Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keywords stone or flower.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Hanarin f Japanese
From Japanese 花 (hana) meaning "flower" combined with 林 (rin) meaning "woods; grove; forest; copse" or 凛 (rin) meaning "dignified, severe, cold". Other combinations of kanji are possible.
Hanasa f Japanese
From Japanese 花 (hana) meaning "flower" combined with 咲 (sa) meaning "bloom, come out". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Hanazuki f Japanese
From Japanese, 花好き(Hana-suki) means "Flower lover" combining 花 (hana) meaning "flower" and 好き (suki) meaning "like" or "love" This name is used on a fictional character in the animated web series "Hanazuki: Full of Treasures"
Hanna f Chinese
Means "flower" in Chinese.
Hanna f Japanese
From Japanese 花 or 華 (hanna) both meaning "flower" or 英 (hanna) meaning "excellent, fine", it can also come from 春 (ha) meaning "spring" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji or kanji combinations can form this name as well... [more]
Haruku m Japanese
From Japanese 永 (haru) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 温 (haru) meaning "warm", 春 (haru) meaning "spring", 晴 (haru, ha) meaning "clear up", 悠 (haru) meaning "permanence, distant, long time, leisure", 遥 (haru) meaning "far off, distant, long ago", 陽 (haru) meaning "light, sun, male" or 遼 (haru) meaning "distant", 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli" combined with 久 (ku) meaning "long time", 空 (ku) meaning "sky", 玖 (ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine", 駆 (ku) meaning "drive, run, gallop, advance, inspire, impel", 駈 (ku) meaning "run, gallop, advance" or 九 (ku) meaning "nine"... [more]
Harune f & m Japanese
From Japanese 悠 (haru) meaning "permanence, distant, long time, leisure", 明 (haru) meaning "bright", 春 (haru) meaning "spring", 晴 (haru) meaning "clear up", 暖 (haru) meaning "warmth", 温 (haru) meaning "warm", 美 (haru) meaning "beautiful", 花 (haru) meaning "flower", 遥, 遙 (haru) meaning "far off, distant, long ago", 遼 (haru) meaning "distant", 陽 (haru) meaning "light, sun, male", 啓 (haru) meaning "disclose, open, say", 桜 (haru) meaning "cherry blossom", 治 (haru) meaning "reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve", 東 (haru) meaning "east", 晏 (haru) meaning "late, quiet", 羽 (ha) meaning "feather" or 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli" combined with 寧 (ne) meaning "rather, preferably, peaceful, quiet, tranquility", 音 (ne) meaning "sound", 夢 (ne) meaning "dream", 根 (ne) meaning "root", 嶺 (ne) meaning "peak, summit", 子 (ne) meaning "child" or 希 (ne) meaning "hope, beg, request, rare, few, phenomenal"... [more]
Haruru f Japanese
From Japanese 晴 (haruru) meaning "clear up" or from Japanese 春 (haru) "spring (season)" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Hásteinn m Old Norse
Old Norse name which probably meant "high stone", from Old Norse hár "high" and steinn "stone". Alternatively the first element may be derived from Primitive Scandinavian *hanhista "horse" or Primitive Scandinavian *haþu "battle"... [more]
Hauksteinn m Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse haukr "hawk" and steinn "stone". Also compare Haukur.
Havasgul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek havas meaning "desire" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Havogul f Uzbek
Derived from havo which can mean "sky", "weather" or "melody" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Hayitgul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek hayit meaning "feast day, holiday" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Hayotgul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek hayot meaning "life" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Hayoung f Korean
From Sino-Korean 夏 meaning "summer; great, grand, big" and 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero". Other combinations are possible
Heahstan m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements heah "high" and stan "stone" meaning "high stone". Cognate to Old Norse Hásteinn.
Heeposh f Kashmiri
Means "jasmine flower".
Heeyul f Korean
From Sino-Korean 熙 (hee) meaning "shine" combined with 玉 (yul) meaning "jade, precious stone, gem". Other hanja combinations are possible.
Hekigyoku f Japanese
From Japanese 碧玉 (hekigyoku) meaning "jasper (a precious stone)".
Heliantha f Dutch (Rare)
Means "sunflower" in Greek, from ‘Ηλιος (helios) "sun" and ανθος (anthos), "flower".
Helianthe f Dutch (Rare)
Derived from Hélianthe, the French name for Helianthus, which is a genus of plants. It is ultimately derived from Greek helianthos meaning "sun-flower", from Greek helios "sun" and anthos "flower".
Hibika f Japanese
From Japanese 日 (hi) meaning "day, sun, Japan", 妃 (hi) meaning "a ruler's wife, queen, empress", 日 (bi) meaning "day, sun, Japan", 美 (bi) meaning "beautiful" or 響 (hibi) meaning "sound, echo" combined with 日 (ka) meaning "day, sun, Japan", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower" or 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry"... [more]
Higana f Japanese
From 彼岸花 higanbana (red spider lily) and 彼岸 higan (nirvana; literally means the other shore). The red spider lily is portrayed as the "flower of heavens" in Buddhist scriptures. However, it is also known as 死人花 shibitobana (flower of the dead) in Japan and symbolizes "sorrowful memories" in the language of flowers.
Hika f Japanese
Derived from the Japanese 飛花 (hika) meaning "flower petals fly in the wind", derived from the Japanese kanji 飛 (hi) meaning "to fly" and 花 (ka) meaning "flower". This name can also be the combination of 比 (hi) meaning "ratio; compare; equal" or 嘉 日 and 陽 (hi) meaning "sun; sunshine" or 火 (hi) meaning "fire" and 嘉 (ka) meaning "praise; auspicious" or 香 (ka) meaning "pleasant smell; fragrance".... [more]
Himawari f & m Japanese (Modern)
From 向日葵 (himawari) which refers to the sunflower, originally deriving from 日 (hi) meaning "sun" combined with 回り (mawari) meaning "rotation, circulation," from the misconception that the sunflowers follow the direction of the sun, the behaviour only occuring in immature flower buds and not in fully grown sunflowers (which faces east).... [more]
Himeka f Japanese
From Japanese 姫 (hime) meaning "princess" combined with 郁 (ka) meaning "fragrance, perfume", 佳 (ka) meaning "good, beautiful", 加 (ka) meaning "increase", 嘉 (ka) meaning "praise, auspicious", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 架 (ka) meaning "construct, build, raise, install, undergird, support", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 雅 (ka) meaning "elegance", 樺 (ka) meaning "birch", 薫 (ka) meaning "fragrant", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 彩 (ka) meaning "colour" or 神 (ka) meaning "deity, god"... [more]
Hinaka f Japanese
From Japanese 日向 (hina) meaning "sunny place" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower, blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Hīnano m & f Hawaiian (Rare), Tahitian
This name means either "(male) pandanus flower" or "(male) pandanus blossom."
