South African Submitted Names

These name are used in the Republic of South Africa.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Endlani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga endla meaning "make, create, do".
Enelo f Tsonga
Possibly from the Xitsonga enela meaning "enough".
Erco m West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Variant spelling of Erko, which is most likely a diminutive of Erk. Also compare Ercken and Herko, which is a variant of Herke.
Esasa f Zulu
Means "be happy" in Zulu.
Esegiël m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Ezekiel.
Esias m Medieval Romansh, Afrikaans
Medieval Romansh and Afrikaans form of Isaiah via Esaias.
Esihle f & m Zulu, Xhosa, Southern African
Means "beautiful, good" in Zulu and Xhosa.
Esmarie f Afrikaans
Possibly a combination of Esme and Marie.
Esmerie f Afrikaans (Rare)
Possibly a contraction of Esmee and Marie.
Esra m Biblical German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian (Rare), Icelandic, Faroese, Afrikaans
German, Afrikaans and Scandinavian form of Ezra.
Estia f Greek Mythology (Italianized), Greek (Rare), Afrikaans
Modern Greek and Italian form of Hestia.
Esulu m & f Ndebele
Means "clouds" in Ndebele.
Ethuka f Zulu
Means "surprise" in Zulu.
Ethulo f Zulu
Means "gift" in Zulu.
Ethwasa f Zulu
Means "start anew" in Zulu.
Etienne m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Étienne.
Evangelique f Afrikaans (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Cognate of Évangélique, which is usually used in non-francophone regions and countries.
Everhard m Dutch, Afrikaans, German
Dutch, Afrikaans and German form of Everard.
Ezrom m South African
Likely a variant of Hezron.
Faf m Afrikaans (Rare)
Afrikaans diminutive of François. A notable bearer is South African rugby player Faf de Klerk (1991-), whose given name is François.
Famandha m Tsonga
Means "give power" in Xitsonga.
Fanie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Stephan and Stephanus.
Fanus m Afrikaans
Short form of Stefanus.
Fanyana m Zulu
From Zulu umfanyana, abafanyana meaning "little boy".
Felleng f Sotho
Means "beyond the end" in Sotho.
Fhaṱuwani m & f Venda
Means "be careful, aware" in Tshivenda.
Fhulufhedzani m & f Venda
Means "be hopeful" in Tshivenda.
Fhulufhelo m & f Venda
Means "hope" in Tshivenda.
Fikile f Tsonga
Means "arrived" in Tsonga.
Francois m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of François.
Franselle f Afrikaans
Feminine form of Frans.
Frikkie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Frederik.
Funani f & m Zulu (Rare)
Means "want!" or "search!" in Zulu.
Gagasi f Zulu
Means "wave" in Zulu.
Gatsha m Zulu (Rare)
From Zulu igatsha meaning "branch".
Gavaza f Tsonga
Means "one who dresses elegantly" in Xitsonga.
Gazini m Zulu
Means "blood" in Zulu.
Gedleyihlekisa m Southern African, Zulu
In the case of former South African president Jacob Zuma (1942-), the name means "the one who smiles while causing you harm" in Zulu. His middle name was invented by his father, who based it on the phrase ngeke ngithule umuntu engigedla engihlekisa meaning "I won't keep quiet when someone deceives me with a beautiful smile while he is doing damage to me".
Genade m & f Afrikaans (Rare)
From the Afrikaans word genade meaning "mercy, grace".
Genevé f Afrikaans
Variant of Geneve.
Gerhardus m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Gerard.
Gerrie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Gerhardus.
Gertjie m & f Afrikaans
Afrikaans cognate of Gertje.
Ghakarhi m Zulu
The meaning of this name is fierce warrior. A person not accepting defeat as an option.
Giljon m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Chilion.
Giniel m Afrikaans
Giniel de Villiers is a South African rallye driver and winner of Rallye Dakar 2009.
Girly f Filipino, South African, Malayalam (Rare), Malaysian (Rare), Various
Perhaps from the English word girly which is both an adjective meaning "girl-like, girlish, feminine" and a noun meaning "little girl" (from girl combined with a diminutive suffix). Also compare Girlie.
Grizelda f American (South, Rare), Hungarian (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Kashubian
Hungarian and Kashubian form and English and Afrikaans variant of Griselda. The English usage may have been influenced by Grizel.
