This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Davalon m Arthurian CycleDavalon The Proud is one of Arthur’s knights in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s "Diu Crône". The name is corrupted and split from Guigomar d’Avalon, found in Chrétien’s Erec.
Decetto m Arthurian CycleDecetto or deceit is an enemy of Timias in Book 6, Canto 5 of "The Faerie Queene". He is in league with the Blatant Beast.
Defetto m Arthurian CycleDefetto or defect is an enemy of Timias in Book 6, Canto 5 of "The Faerie Queene". He is in league with the Blatant Beast.
Demeas m TheatreA character in 'Misuomenos' an Ancient Greek comedy by Menander.
Despetto m Arthurian CycleDespetto or spite is an enemy of Timias in Book 6, Canto 5 of "The Faerie Queene". He is in league with the Blatant Beast.
Dioglus m Arthurian CycleThe seneschal of King Maglory the Saxon. In the early days of Arthur’s reign, he invaded northern Britain with other Saxons. He was killed at the battle of Clarence by Sir Eliezer, King Pelles’ son.
Dionise f Arthurian CycleA medieval form of
Dionysia used in the 13th-century Arthurian tale
Les Merveilles de Rigomer, where it belongs to the queen of Rigomer Castle in Ireland.
Dodalis m Arthurian CycleA Saxon king who participated in the Saxon invasion of northern Britain in the early days of Arthur’s reign. He was killed by Agravain at the battle of Cambenic.
Dolanzie m Arthurian CycleA Scottish knight in the service of lord Galehaut. Galehaut left him a viceroy of the Giant’s Isle after Tristan conquered it and slew Galehaut’s parents.
Dolon m Arthurian CycleDolon is an old man and former knight who wants revenge on Artegall for killing his son. In Book 5, Canto 6 of "The Faerie Queene" he almost kills Britomart instead.
Dony m Arthurian CycleDony is Florimell's dwarf who searches for her in Books 3 and 5 of "The Faerie Queene".
Dorante m TheatreMeaning unknown. It was used by Molière for a character in his play 'Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme'.
Dorilas m Arthurian CycleA Knight of the Round Table and the nephew of King Nentres of Garlot. He fought with his uncle against the Saxons at the battles of Broceliande and Clarence.
Dorilea f TheatreDorilea is a shepherdess in the 17th-century play "Granida" by Dutch playwright Pieter Cornelisz.
Dragonel m Arthurian Cycle, LiteratureDragonel the Cruel is a malevolent knight who abducted the lady Rohais from the knight Arguisiaus of Carhaix, wounding Arguisiaus in the process. Dragonel intended to force Rohais into marriage, but Perceval encountered him, defeated him, and sent him to Arthur’s court.
Draugluin m LiteratureA fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien, Draugluin was the first werewolf to be bred by Morgoth during the First Age of Middle-earth.... [
Driadam m Arthurian CycleA cousin of Erec who was slain by Mordred, prompting a feud between Erec and Mordred.
Drian m Arthurian CycleKnight of the Round Table. Son of Pellinore (apparently his third in wedlock), brother of Perceval, Lamorat, Aglovale, Alain, and Tor le Fise Aries.... [
Druas m Arthurian Cycle, LiteratureLord of the Hill of Wretches. He slew every knight who adventured his way, but was eventually killed by Agravain. Druas’s brother, Sorneham of Newcastle, learned of the incident and, in revenge, he defeated and imprisoned Agravain.
Druidain m Arthurian CycleA loathsome hunchbacked dwarf, to whom Gawaine gave the false lady Ydain after she tried to leave Gawaine for another knight. Druidain’s eventual possession of Ydain had been foretold by an oracle in the dwarf’s youth.
Druon m Arthurian CycleDruon is a knight who fights with Blandamour, Paridell, and Claribell in Book 4, Canto 9 of "The Faerie Queene".
Duilin m LiteratureDuilin was the name of the lord of the House of the Swallow in Gondolin. He was said to be the greatest bowman of Gondolin, and the swiftest elf amongst them. He died in the year FA 510 during the Fall of Gondolin, when he was shot by a fiery bolt from a Balrog.