Hiroka f & m Japanese
From Japanese 央 (hiro) meaning "centre, middle", 嘉 (hiro) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", 海 (hiro) meaning "sea, ocean", 寛 (hiro) meaning "tolerant, generous", 均 (hiro) meaning "level, average", 啓 (hiro) meaning "disclose, open, say", 圭 (hiro) meaning "jade pointed at top", 敬 (hiro) meaning "respect", 硯 (hiro) meaning "inkstone", 光 (hiro) meaning "light", 宏 (hiro) meaning "wide, large", 広 (hiro) meaning "wide, broad, spacious", 弘 (hiro) meaning "vast, broad, wide", 洪 (hiro) meaning "deluge, flood, vast", 浩 (hiro) meaning "prosperous", 紘 (hiro) meaning "large", 潤 (hiro) meaning "soft, moist, sleek, freshen", 祥 (hiro) meaning "auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune", 尋 (hiro) meaning "search, seek", 泰 (hiro) meaning "peaceful, calm, peace, easy, Thailand, extreme, excessive, great", 大 (hiro) meaning "big, great", 拓 (hiro) meaning "expand, open, support", 宙 (hiro) meaning "mid-air", 博 (hiro) meaning "doctor, PhD, exposition, fair, exhibition", 普 (hiro) meaning "universal, wide(ly), generally", 明 (hiro) meaning "bright", 弥 (hiro) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 佑 (hiro) meaning "help, assist", 優 (hiro) meaning "gentleness, lithe, superior", 裕 (hiro) meaning "abundant", 容 (hiro) meaning "contain, form, looks", 洋 (hiro) meaning "ocean", 陽 (hiro) meaning "light, sun, male", 廣 (hiro) meaning "broad, wide, spacious", 洸 (hiro) meaning "sparkling water", 絋 (hiro) meaning "cotton wadding", 日 (hi) meaning "day, sun, Japan", 妃 (hi) meaning "ruler's wife, queen, empress", 比 (hi) meaning "compare, race, ratio, Philippines", 緋 (hi) meaning "scarlet, cardinal" or 火 (hi) meaning "fire", 路 (ro) meaning "path, route, road, distance", 呂 (ro) meaning "spine, backbone" combined with 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada", 嘉 (ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", 郁 (ka) meaning "cultural progress, perfume", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 架 (ka) meaning "erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct", 賀 (ka) meaning "congratulations, joy", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 耶 (ka) meaning "question mark", 和 (ka)meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 閑 (ka) meaning "leisure", 奏 (ka) meaning "play music, complete" or 雅 (ka) meaning "gracious, elegant, graceful, refined".... [more]
Hisaka f Japanese
From Japanese 久 (hisa) meaning "long time, long time ago", 寿 (hisa) meaning "long life, lifespan", or 陽 (hi) meaning "sunshine, light, male", or 日 (hi) meaning "sun" combined with 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thread, silk" or 沙 (sa) meaning "sand", and then combined with 佳 (ka) meaning "good, beautiful" or 花 (ka) meaning "flower"... [more]
Hitoha f Japanese
From Japanese 一 (hito) meaning "one" combined with 花 (ha) meaning "flower", 柴 (ha) meaning "brushwood, firewood" or 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Hlífstæinn m Old Norse
Combination of Old Nose hlíf "protection, shelter" and steinn "stone".
Hoka f Japanese
From Japanese 甫 (ho) meaning "beginning, for the first time" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Additionally, other kanji combinations can form this name.
Holmstæinn m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of holmr "small island" steinn "stone".
Hongying f & m Chinese
From Chinese 红 (hóng) meaning "red, vermillon, blush", 鸿 (hóng) meaning "wild swan, great, vast", or 弘 (hóng) meaning "enlarge, expand, great" combined with 樱 (yīng) meaning "cherry blossom", 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero", or 映 (yìng) meaning "reflect light"... [more]
Hongyu m & f Chinese
From Chinese 宏 (hóng) meaning "wide, spacious, great, vast", 泓 (hóng) meaning "clear, deep water", 弘 (hóng) meaning "enlarge, expand, great", 红 (hóng) meaning "red, vermillion, blush", 洪 (hóng) meaning "flood, deluge", 鸿 (hóng) meaning "wild swan, great, vast" or 轰 (hōng) meaning "strike, explode, blast" combined with 宇 () meaning "house, eaves, universe", 玉 () meaning "jade, precious stone, gem" or 余 () meaning "surplus"... [more]
Hoshika f Japanese
From Japanese 星 (hoshi) meaning "star" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Hrere f Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian ḥrr.t meaning "flower". This was the name of an ancient Egyptian noble lady of the late 20th to the early 21st dynasties of Egypt.
Hróðstæinn m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse hróðr "fame" and steinn "stone".
Huahai f Chinese
From the Chinese 花 (huā) meaning "flower" and 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean".
Huahuo f & m Chinese
From 花火 (huāhuǒ), a Chinese word meaning "fireworks, petard" which comes from combining 花 (huā) meaning "flower" with 火 (huǒ) meaning "fire".
Huaniu f Chinese
From the Chinese 花 (huā) meaning "flower" and 妞 (niū) meaning "girl".
Huasheng f Chinese
From the Chinese 花 (huā) meaning "flower" and 生 (shēng) meaning "life, living, lifetime, birth".
Huashuang f Chinese (Rare)
From the Chinese 花 (huā) meaning "flower" combined with 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost". Other character combinations are possible.
Huaxu f Chinese, Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From the characters 华 (huá, meaning “flower”, “luxuriance”) and 胥 (xū, meaning “all, each and every”). In Chinese mythology this name is borne by the mother of Fuxi and Nüwa... [more]
Huāyīn f Chinese
From Chinese 花音 (huāyīn) meaning "appoggiatura" which comes from combining 花 (huā) meaning "flower, blossom" with 音 (yīn) meaning "sound, noise, tone". Other Chinese characters can form this name as well.
Huayuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 花 (huā) meaning "flower" and 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard".
Huazi f Chinese
From Chinese 花 (huā) meaning "flower, blossom" or 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, Chinese" combined with 子 (zǐ) meaning "child". Other Chinese characters can form this name as well.
Huchuysisa f Quechua
Means "little flower" in Quechua, from huchuy, "little" and sisa, "flower".
Huitzilxochtzin f Nahuatl
From Nahuatl huitzilin, meaning "hummingbird", xōchitl "flower", and the diminutive or reverential suffix "-tzin", often used in Aztec royal families. This was another name of Atotoztli II, the regent or possible tlatoani (ruler) of Tenochtitlan.
Huiying f Chinese
From Chinese 辉 (huī) meaning "brightness" or 惠 (huì) meaning "favour, benefit" combined with 瑛 (yīng) meaning "jade" or 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero"... [more]
Humogul f Uzbek
Derived from humo the name of a mythical bird who bestows good fortune to the person on whose head it alights, and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Hurgul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek hur meaning "houri (virgin of paradise)" or "alluring girl" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Hüsnügül f Azerbaijani
From the Arabic حسناء (hasna) meaning "beauty" and the Persian گل (gol) meaning "flower, rose".
