Serbo-Croatian Submitted Names

These names are used in Serbia, Croatia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. For more specific lists, see Serbian names and Croatian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Njegomila f Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the verb njegovati, meaning ''to nurture''.
Njegomir Његомир m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian cognate of Niegomir.
Njegoš Његош m Serbian, Montenegrin
Possibly derived from the verb njegovati, meaning ''to nurture''.
Njegovan m Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the verb njegovati, meaning ''to nurture''.
Novica Новица m Serbian, Montenegrin
Diminutive form of Novak. Used as an independent name.
Novislav Новислав m Bosnian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
The origin is uncertain. Probably comes from Proto-Slavic novu "new" and slava "glory".
Nuredin m Bosnian, Albanian
Bosnian and Albanian form of Nuruddin.
Nuredina f Bosnian
Feminine form of Nuredin.
Obadija m Croatian
Croatian form of Obadiah.
Obren Обрен m Serbian
Serbian form of Abraham.
Odisej Одисеј m Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Odysseus.
Odri f Russian, Croatian (Rare)
Variant of Audrey, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Ofelija Офелија f Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Ophelia.
Ognjenka f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Ognjen.
Ojdan m Croatian (Rare)
Meaning unknown.
Ojdana f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Ojdan.
Okean Океан m Bosnian, Bulgarian (Rare), Croatian, Kyrgyz (Rare), Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Ukrainian
Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Kyrgyz, Russian, Serbian, Slovene and Ukrainian form of Okeanos.... [more]
Oksil Оксил m Russian, Serbian
Russian and Serbian form of Oxylos.
Oktavijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Octavian.
Oktavije m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Octavius.
Olimpija f Lithuanian, Latvian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Lithuanian, Latvian and Croatian form of Olympia.
Olimpiodor Олимпиодор m Croatian, Russian, Serbian
Croatian, Russian and Serbian form of Olympiodoros.
Omer m Arabic, Urdu, Bosnian, Albanian
Alternate transcription of Umar as well as the Bosnian and Albanian form.
Onesin m Croatian (Rare)
Meaning unknown.
Onezim m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Onesimos.
Opimije m Croatian
Croatian form of Opimius.
Orest m Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian
Croatian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Orestes.
Orfej Орфеј m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Orpheus.
Orijana Оријана f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Oriana and Slovene variant of Orjana.
Orjana f Slovene, Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Albanian
Slovene, Croatian and Serbian form and Albanian variant form of Oriana.
Orsat m Croatian (Rare)
From the Italian name Orso.
Ostoja m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from Slavic ostojati meaning "to stay".
Osvit Освит m & f Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Serbian osvit meaning "dawn".
Osvita Освита f Serbian
Feminine form of Osvit.
Oton m Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare), Provençal, Piedmontese
Provençal, Piedmontese, Croatian and Slovene form of Otto.
Ovidije m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Ovidius.
Ozara Озара f Serbian
From Serbian озарити (ozariti) or озарен (ozaren) meaning "to make radiant" and "radiant" respectively.
Oziris m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Osiris.
Ozren Озрен m Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the passive voice of an older Slavic verb ozreti se meaning "to look, glance".... [more]
Ozrenka f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Ozren.
Pafnutije Пафнутије m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form Papnoute.
Pahomije Пахомије m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Pachomius.
Paja Паја m Serbian
Diminutive of Pavle.
Pajo m Croatian
Diminutive of Pavao.
Pajsije Пајсије m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Paisius.
Paks f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Pax.
Palma f Spanish, Croatian (Rare), Italian, Medieval Italian, Catalan, Norwegian (Rare)
Spanish, Catalan, Italian and Croatian word for "palm". This name typically referred to Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, and was historically given to girls born on this day.
Pamfil m Croatian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Lengadocian, Provençal, History (Ecclesiastical)
Croatian, Romanian, Languedocian and Provençal form of Pamphilus.
Pankratije Панкратије m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Pankratios.
Parmen Пармен m Croatian, Georgian, Russian, Serbian
Croatian, Georgian, Russian and Serbian form of Parmenas.
Pasifaja Пасифаја f Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Pasiphaë.
Pasikrat Пасикрат m Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Pasikrates.
