Serbo-Croatian Submitted Names

These names are used in Serbia, Croatia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. For more specific lists, see Serbian names and Croatian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Sergije Сергије m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Serbian and Croatian form of Sergius.
Šerifa f Bosnian
Feminine form of Šerif.
Servijan Сервијан m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Servianus.
Servije Сервије m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Servius.
Servilije Сервилије m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Servilius.
Šet m Croatian
Croatian form of Seth 1.
Sever m Catalan, Croatian, Russian, Norman
Catalan, Croatian, Russian and Norman form of Severus.
Sibi f Bosnian
Diminutive of Srbislava, the feminine form of Srbislav. Srbislava was the birth name of Sibi Blažić (1970-), the Serbian-born wife of actor Christian Bale.
Sidonija f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Sidonia.
Sigerik m Croatian, Dutch, Norwegian
Croatian, Dutch and Norwegian form of Sigeric.
Siksto m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Latvian
Croatian, Serbian, and Latvian form of Sixtus.
Silverije m Croatian
Croatian form of Silverius.
Silvije m Croatian
Variant of Silvio.
Šima m & f Croatian
Short form of Šimun.
Simah Симах m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Symmachus.
Simeun Симеун m Serbian
Variant of Simeon.
Simeuna Симеуна f Serbian (Rare)
Feminine form of Simeun.
Simforijan m Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Croatian and Slovene form of Symphorianus.
Šimica f & m Croatian
Feminine form and male diminutive form of Šime.
Simonida Симонида f Serbian, Croatian (Rare), Albanian, History
Serbian feminine form of Simonides. This name was borne by a daughter of the Byzantine emperor Andronikos II, Princess Simonida (1289-1340), born Simonis, who became the fourth wife of the Serbian king Milutin when she was five years old... [more]
Sipora f Croatian (Rare), Georgian (Rare)
Croatian and Georgian form of Zipporah.
Sipura f Bosnian
Bosnian variant form of Zipporah attested in Bosnian Sephardic communities.
Šit m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Seth 1.
Sizif Сизиф m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Sisyphus.
Skaur m Croatian
Croatian form of Scaurus.
Skribonija f Croatian
Croatian form of Scribonia.
Skribonijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Scribonianus.
Slađan Слађан m Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian (Rare)
Masculine form of Slađana.
Sladjan Слађан m Serbian (Anglicized)
Variant transliteration of Slađan.
Sladomir m Croatian
Derived from (Serbo-)Croatian sladak "sweet" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Slavenka f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Slaven.
Slaviša Славиша m Serbian, Croatian
Diminutive of Slava, Slavko, or Slaven.
Slavuj Славуј m Serbian (Rare)
Means "nightingale" in Serbian.
Sloboda Слобода f Serbian (Rare)
Means "freedom, liberty" in Serbian.
Slovena f Serbian (Rare)
Feminine form of Sloven.
Smail m Arabic (Maghrebi), Bosnian
Maghrebi Arabic alternate transcription of Smaïl as well as the Bosnian form of Isma'il (see Ishmael).
Smajl m Albanian, Bosnian
Albanian and Bosnian form of Ishmael.
Snežna Снежна f Serbian, Slovene
Derived from Serbian and Slovene снежна (snežna), meaning "snowy".
Snješko m Croatian (Rare)
Diminutive form of Snježan.
Snježna f Croatian
Derived from Croatian snježna meaning "snowy".
Sofora Софора f Serbian
Serbian for the pagoda tree (latin Styphnolobium japonicum or Sophora japonica)
Sofronije Софроније m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Sophronios via Sophronius.
Sokrat Сократ m Abkhaz, Albanian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Georgian (Rare), Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Ukrainian
Form of Socrates in various languages. In Georgia, this name is a variant of Sokrate, which is the standard Georgian form of the aforementioned name.
Soraja f Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Dutch
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Thurayya.
Sosten Состен m Serbian
Serbian name for the apostle Sosthenes.