Hwa f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 花 (hwa) meaning "flower", 和 (hwa) meaning "harmony, peace", as well as other hanja combinations.
Hwa-ji f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 和 (hwa) meaning "harmony, peace, serene", 花 (hwa) meaning "flower, bloom, anger", or 華 (hwa) meaning "flower, petal, China" combined with 枝 (ji) meaning "branch, limb", 知 (ji) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" or 志 (ji) meaning "will, purpose, ambition"... [more]
Hwa-young f Korean
Meaning “Little Flower”.
Hyeon-Seok m Korean
From Sino-Korean 賢 (hyeon) meaning "virtuous, worthy, able", 鉉 (hyeon) which refers to a device used to lift a tripod cauldron, or 玄 (hyeon) meaning "dark, black, mysterious" combined with 石 (seok) meaning "stone", 碩 (seok) meaning "big, large" or 錫 (seok) meaning "tin"... [more]
Hye-yeong f Korean
From Sino-Korean 惠 (hye) "favor, benefit, confer kindness" or 慧 (hye) "bright, intelligent" and 英 (yeong) "petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero".
Hye-young f Korean
From Sino-Korean 惠 (hye) meaning "benefit, to confer kindness" or 慧 (hye) meaning "bright, intelligent" and 英 (young) meaning " petal, flower, leaf". Other hanja combinations are possible.
Ibwe m Shona
Means "stone builder" in Shona.
Ichihana f Japanese
From Japanese 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 花 (hana) or 華 (hana) which both mean "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ichika f & m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ichi) meaning "love", 以 (i) meaning "compared to", 依 (i) meaning "rely on, be set in", 維 (i) meaning "to tie; to fasten; to tie up", 衣 (i) meaning "clothing", 育 (i) meaning "produce, give birth to", 一 (ichi) or 壱 (ichi) both meaning "one", 希 (ichi) meaning "hope, rare", 初 (i) meaning "beginning, start, first", 唯 (i) meaning "just, only, simply", 葉 (ichi) meaning "leaf" or 苺 (ichi) meaning "strawberry", 知 (chi) meaning "to know", 千 (chi) meaning "thousand", 智 (chi) meaning "knowledge, wisdom" combined with 華 (ka) or 花 (ka) both meaning "flower", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 果 (ka) meaning "pieces of fruit", 樺 (ka) meaning "Japanese white birch", 愛 (chika) meaning "love, affection", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 伽 (ka) meaning "temple", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poem", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 風 (ka) meaning "wind", 翔 (ka) meaning "soar, glide", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase", 圭 (ka) meaning "jade pointed at top", 彩 (chika) meaning "colour", 誓 (chika) meaning "swear, pledge", 絵 (ka) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch" or 綺 (ka) meaning "elegant, beautiful"... [more]
Iinisskimmaakii f Siksika
Means "buffalo stone woman" in Siksika.
Ikka f Japanese
From Japanese 一 (i) meaning "one" combined with 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ilaisaane f Polynesian
A familiar name in Tonga, Ilaisaane is of Polynesian origin and is said to mean "blooming flower."
Ilgöl f Bashkir
From Bashkir ил (il) meaning "country" and гөл (göl) meaning "flower".
Ilha f Manchu
Means "flower" in Manchu.
Illasisa f Quechua
Means "flower amulet" in Quechua.
Inkasisa f Quechua
Means "royal flower" in Quechua from inka meaning "royal, king", and sisa meaning "flower".
Inqu m Ge'ez
Means "precious stone" in Ge'ez.
Ïnyïgöl f Bashkir
From Bashkir ынйы (ïnyï) meaning "pearl" and гөл (göl) meaning "flower".
Ipakgul f Uzbek
Derived from ipak meaning "silk" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Iporgul f Uzbek
Means "marjoram flower" in Uzbek.
Ishi f Japanese
"Rock, stone" Stone connotates a dependable, nurturing character
Ishijirō m Japanese (Rare)
From Jirō prefixed with 石 (ishi) meaning "stone."... [more]
Ishiko f Japanese
From 石 ishi "stone" and 子 ko "child" in Japanese.
Itatí f South American, Spanish (Latin American)
From the name of a town in Argentina that contains a famous statue and shrine to the Virgin Mary, possibly meaning "white stone" in Guaraní.
Itoka f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ito) meaning "love, affection" combined with 佳 (ka) meaning "good, beautiful", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 歌 (ka) meaning "song", 花 (ka) and 華 (ka) both meaning "flower" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance"... [more]
Itsuka f Japanese
From Japanese 一 (itsu) meaning "one" combined with 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 郁 (ka) meaning "fragrance, perfume", 樺 (ka) meaning "birch", 袈 (ka) meaning "Buddhist cassock", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" or 翔 (ka) meaning "soar, glide"... [more]
Itzcuinxoch f Nahuatl
Derived from Nahuatl itzcuintli "dog" and xōchitl "flower".
Itzxochitl f Nahuatl
Means "obsidian flower", from Nahuatl itztli "obsidian" and xōchitl "flower".
I-yeong f Korean
From Sino-Korean 俐 "smooth; active; clever, sharp" and 英 "petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero".
Izuru f & m Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 出 (izuru) meaning "(something that) comes out" or also 出 (izu) combined with 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli".... [more]
Izzatgul f Uzbek
Derived from izzat meaning "esteem, honour" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Jamdani f & m Indian
Possibly from the name of a fine muslin fabric, traditionally made in Bangladesh. The name is of Persian origin, from jam "flower" and dani "vase". ... [more]
Jang-hwa f Literature
Means "rose flower" from Sino-Korean 薔花. Jang-hwa is the name of one of the heroines in the Korean folktale "The Story of Jang-hwa and Hong-ryeon".
Jarlstein m Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse name elements jarl "chieftain, nobleman, earl" and steinn "stone".
Jasmīna f Latvian
Latvian form of Jasmine as well as a direct derivation from Latvian jasmīns "jasmine (flower)".
Jasminder f Indian (Sikh), Indian
It's Hindu name meaning "flower queen". In Punjabi meaning "Lord's glory". Other form is Jesminder.
Jasumin f Japanese
From Japanese 茉莉 (jasumin) meaning "Jasmine" or 茉莉花 (jasumin) meaning "jasmine flower". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Jianying f & m Chinese
From Chinese 建 (jiàn) meaning "build, establish" or 剑 (jiàn) meaning "sword, dagger, sabre" combined with 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero" or 瀛 (yíng) meaning "ocean, sea"... [more]
Jiaqi f & m Chinese
From Chinese 佳 (jiā) meaning "good, auspicious, beautiful" or 家 (jiā) meaning "home, family" combined with 琪 (qí) meaning "fine jade", 奇 (qí) meaning "odd, unusual, strange", 祺 (qí) meaning "auspicious, propitious, good luck, felicity", 琦 (qí) meaning "admirable, fine, jade, gem, precious stone" or 其 (qí) meaning "he, she, it"... [more]
Jiaying f & m Chinese
From Chinese 佳 or 嘉 (jiā) meaning "good, auspicious, beautiful" or 家 (jiā) meaning "home, family" combined with 颖 (yǐng) meaning "clever, gifted", 莹 (yíng) meaning "bright, lustrous", or 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero"... [more]
Jidji f Berber
Means "flower" in Tamazight.
