Southern African Submitted Names

Southern African names include those from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. See also about African names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kutlwano f Sotho
Means "mutual understanding" in Sesotho.
Kutlwisiso f Sotho
Means "understanding" in Lesotho.
Kuvhanganani m & f Venda
Means "come together" in Tshivenda.
Kuwala m & f Chewa
Means "shining light" in Chewa.
Kuzivakwashe f Shona
Means "God's will" in Shona.
Kwanaya f Shona
Meaning “it has rained”, rain is seen as a symbol of new life as its waters are a source of nourishment for natural life.
Kwanele m Zulu
Means “enough” in Zulu.
Kwatisa f Tsonga
Means "made furious" in Xitsonga.
Kwayedza m & f Shona
Meaning “the sunlight or morning light has dawned” or “the sunrise has dawned”.
Kwena m & f Sotho
Means "crocodile" in the Sotho and Tswana languages. This name is chiefly used by Northern Sotho people.
Kxamshe f Southern African, San (Bushmen), !Kung
Possibly means "mouth" in !Kung (a Khoi-San language) coming from the word kxám.
Landi f Afrikaans
Short from of Yolandi. This name is borne by South African model Landi Swanepoel (b. 1979).
Landzani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga landza meaning "follow".
Langa m Zulu
From Zulu ilanga "sun, sunshine, day".
Langalibalele m Zulu
Means "shining sun" in Zulu.
Langavi m & f Tsonga
Means "flame" in Xitsonga.
Langelihle f & m Zulu
Means "beautiful day" in Zulu.
Langutani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga languta meaning "look".
Laurienne f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Lauriana, which is occasionally used in non-francophone countries.
Laurika f Afrikaans, Slovak
Afrikaans elaboration and Slovak diminutive of Laura. Laurika Rauch is a South African singer who performs in both Afrikaans and English.
Leabua m Sotho
Means "one who speaks" in Sotho.
Leago m & f Tswana
Means "His (God's) alter" in Setswana.
Leana f Sotho
It’s raining
Leandri f Afrikaans
Possibly a variant of Leandra.
Lebone f & m Sotho
means “light”
Lefa m Sotho
Means "inheritance" in Sotho.
Lefika m Sotho
“My Rock” It’s used in Lesotho and South Africa
Legakwa f Tswana
Means "crystal" in Setswana.
Lehlogonolo m & f Sotho
Means "felicity" in Sotho.
Lehlohonolo m Sotho, South African
Means "luck" or "blessing" in Sotho.
Lehumo m Sotho
Means "treasure" in Sotho.
Leihlo-larona m & f Sotho
Our eye
Leleti f South African, Zulu
Meaning unknown. A famous bearer is Leleti Khumalo, a South African actress.
Lemogang m Tswana, Sotho
A known bearer is South African actor Lemogang Tsipa (1991-), who was born to a Pedi father and a Tswana mother.
Lemohang m Sotho
Means "take cognisance" in Sesotho.
Len m Afrikaans
Variant of Leen.
Lené f Afrikaans
I've heard a suggestion that the meaning of the name might be "pool" or another body of water of some kind, but this is difficult to confirm as there is no reference to a language from which it originates, or it could be the short form of Magdalene or Helene with an acute on the last e, a popular stylisation among Afrikaans people.
Lente f Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Derived from Dutch and Afrikaans lente "spring (the season)".
Lenthe f Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Variant of Lente, which was probably influenced by names such as Benthe and Jenthe.... [more]
Lereko m Sotho
Means "abundance" in Sesotho.
Lerothodi m & f Tswana
Means "drop" in Setswana.
Leru m Tswana
Means "cloud" in Setswana.
Lesedilaone f Tswana
Means "His (God's) light" in Setswana.
Lesegolame m & f Tswana
Means "my luck" in Setswana.
Letang m & f Tswana
Means "wait" in Setswana.
Letlanang m & f Tswana
Means "unite" in Setswana.
Letlotlo f Sotho
Means "treasure" in Sesotho.
Letsatsi m Sotho
Means "sun" in Sotho.
Leungo m & f Tswana
Means "fruit" in Setswana.
Lewapi m Tswana
Means "sky" in Setswana.
Lewatle m Sotho
Means "ocean" in Sotho.
Leya f Central African, Southern African
Unknown origin. It is specially popular in the RD Congo, Zambia and Uganda.
Liboko f Sotho
Means "praises" in Sotho.
Lidië f Afrikaans (Archaic)
Afrikaans version of Lydia
Lienkie f Afrikaans
Diminutive of Lien.
