Herodias.
Irodion Иродион m Georgian, Greek (Rare), Russian (Rare), Estonian (Archaic), Romanian, Moldovan
Modern Greek form of Herodion as well as the Georgian, Romanian and Russian form of the name.
Irsen m Korean, Russian
Russification of Il-Seong. This was used in the patronymic of Kim Jong-il's birth name, Yuri Irsenovich Kim.
Irya Ирья f Russian
Diminutive of Irina.
Isaiya m Russian, English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Isaiah, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Isandr Исандр m Russian
Russian form of Isander.
Isav Исав m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of 'Esaw (see Esau).
Isayya m Russian
Russian spelling of Isaiah, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Isey Исей m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Isaios.
Isikhiy Исихий m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Hesychios.
Itan Итан m Russian
Russian form of Eitan (see Ethan).
Itor m Russian (?)
This beautiful name means: Prince of Peace
Iuda Иуда m Biblical Romanian, Russian (Archaic), Jewish
Russian and Romanian form of Judah.
Iuliia Юлия f Ukrainian, Russian
Ukrainian form of Julia.
Ivanei m Russian
Variant of Ivan.
Ivanik m Russian
Diminutive of Ivan.
Iyeremiya Иеремия m Russian
Russian form of Jeremiah.
Iyeronim Иероним m Ukrainian, Russian
Ukranian form and alternate Russian transcription of Jerome
Izail Изаиль m Soviet, Russian
Contraction of Russian исполнитель заветов Ильича (ispolnitel' zavetov Il'icha) meaning "executor of the testament of Ilyich" or of the Soviet slogan Исполняй заветы Ильича! (Ispolnyay zavety Il'icha!) meaning "Fulfill the legacy of Ilyich!" The last word in both sentences refers to the Russian politician and communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), whose patronymic was Ilyich.... [more]
Iziaslava Изяслава f Russian (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Iziaslav.
Izida Исида, Изида f Bosnian (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Russian, Ukrainian (Rare)
Cognate of Isis.
Izil Изиль m Soviet, Russian
Variant form of Izail. This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [more]
Izmaragd f Russian (Archaic)
Means "emerald" in Russian.
Izot Изот m Russian (Rare)
Variant form of Zotik.
Izrail Израиль m Russian
Russian form of Israel.
Izya Изя m & f Russian
Diminutive of ISAAC, ISIDORE, ISABEL, ISRAEL, and other names beginning with a similar sound.
Jakim Яким m Russian
Russian variant transcription of Yakim.
Jascha m Russian (Dutchified), Russian (Germanized), Dutch (Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
Dutch and German transliteration of Яша (see Yasha). This name was borne by the violin virtuoso Jascha Heifetz.
Jasha m Russian
Variant spelling of Yasha.
Jelija Элия f Russian
Russian form of Aelia.
Jelizaveta Елизавета f Russian
Varian transliteration of Elizaveta.
Jelizawieta Елизавета f Russian (Polonized)
Polish transcription of Russian Елизавета (see Yelizaveta).
Jevgenij Евгений m Russian
Variant transcription of Yevgeniy.
Jevpraksija Евпраксия f Russian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Евпраксия (see Yevpraksiya)
Joulia Юлия f Greek, Russian
Rare transcription of Ioulia or Yuliya.
Juriy Юрий, Юрій, Юрый m Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian
Variant transcripton of Юрий (see Yuri 1)
Kaleria Калерия f History (Ecclesiastical), Georgian, Russian
The first known bearer of this name is saint Kaleria from the port city of Caesarea Maritima in ancient Palestine. She lived during the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian (284-305) and was martyred together with two to four other women (sources differ on the exact amount as well as their names).... [more]
Kaleriya Калерия f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Kaleria.
