Icef & mPopular Culture, African American (Modern, Rare) From the English word that denotes water frozen to a solid state. In the case of American rapper Ice Spice (2000-) it is a short form of Isis, her real name. A fictional bearer is Ice, a DC comic book superheroine... [more]
IndependencefEnglish (Puritan) Means "freedom from control or influence," partly on the pattern of French indépendance. Used much more commonly during the times of the pilgrims (Puritans) who settled in New England in America... [more]
LaFrancef & mAfrican American (Modern, Rare) A combination of the popular prefix la- with the name of the European country, France. It could possibly on occasion be transferred from the French surname, Lafrance.
LaurancemEnglish (Rare) English variant spelling of Laurence 1. Also compare the names Terence and Terance, which are another example of how -ence can be variantly spelled as -ance (and yet still be pronounced the same).... [more]
LeodegrancemArthurian Cycle, Welsh Mythology King Leodegrance was Queen Guinevere's father from Arthurian mythology. "His earliest existing mention is in the Prose 'Lancelot', though he may be identical to Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Leodegar."
LucrecefEnglish (Rare), Literature English form of Lucretia, used by William Shakespeare in the poem The Rape of Lucrece (1594), about the legendary Roman maiden Lucretia.
MacemPopular Culture Mace Windu is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise where he is known for being a Jedi Master (with a purple lightsaber) and a member of the Jedi High Council during the final years of the Galactic Republic... [more]
Makepeacem & fEnglish (Rare) Transferred use of the surname Makepeace. A famous bearer is William Makepeace Thakeray, English novelist and author of Vanity Fair.
MalthacefAncient Greek (Latinized), Theatre, History Latinized form of the Greek name Μαλθακη (Malthake), from Greek μαλθακός (malthakos) "soft" (compare Amalthea). This name was used by Menander for a character in his 4th- or 3rd-century BC play Sikyonioi... [more]
MeancefMedieval Breton, Breton (Archaic) Of unknown origin and meaning. From the early 1600s onwards, when every given name "had to" be associated with a Catholic saint, up to its disappearance as a given name, Meance was used as a quasi-equivalent of Emérance.... [more]
MédiatricefFrench (African) From the title of the Virgin Mary, referring to her intercessory role as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ (compare English and Spanish/Portuguese equivalents Mediatrix and Mediatriz, Portuguese Medianeira and Spanish/Portuguese Mediadora).
MeliadicefArthurian Cycle A descendant of Arthur and heroine of the romance Cleriadus et Meliadice, published in Paris in 1495. The author of the work is unknown, but it is believed to have been based on earlier French and English romances.... [more]
MeŋalčefMari Derived from the Mari meŋ meaning "birthmark".
MyricefGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Myrice is a minor figure from the island of Cyprus. Like both of her siblings Myrrha and Amaracus, she was transformed into a plant bearing her name.
NaricefLiterature, English (Rare) Coined for a short story called The Dice of God by South African romance novelist Cynthia Stockley (1863-1936). The short story was serialized in Cosmopolitan magazine starting in February of 1926, and appears to have been expanded and published as a stand-alone book the same year.
NesacefLiterature This was used by Edgar Allan Poe in his epic poem 'Al Aaraaf' (1829), in which the angel Nesace is Beauty personified. Apparently he based it on Greek νησάκη (nesake) "small island, islet" (compare Nesaie).
OracemPopular Culture, English (American) Orace is the mule companion of Flip the Frog in such early 1930s cartoons as The Village Specialist, Spooks, and The Milkman, created by Ub Iwerks.... [more]
OriancemArthurian Cycle One of the many Saxon kings who, in the early days of Arthur’s reign, invaded parts of northern Britain. Gaheris maimed him at the battle of Cambenic.
ParthenicefGreek (Rare) Derived from Greek parthenikos, meaning "of a maiden" or "for a maiden". This is the botanical name for a genus in the daisy family.