Soter m Ancient Greek, Croatian, Polish
Derived from the Greek noun σωτήρ (soter) meaning "saviour, deliverer, preserver". This name was often used as an epithet, for both gods (such as Zeus and Apollo) and real-life rulers, such as Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt (4th century BC) and Antiochus I Soter of the Seleucid Empire (3rd century BC).... [more]
Spasimir m Bulgarian, Croatian
The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian spasjá or spasjávam "to save, to rescue". Also compare Serbo-Croatian spasiti and Russian spasát', both of which mean "to save, to rescue"... [more]
Spaso m Serbian
Short form of Spasoje.
Spasoje Спасоје m Serbian
Derived from Serbian spasiti meaning "to save".
Špiro Шпиро m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Spyros.
Spomenko m Croatian
Masculine form of Spomenka.
Srbijanka Србијанка f Serbian (Rare)
Means ''Serbian woman".
Srbimir Србимир m Serbian
Means "peace of the Serbs", derived from Serbian Srbi meaning "Serbs" combined with the Slavic element mir meaning "peace".
Srbislav Србислав m Serbian
Means "fame of the Serbs" from Serbian Srbi "Serbs" combined with the Slavic element slav "glory".
Srbislava Србислава f Serbian
Feminine form of Srbislav.
Srboje Србоје m Serbian
Derived from the Serbian noun Србин (Srbin) meaning "Serb".
Srboljub Србољуб m Serbian
Derived from Srbin, meaning "a Serb", and ljubiti, meaning "to kiss, to love".
Srbomir Србомир m Serbian
Variant of Srbimir.
Srđan Срђан m Croatian, Serbian
Possibly derived from South Slavic srdit meaning "angry". It was associated with Sergius (Srđ in older Croatian) from early times.
Srđana f Croatian, Serbian
Female form of Srđan.
Srdjan Срђан m Serbian
Alternative transcription of Srđan.
Srebrenka f Croatian, Serbian
Derived from srebro meaning ''silver''.
Srebrenko Сребренко m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Male form of Srebrenka.Cpебpенкo
Sreten Сретен m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from South Slavic sreča meaning "luck".
Srna f Croatian (Rare)
Means "doe, female deer" in Croatian.
Staniša m Serbian, Vlach
Diminutive of Stanislav.
Stanizza f Montenegrin (Archaic)
Recorded in Montenegro in the early 1600s.
Stanoje m Serbian, Vlach
Derived from Stanislav.
Stanojka f Serbian, Vlach, Slovene
Feminine form of Stanojko.
Stanojko m Serbian, Vlach
Diminutive of Stanislav.
Stanomir Станомир m Macedonian, Serbian
Variant form of Stanimir.
Stavrakije Ставракије m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Staurakios via its latinized form Stauracius.
Štefek m Croatian, Czech, Slovene
Diminutive form of Štefan.
Štefko m Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive form of Štefan.
Stevana Стевана f Serbian, Vlach
Vlach feminine form of Stephen.
Stevica m Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian diminutive form of Stevan.
Stijepo m Croatian
Variant of Stjepan.
Stipa m & f Croatian
Croatian male and occasionally female name, derived from Stipan.
Stjepana f Croatian
Female form of Stjepan.
Stojana Стојана f Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene
Feminine form of Stojan.
Stojanka f Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Slovene, Bulgarian
Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian and Slovene feminine form of Stojan and Bulgarian variant transcription of Стоянка (see Stoyanka).
Stole m Serbian, Macedonian
Short form of Stojan.
Stracimir Страцимир m Serbian
Older form of Strahimir. This name was borne by 12th-century Serbian prince Stracimir Zavidović and 14th-century Serbian noble Stracimir Balšić.
Strahimir Страхимир m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian variant form of Strahomir. A bearer of this name was Croatian poet Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević (1865-1908).
Strahinja Страхиња m Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
From the noun strah meaning "fear, dread". Borne by Strahinja Banović, a legendary Serbian nobleman and folk hero.
Strahomir Страхомир m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Strachomir.
Strea f Bosnian (Archaic)
Bosnian form of Estrella.
Sudomir Судомир m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Sędomir.
Šuhret m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Shuhrat.