Kaleriya Калерия f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Contraction of Russian Красная Армия легко разгромила империалистов Японии! (Krasnaya Armiya legko razgromila imperialistov Yaponii!) meaning "The Red Army easily defeated the Japanese imperialists!"... [more]
Kalisfeniya Калисфения f Ukrainian (Rare, ?), Russian (Rare)
Ukrainian and Russian form of the Greek name Καλλισθένη (Kallisthene), a feminine form of Kallisthenes.
Kalista f Polish, Croatian, Russian (Rare)
Polish, Russian and Croatian form of Calista.
Kallinik Каллиник m Polish, Russian
Polish and Russian form of Callinicus.
Kallipp Каллипп m Russian
Russian form of Kallippos.
Kallistrat Каллистрат m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Kallistratos.
Kaloger Калогер m Polish, Russian
Polish and Russian form of Kalogeros.
Kaloker Калокер m Croatian, Russian, Slovene
Croatian, Russian and Slovene form of Calocaerus and Calocerus, which are both latinizations of the Greek given name Kalokairos.
Kamill Камилл m Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian (Rare)
Hungarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Camillus.
Kamo m Armenian, Russian
From the pseudonym of the Bolshevik revolutionary Simon Ter-Petrosyan, which was obtained due to mispronouncing Russian "komu" (to whom) as "kamo."
Kandakiya Кандакия f Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Candace.
Kandid Кандид m Georgian (Rare), Russian
Modern Georgian and Russian form of Candidus (see Candida).
Kantemir Кантемир m Russian
Kapitalina Капиталина f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Derived from German Kapital or Russian капитал (kapital), which both mean "capital, asset". It is a reference to the three-volume book Das Kapital (1867-1894) written by the German philosopher and political economist Karl Marx (1818-1883).... [more]
Kapiton Капитон m Georgian, Russian
Georgian and Russian form of Capiton. Known bearers of this name include Russian painter Kapiton Zelentsov (1790-1845) and Russian portrait painter Kapiton Pavlov (1791–1842).
Karelia Карелия f Russian (Archaic)
Transferred use of the place name Karelia.
Karloff m Russian
A notable bearer is a United States film actor (born in England) noted for his performances in horror films (1887-1969). A variant was used in the LEGO Ninjago series for the Master of Metal.
Karpofor Карпофор m Russian
Russian form of Carpophorus.
Karteriy Картерий m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Karterios.
Karya Каря f Russian
Diminutive of Karina.
Kassandr Кассандр m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Kassandros (see Cassander).
Kassian Кассиан m German, Russian (Rare)
German and Russian form of Cassianus (see Cassian).
Kassiodor Кассиодор m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Cassiodorus.
Kassiy Кассий m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Cassius.
Kassiya Кассия f Russian
Russian form of Cassia.
Kastor Кастор m Russian, Turkish, Tagalog
Russian, Turkish, and Tagalog form of Castor. In Turkish and Tagalog, this is also the ordinary vocabulary word for "beaver".
Katishe Катишь f Russian (?), Literature
Perhaps a Russified form of French Catiche, an archaic diminutive of Catherine. This name is used for a character, Princess Katerina 'Katishe' Mamontova, in English translations of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace (1869).
Katiusha Катюша f Russian
Diminutive of Yekaterina and Ekaterina, not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Katiushka Катюшка f Russian
Variant transliteration of Катюшка (see Katyushka), not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Katjuscha Катюша f Russian (Germanized)
German transliteration of Катюша (see Katiusha), not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Katyushenka Катюшенька f Russian
Russian diminutive pet form of Yekaterina.
Katyushka Катюшка f Russian
Diminutive of Yekaterina.
Katyuska Катуска f Russian
Variant of Katyusha.
Kaz m & f English, Polish, Lithuanian, Russian
Short form of Kazimieras, Kazimir, and other names beginning with Kaz.
Kefey Кефей m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Cepheus.
Kejla f Polish, Jewish, Yiddish, Russian, Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Polish and Lithuanian spelling of Kayla, this form was far more common among Jews in Eastern Europe before it was overrode by its anglicized form of Kayla in the 1980s... [more]
Keley Келей m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Celeus.