Dulceflur f Arthurian CycleA princess of Trefferin and Karedonas whose father, King Gediens, was slain by the heathen King Verangoz of Sorboreste.... [
Dulcemar m Arthurian CycleArthur went to war with him, besieging Tandernas, to avenge a wrong committed by Tandareis. Dulcemar and Gawaine managed to broker a peace. Through his son, Dulcemar later became overlord of Malmontan and Mermin.
Dushara m Near Eastern MythologyPossibly meaning "the one of Shara". Name borne by a pre-Islamic Arabian god, who was possibly considered to be the son of
Al-lat. He was worshipped by the Nabataeans at Petra and Madain Saleh.
Duzabel f Arthurian Cycle, LiteratureA princess from Turtus, kidnapped and held for ransom by giants named Fidegart and Purdan. She was rescued by Arthur’s Sir Garel. Her parents were King Amurat and Queen Klarine.... [
Dyoglis m Arthurian CycleThe seneschal of King Maglory the Saxon. In the early days of Arthur’s reign, he invaded northern Britain with other Saxons. He was killed at the battle of Clarence by Sir Eliezer, King Pelles’ son.
Dyonise f Arthurian CycleA lady who ruled the Castle of Ten Maidens with her lover, Sir Geogenant. Dyonise and Geogenant were friends of Sir Durmart.
Eacus m Basque MythologyEacus is a weather god worshipped in Iberian Spain. He is known from the area of Castile and was syncretised with the local Roman deity Jupiter Solutorius.
Echel m Arthurian CycleOne of Arthur’s warriors in Welsh legend, killed by the boar Twrch Trwyth at Llwch Ewin during the epic hunt.
Ecthelion m LiteratureEcthelion, or Ecthelion of the Fountain, was a mighty lord of Gondolin in the First Age of Middle-earth, and one of its greatest heroes.... [
Edonus m Greek MythologyIn Greek mythology, Edonus was the ancestor of the Edonians in Thrace and Thracian Macedonia. He was the son of Ares (god of war) and Calliope (muse of epic poetry).
Edrahil m LiteratureEdrahil was an Elf of Nargothrond. While Celegorm and Curufin were able to persuade others to stay behind when it became known that Finrod intended to accompany Beren on his quest for the Silmaril in payment for a debt, Edrahil was one of a group of Elven warriors to remain loyal to him and accompanied him on his quest... [
Egalmoth m LiteratureThe name Egalmoth has unclear origins, though it is likely to have been Sindarin. The first element egal has many possibilities to its origin, including eglerio or egleria ("praise, glorify"), egnas (which is rather appropriately found in both Ñoldorin and Sindarin), or êg ("sharp point"), eglon or eglir (which were names given to the Ñoldor by the Sindar), or egol ("forsaken")... [
Eirena f Arthurian Cycle, LiteratureEirena, also spelled Irena, is a ruler whose kingdom is besieged by Grantorto in Book 5 of "The Faerie Queene". Artegall restores her rule.
Elamie f Arthurian CycleIn Wirnt von Grafenberg’s Wigalois, a Queen of Tyre who entered a kind of sparrowhawk tournament and won, for she was the most beautiful.
Eledus m LiteratureThis name appears in the 14th century in the French epic, "Le Roman d'Eledus et Serene".
Eleine f Arthurian CycleThe beautiful, golden-haired daughter of King Pellinore and the Lady of the Rule, Eleine killed herself with the sword of her lover Sir Miles after he was treacherously slain by Loraine le Savage.
Elemmírë f & m LiteratureThe name Elemmírë was a Quenya word that meant "star jewel", which comes from the words elen, meaning "star" and mírë, meaning "jewel". The form of the word does not specify gender.... [
Eliadus m Arthurian CycleKing of Sicily and father of Floriant, an Arthurian knight, who was raised by Morgan Le Fay.
Eliedus m Arthurian CycleOne of the heathen kings who, under King Oriel, ravaged northern Britain in the early days of Arthur’s reign.