Sukejna f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Sakina
Šukrija m Bosnian (Rare)
Derived from Arabic شُكْرِيّ (šukriyy) meaning "thanking, thankful" (see Shukri).
Sumejja f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Sumayyah.
Suza Суза f Croatian, Serbian, English
Short form of Suzana. It also means "a tear" in Croatian and Serbian.
Svemila Свемила f Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Serbian све (sve) meaning "all" and мила (mila) meaning "dear" thus the name means "dear to all".
Svemir m Croatian (Rare)
Means "universe" in Croatian.
Svemirka f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Svemir.
Svetibor m Serbian (Rare)
Derived from the elements svet meaning "holy" оr "world" and boriti, meaning "to fight, to battle".
Svetislav m Serbian, Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the Slavic svet meaning "holy, blessed" and slav meaning "glory".
Svetlan m Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare)
Masculine form of Svetlana. A known bearer of this name is the Bulgarian former soccer player Svetlan Kondev (b. 1976).
Sveto m Croatian, Serbian
Short form of Svetozar, Svetoslav and other names beginning with svet meaning "blessed, holy, bright".
Svetolik Светолик m Serbian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic elements svet, which could mean "holy, saint" or "world", or from the element svetli, "bright", and lik, meaning "image".
Svetozar Светозар m Serbian, Croatian, Czech
Derived from Slavic svet "blessed, holy, bright" and zar, zariti meaning "radiant, beaming; delight".
Svevlad Свевлад m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Slavic elements све (sve) meaning "all" and влад (vlad) meaning "ruler". Hence the name means "ruler of all".
Svila Свила f Serbian
From Serbian свила (svila) meaning "silk".
Svilokos Свилокос m Serbian
From Serbian свила (svila) meaning "silk" and коса (kosa) meaning "hair". Therefore the name means "silk haired".
Svjetlan m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian variant form of Svetlan. A known bearer of this name is Svjetlan Junaković (b. 1961), a Croatian painter, sculptor and illustrator.
Svoboda Свобода f Serbian
From Serbian свобода (svoboda), an archaic form of слобода (sloboda) meaning "freedom".
Tacijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Tatian.
Taida Таида f Croatian (Rare), Latvian (Archaic), Lithuanian (Rare), Polish (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Form of Thaïs - also compare its Italian form Taide. In Slavic countries, this name can also be a variant of Taisiya, which is ultimately of Coptic origin.
Tajna Тајна f Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian тајна, tajna, meaning "a secret".
Talalej Талалеј m Serbian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare)
Serbian and Macedonian form of Thalelaeus. Also compare its Russian form Falaley.
Talija f Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Macedonian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Talya.
Tanasije Танасије m Serbian (Rare)
Short form of Atanasije.
Tankosav Танкосав m Serbian
Tankosava f Serbian
Feminine form of Tankosav.
Tara Тара f Serbian
From the name of a river and mountain Таra in Serbia and Montenegro. In this countries it is traditional name.
Tasa Таса m Serbian
Diminutive of Atanasije.
Tatijana Тајиана f Serbian, Croatian
From Tatjana or Tajana. In Croatian the prononciation is the same prononciation as Tatiana.
Tatomir Татомир m Polish, Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Derived from Slavic tata "father" combined with Slavic mir "peace". A known bearer of this name was Tatomir Anđelić (1903-1993), a Serbian mathematician and expert in mechanics.
Tavmasije Тавмасије m Serbian (Archaic)
Serbian form of Thaumasios.
Telesfor Телесфор m Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish (Rare), Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Telesphoros (see Télesphore).
Temistije m Croatian
Croatian form of Themistios via Themistius.
Teobald m Polish, Croatian (Rare), Gascon
Polish, Croatian and Gascon form of Theobald.
Teodorik m Croatian
Croatian form of Theodoric.
Teodosije Теодосије m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Theodosius.
Teodozije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Theodosius.
Teokrit m Croatian
Croatian form of Theocritus.
Teoman m Turkish, Bosnian (Rare)
Modern Turkish and Bosnian form of the Mongol name Tümen via its Chinese form Touman.... [more]
Terapont Терапонт m Polish (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Polish and Serbian forms of Therapon.