Kendrik Кендрик m Russian (Modern, Rare)
Russian form of Kendrick.
Ket Кэт f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Acronym of the Russian words коммунизм (kommunizm) meaning "communism", электрификация (elektrifikatsiya) meaning "electrification" and труд (trud) meaning "labour"... [more]
Key Кей m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Koios.
Kharilay Харилай m Russian
Russian form of Charilaos.
Kharitina Харитина f Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Russian and Ukrainian form of Charitina.
Kharlampi Харлампий m Georgian, Russian
Georgian form of Charalampos. As for Russia, Kharlampi is a variant transcription of Kharlampiy there.
Kharlampiy Харлампий m Russian
Russian form of Charalampos.
Kharon Харон m Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Greek Mythology
Russian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian form as well as variant spelling of Charon.
Khelina хелина f Russian
Presumably a Russian form of Helia.
Khil'da Хильда f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Hilda.
Khiona Хиона f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Chione.
Khioniya Хиония f Russian (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Russian form of Chionia. This name was borne by a failed assassin of Rasputin; Khioniya Guseva stabbed Rasputin in the street in 1914, but he recovered and she was institutionalized.
Khloya Хлоя f Russian
Russian form of Chloe.
Khrisipp Хрисипп m Russian
Russian form of Chrysippos.
Khristian Христиан m English (Modern), Bulgarian, Russian
Russian form and English variant of Christian.
Khristina Христина f Bulgarian, Russian (Rare)
Bulgarian variant transcription of Hristina and rare Russian variant transcription of Kristina.
Khristo m English (Modern), Russian, Bulgarian
Russian variant of Christo, or short for Khristopher.
Khristodul Христодул m Russian
Russian form of Christodulus (see Christodoulos).
Kianu Киану m English (Modern), Russian, Ukrainian
Variant of Keanu, reflecting the English pronounciation.
Kid Кид m Soviet, Russian
Contraction of Russian коммунистический идеал (kommunisticheskiy ideal) meaning "communist ideal". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Kilina Килина f Russian
Russian short form of Akilina
Kim Ким m Russian, Soviet
Short form of Akim and Yakim, which are both Russian forms of Joachim.... [more]
Kima Кима f Russian, Soviet
Feminine form of the Russian name Kim.
Kinir Кинир m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Cinyras.
Kion Кион m Russian (Archaic)
Variant or short form of Okean, which is the Russian form of Okeanos.... [more]
Kiprian Киприан m Russian
Russian form of Cyprianus (see Cyprian).
Kiran Киран m Russian (Rare)
Variant of the name Kir, or alternatively a masculine form of Kira 1.
Kiriak Кириак m Russian
Russian form of Cyriacus.
Kiriakiya Кириакия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Kyriaki.
Kirik Кирик m Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Bulgarian, Russian and Serbian form of Kirykos.
Kirion Кирион m Georgian (Rare), Russian (Archaic)
Georgian and Russian form of Kyrion. A notable bearer of this name was the Georgian saint Kirion II (1855-1918), who was the first Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia.
Kirochka Кирочка f Russian
Diminutive of Kira 1.
Kirsan Кирсан m Russian
Russian short form of the Greek name Chrysanthos.
Kirsana Кирсана f Russian (Modern, Rare)
Feminine form of Kirsan.
Kirya Киря m Russian
Diminutive of Kir.
Kiy Кий m Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Russian form of Kyy as well as an Ukrainian variant transcription of Kyy.... [more]
Klarina Кларина f Russian, Dutch
Elaboration of Klara.
Klavdi Клавдий m Russian
Variant transcription of Klavdiy.
Klavdian Клавдиан m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Claudianus.
Klavdiy Клавдий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Claudius.
Klavdy Клавдий m Russian
Variant transcription of Klavdiy. A bearer of this name was Russian painter Klavdy Lebedev (1852-1916).
Kleonik Клеоник m Polish, Russian
Polish and Russian form of Kleonikos.