Emaré f LiteratureThe eponymous character in "Emaré", a Middle English Breton lai, a form of mediaeval romance poem.
Ereleuva f GothicEreleuva was the mother of the Ostrogothic king Theoderic the Great. She is often referred to as the concubine of Theoderic's father, Theodemir, although that Gelasius refers to her as regina ("queen") suggests that she had a prominent social position despite the informality of her union with Theodemir.
Erestor m LiteratureErestor was an Elf of Rivendell and a chief of Elrond's household.
Ethelina f Arthurian CycleDaughter of Octa the Saxon who married Arthur as a token of peace between the Britons and the Saxons.
Eðellos f LiteratureEðellos was the wife of Angrod, second son of Finarfin, and grandmother of Finduilas and Gil-galad, the last High King of the Ñoldor in the Second Age.
Euhemerus m Ancient GreekEuhemerus, from the Ancient Greek Εὐήμερος, Euhēmeros, "happy; prosperous" was a Greek mythographer at the court of Cassander, the king of Macedon.
Eulimene f Greek MythologyEulimene ( Eulimenê means 'she of good haven' or 'good-harbour-woman') was the name of two characters in Greek mythology.... [
Eunomie f Arthurian CycleEunomie is an assistant to Mercilla in Book 5, Canto 9 of "The Faerie Queene". She is one of the Hours.
Evalus m Arthurian CycleAn emperor of Rome who, according to Perlesvaus, mounted a sacred stone in the pommel of the Grail Sword.
Evrain m Arthurian CycleA sorcerer who, with his brother Mabon, entered Wales and laid waste to the city of Snowdon, ruled by Queen Esmeree the Blonde, whom they turned into a snake. He was defeated in combat and was put to flight by Gawaine’s son Guinglain.
Fachanan m Medieval IrishA saint whose feast is observed liturgically throughout all Ireland. He is patron of the diocese of Ross, where he was probably the first bishop.
Falathar m LiteratureFalathar was a faithful friend of Eärendil, and one of the three mariners who accompanied him on his voyages on the high seas west of Middle-earth.
Falkes m Anglo-NormanSir Falkes de Bréauté was an Anglo-Norman soldier who earned high office by loyally serving first King John and later King Henry III in the First Barons' War.
Falsabre m Arthurian CycleA Saxon king who participated in the Saxon invasion of Britain in the early days of Arthur’s reign.
Falsaron m Arthurian CycleA Saxon king who joined King Rions’ (Ryons) invasion of Carmelide (Cameliard) at the beginning of Arthur’s reign.
Faramon m Arthurian CycleThe name of a fictional character in Arthurian literature, a king of France or Gaul who is based on
Faramund, a semi-legendary 5th-century Frankish king.
Fascinia f Arthurian CycleA sorceress encountered by Arthur on the island of Pamona. She tempted him to carnal lust, but the angel Gabriel visited him and caused him to flee.
Fauviel m & f Arthurian CycleGawaine’s horse in Les Merveilles de Rigomer, from the French word fauve, meaning “beast”.
Gawaine lost the horse when he was robbed and imprisoned at the castle Fors Graviers, but recovered it when he slew Lord
Bauduins of Wanglent, who had somehow come into possession of it... [
Favel m Arthurian CycleA Saxon warrior slain by Gareth in a skirmish near Camelot, during the Saxon invasion of Britain.
Favida f Arthurian CycleThe name of a lady saved from two giants by Erec in the Norse Erex Saga. She appears in Chrétien’s Erec.
Febris f Roman MythologyFebris is the Roman goddess of fevers, who embodied, but also protected people from fever and malaria. Because of this, Febris was a feared goddess whom people wanted the favor of. Among her characteristic attributes are "shrewdness" and "honesty", according to Seneca the Younger's Apocolocyntosis.
Federion m Arthurian CycleIn La Tavola Ritonda, a mortally wounded knight who showed up at Arthur’s court just after Lancelot’s knighting.