Liepollo f Sotho
Lieze f Flemish, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans variant of Liese.
Liezel f Afrikaans
Variant of Liesel.
Lifalakhe f Ndebele
Means "her inheritance" in Ndebele.
Lihle f & m Xhosa, Zulu
Means "beautiful" in Xhosa and Zulu.
Likeleli f Sotho
Means "teardrops" in Sotho.
Likengkeng f Sotho
Means "tears" in Lesotho.
Likotsi m Sotho
Means "accidents" in Sotho.
Lilitha f Xhosa
Means "light" in Xhosa.
Limakatso f Sotho
Means "surprises" in Lesotho.
Limpho f Sotho
Means "gifts" in Lesotho.
Limpopo m & f South African
From the name of the river in South Africa.
Linda m Zulu
Means "wait!" in Zulu (note that this is the imperative singular form of -linda).
Lindelani f Zulu
Means "wait, be patient" in Zulu.
Lineo f Sotho
Means "gifts, grants, talents" in Lesotho.
Lingadani f Ndebele
Means "don't be sad" in Ndebele.
Linmaré f South African (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Lynn and Maré, a variant of Marie.
Lipalesa f Sotho
Means "flowers" in Lesotho.
Lisebo f Sotho
Means "whispers" in Sotho.
Liseli f Southern African
Means "light" in Lozi.
Litšeho f Sotho
Means "laughter" in Sotho.
Litšehoana m & f Sotho
Means "little laughter" in Sotho.
Livhuwani m & f Venda
Means "be thankful" in Tshivenda.
Liwoli f Southern African
Malawian name.
Liyabona f & m Xhosa
Means "it sees" or "you see" in Xhosa, sometimes taken from the phrase liyabona igama le Nkosi meaning "the name of the eye of God".
Liyana f Zulu, English (Modern, Rare)
Directly taken from Zulu liyana "it is raining". As an English name, it is a variant of Liana.
Liyema f & m Xhosa
Means "to stop" or "to stand, to be standing" in Xhosa, often taken from the phrase liyema ikhaya "the home is standing" to indicate stability in the family.
Lodewikus m Afrikaans
Afrikaans (i.e. South African) form of Ludovicus, inspired in its spelling by the Dutch name Lodewijk.
Lodewyk m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Lodewijk.
Loeto m Tswana
Means "journey" in Setswana.
Loide f Southern African, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of the Biblical name Lois 1.
Lorato f & m Tswana
Means "love" in Tswana.
Lorika f Afrikaans
Variant of Laurika.
Loryn f & m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Lorijn.
Louw m Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch variant spelling of Lau (which is more phonetical in nature), and Afrikaans nickname for Lodewikus.
Lubabalo m Xhosa
Means "it is grace" or "grace of God" in Xhosa.
Luchulumancolwenkosi f Xhosa
This name is a scared name. Taken from words the Ancient King of the AmaMpondomise clan King Vukuzumbethe. He used to say “ lulo uchulumanco lwenkosi” which meant “this is God’s happiness”... [more]
Luchumo m & f Xhosa
Possibly means "expanding, flourishing" or "prosperity" in Xhosa.
Lufuno m & f Venda
Means "love" in Tshivenda.
Lukhona m & f Zulu (Modern)
Means "it's available" in Zulu.
Lungelo m & f Zulu
Means "right" in Zulu.
Luphelo m Xhosa
Means "the end, the last" in Xhosa, often given to the last child to be born in a family.
Luphumlo m Xhosa
Means "to rest" or "our relief" in Xhosa.
Luscious f & m African American (Rare), South African
Variant of Lucius (phonetically identical).
Lushomo f & m Southern African
"Grace or mercy" (chisomo)
Luthando m & f Southern African, Xhosa
Means "it's love" in Xhosa.
Luxon m South African
Transferred use of the surname Luxon.
Luya f Xhosa
Diminutive form of Luyanda.
Luyanda m & f South African, Zulu, Xhosa
Means "it is growing, increasing" in Zulu and Xhosa, referring to love or the child’s family.
Luyando m & f Tonga
Means “To Love” in Tonga. Related to the Tongan name Yandwa.
Lwando m Southern African
Transferred use of the surname Lwando.
Lwazi m South African, Zulu
Means "knowledge" in Zulu.
Lyndall f & m English, South African
Transferred use of the surname Lyndall. This was (first?) used as a given name by the South African author, political activist and feminist Olive Schreiner (1855-1920) for the heroine in her most famous novel, The Story of an African Farm (1883)... [more]
Maanda m & f Venda
Means "power, stength" in Tshivenda.