Jieshi m & f Chinese
From Chinese 介 (jiè) meaning "forerunner, herald, between, jammed in" or 洁 (jié) meaning "clean, pure" and 石 (shí) meaning "stone" or 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem, verse"... [more]
Jinghua f & m Chinese
From Chinese 敬 (jìng) meaning "respect, honour", 靖 (jìng) meaning "peaceful, tranquil", 婧 (jìng) meaning "slender, delicate, modest", 菁 (jīng) meaning "lush, luxuriant, garlic chives, leek" or 京 (jīng) meaning "capital city" combined with 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, flowery, Chinese", 骅 (huá) meaning "excellent horse" or 花 (huā) meaning "flower, blossom"... [more]
Jinhua f & m Chinese
From Chinese 锦 (jǐn) meaning "tapestry, brocade, embroidered" or 金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money" combined with 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, flowery, Chinese" or 花 (huā) meaning "flower, blossom"... [more]
Jinrui f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of jade, fine gems" and 蕊 (ruǐ) meaning "unopened flowers, flower bud".
Jinying f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money" or 缙 (jìn) meaning "red silk" and 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy" or 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, leaf, petal".
Jinyu f & m Chinese
From Chinese 瑾 (jǐn) "brilliance of gems", 金 (jīn) "gold, metal, money", or 靳 (jìn) meaning "martingale, stingy" combined with 瑜 (yú) meaning "excellence, lustre of gems", 羽 () meaning "feather", 玉 () meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", or 宇 () meaning "house, eaves, universe"... [more]
Jo'jagul f Uzbek
Derived from jo'ja meaning "chick" or "kid, darling" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Jong-ok m & f Korean
From Sino-Korean 宗 "lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan" or 鍾 "cup, glass, goblet" (jong), and 玉 "jade, precious stone, gem" (ok).
Jongyoung m Korean
From Sino-Korean 宗 (jong) meaning "lineage, ancestry" combined with 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero" or 榮 (yeong) meaning "glory, honour, flourish, prosper". Other Hanja combinations possible
Jónsteinn m Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Jón and Old Norse steinn meaning "stone".
Jo'ragul f Uzbek
Derived from jo'ra meaning "fellows at a social gathering" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Ju-ae f Korean
From Sino-Korean 珠 "precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl" or 周 "circumference" (ju), and 愛 (ae) "love, be fond of, like", among other Hanja combinations.... [more]
Ju-eun f Korean
From Sino-Korean 珠 "precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl" and 銀 "silver; cash, money, wealth".
Ju-hyeon m & f Korean
From Sino-Korean 珠 "precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl" (ju) and 賢 "virtuous" or 鉉 "device for carrying a tripod" (hyeon).
Jumagul f Uzbek
Derived from juma meaning "Friday" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Ju-mi f Korean
From Sino-Korean 珠 "precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl" and 美 "beautiful".
Juniata f American
From the name of a river in the American state of Pennsylvania, which may be a corruption of Iroquoian Onayutta meaning "standing stone". The name was known from its use in a popular song of the 19th century, 'The Blue Juniata' (1841).
Ju-ri f Korean
From Sino-Korean 珠 "precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl" and 利 "gains, advantage, profit, merit".
Juya Panqara f Aymara
Means "fresh flower" in Aymara.
Ju-yeon f Korean
From Sino-Korean 珠 "precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl" or 周 "circumference" (ju) and 姸 "beautiful" or 娟 "beautiful, graceful" (yeon).
Kaaya f Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 彩 (aya) meaning "colour". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kabwe m & f Southern African
"A small rock or stone." Opposite name: Chibwe
Kadan f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Means "grape hyacinth (flower)" in Hebrew (genus Muscari).
Kae f Japanese
From Japanese 可 (ka) meaning "fruit", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" combined with 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Kaemi f & m Japanese
From Japanese 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 翔 (ka) meaning "soar, fly", 楓 (kae) meaning "maple", 加 (ka) meaning "increase", 華 (ka) meaning "flower" or 賀 (ka) meaning "congratulate, greet, celebrate", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch", 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit" or 重 (e) meaning "fold, layer" combined with 笑 (emi) meaning "to laugh, to smile", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" or 実 (mi) meaning "fruit, good result, truth"... [more]
Kaen f Japanese
From Japanese 花園 (kaen) meaning "flower garden" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" combined with 媛 (en) meaning "princess". Other kanji or kanji combinations can form this name as well.
Kaera f Japanese
From Japanese 歌 (ka) meaning "song, sing" or 華 (ka) meaning "flower", 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness" or 依 (e) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to" combined with 羅 (ra) meaning "gauze, thin silk" or 良 (ra) meaning "good, pleasing, skilled"... [more]
Kaeru f & m Japanese
From Japanese 蛙 (kaeru) meaning "frog" or from Japanese 華 (ka) meaning "flower", 荏 (e) meaning "herb" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kagura f & m Japanese (Modern)
From 神楽 (kagura), referring to ancient Shintō music and dancing. It is shifted from earlier kangura and even earlier kamugura, from a combination of 神 (kamu), an old compounded form of kami, referring to a spirit or essence, and 座 (kura), referring to a seat or a high place... [more]
Kahana f Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 華 (hana) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kahīnano m & f Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "the (male) pandanus flower," from definite article ka and hīnano meaning "male pandanus blossom."
Kaho f Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 果 (ka) meaning "fruit" or 花 (ka) meaning "flower" or 歌 (ka) meaning "song; poetry" or 夏 (ka) meaning "summer" or 加 (ka) meaning "add; increase" combined with 歩 (ho) meaning "steps; walk" or 穂 (ho) meaning "head (of grain); crest of a wave" or 帆 (ho) meaning "sail" or 保 (ho) meaning "protection".... [more]
Kahono f Japanese
a combination of a ka and ho kanji with 乃,(no) a possessive particle at the end. examples for ka are 香 meaning "fragrance",花 meaning "flower" and 歌 meaning "song" and examples for ho are 歩 meaning "walk",保 meaning "care" and 帆 meaning "sail"... [more]
Kajua f Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ka) meaning "flower", 樹 (ju) meaning "tree; plant" combined with 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kajuha f Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ka) meaning "flower", 珠 (ju) meaning "pearl" combined with 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kakeru m Japanese
This name can be used on its own as 翔 (shou,, to.bu) meaning "fly, soar" or it can be combined with 琉 (ryuu, ru) meaning "gem, lapis lazuli, precious stone," 瑠 (ryuu, ru) meaning "lapis lazuli" or 流 (ryuu, ru, meaning "a sink, current, flow, forfeit."... [more]
Kalanit f Hebrew
Means "anemone (flower)" in Hebrew. It is ultimately related to the word כַּלָּה (kala) meaning "bride".