Fenise f Arthurian CycleIn Durmart le Gallois, the Queen of Ireland, Sir Durmart fell in love with her after hearing of her great beauty. At the city of Landoc, Durmart won a sparrowhawk tournament and presented the prize to Fenise without knowing her identity.... [
Ferdibrand m LiteratureFerdibrand Took was a hobbit of the Shire. He attended Bilbo's Farewell Birthday Party on September 22, 3001.
Ferraugh m Arthurian CycleFerraugh is the knight who wins the false Florimell from Braggadocio in Book 3, Canto 8 of "The Faerie Queene".
Ferumbras m LiteratureFerumbras I Took was a Hobbit of the Shire, who held the title of Shire-thain.
Fiesco m TheatreFiesco is the eponymous character of "Fiesco", a drama written by the German playwright Friedrich Schiller.
Finglas m LiteratureA fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Finglas (Sindarin for 'hair-leaf'), known in Westron as Leaflock, was an Ent of Fangorn Forest.... [
Finoés m Arthurian CycleSon of the mighty Lyanor of the Mountain. He fought with his father – neither knowing the other’s identity – and was killed.
Fíriel f LiteratureA fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Fíriel was a Númenórean noblewoman, the daughter of Orontor, a member of the Faithful's faction and a friend of Elendil. When her father departed, she was left as a maiden in the household of Elendil... [
Firus m Arthurian CycleAn Arabian potentate who, along with two others, challenged Arthur to a tournament at Baghdad in Babylon.
Flois m Arthurian CycleThe king of Alverne on the Green Island, whose land was routinely invaded by a terrible giant named Assiles.... [
Flojir m Arthurian CycleIn Wirnt von Grafenberg’s Wigalois, a knight from Belamunt who killed Feroz, the husband of Ruel the hag.
Florant m Arthurian CycleA knight who served Duchess Orgeluse of Logres (Orguelleuse). He was titled ‘the Turkoyt’, the meaning of which is uncertain.
Flordibel f Arthurian CycleHeroine of Der Pleier’s Tandareis and Flordibel. The daughter of the King of India, she was sent to Arthur’s court as a child to serve Guenevere.
Flosshilde f TheatreThe name is made up from the German word
Flosse "fin" and the name element
hild "battle, fight".... [
Flourdelis f Arthurian CycleFlourdelis is Burbon's lover. She represents the disloyal citizens of France in Book 5, Canto 11 of "The Faerie Queene". Artegall rebukes her for letting Grantorto tempt her.
Flurdamurs f Arthurian CyclePerceval’s paternal aunt; daughter of Gandin of Anjou and Schoette; and sister of Galoes, Gahmuret, and Limmire.... [
Foldace f Arthurian CycleShe was the daughter of Julius Caesar, the emperor of Rome, who gives her as wife to Patrices (Patrick), the brother of Avenable.
Foreston m Arthurian CycleOne of the “estrange gens” who fought in the tournament of Peningue against Galehoudin’s (Galihodin) party.
Foucaire m Arthurian CycleA pirate who inhabited the Rock of the Perilous Port. He was slain by Pompey. His former abode was used by Mordrains during an adventure at sea.
Fradubio m Arthurian CycleFradubio is a man turned into a tree by the sorceress Duessa. He warns the Redcrosse Knight about Duessa.
Fragus m Arthurian CycleFather of Guiron the Courteous. He was the son of Argons and the grandson of Febus of France.
Francagel m Arthurian CycleOne of the twelve companions who accompanied Alexander from Greece to Britain, where Arthur knighted them all at the outset of Count Angrs’ rebellion, he seems to have been with Alexander’s party when it penetrated Windsor to capture Angrs.
Frians m Arthurian CycleA boorish and treacherous prince of Punterteis (Punturteis) in Der Pleier’s Garel von dem blühenden Tal.... [
Fronia f Arthurian CycleIn Thomas Hughes’ The Misfortunes of Arthur, a lady in Guinevere’s service who dissuaded the queen – who had committed bigamy with Mordred – from a plot to murder Arthur.
Fulgin m Arthurian CycleA heathen king slain by Arthur’s Sir Galescalain (Galeshin) at the battle of Diana Bridge.