Maatla f Tswana
Means "strength, power" in Setswana.
Mabasen m & f Khoekhoe
Name mainly used by damara speaking people in Namibia.The name means "stand for yourself" used to encourage and teach an individual independance.
Mabasi f Tswana
Mabasi is an African Tswana Name... [more]
Mabvuto m & f Nsenga
Name given to a child born when there was trouble/problem in the family or community. For instance war, drought, pestilence
Machiveyi f Shona
"What do you seek or covert?" Situational name given in circumstance where family has covetous neighbours or kin.
Madzivandlela f Tsonga
Means "know" in Xitsonga.
Maenza m & f Shona
Meaning “rainy season”, it is synonymous with the name Zienza.
Mafezi m Southern African
Masculine name in the Chichewa language, country Malawi in southeastern Africa.
Magdaleen f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Dutch and Afrikaans variant of Magdalene. This name is borne by South African author Magdaleen Van Wyk.
Magetalene f Tswana
Setswana form of Magdalene.
Mahlatse m & f Sotho
Means "lucky" in Sotho.
Mahomed m South African, Medieval Arabic (Moorish)
Form of Muhammad used by South African Muslims, as well as a Moorish variant of Mahomad.
Maidei f Shona
Means "what you want" in Shona.
Maikaelelo f Tswana
Means "intention" in Setswana.
Maikano f Sotho
Means "vows" in Sotho.
Maipelo f Tswana
Means "gratitude" in Setswana.
Maita f Shona
A Shona (Zimbabwean) name that implies gratitude for something that has been done well. It may be spelt as Mayita or Mazvita depending on the area of origin of the speaker.... [more]
Maitaishe m & f Shona
It means "You have done it Lord" or simply, "Thank you Lord."
Majaya m Shona
Given to the last male born of the the family born in the same year. If families have male children in a given year the last to be born normally carries the name. The year of boys.
Makanaka f Shona
Makanaka means "You are good". #This name is usually given in praise of God".
Makasela m Tsonga
Means "go, crawl to towards one's goal" in Xitsonga.
Makatendeka m & f Shona
Means "you are faithful (to God)" in Shona.
Makatleho f Sotho
Means "Achievements" in Sotho.
Makaziwe f & m Xhosa
Means "let him/her be known" in Xhosa.... [more]
Makhahlela m Tsonga
Means "beater" in Xitsonga.
Makhanani f Tsonga
Means "joy" in Xitsonga.
Makhokolotso f Sotho
Means "refuse" in Sesotho.
Makomborero f Shona
Means "blessings" in Shona.
Makungu m & f Tsonga
Means "plan" in Xitsonga.
Maleagi m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Malachias.
Malebogo m & f Tswana
Means "thanks" in Tswana.
Maleka f South African, African American
Possibly a variant of Malika.
Maleshoane f Sotho
Means "ladybird" in Lesotho.
Maletsatsi f Sotho
Means "sun" or "day" in Sotho.
Malusi m Zulu
Means "shepherd" in Zulu.
Malwandla m & f Tsonga
Means "hospitality" in Xitsonga.
Mamphaki f Sotho
The name Mamphaki originates from the Northern Region of South Africa within the Bapedi people. The name was originally given to the first wife of Ntsetse Mailula - Mamphaki 'aMasekela. It was passed down within the Mailula family down to this day.
Manatsa m Shona
Means "you have made perfect" in Shona.
Mandela m & f African American, Xhosa
Transferred use of the surname Mandela given in honour of Nelson Mandela, South African revolutionary hero and statesman... [more]
Mandisa f Southern African, Xhosa, Zulu
Derived from Xhosa and Zulu mnandi meaning "sweet" or "nice, pleasant".
Maneta m & f Shona
It means "You are tired or weary."
Mangwanani f Shona
Means "morning" in Shona.
Manie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Hermanus.
Mantso f Sotho
Means "the dark one" in Sotho.
Maṱoḓzi m & f Venda
Means "tears" in Tshivenda.
Mapalo m & f Bemba
Means "God's blessings" in Bemba.
Maphoi f Tswana
Means "doves" in Setswana.
Maraai f Afrikaans
Variant of Marai.
Marai f Upper German, German (Austrian), German (Swiss), Afrikaans
German variant of Marei and Afrikaans variant of Maria.
Maraliese f Afrikaans (Rare)
Combination of Mara 1 and Liese.