Gugu f Zulu, Xhosa
From Zulu igugu meaning "precious, valuable" or "treasure".
Halimnye m Xhosa
Means “not one” in Xhosa.
Hannalie f Afrikaans
Contraction of Hanna and Elisabeth.
Hannchen f Afrikaans, German (Rare)
Hannchen is a German diminutive of Johanna, Hanna, Hannelore, or another name containing *hann*.... [more]
Hanneke f Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Diminutive form of Hanne 1.
Hanneleen f Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Combination of Hanne 1 and Leen.
Hanneli f Finnish, Estonian, Afrikaans
Finnish variant of Hannele and Afrikaans variant of Hannelie.
Hannelie f Afrikaans
Contraction of Hanne 1 and Elisabeth.
Hannelize f Afrikaans
Contraction of Hanne 1 and Elize.
Hansie m Afrikaans
Short form of Johannes.
Hanyani m Tsonga
From the Xitsonga hanya meaning "live".
Henrico m Dutch (Modern), Afrikaans
Variant of Hendrik influenced by Enrico.
Hetisani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga hetisa meaning "finish".
Hetta f English (British), South African
Hetta is a nickname for Henrietta although it is used on its own as well.
Hilka f Low German, German (Rare), Frisian, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Originally a diminutive of names beginning with or containing the element hild-, used as a given name in its own right.
Hlamalani m & f Tsonga
Means "surprised" in Xitsonga.
Hlawulani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga hlawula meaning "choose".
Hlawuleka m & f Tsonga
Means "unique" or "chooseable, chosen" in Xitsonga.
Hlayisani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga hlayisa meaning "preserve, protect".
Hlekani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga hleka meaning "laugh".
Hlengani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga hlenga meaning "collect, gather".
Hlomla m & f Xhosa
Means "to comment on something" in Xhosa.
Hlompho m Sotho
Means "respect" in Sesotho.
Hlori f Tsonga
Means "wonder" in Xitsonga.
Hlulani m & f Tsonga
Means "win, conquer" in Xitsonga.
Hulisani m & f Venda
Means "respect" in Tshivenda.
Ibubesi m Zulu
Means "lion" in Zulu.
Igmar m Afrikaans
Afrikaans. Combination of his mother and fathers name. Siegfried and Marieta. Ig and Mar. Combined Igmar
Ijuba f Zulu
Commonly it is meaning Dove or Peace. Less common in means storm or fighting. It also means freedom in some local tribes. It is said many years ago a great war loomed. Fighting had started but one warrior championed the cause of peace and unity... [more]
Ikusasa f & m Zulu
Means "destiny" in Zulu.
Ilane f South African, Brazilian
Problably a feminine form to Ilan.
Imbasa f & m Zulu
Means "star" in Zulu.
Imka f Dutch, Afrikaans, German
Diminutive of Ime 2.
Ingqondo f Zulu
Means "intelligence" in Zulu.
Inyoni f Zulu
Derived from Zulu inyoni meaning "bird".
Iqaqa m Zulu
Means "polecat" in Zulu.
Isaki m Ndebele
Ndebele form of Isaac.
Isisa f Zulu
Means "the tenderness" in Zulu.
Izette f Afrikaans
Variant of Isette.
Izula f Zulu
Means "nomad" in Zulu.
Jabu f Zulu
The name's origin meaning is "It is the shortened form of the name Jabulani which means joy or to rejoice"
Jabulani m Ndebele, Zulu
Means "enjoy" or "be happy all" in Ndebele and "rejoice" in Zulu.
Jabulile f Zulu
Means "she is happy" in Zulu.
Jak m Afrikaans
Variant of Jaak.
Jakkie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Jacob.
Jakobus m Afrikaans, Biblical German, Medieval German
Afrikaans and German form of Jacobus.
Jancke f Afrikaans
Variant of Janke.
Janita f Dutch, Flemish (Rare), Afrikaans
Feminine diminutive of Jan 1.
Jannie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Johannes.
Japie m & f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Diminutive of Jaap.
Jeanique f French (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Blend of Jeanne with any feminine name ending in -ique, such as Monique and Véronique... [more]
Jemaine m & f South African (Rare), English (Rare)
Most likely a variant of Jermaine. A famous bearer of this name is New Zealand actor Jemaine Clement (1974-).
