Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Shona
Pronounced Pron. mAita  [key]
Other Forms FormsMazvita Mayita

Meaning & History

A Shona (Zimbabwean) name that implies gratitude for something that has been done well. It may be spelt as Mayita or Mazvita depending on the area of origin of the speaker.

Names with similar meanings would be Tatenda, Tavonga, Taonga
Added 3/19/2012 by tsungieh.m
Edited 1/3/2013 by Mike C and SeaHorse15

Maita 2
Gender Feminine
Usage Filipino
Pronounced Pron. MAI-TAH  [key]

Meaning & History

Not available.
Added 12/19/2020 by littlecakesssz