Kalehua f & m Hawaiian
Means "the ʻōhiʻa (flower)," from definite article ka and lehua, which refers to the flower of the ʻōhiʻa tree and also the tree itself.
Kalia f Hawaiian
Means "the flower wreath, the beloved" in Hawaiian.
Kallfükura m Mapuche
Combination of Mapudungun Kallfü and kura meaning "stone."
Kamenko m Serbian (Rare)
Nature name derived from the word kamen, meaning "stone" or "rock", therefore denoting a baby whose parents wished for him to be as strong and tough as a stone.The name is nowadays mostly associated with Kamenko Katić, a famous Serbian journalist and TV personality.
Kamilia f Arabic
Means "camellia flower", related to Arabic "Kamila" meaning "perfect".
Kamira f Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ka) meaning "flower", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul" combined with 良 (ra) meaning "good". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.... [more]
Kamui m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can be used as 可夢偉, 華夢衣, 華夢威, 夏夢生, 加夢意 or 嘉夢威 with 可 (ka, kou,, -be.shi) meaning "can, passable, possible," 華 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower," 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer", 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add, include, join," 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise," 夢 (bou, mu, kura.i, yume, yume.miru) meaning "dream, illusiom, vision," 偉 (i, era.i) meaning "excellent, greatness, distinguished," 衣 (i, e, kinu, -gi, koromo) meaning "clothes, garment," 威 (i, odo.kasu, odo.shi, meaning "dignity, majesty, authority," 生 (shou, sei, i.kiru, i.keru, -u, u.mare, o.u, ki,, ha.eru) meaning "birth, genuine, life" and 意 (i) meaning "intention, mind, will, thought."... [more]
Kana f Japanese
From Japanese 香 (ka) meaning "incense, perfume", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful", 加 (ka) meaning "increase", 花 (ka) meaning "flower", or 夏 (ka) meaning "summer" combined with Japanese 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, green" or 奈 (na), a phonetic character... [more]
Kanaha f Japanese
From Japanese 華 (ka) meaning "flower", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens" combined with 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kanaka f Japanese
kanaka means "middle flower". the kanji used are 花(ka,hana) meaning "flower" and 中(naka, chu) meaning "middle"
Kanalei f Hawaiian
Means "Kana's flower" from Kana, a Maui demigod + lei, flower; or "beautiful flower" from Kanani, the beauty + lei, flower.
Kanatsu f Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 夏 (natsu) meaning "summer". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kangmin m Korean
From 강 meaning river and 民 "people, subjects, citizens", 旻 "heaven" or 珉 "stone resembling jade" (min).
Kanoka f Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 乃 (no), a possessive particle, combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Kanval f Dogri
Means "pretty flower" in Dogri.
Kaon f Japanese
From Japanese 華 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 音 (on) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kaoruka f Japanese
From Japanese 香 (kaoru) meaning "fragrance" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kapkeo m & f Lao
From Lao ກາບ (kap) meaning "bark, sprout, flower petal", also the name for a kind of poetry, and ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "gem, jewel".
Kardelen f Turkish
Directly taken from Turkish kardelen "galanthus flower; snowdrop (flower)".
Karen f Japanese
This name "Karen" translates to "Flower Romance"
Karin f Japanese
From Japanese 華 (ka) meaning "flower" and 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Karina f Japanese
From Japanese 桂 (ka) meaning "the katsura, the Japanese Judas tree", 伽 (ka) meaning "temple", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "pieces of fruit", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poem", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 海 (ka) meaning "sea, ocean", 刈 (kari) meaning "reap, cut (grass or other plants), prune", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" or 風 (ka) meaning "wind", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 麗 (ri) meaning "lovely, beautiful", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy" or 李 (ri) meaning "plum" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 南 (na) meaning "south", 名 (na) meaning "name" or 那 (na) meaning "what"... [more]
Karuko f Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone" and 子 (ko) meaning "child"
Karuma f Japanese
From Japanese 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone" combined with 摩 (ma) meaning "to rub; to scour; to grind". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Karwasisa f Quechua
Means "yellow flower" in Quechua, from Quechua karwa, "yellow" and sisa, "flower".
Karweñe m & f Tocharian
Means "stone" in Tocharian.
Kasane f & m Japanese
This name can be used as 襲 (shuu, oso.u,, which refers the layers of clothing worn under one's overcoat, ultimately derived from the noun 重ね (kasane), the continuative or stem form of the verb 重ねる (kasaneru) meaning "to pile, add (layers), stack, heap" or "to repeat."... [more]
Kasen f Japanese
Means "flower fan".... [more]
Kashmala f Pashto, Urdu, Pakistani
Means "basilica flower" in Pashto.