Furor m Arthurian CycleFuror is the wrathful spirit in Book 2, Canto 4 of "The Faerie Queene". He captures Phedon and is subdued by Guyon.
Fuzon m LiteratureIn the mythological writings of William Blake, Fuzon is the fourth and final son of Urizen, associated with the classical element of fire. In The Book of Ahania he fights Urizen for control of the world.
Gabuthelon m Judeo-Christian-Islamic LegendGabuthelon is an angel mentioned in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra whose name was revealed to Esdras as one of the nine angels who will govern "at the end of the world".
Gaddifer m Arthurian CycleThe King of Scotland and an Arthurian knight. He was made king when his brother Betis became King of England in the time of Alexander the Great.
Galaas m Arthurian CycleA fearsome giant, surnamed ‘the Moor’ or ‘the Mighty’, found in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s Diu Crône.... [
Galaida f Arthurian CycleKay’s sweetheart in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s "Diu Crône". She failed two chastity tests, which humbled Kay, who had been making great sport of the other ladies who failed.
Galdor m LiteratureGaldor is an Elf of the Grey Havens, a fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Galion m LiteratureGalion is a fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Galion is a Nandorin Wood-elf who served as the king's butler within the Woodland Realm of northern Mirkwood.
Gamayun f Slavic MythologyGamayun is a prophetic bird of Russian folklore. It is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge and lives on an island in the mythical east, close to paradise. She is said to spread divine messages and prophecies, as she knows everything of all creation, gods, heroes, and man... [
Gambrinus m FolkloreThe name arose from a historic printing error from
Gambrivius. The Gambrivii were a historical Germanic tribe mentioned by Tacitus.... [
Gamelyn m Medieval English, LiteratureAnglo-Scandinavian form of
Gamall. In literature,
The Tale of Gamelyn is a romance written in c. 1350 in a dialect of Middle English, considered part of the Matter of England... [
Ganieda f Arthurian Cycle, LiteratureAccording to the Red Book of Hergest, she was the twin sister of Merlin. She is found in both the Vita Merlini and the Welsh poems where she is called Gwendydd.... [
Gargarus m Greek MythologyThe name of a son of Zeus, from whom the town and mountain of Gargara in Mysia, Greece were believed to have derived their name.
Garsidis m Arthurian Cycle, LiteratureKing of Karmerie and husband of Lambore. He died at a young age, which caused his wife to die of grief. His daughter, Tydomie, married Arthur’s nephew Meleranz.
Gauriel m Arthurian CycleA knight who married a fairy ruler, but lost her (and his own handsome features) when he revealed her existence to others. To reclaim her, he had to journey to Arthur’s court, defeat three knights, and take them to her land of Fluratrone... [
Geilana f FrankishShe was first married to Heden I and, upon his death in 687, to his brother and successor Gozbert. She was the mother of Hedan II.... [
Gemory m Judeo-Christian-Islamic LegendGemory is a demon listed in demonological grimoires. The demon is referenced by the pronoun "he" despite the fact that he appears as a beautiful woman with a duchess crown riding a camel.
Genius m Arthurian CycleGenius is the gatekeeper of the Bower of Bliss and the porter of the Garden of Adonis in "The Faerie Queene".
Genvissa f Arthurian CycleAccording to Geoffrey, Genvissa is the daughter of the Roman Emperor Claudius. Claudius supposedly gives Genvissa in marriage to the British king Arviragus. When Arviragus revolted against Claudius, Genvissa arranged peace between them.... [
Gereth m LiteratureGereth is a fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Gereth is one of the Elves who aided the flight of Evranin from Artanor (the place which would later become Doriath) during the years following the battles between Elves and the Nauglath... [
Germerius m History (Ecclesiastical)Saint Germerius was bishop of Toulouse from 510 to 560 AD. There is some question as to whether he actually existed. He is the patron saint of the abbey of Lézat.
Geryoneo m Arthurian CycleGeryoneo is the monster who invades and destroys Belge's country. He represents Catholic Spain's domination of Europe. Arthur kills him.
