Southern African names include those from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. See also about African names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
ChezellefAfrikaans, French South African name, probably derived from the French, it might be from a place name in France, derived from the Occitan, meaning "hill". Or accordingly to another theory it may mean "house of her".
ChidochemoyofShona Meaning "the desire of the heart", shorter forms of the name include Chido meaning "desire", Chemoyo meaning "of the heart", or simply Moyo meaning "heart".
Chimikaf & mTumbuka After miscarriage(s), family would use traditional medicine (herbs, roots, barks) to prevent a potential next miscarriage. Kumika means "to stop, halt, prevent". Chimika is what you use to stop, prevent, halt... [more]
ChimurengamShona Chimurenga is a Shona word roughly translated to English as, "revolutionary struggle". The Shona language is spoken by the Shona people of Zimbabwe. This word is sometimes used as a given name.
ChipochashefShona Meaning “gift of God”, the most common shorter form of this name is Chipo.
ChipocherudofShona Meaning "gift of the love", this name corresponds with the name Nduma. Shorter forms of this given name include Chipo meaning "gift", Cherudo meaning "of love," or simply Rudo meaning "love".
Chipovisulem & fChewa (Dutchified, Rare) "Chipovisule" is a name of African origin, specifically from Malawi. In Chewa, it means "God is with us" or "God is among us." It carries a sense of divine presence and protection.
Chishimbam & fBemba The name Chishimba originates from the Bemba people of Zambia, a Bantu-speaking ethnic group. It holds cultural and linguistic significance in Zambia. The name derives from the Bemba language and carries meanings rooted in positivity and charm.... [more]
CoeniemAfrikaans Diminutive of Coenraad. This name is borne by South African rugby player Coenie Oosthuizen (1989-) and South African musician Coenie de Villiers (1956-).
ConfidencefEnglish (Puritan), South African Meaning, "the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust." From late Middle English, from Latin confidentia, from confidere ‘have full trust.' Referring to the confidence one may have in God.
DanismomSouthern African The meaning of Danismo is "Jubilant and Content with one's life and experiences." Commonly used to describe someone who has had good fortune recently.
DonationmSouth African, English (Puritan) From the word donation, meaning "an act or instance of presenting something as a gift, grant, or contribution."
DzikamaimShona Dzikamai means "settle down". The name is given to express the idea of settling down and not jumping from one relationship to another or one project to another. The former Zimbabwean Minister and MP, Dzikamai Mavhaire is one well known bearer of this name.
EghardmGermanic, Afrikaans The first element of this name is derived from ag, an uncertain element for which several etymologies have been proposed. The most widely accepted explanation is that it comes from Proto-Germanic *agjo meaning "sharp, pointed"... [more]
FadzisofShona Means "one who brings happiness" in Shona.
FafmAfrikaans (Rare) Afrikaans diminutive of François. A notable bearer is South African rugby player Faf de Klerk (1991-), whose given name is François.
Funyem & fShona Deriving from a bird with the same name, known in English as "the go-away bird".
Futurem & fEnglish (Rare), Western African, Southern African This name is from the English word derived from Old French futur meaning "future, to come," which is then derived from Latin futurus meaning "going to be, yet to be, the future (as a noun)." The Latin word is an irregular suppletive future participle of esse meaning "to be," which comes from the Proto-Indo-European root *bheue- meaning "to be, exist, grow, come into being."... [more]
GedleyihlekisamSouthern African, Zulu In the case of former South African president Jacob Zuma (1942-), the name means "the one who smiles while causing you harm" in Zulu. His middle name was invented by his father, who based it on the phrase ngeke ngithule umuntu engigedla engihlekisa meaning "I won't keep quiet when someone deceives me with a beautiful smile while he is doing damage to me".
Goitseonem & fTswana Means "it is he (god) who knows" in Tswana.
GondaimShona Means "to trust or place hope in" in Shona.
GoodwillmLiterature, English (African), Southern African From the English word goodwill, derived from Middle English gode meaning "good" and will "wish, will, volition", which was originally a nickname applied to an amiable person with a favourable disposition towards others... [more]