Southern African names include those from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. See also about African names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Thayim & fTswana Decendants of the Nyambane speaking people in Mozambique and descendants of Tswana speaking people in Botswana met in South Africa in the early 1800. The great Nyanale from Mozambique "Nambane" came to South Africa to work in mines.
Todinim & fShona Means "What shall we do?". This is a name of exclamation or questioning given by a parent who is lost regarding what to do in their circumstances
ToendepimShona Means "Where shall we go". #This name is given where a family has grievances against their neighbours and desire to move away".
Toperesuf & mShona "Flaming sword" believed to be used by the kings
TopollofSotho Means "emancipation, release" in Sesotho.
Toreveim & fShona Means "What shall we say?". This is a name of exclamation or questioning given by a parent who is a lost for words regards the situation they are in
TowerafSouthern African, Tumbuka Means "beauty" or "beautiful". Traditionally the name was given to a child born after death(s) of a preceding sibling. The belief was that this new born is beautiful for death or beautiful for the soil.
Tsakanif & mSouth African, Tsonga The meaning is "to be happy". It was popularized by Tsakani Mhinga. She was a South African singer who died in 2006.... [more]
Tshilidzif & mVenda Possibly means "Grace". A notable bearer is Tshilidzi Marwala, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Internationalisation at the University of Johannesburg.
UnaithifZulu Variant of Unathi. Meaning: "God is with us" or "God is our strength".
Unakom & fXhosa Means "ability" or "you can" in Xhosa.
Unashem & fShona Means "God is with you" in Shona.
UnkulunkulumZulu, African Mythology Means "the old, old one" or "ancestor" in Zulu. This was the name of a mythic first ancestor in early Zulu mythology, who appeared, or was created from, breaking reeds. It may have also been used to denote any significant ancestor... [more]
UpenyumShona Upenyu means "life". This may be given by a parent meditating over the circumstances of life.
UusikumOvambo Means "night" in Ovambo. This name is traditionally given to children born during the night.
UysmAfrikaans Transferred use of the surname Uys. The Uys family played a significant role in South African history during the nineteenth century and made distinguished contributions to South African culture, politics and sports during the course of the twentieth.
Uzurum & fShona Meaning “a higher place; sky; paradise; heaven”.
VaraidzomShona Varaidzo means "One who keeps company". This is given to acknowledge your child as one with whom you keep company. It is common to give this name to a child born in your later years.
VushemadzoromShona The name comes from Shona tribes in which KingShip was prevalent. This name was usually given to the chosen next bearer of the throne. The name means the Kingship turnover, i.e. the practice of succeeding a leader... [more]
WillaniefAfrikaans Willanie is a female compound name. The "Will" is derived from "Willem" (German variant of William) which means determination and will. The "anie" is derived from the name Stephanie which means crown, victorious... [more]
Yolanif & mSouth African, Xhosa (?) Likely from Xhosa yolani meaning "you all, be pleasant", itself the imperative plural form of yoli ("to be pleasant").