Teron m Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish
Bulgarian, Croatian and Polish form of Theron.
Tertulijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Tertullianus.
Tetija f Bosnian, Croatian, Lithuanian
Bosnian, Croatian and Lithuanian form of Tethys.
Tetrik m Croatian
Croatian form of Tetricus.
Tezej Тезеј m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Theseus.
Thalija f Bosnian (Rare)
Bosnian form of Thalia.
Ðana f Serbian, Bosnian
Variant of Džana.
Tiaša f Slovene, Croatian
Diminutive of Tatjana.
Tiberije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Tiberius.
Tiburcije m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Tiburtius (see Tiburcio).
Ticijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Tiziano.
Tiho m Croatian
Derived from Slavic tih "quiet", also used as a nickname for Tihomir and Tihomil.
Tihomil m Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic elements tih "quiet" and mil "gracious, dear".
Tihomila f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Tihomil.
Timaj m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Timaeus.
Timej m Croatian
Croatian form of Timaeus.
Timijan Тимијан m Serbian
Serbian for thyme, (Latin Thymus vulgaris).
Timotije m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Timothy.
Tinde f Serbian
Maybe a Serbian form of Tünde.
Tinka f Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive of Tina.
Tirtej m Croatian
Croatian form of Tyrtaios via Tyrtaeus.
Tisa Тиса f Slovene, Croatian, Serbian
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from the name of the river flowing through Ukraine, Romania, Hungary and Serbia and a derivation from tisa "yew tree".
Titomir Титомир m Croatian, Serbian
There are two possible explanations for the etymology of the first element of this name. The first is that it is derived from Tito, which is the Serbo-Croatian form of Titus... [more]
Titoslav Титослав m Croatian, Serbian
There are two possible explanations for the etymology of the first element of this name. The first is that it is derived from Tito, which is the Serbo-Croatian form of Titus... [more]
Tizian m Croatian (Rare), German
Croatian and German form of Titian.
Tješimir m Croatian
Croatian cognate of Techomir.
Todora Тодора f Serbian
Variant of Teodora, which is the feminine form of Teodor, a Serbian version of Theodore.
Tomaš Томаш m Serbian, Croatian, Sorbian
Variant of Thomas.
Tomka f Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian female version of Tomislav or Toma 2.
Tonček m Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive form of Anton and Antonio via Toni 1.
Tončika f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Tonček.
Tonimir m Bulgarian, Croatian
The first element of this name is possibly derived from Russian tónkij or tónkiy "thin, slim, slender", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic tьnъkъ "thin". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
Tonko m Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene diminutive of Anton or Antonio.
Toplica Топлица m Serbian (Rare)
A toponym literally meaning "warm river" (from the Slavic element topao, toplo ''warm''). Toplica is a river in southern Serbia which gave its name to Toplica District with the administrative center in the city of Prokuplje... [more]
Torkvat m Croatian
Croatian form of Torquatus.
Tovija Товија m Serbian
Serbian form of Toviyyah (see Tobiah).
Traja Траја f Serbian
From Serbian трајати (trajati) meaning "to last", "to endure".
Trankvil m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Tranquillus.
Trifun Трифун m Serbian
Serbian form of Tryphon.
Tripun m Croatian
Croatian form of the Greek Tryphon.
Troja Троја f Serbian
From Serbian троје (troje) meaning "three people" thus denoting a "trinity". "Trinity" in Serbian is тројство (trojstvo), itself from троје (troje).
Trojan Тројан m Serbian, Croatian
From Serbian троје (troje) literally meaning "three people" but denoting "trinity".
Trojana Тројана f Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Trojan.
Trpimir m Croatian
Derived from the Slavic elements trpi "endure, bear, suffer" and mir meaning "peace" or "world".
Tuga f Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology
Means "sadness" in Croatian. According to a folk tradition, she and her sister Buga, together with their five brothers Klukas, Lobel, Kosenc, Muhlo and Hrvat, led the Croats into the ancient Roman province of Dalmatia in the 7th century.
