VladetaВладетаmSerbian Derived from the Slavic element vladati, meaning "to rule". A famous bearer is Vladeta Jerotić, Serbian writer, psychiatrist, Jungian psychologist and erudite.
VojinВојинmSerbian Derived from the Slavic element voi or voin, meaning "soldier". Vojvoda (Duke) Vojin, also known as Vojin of Gacko was 14th century Serbian magnate and nobleman, founder of Vojinović noble family.
VukmirВукмирmSerbian (Rare) Derived from the elements vuk meaning"wolf" and mir meaning "peace".
VukomirВукомирmCroatian, Serbian The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian vuk "wolf", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic vьlkъ "wolf". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
VukoslavВукославmCroatian, Serbian The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian vuk "wolf", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic vьlkъ "wolf". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
ZagorkaЗагоркаfSerbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare) From Croatian and Serbian загорје (zagorye) meaning "up behind the mountains, plains". It may also designate an inhabitant of Hrvatsko Zagorje, an area of Croatia.
ŽaranafSerbian, Croatian (Rare) A Serbo-Croatian name meaning "early", "from an early age" or "premature". A notable name bearer is Žarana Papić (1949-2002), an influential Serbian social anthropologist and feminist theorist. This name shares a similar spelling with the Sanskrit name Zarana, but holds a distinctly different meaning.
ZavišaЗавишаmSerbian (Rare) Derived from the old name Zavida, which itself was derived from the verb zavideti, meaning "to envy". It was once used to divert evil forces from a child, since it was believed it would prevent envy towards the child.
ZdravomirЗдравомирmBulgarian, Croatian, Serbian The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zdráve or Serbo-Croatian zdravlje "health", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic sъdorvъ "healthy". The second element is derived from either Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous".
ZinkafCroatian Croatian variant of Zrinka, or a diminutive of names ending in -zina.
ŽitomirЖитомирmCroatian, Serbian Means "to live in peace", derived from Proto-Slavic žiti "to live" combined with Slavic mir "peace". In other words, this name is more or less the Croatian and Serbian cognate of the Polish name Życiomierz.
ŽivadinmSerbian Derived from the Slavic word живъ (zhivu) meaning "living".
ŽivojinЖивојинmSerbian Derived from the Slavic word живъ ( zhivu ) meaning "living".
ŽivoljubЖивољубmSerbian Derived from the elements živ, meaning "alive, living, vivacious" and ljub meaning "love" or "loved".
ŽivomirЖивомирmCroatian, Serbian The first element of this name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian adjective živ "alive, live, living", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic živъ "live, alive". Also compare the Serbo-Croatian noun život "life, living, lifetime"... [more]
ŽivoradЖиворадmSerbian Derived from the Slavic elements živŭ meaning "alive, living" and radŭ meaning "happy, willing".
ŽivotaЖивотаmSerbian Derived from the Serbian živ, meaning "alive, living, vivacious".