Jenilee f English (Modern), South African
Probably a combination of Jenny and the popular phonetic suffix lee. This name was popularized by the American television actress Jenilee Harrison (1958-).
Jeremia m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Afrikaans, Finnish, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Dutch, Afrikaans, Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian variant of Jeremias.
Jesaja m Biblical, Swedish (Rare), Dutch, Biblical German, Afrikaans
Dutch, German, and Swedish form of Isaiah.
Joalane f Sotho
Possibly derived from Sotho joala, meaning "alcohol, beer".
Joesoef m Indonesian, Afrikaans (Rare)
Indonesian variant transcription of Jusuf (based on Dutch orthography) and Afrikaans form of Joseph.
Johanika f Afrikaans (Rare)
Diminutive of Johanna (compare Johanneke).
Jolette f English, Afrikaans
Likely a combination of the name Jo and the suffix -lette.
Jomarie f Afrikaans
Contraction of Johanna Maria.
Jona m Croatian, Serbian, Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Sorbian, Afrikaans
Croatian, Serbian, Sorbian, Afrikaans and Scandinavian form of Jonah.
Jonase m Sotho
Sesotho form of Jonah.
Jonathena f South African, American
Feminine form of Jonathan, possibly influenced by Athena.
Jonnie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Johan.
Jopie m & f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Diminutive of Joop for men and of the related name Johanna for women.
Jorica f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Feminine form of Joric.
Jorika f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Feminine form of Jorik.
Josua m German, Afrikaans, Swedish, Romansh
German, Afrikaans, Romansh and Swedish form of Joshua.
Juané f Afrikaans
Feminine variant of Juane.
Juanelle f English (American, Rare), South African (Rare)
Elaboration of Juana, perhaps inspired by Janelle.
Juanette f English (American), South African
Semi-hispanicization of Jeannette, or semi-anglicized form of Juanita.
Jutka f Hungarian, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Originally a Hungarian diminutive of Judit and a Dutch diminutive of Judith, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Jwana f Sotho
Sotho form of Johanna.
Kamohelo m & f Sotho
Means "acceptance" or "welcome" in Sotho.
Kananelo f & m Sotho
Means "approval" or "appreciation" in Sotho.
Kanyisa f Xhosa
Means "giving light to the future" in Xhosa.
Karlien f Flemish, Afrikaans, Dutch (Rare)
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Carline.
Katekani f Tsonga
Means "be blessed" in Xitsonga.
Katryn f Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Katrijn.
Kealeboa m Sotho
Means "thank you" in Sotho.
Kekeletso m Sotho
Means "addition" in Sesotho.
Kelebohile m Sotho
Means "I am grateful" in Sesotho.
Keneoue f Sotho (Rare)
Means "I have been given" in Sotho.
Keneuwe f Sotho
Means "I have been given" in Sesotho.
Keromang f Sotho
Means "one who has been sent" in Sesotho.
Kerwin m Irish, South African
Transferred use of the surname Kerwin.
Kgabareya m Sotho
Sotho form of Gabriel.
Kgabu m & f African, Zulu
Means "to decorate richly" in Zulu.
Kganya f & m Sotho
Means "brightness" or "(God's) light" in Sesotho.
Kgethang m Sotho
Sesotho form of Khethang.
Kgodi m & f Sotho
Means "mist" in Sotho.
Khabane m Sotho
Means "precious" in Sesotho.
Khangezile f Zulu
Means "our hands are open" in Zulu.
Khanya m Zulu
Means "shine" in Zulu.
Khanyisa f Tsonga
Means "brighten" in Xitsonga.
Khanyisile f Zulu (Modern)
Means "bringer of light" in Zulu.
Khanyiso m Xhosa
Means "to light, to illuminate" in Xhosa.
Khanyokulhe f Zulu
Means "guide on the way" in Zulu from the word khanyo meaning "guide" and kuhle meaning "way".
Khathutshelo m & f Venda
Means "forgiveness" in Tshivenda.
Khauhelo f & m Sotho
Means "pity" or "compassion" in Sotho.
Khayalethu m Zulu
Means "our home" in Zulu.
Khayelihle f Ndebele
Means "good home" in Ndebele.