Mardene f English (American, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Possibly a corruption of Martine influenced by Mardi, or a variant of Mardena.
Marechelle f Afrikaans (Rare, ?)
Possibly a variant of Marcella.
Mareli f Afrikaans
Short form of Marelise.
Marelie f Afrikaans
Variant of Mareli.
Mareza f Afrikaans
Variant of Maresa.
Marianka f Bulgarian, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Diminutive of Mariana. As a Dutch name, it may be a diminutive of Maria.
Marinda f Afrikaans
Feminine form of Marinus.
Marita f Shona
Shona form of Martha.
Marizanne f Afrikaans (Rare)
Combination of Maria and Zanne.
Marle f & m Portuguese (Brazilian), Filipino (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), South African (Rare)
Meaning unknown. This name is considered feminine, particularly in the United States, though some masculine usage is present in other communities.
Marlie f Dutch, Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), French (Modern, Rare), Haitian Creole, Afrikaans
Dutch diminutive of Marleen as well as a combination of Maria and names that end in lie.
Marlize f Afrikaans
Contraction of Maria and Elize (compare Marlies).
Marno m Dutch, South African
Masculine form of Marna or a variant of Marnix.
Marthelle f Afrikaans
Combination of Martha and Elle
Marthina f Afrikaans
Feminine form of Marthinus.
Marthinus m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Martinus.
Maru m & f Tswana
Means cloud. In setswana culture anything which has to do with water, which is a precious commodity is loved. Clouds bring rain and so are welcomed wherever they appear.
Maruapula m Tswana
Means "rain clouds" in Setswana.
Maryke f Afrikaans, Dutch (Archaic)
Afrikaans and archaic Dutch form of Marijke.
Marzanne f Afrikaans
Contraction of Maria and Zanne.
Masamanisi f & m Southern African, Shona
Means "summons (to court)", ultimately from the English word summons.
Masana m & f Chewa
Means "daylight" in Chewa.
Masana f Tsonga
Means "sunrays" in Xitsonga.
Masegonyana m & f Tswana
Means "small blessings" in Setswana.
Mashawila m Nsenga
Meaning manzi yabila "boiling water", Derived from Mosi-oa-Tunya (Victoria Fall) "the smoke that thunders".
Masia f South African (?)
Probably means "leader".
Masiba f Sotho
Means "Feather" in Sotho
Masimba m Shona
Means "powers, energy" in Shona. Other meanings are possible.
Masingita f Tsonga
Means "miracles" in Xitsonga.
Masiye m & f Chewa
Means "orphan" in Chichewa, literally translating as "leavings", as in something left behind by a dead person.
Masiza m Tsonga
Means "the one who helps" in Xitsonga.
Masvita f Shona
Means "thank you" in Shona.
Matamela m & f Southern African, Venda
Possibly means "the one who does not hold grudges" in Venda. It is the first name of the South African president Cyril Ramaphosa (1952-).
Mateo m Shona
It is the Shona version of the name Matthew.
‘Mathapelo f Sotho
Means "mother of prayer" in Sotho.
Mathe f Sotho
Means "saliva" in Sotho.
Matheeletša m Sotho
Means "listener" in Sotho.
Mathuselam m South African
South African form of Methuselah via its latinized form Mathusalem.
Mathys m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Mathijs.
Matidadisa m & f Shona
Means "you have done us proud" in Shona.
Matigonera m & f Shona
Means "you have done us good" in Shona.
Matimba m & f Tsonga
Means "strength" in Xitsonga.
Matinunura m & f Shona
Means "you have rescued us" in Shona.
Matinyaradza m & f Shona
Means "you have comforted us" in Shona.
Matipa m & f Shona
Means "you have given us" in Shona.
Matirangarira m & f Shona
Means "you have remembered us" in Shona.
Matiropafadza m & f Shona
Means "you have blessed us" in Shona.
Matizorodza m & f Shona
Means "you have given us rest/peace" in Shona.
Matome m Sotho (?)
A Northern Sotho translation of "Duke".
Matšeliso f Sotho
Means "consolation" in Sotho.
Matshediso f Sotho
Means "consolation" in Sesotho.
Matshepo f Southern African
Feminine form of Tshepo.
Matsimela m Sotho
Means "roots" in Sotho.
Matthys m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans, West Frisian
Medieval Dutch form of Matthijs as well as the modern Afrikaans and West Frisian form of Matthijs. In the Netherlands, the name has survived to modern times, but it is highly rare there currently, especially when compared to its modern counterpart.... [more]