Paskazije m Croatian (Archaic)
Croatian form of Pascasius, which is a variant of Paschasius.
Paškvalina f Croatian
Croatian feminine form of Pascal.... [more]
Pave m Croatian
Variant of Pavo.
Pavlek m Slovene, Croatian
Diminutive of Pavel or Pavao.... [more]
Pavsikakije Павсикакије m Serbian (Archaic)
Serbian form of Παυσικακίος (Pausikakios), which is an extremely rare variant of Pausikakos.
Pegaz m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Pegasus.
Peko Пеко m Montenegrin, Serbian
Diminutive of Petar.
Pelagije Пелагије m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Pelagios via Pelagius.
Pelej Пелеј m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Peleus.
Pemba f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Pembe.
Pepa m Croatian
Nickname for Stjepan.
Pepica f Croatian
Diminutive of Josipa.
Pera Пера m & f Croatian, Serbian
Diminutive of Petar (male) or Petra (female).
Perijandar m Croatian
Croatian form of Periander.
Perka f Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Petra.
Persa Перса f Greek (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Medieval Italian
A form of Persis. In Serbian usage, also a short form of Persida.
Persida f Serbian, Croatian, Romanian, Slovene
Serbian, Croatian, and Romanian form of Persis. This was the name of the wife of Alexander Karadordevic, Prince of Serbia and ancestor to the monarchs of Yugoslavia.
Pertinaks m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Pertinax.
Perunika Перуника f Serbian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from Serbo-Croatian perunika and Bulgarian and Macedonian перуника (perunika) "iris".
Perzefona f Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Persephone.
Perzej m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Perseus.
Petka Петка f Serbian, Croatian (Rare), Bulgarian
Feminine form of Petko. Saint Paraskeva of the Balkans is known by this name in Serbia and Bulgaria.
Petrašin Петрашин m Vlach, Serbian (Archaic)
Means "son of Peter" in Vlach and Serbian.
Petrija Петрија f Serbian (Rare)
Serbian feminine form of Peter.
Petrimir Петримир m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Petromir.
Petrislav Петрислав m Croatian, Serbian, History
Croatian and Serbian form of Petroslav. Known bearers of this name were Serbian rulers Petrislav of Duklja and Petrislav of Rascia, who both lived in the 11th century AD.
Petronija f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian (Archaic)
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Petronia.
Petruša f Croatian (Rare), Czech, Slovak
Croatian, Czech and Slovak diminutive of Petra and Petronela. Also compare Petruška.
Pimen Пимен m Georgian (Rare), Polish (Archaic), Romanian (Rare), Russian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare, Archaic)
Georgian, Polish, Romanian, Russian and Serbian form of Poimen (see Poemen). Known bearers of this name include a Metropolitan of Moscow (14th century AD) and the 14th Patriarch of Moscow (20th century AD).
Pir m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Pyrrhus.
Plam Плам m Serbian
From Serbian плам (plam) meaning "flame".
Plamena Пламена f Serbian, Bulgarian
From South Slavic пламен (plamen) meaning “flame, blaze, fire".
Plamenka Пламенка f Bulgarian, Serbian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare)
Feminine form of Plamen.
Plava Плава f Serbian
From Serbian плав (plav) meaning "blue" but it is used to denote a "blonde haired" person such as in this case. This is because the word had an ancient meaning of "shining, bright" from which the sense of "blonde haired" comes from and later it came about to mean "blue".
Plavna Плавна f Serbian
See Plava.
Plinije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Pliny.
Plutarh m Croatian
Croatian form of Plutarch.
Poleksija Полексија f Serbian (Rare)
A form of Polyxena.
Polibije m Croatian
Croatian form of Polybius.
Polideuk m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Pollux.
Polikrat m Croatian
Croatian form of Polykrates.
Pompej m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Pompey.
Poncijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Pontian.
Poncije m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Pontius.
Porfirije Порфирије m Serbian
Serbian form of Porphyrius.
Posejdon m Bosnian, Croatian, Polish
Bosnian, Croatian and Polish form of Poseidon.
Potit Потит m Bulgarian (Archaic), French (Archaic), Russian (Archaic), Serbian (Archaic)
Bulgarian, French, Russian and Serbian form of Potitus.