Klimenti Климентий m Georgian, Russian
Georgian form of Clementius. Also, in the case of Russia, this name is usually a variant transcription of Klimentiy.
Klimentiy Климентий m Russian
Russian form of Clementius.
Klimenty Климентий m Russian
Variant transcription of Klimentiy.
Klit Клит m Russian
Russian form of Kleitos.
Klonimir Клонимир m Croatian, Russian, Serbian
The first element of this archaic name is possibly derived from Russian klyon or kljon "maple (tree)". Also compare Polish klon, which also means "maple (tree)". The second element is derived from either Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous"... [more]
Kobilka m Russian
Means "mare" in Russian.
Kobyl m Russian (Archaic)
Means "mare" in Russian.
Kobyla m Russian
Diminutive of Kobyl.
Kobylets m Russian
Diminutive of Kobyl.
Kobylitsa m Russian
Diminutive of Kobyl.
Kobylka m Russian
Diminutive of Kobyl.
Kodrat Кодрат m Russian, Serbian (Rare)
Russian and Serbian form of Quadratus.
Koint Коинт m Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of both Cointus and Kointos.
Kolek m Russian
Means "string" in Russian.
Koleso m Russian
Means "wheel" in Russian.
Kolia Коля m Georgian (Rare), French (Rare), Russian
Georgian and French form of Kolya as well as an alternate transcription of this Russian name.
Kolmogor m Russian
Means "hill" in Russian.
Kolmogorets m Russian
Diminutive of Kolmogor.
Koloda m Russian
Means "log" in Russian.
Kolodka m Russian
Diminutive of Koloda.
Kolodko m Russian
Diminutive of Koloda.
Kolokol m Russian
Means "bell" in Russian.
Kol'tso m Russian
Means "ring".
Kolumban Колумбан m Croatian (Rare), German (Swiss), Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Form of Columbanus in several languages.
Kolyan Колян m Russian
Diminutive of Nikolay.
Komarko m Russian
Diminutive of Komar.
Kombayn Комбайн m Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Derived from the Russian noun комбайн (kombayn) meaning "combine" (as in, a harvester - usually one that is used for agricultural purposes, though it can also refer to harvesters used in e.g. industrial settings)... [more]
Kommod Коммод m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Commodus.
Kommodian Коммодиан m Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Polish, Russian and Ukrainian form of Commodianus.
Kondratiy Кондратий m Russian
Russian form of Conrad. It has fallen into heavy disuse because of its link to Kondratiy Ryleyev (1795-1826), leader of Russia's Decembrist revolt in 1825.
Kondraty Кондратий m Russian
Russian form of Conrad.
Konkordiy Конкордий m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Concordius.
Konkordiya Конкордия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Concordia.
Konon Конон m Ancient Greek, Russian (Rare), Basque, Polish
Derived from the Greek verb κονέω (koneo) meaning "to raise dust" (and more figuratively, "to hasten").... [more]
Konstantsiya Констанция f Russian
Russian form of Constantia.
Kornelij Корне́лий m Russian (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Korneliy.
Korneliy Корнелий m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Cornelius.
Kornely Корнелий m Russian
Variant transcription of Korneliy.
Korney Корней m Russian
Contracted form of Korneliy. Also compare Corné, which this name could be considered to be a cognate of.... [more]
Korniliy Корнилий m Russian
Russian form of Cornelius via its hellenized (modern Greek) form Kornilios. Also compare the Russian name Korneliy, which is directly derived from Cornelius.
Korol' m Russian
Meaning "King".
Korol'ko m Russian
Diminutive of Korol'.
Korvin Корвин m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Corvinus.
Koschei Коще́й m Slavic Mythology (?), Russian
A antagonistic figure from traditional Russian fairy tales. Known as “Koschei the Deathless”, he is portrayed as an evil and powerful wizard who cannot be killed by traditional means since his soul is hidden inside an object, often an egg nested inside other protective objects.