Khayizeni m Tsonga
Means "rebuke" in Xitsonga.
Khensani m & f Tsonga
Means "grateful, give thanks" in Xitsonga.
Khethang m Sotho
Means "choose" in Lesotho.
Khethiwe f African, Zulu
Means "chosen, the one who is chosen" in Zulu.
Khethukuthula f Zulu
Means "choose to be quiet" in Zulu.
Khoeli m Sotho
Khomelani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga khomela meaning "forgive".
Khongelani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga khongela meaning "pray".
Khosi m Sotho
Means "king" in Sotho.
Khothatso f Sotho
Means "encouragement" in Sotho.
Khotsofalang m Sotho
Means "be satisfied" in Lesotho.
Khule f Zulu
Means "it is beautiful" in Zulu.
Khulekani f Zulu
Means "salute" in Zulu.
Khululiwe f Zulu
Means "exonerated" in Zulu.
Khumbuza m Tsonga
Means "remember" in Xitsonga.
Khwezi m & f Zulu
Means "bright morning star" in Zulu.
Kobie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Jacobus.
Konanani m & f Venda
Means "be good to one another" in Tshivenda.
Kornelis m Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans variant of Cornelis.
Kotani m Tsonga
Possibly from the Xitsonga kota meaning "able, talented".
Kubanthree f South African, Indian
South Africans of Indian origin... [more]
Kuhlula m & f Tsonga
Means "win" in Xitsonga.
Kurhula m Tsonga
Means "peace" in Xitsonga.
Kurisani f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga kurisa meaning "increase".
Kutloisiso f & m Sotho (Rare)
Means "understanding" in Sotho.
Kutlwano f Sotho
Means "mutual understanding" in Sesotho.
Kutlwisiso f Sotho
Means "understanding" in Lesotho.
Kuvhanganani m & f Venda
Means "come together" in Tshivenda.
Kwanele m Zulu
Means “enough” in Zulu.
Kwatisa f Tsonga
Means "made furious" in Xitsonga.
Kwena m & f Sotho
Means "crocodile" in the Sotho and Tswana languages. This name is chiefly used by Northern Sotho people.
Landi f Afrikaans
Short from of Yolandi. This name is borne by South African model Landi Swanepoel (b. 1979).
Landzani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga landza meaning "follow".
Langa m Zulu
From Zulu ilanga "sun, sunshine, day".
Langalibalele m Zulu
Means "shining sun" in Zulu.
Langavi m & f Tsonga
Means "flame" in Xitsonga.
Langelihle f & m Zulu
Means "beautiful day" in Zulu.
Langutani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga languta meaning "look".
Laurienne f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Lauriana, which is occasionally used in non-francophone countries.
Laurika f Afrikaans, Slovak
Afrikaans elaboration and Slovak diminutive of Laura. Laurika Rauch is a South African singer who performs in both Afrikaans and English.
Leabua m Sotho
Means "one who speaks" in Sotho.
Leana f Sotho
It’s raining
Leandri f Afrikaans
Possibly a variant of Leandra.
Lebone f & m Sotho
means “light”
Lefa m Sotho
Means "inheritance" in Sotho.
Lefika m Sotho
“My Rock” It’s used in Lesotho and South Africa
Lehlogonolo m & f Sotho
Means "felicity" in Sotho.
Lehlohonolo m Sotho, South African
Means "luck" or "blessing" in Sotho.
Lehumo m Sotho
Means "treasure" in Sotho.
Leihlo-larona m & f Sotho
Our eye
Leleti f South African, Zulu
Meaning unknown. A famous bearer is Leleti Khumalo, a South African actress.
Lemogang m Tswana, Sotho
A known bearer is South African actor Lemogang Tsipa (1991-), who was born to a Pedi father and a Tswana mother.
Lemohang m Sotho
Means "take cognisance" in Sesotho.
Len m Afrikaans
Variant of Leen.
Lené f Afrikaans
I've heard a suggestion that the meaning of the name might be "pool" or another body of water of some kind, but this is difficult to confirm as there is no reference to a language from which it originates, or it could be the short form of Magdalene or Helene with an acute on the last e, a popular stylisation among Afrikaans people.
Lente f Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans
Derived from Dutch and Afrikaans lente "spring (the season)".