Pranja f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Pranjo.
Pranjo m Croatian (Rare)
Variant spelling of Franjo.
Pravda Правда f Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Macedonian
Derived from the Proto-Slavic word *pravьda meaning "truth; justice" in many Slavic languages.
Pravdan Правдан m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Elaborated masculine form of Pravda.
Pravdana Правдана f Serbian
Female form of Pravdan.
Prebislav m Serbian
Derived from the Slavic elements prebi and slav "glory".
Predislav Предислав m Medieval Croatian, Medieval Serbian, Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this archaic name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian adjective pred "in front of, before" (the latter can also be used to refer to an earlier point in time), which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic perdъ "in front of, against"... [more]
Predomir Предомир m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Predimir.
Pretekstat m Croatian, Polish
Croatian and Polish form of Praetextatus.
Prijam m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Priam.
Prijap Пријап m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Priapos via its latinized form Priapus.
Prodana Продана f Serbian (Rare)
Feminine form of Prodan. Like its masculine counterpart, it is derived from the verb prodati, "to sell", literally meaning "sold". It was once given to divert evil spirits by telling them the child has already been " sold away ".
Prokopije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Procopius.
Prokul m Croatian (Rare), Polish (Archaic)
Croatian and Polish form of Proculus.
Prometej Прометеј m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Prometheus.
Protej Протеј m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Proteus.
Protogen m Croatian, Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian
Croatian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Protogenes.
Prozerpina f Bosnian, Croatian, Lithuanian, Polish
Bosnian, Croatian, Lithuanian and Polish form of Proserpina.
Prvana Првана f Serbian
From Serbian први (prvi) meaning "first". It is thus given to first born daughters.
Prvoljub Првољуб m Serbian (Rare)
Derived from Slavic elements prvi or prvo, meaning "first, firstly" and ljub, meaning "loved, beloved".
Prvosin Првосин m Serbian
From Serbian први (prvi) meaning "first" and син (sin) meaning "son". The name is clearly given to first born sons.
Prvoslava Првослава f Serbian (Rare)
Feminine form of Prvoslav.
Prvoslavka Првославка f Serbian (Rare)
A form of Prvoslava.
Ptolemej Птолемеј m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Ptolemaios via Ptolemaeus.
Publije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Publius.
Puniša Пуниша m Serbian (Rare)
Derived from the adjective pun, literally meaning "full", denoting chubby and plump child.
Rabija f Bosnian (Rare)
Bosnian form of Rabi'a.
Rabren Рабрен m Serbian
Likely to come from "храбар" ("hrabrar"), which means "brave".
Radamant m Bosnian, Croatian, Romanian
Bosnian, Croatian and Romanian form of Rhadamanthos.
Radenko m Serbian, Croatian
An elaborate form of Rade.
Radiša Радиша m Serbian, Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the Slavic element rad "care".
Radoje Радоје m Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Macedonian
Derived from the Slavic element rad meaning "work" or "happily".
Radojica Радојица m Serbian (Rare), Montenegrin (Rare)
Diminutive of Radoje.
Radola Радола m Serbian, Croatian, Czech
Slavicized variant of the Germanic name Rudolf, most notably used by Czech military commander and politician Radola Geidl, whose original name was Rudolf Geidl.
Radoman Радоман m Serbian
Radus m Montenegrin (Archaic)
Recorded in Montenegro in the early 1600s.
Raduša f Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene
Croatian, Czech, Slovak and Slovene diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element rad meaning "happy" or "willing", such as Radana, Radmila and Radoslava... [more]
Raduška f Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene
Croatian, Czech, Slovak and Slovene diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element rad meaning "happy" or "willing", such as Radana, Radmila and Radoslava... [more]
Rafailo Рафаило m Serbian
Variant of Raphael.
Rafajlo Рафајло m Serbian (Rare)
Variant of Raphael.
Ragib m Bengali, Bosnian
Bengali and Bosnian form of Raghib.
Rahila Рахила f Serbian
Serbian form of Rachel.
Rajana f Bosnian (?)
Bosnian feminine form of Rayyan
Rajna Рајна f Serbian, Croatian
Either from the name for the German river Rhine or derived from Rajka.
