LālātūnnfBalochi Derived from lāl meaning "ruby" and (h)ātūnn meaning "lady".
LamachosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective λάμαχος (lamachos) meaning "eager for battle". This name can also have formed independently from that word, in which case it is a dithematic name that consists of the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people" combined with the Greek noun μάχη (mache) meaning "battle".... [more]
LamashtufNear Eastern Mythology, Akkadian Possibly means "she who erases", deriving from the Akkadian element pašāṭu ("to erase"). Name borne by a female demon thought to menace women during childbirth. Since her name was written with the symbol 𒀭 (dingir, used to signify the name of a deity), and she is described as acting malevolently of her own accord (rather than at the direction of the gods), it is hypothesised that she was a goddess or demigoddess in her own right.
LampetiafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Λαμπετίη (Lampetiê), a derivative of λαμπετάω (lampetaô) "to shine". In Greek mythology Lampetia and her sister Phaethousa were two nymphs who pastured the sacred herds of the sun god Helios on the mythical island of Thrinakie, or Thrinacia.
LamprinifGreek Feminine form of the name Lambros. Derived from the Greek word λάμπρος which means "bright", "brilliant", "shining", "radiant" or "illuminating" in Greek... [more]
LandbertmGermanic Means "bright land", derived from the Germanic element land "land" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
LandburgfGermanic The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element land "land." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
LandelinmHistory (Ecclesiastical), German (Archaic), Banat Swabian Variant of Landolin. Saint Landelin (c.625-686, Belgium) was a former brigand who underwent a Christian conversion. As a result of this, in about 650 he founded a monastery at Lobbes in Hainaut - Lobbes Abbey - in order to make amends to the area which he had formerly injured.
LandemarmGermanic Means "famous land", derived from the Germanic element land "land" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
LandfridmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element land "land" combined with Old High German fridu "peace."
LandgardfGermanic The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element land "land." The second element is derived from gardan "to hedge in, to enclose, to fence in" or from Gothic gards "house, garden, (court)yard."
LandgrimmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element land "land" combined with Old Norse grîma "mask."
LandhardmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element land "land" combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
LandhildfGermanic Derived from the Germanic element land "land" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle."
LandinhomPortuguese Portuguese diminutive of Rolando. A known bearer of this name is the Portuguese soccer player Rolando "Landinho" Pereira Rocha Almeida (b. 1993).
LandradafGermanic, History Feminine form of Landrad. Landrada of Austrasia lived in the 7th century AD and was reportedly a daughter of Charles Martel (Frankish king) and his wife Rotrude of Treves.
Laniakeaf & mHawaiian, Astronomy The name Laniakea means "immeasurable heaven" in Hawaiian, from "lani" for 'heaven' and "akea" for 'spacious' or 'immeasurable'. Laniakea is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way, the Solar System and Earth... [more]
LanimelefHawaiian Means "heavenly song" from Hawaiian lani "heaven, sky" and mele "song".
LantfridmGermanic Lantfrid (died 730) was the duke of Alamannia under Frankish sovereignty from 709 until his death. He was the son of duke Gotfrid. Lantfrid's brother was Theudebald.
LaodiceafBiblical From the name of the town locatad in Asia Minor. The town is mentioned as the location of one of the seven churches of Asia in the Book of Revelation. It can also be used as a variant of Laodice.
LaomedonmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek noun λαομέδων (laomedon) meaning "ruler of the people", which consists of the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people" and the Greek noun μέδων (medon) meaning "ruler" (see Medon).... [more]
LaonikosmGreek (Rare) Invented name of an anagram of Nikolaos. This was the name of a Byzantine Greek historian who recorded the last 150 years of the Byzantine Empire.
LaouenanmBreton Derived from Breton laouen "joyful" (Welsh llawen; compare Gwenlaouen, Lowenna). This was the name of a 6th-century Breton saint... [more]
LaphonzafObscure Invented name, possibly based on la and Alphonsa. The only known bearer so far is Laphonza Butler (1979-), senator from California and labor union official.