Tugomil m Croatian (Rare)
From the Slavic elements togo "strong, mighty, potent" and milu meaning "gracious, dear".
Tugomila f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Tugomil.
Tugomir Тугомир m Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovenian form of the Old Slavic name Togomir, which is derived from Slavic togo "strong, mighty, potent" combined with Slavic mir "peace". Known bearers of this name were Croatian poet and storyteller Tugomir Alaupović (1870-1958) and Tugomir Franc (1932-1983), a Croatian opera singer.
Tulije m Croatian
Croatian form of Tullius (see Tullio).
Tuna m & f Croatian (Rare)
Male variant and female form of Tuno.
Tuno m Croatian (Rare)
Nickname for Antun.
Tuone m Italian, Friulian, Croatian, South Slavic
Short form of Antonio. A notable bearer was Tuone Udaina (1823–1898), the last speaker of Dalmatian language.
Turpilijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Turpilianus.
Ubava Убава f Serbian
From the Serbian feminine form of убав (ubav) meaning "beautiful, gorgeous, delightful".
Uglješa Угљеша m Serbian
Derived from ugalj, the word for "coal", meaning "black as coal". Uglješa Mrnjavčević was a Serbian medieval nobleman of the Mrnjavčević family during the Serbian Empire.
Ugrin Угрин m Serbian (Rare)
An ethnonym meaning "Hungarian".
Ugrinka f Serbian (Rare)
Feminine form of Ugrin.
Uliks m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Ulysses.
Uman Уман m Serbian
From Serbian уман (uman) meaning "intelligent".
Umihana f Bosnian
Bosnian feminine name possibly derived from the Arabic name Umm Hani or Umm-i-Hani, meaning "mother of Hani". In Islamic tradition this was an epithet of Fakhitah bint Abi Talib, a sister of Ali and cousin of Muhammad.... [more]
Una f Croatian
Either inspired by the name of the river Una (bordering Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina), whose meaning is uncertain but could be from Latin una "(female) one", or directly from Latin. It's a modern name, used since the 20th century.
Urija m Croatian
Croatian form of 'Uriyah (see Uriah) via its latinized form Urias.
Uteh Утех m Serbian
From Serbian утешити (utešiti) meaning "to console" or утеха (uteha) meaning "consolation".
Uvejs m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Uwais.
Uzajr m Bosnian (Rare)
Bosnian form of Ezra.
Vahida f Bosnian
Bosnian form of the arabic name Waheeda
Valek m Popular Culture, Slavic (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
The name is a Slavic short form of Valentin or Valerian (or other names starting in Val-).
Valentinijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Valentinian.
Valerijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Valerian.
Valerije m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Valerius.
Valtazar Валтазар m Serbian
Valtazar is a Serbian form of Balthazar.... [more]
Vasilj Васиљ m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Basil 1.
Vaskrsija Васкрсија m & f Serbian (Rare)
Feminine form and male variant of Vaskrsije.
Vaskrsije Васкрсије m Serbian (Rare)
A literal translation of the Greek name Anastasios, meaning "resurrection". A suitable name for an Easter child.
Vatren Ватрен m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
From ватрен (vatren) meaning "fiery, passionate".
Vatromir Ватромир m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Serbian ватра (vatra) meaning "fire" and мир (mir) meaning "peace" or "glory". Thus the name means "vigorous or passionate for glory/peace".
Vatroslava f Croatian
Feminine form of Vatroslav.
Vavila Вавила m Russian (Archaic), Serbian, History (Ecclesiastical)
Romanian, Russian and Serbian form of Babylas.
Većeslav m Croatian
Croatian form of Wenceslas.
Vedada f Bosnian (Rare)
Bosnian form of Widad.
Vehid m Bosnian
Bosnian form of the Arabic name Waheed
Vejsil m Bosnian
Bosnian form of the Turkish name Veysil
Velebit m Croatian (Rare)
Velebit is the largest mountain range in Croatia.
Velemir Велемир m Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare), Serbian, Slovene
Variant of Velimir.