Rajner m Polish (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Polish and Croatian form of Rainer.
Ramael Рамаел m Serbian
Serbian name for an angel of joy, possibly referring to Judeo-Christian angel Ramiel.
Ramzes m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Rameses.
Ranimir Ранимир m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian rani or rano "early, forward", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic ranъ. Also compare Polish rano "morning" and Czech/Slovak ráno "morning", which also derive from the same Proto-Slavic root... [more]
Ranislav Ранислав m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian rani or rano "early, forward", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic ranъ. Also compare Polish rano "morning" and Czech/Slovak ráno "morning", which also derive from the same Proto-Slavic root... [more]
Rapka f Bosnian
Pet form of Rabija.
Rašela f Bosnian
Bosnian Sephardic variant form of Rachel.
Rašeljka f Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the name of the plant rašeljka (Lat. Prunus mahaleb), called ''mahaleb cherry'' in English.
Rašid Рашид m Bosnian, Albanian, Gorani
Variant of Rashid.
Rastimir Растимир m Serbian, Slovak, Croatian (Rare)
Serbian and Slovak form of Rostimir.
Rastko m Slovene, Serbian
The name is derived from the Serbian word rasti, which means "to grow". I is also the name of the most important Serbian Orthodox saint - st. Sava (sveti Sava)
Ratislava Ратислава f Serbian
From the Slavic word rat, meaning "war" ,and the slava, meaning "glory".
Ratka f Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian
Feminine form of Ratko.
Ratomirka f Serbian
Feminine form of Ratomir.
Redomir Редомир m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Redimir.
Redžep m Bosnian, Macedonian
Variant form of Recep.
Refika f Turkish, Bosnian
Turkish and Bosnian form of Rafiqa.
Regica f Croatian
Diminutive of Regina.
Reja f Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Rhea.
Reli f Bosnian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Rahel.
Relja m Croatian
From the South Slavic name Hrelja or Krelja, derived from older forms of the Slavic element krilo meaning "wing"... [more]
Remigije Ремигије m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Remigius (see Rémy).
Rešad m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Rashad.
Reuf m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Rauf.
Reza f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian short form of Tereza and Slovene short form of Terezija.
Rijada f Bosnian
Bosnian feminine form of Riad.
Rikardo m Croatian
Croatian variant spelling of Ricardo.
Rikica f Bosnian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Rika.
Rodislav Родислав m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Bulgarian, Croatian and Serbian cognate of Rodosław.
Rodoljub Родољуб m Serbian
Means "patriot".
Roki Роки m Serbian (Rare)
Diminutive of Rodoljub used by Bosnian Serb singer Roki Vulović.
Romica m & f Croatian (Rare)
Diminutive of Roman and Romana or Romina.
Romul m Bosnian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Bosnian, Croatian and Romanian form of Romulus.
Rovena f Albanian, Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Albanian, Croatian, Lithuanian and Portuguese form of Rowena.
Rozarija f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Rosario.
Rubija f Bosnian
Variant of Rabija.
Ruđer m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Roger.
Ruf m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Rufus.
Rufin Руфин m Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare), French, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Provençal
Bulgarian, Croatian, French, Provençal, Polish, Russian and Serbian form of Rufinus.
Rujana f Croatian, Slovene
From the word ruj meaning ''red and yellow colour''.
Rulizza f Montenegrin (Archaic)
Recorded in Montenegro in the early 1600s.
Rusimir Русимир m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is probably derived from the Serbo-Croatian noun Rus meaning "Russian". The Russians themselves derived their name from (Old) Russian rusij or rusiy, which refers to a light hair colour (often blonde; some sources also say light-brown) and could be understood to mean "fair-haired" or "fair-headed"... [more]
Rusmir m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian form of Rusimir, as well as a Croatian variant form of the same name. A bearer of this name is Rusmir Mahmutćehajić (b. 1948), a Bosnian politician and writer.
Rusomir Русомир m Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian
Bulgarian and Macedonian form of Rusimir, as well as a Serbian variant form of the same name.
Ruzmarin Рузмарин m Serbian
Serbian name for rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis).
Rvat m Croatian
Means "Croat" in Croatian. It's not used very often in last 300 years.
