SmyrnafAncient Greek The ancient Greek name for the Turkish city Izmir. The name Smyrna was the Greek word for myrrh which was the city's chief export in Ancient times. Smyrna was one of the seven churches of Asia mentioned in the book of Revelations in the Bible and was a major hub of the church in the first few centuries.
SnæfríðrfOld Norse Derived from the Old Norse elements snær meaning "snow" and fríðr meaning "beautiful, fair". According to medieval tradition, this was the name of a wife of the Norwegian king Harald Fairhair.
SnaigėfLithuanian Directly taken from Lithuanian snaigė "snowflake".
SnakemEnglish From Proto-Germanic *snakon, source also of Old Norse snakr "snake," Swedish snok, German Schnake "ring snake"), from PIE root *sneg- "to crawl, creeping thing" (source also of Old Irish snaighim "to creep," Old High German snahhan "to creep").
SneeuwwitjefFolklore, Literature Dutch calque of Schneewittchen. It consists of the Dutch words sneeuw meaning "snow" and wit meaning "white" combined with the Dutch diminutive suffix -je.
SneferkamAncient Egyptian From Egyptian snfr-kꜣ, possibly meaning "(his) soul is beautiful", from Egyptian snfr "to make beautiful" combined with kꜣ "soul". This was the throne name of an early Egyptian king who may have ruled at the end of the 1st Dynasty.
SneferremAncient Egyptian Possibly from Egyptian snfr-rꜥ, perhaps meaning "Ra has made me beautiful", from Egyptian snfr "to make beautiful", a derivative of nfr "beautiful, good" combined with the Egyptian God Ra... [more]
SnegurkafFolklore This is the name of the popular Russian fairy tale character Snegurochka "The Snow Maiden". The name comes from Russian снег (sneg) which means "snow".
SnelbaldmGermanic Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
SnelbertmGermanic Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
SnelburgfGermanic The first element of this name is derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
SnelhardmGermanic Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
SnelmanmGermanic Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with man "man."
SnelmundmGermanic Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Old High German mund "protection."
SnelradmGermanic Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Old High German râd "counsel."
Snickersm & fPet Possibly derived from the English words snickers, the plural form of snicker meaning "stifled, broken laugh".
SniedzefLatvian Either directly taken from Latvian sniedze "snow bunting (bird)" or derived from Latvian sniegs "snow". This name was used by Latvian playwright Anna Brigadere in her play Princese Gundega un karalis Brusubārda.
Snirm & fHebrew (Rare) The Hasbani River, also known as Snir Stream (Hebrew: נחל שניר / Nahal Snir), is the major tributary of the JordanRiver... [more]
SnjólaugfOld Norse, Icelandic Derived from the Old Norse elements snjór meaning "snow" (an alternative form of snær) and laug possibly meaning "vowed, promised, bound in oath".
SnoopmObscure In the case of American rapper and actor Snoop Dogg born Calvin Broadus Jr. (b. 1971-) he was given the name by his mom who thought he looked like Snoopy from the Charlie Brown cartoons.
SnoopymPopular Culture In PEANUTS, Snoopy is the beagle. He is one of the major characters.
SnootymPopular Culture A nickname for someone who is arrogant or conceited. Famous bearers of this nickname include Lord Snooty, the fictional character in the British comic The Beano (1938), a manatee named Snooty (1948-2017), and American rapper Snooty Wild (1985-2022), real name LaPreston Porter.
SnotrafNorse Mythology Derived from Old Norse snotr "clever; smart". In Norse mythology, Snotra is a goddess associated with wisdom. Snotra is solely attested in the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson and may be an invention of Snorri's... [more]
SnowdiefAmerican (South) Possibly derived from a surname. This was used by Eudora Welty in her short story collection The Golden Apples (1949) for a central character, Snowdie MacLain.
SnowdropfEnglish (Rare) The name of the flower used as a first name, mainly between the 1890s and 1920s, but never one of the more popular names of this kind.
SoabáfSami Sami name of unknown origin. Theories include a variant of Sabba and a derivation from Sami soabadit "to agree".
SoadfArabic Alternate transcription of Arabic سعاد (see Suad).