LapulapumFilipino, History, Cebuano (?) A Filipino name of uncertain meaning. Lapulapu was a datu of Mactan who was known for the 1521 Battle of Mactan.
LarasatifIndonesian Mythology, Javanese From Javanese laras meaning "harmonious, orderly, appropriate" combined with ati meaning "heart". This is the name of a character in Javanese wayang (shadow puppetry), portrayed as a wife of the hero Arjuna.
LarentiafRoman Mythology Apparently derived from the Latin term Lares referring to minor guardian gods, the origin of which is unknown. There may be a connection to Latin larva "ghost, spectre" or larvo "to enchant, bewitch"... [more]
Larkspurf & mAmerican (Modern, Rare) From the English word for the flowering plant with many purplish-blue flowers, which is so called (1578) from its resemblance to the lark's large hind claws. Other names for it are lark's heel (Shakespeare), lark's claw and knight's spur... [more]
LaserianmMedieval Irish (Anglicized) Anglicized form of Laisrén. This was the name of several medieval Irish saints, including a 7th-century abbot of Leighlin who lived as a hermit on Holy Isle in the Firth of Clyde, which is known as Eilean MoLaise in Gaelic (from Mo Laisse "my Laise", Laise being a short form of Laisrén; see also Molaise).
LashantifAfrican American (Modern) Blend of the popular phonetic prefix la and the name Ashanti. It can be spelled Lashanti or with a capitalized third letter as LaShanti.
LashkaramGeorgian (Rare) Derived from Old Georgian ლაშქარი (lashkari) meaning "army, troops", which ultimately comes from Middle Persian laškar meaning "army".... [more]
LatobiusmGaulish Mythology Latobius (Mars Latobius Marmocius) is a Gaulish god known from six inscriptions found at two sites in Austria. During ancient Roman times, he was equated with aspects of Jupiter and Mars.
LaudalismArthurian Cycle One of the knights who vows to go in quest for Merlin for a year and a day.
LaudamiefArthurian Cycle Queen of Averre, which she inherited from King Avenis and Queen Anfole (Annore). She had a sister named Anfole.... [more]
LaudatusmLate Roman, Welsh (Latinized) Derived from Latin laudatus meaning "praised, lauded, commended, esteemed", which is ultimately derived from Latin laudo meaning "to praise, to laud, to commend".... [more]
LaurancemEnglish (Rare) English variant spelling of Laurence 1. Also compare the names Terence and Terance, which are another example of how -ence can be variantly spelled as -ance (and yet still be pronounced the same).... [more]
LaurelinfLiterature This name was used by J.R.R. Tolkien in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It was the name of one of the Two Trees of Valinor. Laurelin was the gold and green tree. Laurelin means "Land of the Valley of Singing Gold".
LavantiafEnglish (American, Rare) Meaning uncertain. This was borne by the 19th-century American social reformer Lavantia Densmore Douglass (1827-1899).
LeiagorefGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Leiagore (Lêagorê means 'assembler' or addressing the people') was the Nereid of assembling fish or navies. She was one of the 50 marine-nymph daughters of the 'Old Man of the Sea' Nereus and the Oceanid Doris.
Leialoham & fHawaiian Means "beloved child" from Hawaiian lei "wreath" (by extension "child", carried on the shoulders like a lei) and aloha "love". This name was popular in Hawaii from 1900-1939.
LeimeliafHawaiian, Polynesian Name of Hawaiian origin, composed by "lei", meaning "garland" and "Melia", which is the Hawaiian name of the flower Plumeria (or Flor De Mayo). Hence the meaning is "garland of Melia", "garland of Plumerias".
LeināʻalafHawaiian Means "the fragrances are wafted", from lei meaning "garland, crown of flowers" (with the additional meaning of "a child" as well as "to leap" in verb form), nā which means "the" and ʻala meaning "fragrance".