PerseverancefEnglish (Puritan) From the English word meaning "steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success", referring to persevering through the trials and tribulations that may come as a believer of Christ.
PhilodicefGreek Mythology Derived from φίλος (phílos) meaning “friend” and δίκη (dice) meaning "law, judgement, justice".
PhilonicefAncient Greek (Latinized), Folklore Latinized form of the Greek name Φιλονίκη (Philonike), derived from φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover" and νίκη (nike) meaning "victory" (related to the Greek noun φιλονικία (philonikia) meaning "love of victory, rivalry" and the Greek verb φιλονικέω (philonikeo) meaning "to be fond of victory, to engage in rivalry")... [more]
PlaisancefMedieval French This name means "pleasant" in Old French (See Pleasance). Notable bearers are Plaisance of Gibelet (died 1217), Princess of Antioch and Plaisance of Antioch (1235/1236 or ca... [more]
QuintessencefEnglish (Rare) This name comes from the word that can mean "a thing that is the most perfect example of its type" or, in its literal sense, "fifth essence." The word is derived from Middle French quinte essence, which is, ultimately originated from Medieval Latin quinta essentia, a combination of Latin quinta, the feminine equivalent of quintus meaning "five," and essentia meaning "essence."
Radiancef & mEnglish From Latin radiare + -ance. From the English word, defined as "the light or heat as emitted or reflected by something" or "great happiness", occasionally used as a given name.
Rejoycef & mEnglish (Puritan) Unaware of the puritanical history of the name, modern users tend to consider it an alternate spelling of Rejoice influenced by the name Joyce.
Reliancem & fEnglish (Puritan) Meaning, "dependence on or trust in someone or something." Referring to one's reliance on God.
ReminiscefEnglish Meaning, "indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events."
Repentancef & mEnglish (Puritan), Romani Middle English: from Old French repentir, from re- (expressing intensive force) + pentir (based on Latin paenitere ‘cause to repent’). Meaning, " the activity of reviewing one's actions and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs." Referring to being sorry for one's sins... [more]
RojanicefSlavic Mythology Rojanice, with Rod her male counterpart, presides over the destinies of Humans. She is the co-creator of the universe, during birth.
RomancemEnglish (Rare) From the English word “romance” this was given to 9 baby boys in the USA in 2014.
SciencemEnglish (American, Rare) Middle English (denoting knowledge) from Old French, from Latin scientia, from scire ‘know.’
ScolacefMedieval English English vernacular form of Scholastica. In England it was used as a Christian name from the late 12th century until the Protestant Reformation.
Silencem & fEnglish (African), English (Puritan), Romani (Archaic) Simply from the English word silence, from Middle English from Old French, from Latin silentium, from silere "be silent". A popular virtue name amongst the Puritans in the 17th century, it was usually given to girls (very occasionally to boys), ultimately taken from the admonition of Saint Paul: "Let the women learn in silence, with all subjection." Translated into Latin it became Tace, which "in its turn developed into Tacey"... [more]
SinoricemAfrican American (Rare) Meaning unknown. The best known bearer of this name is Sinorice Moss (b. 1983), a former professional player of American football.
Solsticef & mEnglish (Modern, Rare) Derived from Latin solsticium and thus ultimately from sol "sun" and stito "to stand still". The English word solstice refers to two times of the year when the sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes.... [more]
SprucemEnglish (American) An English word referring to a type of evergreen tree; also a synonym of dapper. Both originally referring to imports, an alternation of Pruce "from Prussia".
Sundancem & fEnglish (American, Rare) The Sundance Kid was the nickname of American outlaw Harry Longabaugh (1867-1908), in whose case it was taken from Sundance, Wyoming, the only town that ever jailed him, where he was incarcerated for eighteen months for horse thievery at the age of 15... [more]
TalicefIndigenous American (Modern), English, American (Hispanic) Talice is a Muscogee (Creek) name meaning Beautiful Water. It is also an English name as well with Irish Gaelic roots. Talice is also an American Hispanic name for a Varient of the name Talicia