Kason m Japanese
From Japanese 可 (ka) meaning "can, passable, mustn't, should not, do not", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower" or 霞 (ka) meaning "mist" combined with 村 (son) meaning "village, town" or 邨 (son) meaning "village, hamlet, rustic"... [more]
Kasuke m Japanese
From Japanese 嘉 (ka) meaning "praise, auspicious" or 華 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "help". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kawai f & m Japanese
From Japanese 華 (kawa) meaning "flower" or 可 (kawa) meaning "passable", 和 (wa) meaning "peace, harmony" combined with 愛 (i) meaning "love, affection" or 意 (i) meaning "thoughts". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Kayano f Japanese
From Japanese 芽 (kaya) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot", 茅 (kaya) meaning "miscanthus reed", 香 (kaya) meaning "fragrance", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 加 (ka) meaning "increase", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 嘉 (ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 風 (ka) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 夜 (ya) meaning "night, evening", 也 (ya) meaning "also", 耶 (ya), an interjection, 弥 (ya) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow", 野 (ya) meaning "area, field", 谷 (ya) meaning "valley" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle or 野 (no) meaning "area, field"... [more]
Kayomi f & m Japanese
From Japanese 伽 (ka) meaning "temple", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 世 (yo) meaning "world", 代 (yo) meaning "generation", 余 (yo) meaning "over, more than" or 葉 (yo) meaning "leaf" combined with 三 (mi) meaning "three", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 見 (mi) meaning "to see", 未 (mi) meaning "the Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches" or 実 (mi) meaning "seed; fruit; nut"... [more]
Kazu m & f Japanese
From 数 (kazu) meaning "number, amount." Other kanji used in relation include 和 meaning "sum," 計 meaning "measurement, weighing," 知 meaning "wisdom" or any kanji referring to numbers, such as 一 meaning "one," 二 meaning "two" or 五 meaning "five." It can also be written as a combination of a ka kanji, like 佳 meaning "beautiful, good," 嘉 meaning "praise, esteem" or 花 meaning "flower," and a zu kanji, e.g. 寿 meaning "congratulations; longevity."... [more]
Keika f & m Japanese
From Japanese 馨 (kei) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 京 (kei) meaning "capital city", 圭 (kei) meaning "jade pointed at top", 径 (kei) meaning "diameter, path, method", 恵, 惠 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit", 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate", 慧 (kei) meaning "wise", 敬 (kei) meaning "respect", 景 (kei) meaning "scenery, view", 桂 (kei) meaning "Japanese Judas-tree, cinnamon tree", 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, valley", 継 (kei) meaning "inherit, succeed, continue, patch, graft (tree)", 荊 (kei) meaning "thorn, brier, whip", 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly", 勁 (kei) meaning "strong", 奎 (kei) meaning "star, god of literature", 薊 (kei) meaning "thistle", 蹊 (kei) meaning "path" or 閨 (kei) meaning "bedroom" combined with 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 耶 (ka) meaning "question mark", 馨 (ka) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 叶 (ka) meaning "grant, answer", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 鶴 (ka) meaning "crane, stork", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 彼 (ka) meaning "he, him, his, boyfriend", 軻 (ka) meaning "difficult progress" or 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry"... [more]
Keiru f Japanese
From Japanese 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Keito m & f Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (kei) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 花 (ke) or 華 (ke) both meaning "flower", 馨 (kei) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 京 (kei) meaning "capital", 啓 (kei) meaning "disclose, open, say", 圭 (kei) meaning "square jewel, corner, angle, edge", 恵 (kei, ke) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness", 慶 (kei) meaning "jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy", 慧 (kei) meaning "wise", 敬 (kei) meaning "awe, respect, honor, revere", 景 (kei) meaning "scenery, view", 桂 (kei) meaning "Japanese Judas-tree, cinnamon tree", 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, valley", 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly", 計 (kei) meaning "plot, plan, scheme, measure" or 奎 (kei) meaning "star, god of literature", 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 伊 (i) meaning "Italy, that one" combined with 音 (to) meaning "sound", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 兎 (ito) meaning "rabbit, hare", 灯 (to) meaning "lamp, a light, light", 愛 (to) meaning "love, affection", 十 (to) meaning "ten", 綸 (to) meaning "thread, silk cloth", 人 (to) meaning "person", 杜 (to) meaning "woods, grove", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up", 絲 (to) meaning "thread", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 冬 (to) meaning "winter", 友 (to) meaning "friend", 士 (to) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai", 叶 (to) meaning "grant, answer" or 朋 (to) meaning "companion, friend"... [more]
Kekuken f Nanai
means "flower" in Nanai.
Kembang f Indonesian (Rare)
Means "flower, blossom" in Indonesian.
Kenii m Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ke) meaning "flower" combined with 新 (nii) meaning "fresh, new". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Kenjagul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek kenja meaning "youngest, newest", often meaning "youngest sibling", and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Keomony f Khmer
Means "precious stone" in Khmer.
Kepha m Ancient Aramaic
From the Aramaic word כיפא kepha meaning "rock, stone" (see Cephas).
Kerakgul f Uzbek
Derived from kerak meaning "necessary" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Ketak f Hindi
Meaning "Flower".
Ketkeo f & m Lao
From Lao ເກດ (ket) meaning "head, top, flower petal" and ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "gem, jewel".
Ketmany f & m Lao
From Lao ເກດ (ket) meaning "head, top, flower petal" and ມະນີ (many) meaning "gem, jewel".
Keve m Hungarian
Derived from Old Hungarian kev- or köv- ( in Hungarian) "stone; rock".
Kevganya f Mordvin
Means "like a stone, solid" in Erzyan.
Kevir m Kurdish
Means "stone" in Kurdish.
Khashtsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian хаш (khash) meaning "jade" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Khastsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian хас (khas) meaning "jade, jasper" or "swastika (religious symbol)" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Khôi m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 魁 (khôi) meaning "first, chief, leader" or 瑰 (khôi) meaning "precious stone, extraordinary".
Kholbootsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian холбоо (kholboo) meaning "bond, rope, binding", "connection, link", "union, community", or "twin, couple, two" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Khongortsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian хонгор (khongor) meaning "dear, darling, sweetheart" or "light bay (horse)" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Khostsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian хос (khos) meaning "pair, twin" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Khovortsetseg f Mongolian
Means "rare flower" in Mongolian, from ховор (khovor) meaning "rare, scarce" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Khüreltsetseg f Mongolian
Means "bronze flower" in Mongolian, from хүрэл (khürel) meaning "bronze" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Kichikgul f Uzbek
Derived from kichik meaning "small, little, young" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Kihana f Japanese (Modern)
From Japanese 衣 (ki) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing", 祈 (ki) meaning "pray, wish" or 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice" combined with 花 (hana) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kika f Japanese
From Japanese 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kikako f Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ki) meaning "hollyhock", 花 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kikka f Japanese
This name can be used as 菊花 (kikka) meaning "chrysanthemum flower". ... [more]
Kikuya f Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 菊 (kiku) meaning "chrysanthemum flower" combined with 弥 (ya) meaning "widely, increasingly, more and more, for a long time".... [more]
Killasisa f Quechua
Means "moon flower" in Quechua, from killa "moon" (also means "month") and sisa "flower".
Kimika f Japanese (Rare)
From Kimi combined with a ka kanji, like 香 meaning "fragrance," 佳 meaning "beautiful, good" or 花/華 meaning "flower."
Kinoka f Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ki) meaning "hollyhock", 乃 (no), a possessive particle combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kinyägöl f Bashkir
From Bashkir кинйә (kinyä) meaning "younger" and гөл (göl) meaning "flower".
Kirika f Popular Culture
Japanese feminine given name comprised of the Kanji 霧 (kiri) meaning "fog, mist" or 桐 (kiri) meaning "paulownia" and 花 (ka) meaning "flower, blossom" or 香 (ka) meaning "incense, smell, fragrance" or 夏 (ka) meaning "summer"... [more]
Kirua f Japanese
From Japanese 貴 (ki) meaning "expensive", 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone" combined with 阿 (a) meaning "big mound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kisoo m Korean
From Sino-Korean 起 "rise, stand up; go up; begin", 琦 "gem, precious stone, jade" or 基 "foundation, base" and 秀 "refined, elegant, graceful" and 洙 meaning "riverside," 秀 meaning "excellent, outstanding, exceptional" or 守 meaning "defence, protection; rule."
Kivi m Finnish (Archaic)
Ancient Finnish name that means "stone" or "rock". Now used extremely rarely. As a surname Kivi is more common, Finland's national author Aleksis Kivi (born Alexis Stenvall) being the most famous bearer.
Kiwoong m Korean
From Sino-Korean 起 "rise, stand up; go up; begin", 琦 "gem, precious stone, jade", 基 "foundation, base" or 秀 "refined, elegant, graceful" and 雄 "male of species; hero; manly".