So-aengfKorean From Sino-Korean 小 (so) meaning "small" combined with 櫻 (aeng) meaning "cherry, cherry blossom". This name can be formed using other hanja combinations as well.
Soafanirym & fMalagasy From the Malagasy soa meaning "good" and faniry meaning "desired, desirable".
Soafinaritram & fMalagasy From the Malagasy soa meaning "good" and finaritra meaning "happy, joyous" or "healthy".
SoarafJapanese From Japanese 颯 (so) meaning "the sound of the wind" combined with 桜 (ara) meaning "cherry blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
SoatoyfUzbek Derived from Uzbek soat meaning "time" or "clock" and oy meaning "moon".
SoavefMedieval Italian Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Italian soave "sweet, delicate; gentle; soft" and a derivation from Suebi, the tribal name of a group of Germanic people first mentioned by Julius Caesar.
Sobekemsafm & fAncient Egyptian From Egyptian sbk-m-sꜢ.f meaning "Sobek protects him", derived from the name of the god Sobek combined with m "is; in the role of", zꜢ "protection", and the suffix .f "he, him, his"... [more]
SochbibifUzbek Derived from Uzbek soch meaning "thrush" or "rosy starling" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
SochifEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) From the Russian place name Sochi, a city which hosted the 2014 Winter Olympics. In that year (2014), this name was given to 10 girls born in the United States.
SochoyfUzbek Derived from soch meaning "thrush" or "rosy starling" and oy meaning "moon".
So-chufKorean From Sino-Korean 小 (so) meaning "small" combined with 秋 (chu) meaning "autumn". This name can be formed using other hanja combinations as well.
So-chunfKorean From Sino-Korean 小 (so) meaning "small" combined with 春 (chun) meaning "spring". This name can be formed using other hanja combinations as well.
Socksm & fPet Derived from the English word socks, which is the plural form of the word sock. According to Wiktionary, this name is usually given to a cat that is mainly black but has white paws.... [more]
SodasamScythian From Scythian *Śuḍāsa meaning "who kept the good acts in memory". Name borne by a king of Mathura who ruled circa 15 CE.
SodbaatarmMongolian Means "remarkable hero" in Mongolian, from сод (sod) meaning "remarkable, unique, splendid" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
SodbayarmMongolian Means "remarkable joy" in Mongolian, from сод (sod) meaning "remarkable, unique, splendid" and баяр (bayar) meaning "celebration, joy".
SodchimegfMongolian Means "remarkable ornament" in Mongolian, from сод (sod) meaning "splendid, remarkable, unique" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "ornament, decoration".
SodefJapanese This name is used as 袖 (shuu, sode) meaning "sleeve, wing (of stage/building)," originally from a combination of 衣 (so) meaning "clothing, robe" and 手 (te) meaning "hand, arm," the te shifted to de as a result of rendaku.... [more]
SodeysmPersian Likely a form of Sudais, meaning "sixth or one of six". This name is commonly given to the sixth child in a family. Based on the Arabic S-D-S root.... [more]
Sodgerelf & mMongolian Means "remarkable light" in Mongolian, from сод (sod) meaning "remarkable, unique, splendid" and гэрэл (gerel) meaning "light".
SodimBiblical Sodi of the house of Zebulun was the father of Gaddiel, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:10.
SodonbaatarmMongolian Means "extraordinary hero" in Mongolian, from содон (sodon) meaning "extraordinary, unusual" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Sodonbayarm & fMongolian Means "extraordinary celebration" in Mongolian, from содон (sodon) meaning "extraordinary, unusual" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, celebration".
Sodonchimegf & mMongolian Means "extraordinary decoration" in Mongolian, from содон (sodon) meaning "extraordinary, unusual" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "ornament, decoration".
SodontsetsegfMongolian Means "extraordinary flower" in Mongolian, from содон (sodon) meaning "extraordinary, unusual" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
SodricmArthurian Cycle According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, he was the leader who brought the Picts to Britain. They were, however, soundly defeated by King Marius, but he still bestowed Caithness on them.
Sodsaim & fThai Alternate transcription of Thai สดใส (see Sotsai).
SodtsetsegfMongolian Means "splendid flower", in Mongolian, from сод (sod) meaning "splendid, remarkable, unique" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".