Southern African names include those from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. See also about African names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
KutlwanofSotho Means "mutual understanding" in Sesotho.
LaurikafAfrikaans, Slovak Afrikaans elaboration and Slovak diminutive of Laura. Laurika Rauch is a South African singer who performs in both Afrikaans and English.
LenéfAfrikaans I've heard a suggestion that the meaning of the name might be "pool" or another body of water of some kind, but this is difficult to confirm as there is no reference to a language from which it originates, or it could be the short form of Magdalene or Helene with an acute on the last e, a popular stylisation among Afrikaans people.
Liyabonaf & mXhosa Means "it sees" or "you see" in Xhosa, sometimes taken from the phrase liyabona igama le Nkosi meaning "the name of the eye of God".
Liyemaf & mXhosa Means "to stop" or "to stand, to be standing" in Xhosa, often taken from the phrase liyema ikhaya "the home is standing" to indicate stability in the family.
LuchulumancolwenkosifXhosa This name is a scared name. Taken from words the Ancient King of the AmaMpondomise clan King Vukuzumbethe. He used to say “ lulo uchulumanco lwenkosi” which meant “this is God’s happiness”... [more]
Luchumom & fXhosa Possibly means "expanding, flourishing" or "prosperity" in Xhosa.
Lyndallf & mEnglish, South African Transferred use of the surname Lyndall. This was (first?) used as a given name by the South African author, political activist and feminist Olive Schreiner (1855-1920) for the heroine in her most famous novel, The Story of an African Farm (1883)... [more]
Maandam & fVenda Means "power, stength" in Tshivenda.
MaatlafTswana Means "strength, power" in Setswana.
Mabasenm & fKhoekhoe Name mainly used by damara speaking people in Namibia.The name means "stand for yourself" used to encourage and teach an individual independance.
MaitafShona A Shona (Zimbabwean) name that implies gratitude for something that has been done well. It may be spelt as Mayita or Mazvita depending on the area of origin of the speaker.... [more]
Maitaishem & fShona It means "You have done it Lord" or simply, "Thank you Lord."
MajayamShona Given to the last male born of the the family born in the same year. If families have male children in a given year the last to be born normally carries the name. The year of boys.
MakanakafShona Makanaka means "You are good". #This name is usually given in praise of God".
MakaselamTsonga Means "go, crawl to towards one's goal" in Xitsonga.
Makatendekam & fShona Means "you are faithful (to God)" in Shona.
MamphakifSotho The name Mamphaki originates from the Northern Region of South Africa within the Bapedi people. The name was originally given to the first wife of Ntsetse Mailula - Mamphaki 'aMasekela. It was passed down within the Mailula family down to this day.
ManatsamShona Means "you have made perfect" in Shona.
Marum & fTswana Means cloud. In setswana culture anything which has to do with water, which is a precious commodity is loved. Clouds bring rain and so are welcomed wherever they appear.
Matamelam & fSouthern African, Venda Possibly means "the one who does not hold grudges" in Venda. It is the first name of the South African president Cyril Ramaphosa (1952-).
MateomShona It is the Shona version of the name Matthew.
MatthysmMedieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans, West Frisian Medieval Dutch form of Matthijs as well as the modern Afrikaans and West Frisian form of Matthijs. In the Netherlands, the name has survived to modern times, but it is highly rare there currently, especially when compared to its modern counterpart.... [more]