EzranmPopular Culture Ezran is a main character in the Netflix original show 'The Dragon Prince' (2018-). Ezran is the 10-year-old crown prince of Katolis and Callum's younger half-brother who has the ability to speak with animals... [more]
EzrimHebrew Means "my helper" in Hebrew. In the Bible Ezri was an overseer during King David's reign.
EzrifPopular Culture Meaning unknown. Ezri Dax is a character on the television series Deep Space Nine.
EzriefEnglish, Hebrew Variant of Ezri which is supposedly a variant of Ezra. According to the SSA, 5 girls were named Ezrie in 2018.
EzrielmBiblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek Form of Azriel used in the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610) and the Clementine Vulgate (1592). The latter was the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church for nearly four centuries: from the year it was published until 1979.... [more]
EztizenfBasque 16th-century coinage derived from Basque ezti "honey; sweet" and, by extension, "gentle; pleasant; melodious" and izen "name". This name was intended as a Basque equivalent of Dulce Nombre.
EzzardmAfrican American, American Peaked in the US during the 1950s almost certainly in tribute to World Heavyweight Champion boxer Ezzard Mack Charles (1921 - 1975). Of unknown origin. Possibly influenced by Ezra.
Ezzatm & fArabic, Persian Alternate transcription of Arabic عزت (see Izzat) as well as the Persian form. In Persian-speaking regions it is sometimes used as a feminine name.