Kiyikgul f Uzbek
Derived from kiyik meaning "deer" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Kiyoka f Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ki) meaning "hollyhock", 夜 (yo) meaning "night" combined with 華 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kkot f Korean (Modern)
Means "flower" in Korean.
Kleanthes m Ancient Greek
Means "glorious flower" or "flower of glory", derived from Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory" combined with Greek ανθος (anthos) "flower, blossom".
Kleanthi f Greek
From the Greek elements κλέος (kleos) "glory" and ἀνθὸς (anthos) "flower".
Kohana f Japanese
this name means "little flower"... [more]
Koki m Medieval Georgian, Georgian (Rare)
Of Kartvelian origin, but the meaning is unknown. It might possibly be related to modern Georgian კოკორი (kokori) meaning "flower bud" (see Kukuri) or to Mingrelian კოკი (koki) meaning "island, isle".... [more]
Kokoha f Japanese
From Japanese 心 (koko) meaning "heart, mind, soul" combined with 羽 (ha) meaning "feathers", 花 (ha) or 華 (ha) meaning "flower", 春 (ha) meaning "spring", 初 (ha) meaning "beginning, start, first", 晴 (ha) meaning "clear up" or 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf"... [more]
Kokorozashige f Japanese
From Japanese 心 (kokoro) meaning "heart" combined with 石 (za) meaning "pomegranate / granate", 月 (shi) meaning "moon" and 善 (ge) meaning "flower, bloom, blossom"
Konoha f & m Japanese
From 木の葉 (konoha) meaning "foliage" or, more literally, "leaves of trees," as a name, also written as 木葉, 木乃葉, 樹乃葉 and the such.... [more]
Konwatsi'tsiaienni f Mohawk
Means "someone lends her a flower" in Mohawk.
Ko'rkamgul f Uzbek
Derived from ko'rkam meaning "comely, picturesque" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Ko'rpagul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek ko'rpa meaning "quilt" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Kosum f & m Thai
Means "flower" (a poetic term) in Thai.
Kristhallr m Icelandic (Archaic)
Combination of Kristus "Christ" and Old Norse hallr "stone, rock" used around year 1500.
Kuka f Japanese
From Japanese 久 (ku) meaning "long time" combined with 華 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kukka-Maaria f Finnish
Combination of kukka, meaning "a flower" in Finnish and Maaria which refers to Virgin Mary. Christian feast, Visitation of Mary, was called Kukka-Maaria in the past.... [more]
Kukuri m Georgian (Rare)
Derived from an archaic Georgian word that means "flower bud", of which the modern Georgian equivalent is კოკორი (kokori).
Kulîlk f Kurdish
Derived from Kurdish kulîlk meaning "flower".
Kulyash f Kazakh
Derived from Persian گل (gol) meaning "flower".
Kumika f Japanese
From Japanese 空 (ku) meaning "sky", 見 (mi) meaning "to see" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible as well.
Kumisgul f Kazakh
Means "silver flower", derived from Kazakh күміс (kümis) meaning "silver" and гүл (gül) meaning "flower".
Kumushgul f Uzbek
Derived from kumush meaning "silver" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Kuntum f Indonesian
Means "flower bud" in Indonesian.
Kureha f Japanese
From Japanese 紅 (kure) meaning "crimson" combined with 茶 (ha) meaning "tea" or 華 (ha) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kusum f Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Odia, Assamese
Derived from Sanskrit कुसुम (kusuma) meaning "flower".
Kusuman f Thai
Means "flower, bloom, blossom" in Thai, ultimately from Sanskrit कुसुम (kusuma).
Kuymi f Quechua
Means "amaranth flower" in Quechua.
Kwiatomiła f Polish (Rare)
From Polish "Kwiato" (Kwiat) meaning "Flower" combined with slavic "Mila" meaning "Gracious, Dear". Masculine form is Kwiatomił.
Kwiatosław m Polish
Means "flower of glory", derived from Polish kwiat "flower" combined with Slavic slav "glory".
Kwieta f Polish (Archaic)
Originally the Polish form of Quieta. Due to its resemblance to Polish kwiat "flower", it was early on conflated with and used as a vernacular form of Flora.
Kyeongmin f Korean
From Sino-Korean 京 meaning "capital city", 景 meaning "scenery; view" or 敬 (gyeong) meaning "respect, honour" and 民 "people, subjects, citizens", 旻 "heaven" or 珉 "stone resembling jade" (min).
Kyeong-ok f Korean
Popular korean feminine name in 50s. From Sino-Korean 暻 "bright", and 玉 "jade, precious stone, gem".
Kyeong-yeong f Korean (Rare)
From Sino-Korean 景 (gyeong) meaning "scenery, view" and 英 (yeong) "petal, flower". Other hanja can be used.
Lakhuar f Dungun
Means "December flower" in Dungun.
Lala f Arabic
Lanhua f Chinese
From Chinese 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid, elegant" combined with 花 (huā) meaning "flower, blossom" or 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, flowery, Chinese"... [more]
Lanying f Chinese
From Chinese 兰 or 蘭 (lán) meaning "orchid, elegant" or 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist" combined with 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero"... [more]
Lasy f Yi
Means "tiger flower" in Yi.
Latica f Croatian
It means "flower petal" in Croatian.
Lehuanani f Hawaiian
Means "beautiful ʻōhiʻa (flower)," from lehua, which refers to the flower of the ʻōhiʻa tree and also the tree itself, and nani meaning "beauty, glory, splendour."
Leikanglei f Manipuri
Means "desert flower" in Meitei.
Leilanny f Hawaiian
Means "heavenly flower child, child of royalty".
Leiriktombi f Manipuri
Derived from the Meitei leirik meaning "flower pollen" and tombi meaning "youngest daughter".
Leishan f Chinese
From the Chinese 蕾 (lěi) meaning "unopened flower, bud" and 珊 (shān) meaning "coral" or 善 (shàn) meaning "good, virtuous, kind".
Leishi f Manipuri
Means "flower" in Meitei.
Leishilembi f Manipuri
Means "flower" in Meitei.
Leixu f Chinese
From the Chinese 蕾 (lěi) meaning "bud, unopened flower" and 旭 (xù) meaning "rising sun, brilliant, radiance".
Leiye f Chinese
From the Chinese 蕾 (lěi) meaning "bud, unopened flower" and 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious, firelight".
Leksten m Old Swedish
Old Swedish combination of leikr "play, game" and steinn "stone".
Leodstan m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements leod "people" (from leudīz) and stan "stone".
Leotie f American
Possibly a variant of Leota. It is popularly claimed to mean "prairie flower" in the Hopi language.
Lestan m French (Rare, Archaic), Louisiana Creole (Rare)
Shortened form of a Norman personal name, either Leodstan or Leofstan. The involved name elements are LEOD "people", LEOF "love", and STAN "stone".
Lethaea f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Roman Mythology (?)