Veličko Величко m Serbian (Rare), Bulgarian
Derived from the adjective velik, meaning "big, large in size".
Velimira Велимира f Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Feminine form of Velimir.
Veliša Велиша m Serbian (Rare)
Derived from the adjective velik, meaning "big, large in size".
Venecija f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Venice.
Venio m Italian, Croatian (Rare)
From Latin veniō ‎meaning ''come, approach''.
Ver m Bosnian, Catalan, Croatian
Bosnian, Catalan and Croatian form of Verus.
Veran Веран m Serbian
Masculine form of Vera 1, meaning "faith". Also associated with the adjective veran, pronounced with a stress on the first syllable, meaning "loyal, faithful".
Vergilije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Virgil.
Veroljub Верољуб m Serbian
Derived from the elements vera "faith" and "ljub" "love", literally meaning "lover of faith".
Veruša f Croatian (Rare), Czech, Slovak
Croatian, Czech and Slovak form of Verusha. Also compare Veruška.
Veruška f Croatian, Czech, Slovak
Croatian, Czech and Slovak form of Verushka. Also compare Veruša.
Veseljka f Croatian, Slovene
Feminine form of Veseljko.
Veseljko Весељко m Croatian, Serbian
Variant of Veselko.
Vespazijan m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Vespasian.
Vibor m Croatian
Possibly from Hungarian bíbor meaning "purple", or a short form of Velibor.
Vice m Croatian
Croatian short form of Vincent.
Vićentije Вићентије m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Vincent. Famous bearers include 16th century Serbian painter Vićentije "Vićenco" Vuković and writer and poet Vićentije Rakić (1750-1818), founder of the School of Theology.
Vicko m Croatian
Diminutive form of Vincent, Vice or Viktor.
Vida Вида f Serbian
Means ''to see or sight'', short form of Vidosava.
Vidak Видак m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
From the verb vidjeti meaning ''to see''.
Vidan Видан m Serbian
Variant of Vid.
Vidana Видана f Serbian (Rare)
Feminine form of Vidan.
Vido m Slovene, Montenegrin
Variant of Vid.
Vidoje m Serbian, Croatian
Elaboration of Vid.
Vidomir Видомир m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is probably derived from Serbo-Croatian videti or vidjeti "to see, to sight, to look, to behold", which is derived from Proto-Slavic viděti "to see"... [more]
Vidosav Видосав m Serbian
Variant of Vidoslav.
Vidosava f Serbian
Feminine form of Vidosav.
Vidoslav Видослав m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is probably derived from Serbo-Croatian videti or vidjeti "to see, to sight, to look, to behold", which is derived from Proto-Slavic viděti "to see"... [more]
Vidra Видра f Serbian (Rare)
The Slavic name for "otter", an animal traditionally associated with great agility and swiftness of movement.
Vigilije Вигилије m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Vigilius.
Vigo m Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Croatian, Dutch (Modern), Galician
Croatian and Galician form and Swedish and Danish variant of Viggo as well as a Dutch borrowing of the Scandinavian name.
Vigor Вигор m History (Ecclesiastical), Croatian, Serbian, Italian, Swedish, Medieval French
Derived from Latin vigor "vigor, strength, liveliness".
Vihor m Croatian (Modern, Rare)
Meaning ''whirlwind''.
Viktora f Croatian (Archaic)
Feminine form of Viktor.
Viktorik m Croatian
Croatian form of Victoricus.
Vila Вила f Serbian (Rare), Russian (Archaic)
Means "fairy" in Serbian.
Vildan f & m Turkish, Bashkir, Bosnian
Derived from Arabic وِلْدَان‏ (wildān) meaning "children". It is also a Bashkir variant transcription of Uyildan, of the same origin.
Vildana f Bosnian
Feminine form of Vildan.
Vilena f Croatian
Variant of Vilina.
Vilenka f Croatian (Rare)
Very rare name in Croatia, exclusively for women and most commonly used in the coastal region. Meaning uncertain, possibly coming from the mythological creature ''Vila'' (Slavic fae).