Ghosha f SanskritGhosha was an ancient Vedic period Indian philosopher and seer.
Gilimar m Arthurian CycleA noble knight who lodged Lancelot, Gawaine, Gareth, and Tristan on their way back from the castle Pluris adventure.... [
Giramphiel f Arthurian CycleA goddess, in Diu Crône, who hated Gawain because he had stolen a magic belt from her husband, Sir Fimbeus. When Gawain visited her castle, she maliciously told him of an adventure to be found in the country of Aufat (Aufrat) – in truth, the “adventure” was a terrible dragon, which Gawain nonetheless managed to defeat.... [
Girida f Arthurian CycleOne of Isolde’s ladies-in-waiting in La Tavola Ritonda. She is known as Bessille in the Prose Tristan.... [
Girnara f TheatreGirnara is the eponymous character in 'Die Prinzessin Girnara' (The Princess Girnara) an opera in two acts by Egon Wellesz based on an Indian legend.
Gismirante m Arthurian CycleHero of Antonio Pucci’s romance, from the fourteenth century, bearing his name, Gismirante, the son of a former Knight of the Round Table, left his home in Rome for Arthur’s court after his father, on his deathbed, bade him to make the journey... [
Giuriano m Arthurian CycleNephew of the King of Scotland, present at Arthur’s tournament at the Hard Rock (Castle of the Hard Rock).
Glador m Arthurian CycleA vassal of the King with a Hundred Knights present at King Mark’s tournament at Lancien.
Glitonea f Arthurian CycleA sister of Morgan, and thus co-ruler of an Otherworld kingdom that is usually identified with Avalon.
Gorrister m LiteratureGorrister is a character in "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" by Harlan Ellison.
Granida f TheatreGranida is the eponymous character of the successful 17th-century play "Granida" by Dutch playwright Pieter Cornelisz.
Grantorto m Arthurian CycleGrantorto is the giant who holds Irena and her kingdom hostage in Book 5. He represents Irish Catholic rebels. Artegall kills him.
Grimonia f Medieval IrishThe daughter of a pagan chieftain in 4th century Ireland. She converted to Christianity when she was aged about 12 and dedicated her life to Christ. When she reached the age to marry, her father wanted her to wed one of the noblest and wealthiest chiefs in Ireland... [
Guiderius m TheatreGuiderius is the son of the eponymous character in 'Cymbeline, King of Britain' by William Shakespeare.
Guilla f FrankishGuilla (or Willa) of Provence or Burgundy (873-924) was an early medieval Frankish queen consort in the Rhone valley.
Guiron m Arthurian CycleGuiron le Courtois is a character in Arthurian legend, a knight-errant and one of the central figures in the French romance known as Palamedes, with later versions named Guiron le Courtois and the Compilation of Rustichello da Pisa.
Guizor m Arthurian CycleGuizor was killed by Artegall before the narration begins in "The Faerie Queene".
Gundolpho m LiteratureGundolpho Bolger was a hobbit of the Shire, and the patriarch of the Bolger family.
Gutrune f TheatreA character in 'Götterdämmerung'(Twilight of the Gods) by Richard Wagner
Gweir m Arthurian CycleAn Arthurian warrior named as one of the Three Enemy-Subduers of the Island of Britain and a “stubborn man” in the Welsh Triads.
Gwindor m LiteratureGwindor was an Elf of Nargothrond in the First Age. He was the son of Guilin and a Prince of Nargothrond.... [
Habren f English (British, Archaic)Habren is a legendary British princess who was drowned in the River Severn by her stepmother Gwendolen. Also known as Hafren.
Halfred m LiteratureHalfred of Overhill was a Hobbit of the Shire and a member of the Gamgee family.
Haridhos m HinduismSwami Haridhos Giri played a pivotal role in popularizing Dakshina Sampradaya Namasankeertanam, traveling widely to deliver speeches and sing bhajans. As the chief disciple of Swami Gnanananda Giri, he devoted his life to serving his guru... [
Harleth f EnglishOne notable bearer of this name is rising supermodel Harleth Kuusik.