Latinized form of Greek Ληθαία (Lethaia), the etymology of which is uncertain, perhaps from the same root as Lethe. In Ovid's Metamorphoses, this was the name of a woman who was changed with her husband Olenus into a stone (Greek λίθος (lithos) meant "stone") because she claimed she was more beautiful than any goddess.
Leukadios m Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain. There are currently two possibilities available for the meaning of this given name.... [more]
Lianghua f Chinese
From the Chinese 良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable" and 花 (huā) meaning "flower".
Liangrui f Chinese
From the Chinese 良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable" and 蕊 (ruǐ) meaning "unopened flowers, flower buds".
Liangyu m & f Chinese
From Chinese 亮 (liàng) meaning "bright, light", 梁 (liáng) meaning "mast, bridge, elevation, beam", or 良 (liáng) meaning "auspicious, good, beautiful" combined with 玉 (yù) meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain", 愉 (yú) meaning "pleasant, delightful", 裕 (yù) meaning "abundant, opulent, rich", or 宇 (yǔ) meaning "house, eaves, universe"... [more]
Liangzhu f Chinese
From the Chinese 亮 (liàng) meaning "bright, brilliant, radiant, enlightened" and 珠 (zhū) meaning "bead, pearl, precious stone".
Liánhuā f Chinese
From Chinese 莲, 蓮 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily" combined with 花 (huā) meaning "flower". Other character combinations are possible.
Lianying f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 联 (lián) meaning "connect, join, ally" and 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, leaf, petal".
Lieđđi f Sami
From Sami lieđđi meaning "flower".
Lilardia f Indigenous Australian
Lilardia means "flower".
Lilawadi f Thai
Means "plumeria (a type of flower)" in Thai.
Lille f Estonian
Derived from Estonian lille, the genitive form of lill, "flower".
Linghua f & m Chinese
From Chinese 铃/鈴 (líng) meaning "bell, chime", 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade", or 灵/靈 (líng) meaning "spirit, soul" combined with 花 (huā) meaning "flower, blossom" (usually only feminine) or 华/華 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, Chinese"... [more]
Lingzhu f Chinese
From the Chinese 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade" and 珠 (zhū) meaning "bead, pearl, precious stone".
Liriel f Samoan
Means "beautiful flower" in Samoan
Liroz f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Li 2 and Roz, means "my rose" or "my flower" in Hebrew and creates a modern twist on the names Varda and Vered.
Lirui f Chinese
From the Chinese 丽 (lì) meaning "beautiful" and 蕊 (ruǐ) meaning "unopened flowers, flower bud".
Liuna f Chinese
From the Chinese 琉 (liú) meaning "sparkling stone" and 娜 (nà) meaning "graceful, elegant, delicate".
Liying f Chinese
From Chinese 丽 () meaning "beautiful, lovely" or 荔 (lì) meaning "lychee" combined with 颖 (yǐng) meaning "clever, skillful, tip, ear of grain" or 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero"... [more]
Lizhu f Chinese
From the Chinese 丽 (lì) meaning "beautiful" or 莉 (lì) meaning "white jasmine" and 祝 (zhù) meaning "pray for happiness and blessings" or 珠 (zhū) meaning "bead, pearl, precious stone".
Lkhagvatsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian лхагва (lkhagva) meaning "Wednesday" or "Mercury (the planet)" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Lkhamdegd f Mongolian
From Tibetan ལྷ་མོ (lha mo) meaning "goddess, fairy" (see Lhamo) and Mongolian дэгд (degd) meaning "gentian (flower)".
Longhua f Chinese
From the Chinese 龙 (lóng) meaning "dragon" and 花 (huā) meaning "flower".
Lothíriel f Literature
Means "flower garlanded maiden" in Sindarin, from loth meaning "blossom, flower" and riel meaning "garlanded maiden". In 'The Lord of the Rings', Lothíriel was the daughter of Imrahil, the Prince of Dol Amroth... [more]
Loulouda f Greek
Derived from Greek λουλούδι (louloudi) "flower".
Luludja f Romani
Luludja means "flower of life".
Lumikukka f Finnish (Modern)
A combination of Lumi, which means "snow", and Kukka, which means "flower". The name was first used in the 1970's.
Luxuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 琭 (lù) meaning "jade-like stone" and 绚 (xuàn) meaning "gorgeous, variegated, adorned, brilliant".
Luying f Chinese
From Chinese 露 (lù) meaning "dew" combined with 樱, 櫻 (yīng) meaning "cherry, cherry blossom", 瑛 (yīng) meaning "jade", 罂, 罌 (yīng) meaning "poppy", 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero", or 颖 (yǐng) meaning "clever, skillful, ear of grain, tip"... [more]
Lyba f Pakistani
Means a "Flower"
Mabille m & f French (Rare)
derived from the Old French word “mabile,” meaning “mable” or “mable stone.”
Macuilxochitl m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "Five Flower" in Nahuatl, from Nahuatl mācuīlli "five" and xochitl "flower". Macuilxochitl was one of the members of Ahuiateteo, a group of five Aztec gods of excess and pleasure... [more]
Madoka f & m Japanese
This name can be used as 円 (en, maru(.i), mado(.ka), maro.yaka) meaning "round, tranquil." It, along with 窓 (sou, su, (ten)mado, kemudashi) meaning "window" or 真 (shin, ma(-), makoto, mana, mado) meaning "real, true," can be combined with 香 (kou, kyou, ka, kao.ri/u) meaning "incense, smell, perfume," 花 or 華 (ka, ke, hana), both meaning "flower," or 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good, excellent​."... [more]
Magone f Latvian (Rare)
Directly taken from Latvian magone "poppy (flower)".
Magserannguaq m & f Greenlandic
Derived from Greenlandic massippoq meaning "rising half up from a horizontal position" and the suffix -nnguaq "sweet, dear", with the implied meaning "flower which is raised up by the heat of the sun, whilst small pieces of ice are still above it" (according to the Greenlandic author Karl Siegstad).... [more]
Mahana f Japanese
From Japanese 茉 (ma) meaning "white jasmine" combined with 花 (hana) or 華 (hana) both meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Mahgol f Persian
From مه (mah) meaning "moon" and گل (gol) meaning "flower, rose"
Mahigöl f Bashkir
From the Persian ماه (mâh) meaning "moon" and Bashkir гөл (göl) meaning "flower".
Mahigul f Kazakh (Rare), Kyrgyz (Rare)
Derived from the Persian adjective ماهی (mahi) meaning "lunar, moonly" (compare Mahin) combined with the Middle Persian noun گل (gul) meaning "flower, rose".
Mairu f Japanese
From Japanese 舞 (mai) meaning "dance" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Maka f Sioux, New World Mythology
Means "earth, ground, soil" in Lakota. In Oglala Lakota (Sioux) mythology, Makȟá (less correctly spelled Maka) was created by Íŋyaŋ ("stone"), then given the spirit Makȟá-akáŋl ("earth goddess").