Saba f Croatian, Polish, German
Croatian, Polish and German short form of Sabina.
Sabinijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Sabinian.
Sabit m Arabic, Turkish, Kazakh, Bosnian, Azerbaijani, Albanian
Arabic alternate transcription of Thabit as well as the form used in various languages.
Sadeta f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Sa'adat.
Sadija m & f Bosnian
Bosnian male variant and feminine form of Sa'di.
Sadik m Bosnian, Albanian
Derived from Turkish sadık "loyal, faithful, obedient".
Sadika f Bosnian, Arabic
Feminine form of Sadik.
Sadmir m Bosnian
Probably derived from Samir 1.
Safija f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Safiyyah.
Šahbaz m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Shahbaz.
Sakib m Bengali, Bosnian
Bengali and Bosnian form of Thaqib.
Šakira f Bosnian (Rare)
Bosnian form of Shakira.
Salacija f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Salacia.
Sale m Serbian
Nickname for Aleksandar or Saša.
Salko m Bosnian
Bosnian diminutive of Salih.
Saloma f Slovak (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Kashubian
Slovak, Croatian and Kashubian form of Salome.
Salvije m Croatian
Croatian form of Salvius.
Saly f Bosnian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Sara.
Samuilo Самуило m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Samuel.
Šandor m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Sándor. A famous bearer was Croatian writer Ksaver Šandor Gjalski (1854-1935).
Sanjina f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Sanjin.
Šarika f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene borrowing of Sárika.
Sarika f Judeo-Spanish, Bosnian
Diminutive of Sara.
Sarinka f Bosnian, South Slavic
Diminutive of Sara.
Sašenka f Serbian, Slovak, Croatian
Strictly feminine diminutive form of Saša.
Šaul m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Saul.
Savatije Саватије m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Sabbatios via Sabbatius.
Saveta Савета f Romanian, Serbian
Romanian truncated form of Elisaveta and Serbian truncated form of Jelisaveta.
Savka f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Feminine form of Sava.
Savo Саво m Serbian
Serbian variant of Sava.
Seculus m Montenegrin (Archaic)
Recorded in Montenegro in the early 1600s.
Sefanija m Croatian
Croatian form of Zephaniah.
Sefer m Albanian, Bosnian, Turkish
Albanian, Bosnian and Turkish form of Safar.
Šefik m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Shafiq.
Šefika f Bosnian
Feminine form of Šefik.
Šefka f Bosnian
Feminine form of Šefik.
Šefketa f Bosnian, Macedonian
Possibly a variant of Šefka.
Šeherezada Шехерезада f Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Bosnian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Croatian, Bosnian, Slovene and Serbian form of Shahrazad.
Šeherzada Шехерзада f Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Slovene
Variant of Šeherezada.
Seka f Serbian
Taken from the nickname, which originated as a pet form of the word sestra meaning ''sister''.
Šeki m Bosnian
Serbian Muslim Masculine Name
Sekund m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Secundus.
Seleuk m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Seleucus.
Selimir Селимир m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic elements seliti, "to move, to migrate" and mir meaning "peace".... [more]
Šem m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Shem.
Semezdin m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Shamsuddin. A bearer of this name is the Bosnian writer Semezdin Mehmedinović.
Semir m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Samir 1.
Semira f Amharic, Turkish, Bosnian
Feminine form of Semir.
Semka f Bosnian, Serbian
Diminutive derivative of Simeuna.
Šemsa f Bosnian
Feminine form of Šemso.
Šemsida f Bosnian
Variant form of Šemsudina.
Šemso m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Shams.
Šemsudin m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Shamsuddin.
Senad m Bosnian
The name comes from the Arabic word سند "support".
Senada f Bosnian
Feminine form of Senad.
Senaid m Bosnian
Variant of Senad.
Senaida f Bosnian (Rare)
Feminine form of Senad.
Šener m Bosnian (Rare)
Bosnian form of Şener.
Senija f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Saniyya.
Senijad m Bosnian
Variant of Senad.
Senko m Croatian, Slovene, Serbian
Derived from South Slavic senka or sjenka meaning "shadow". Masculine form of Senka or a nickname for Jasenko or Arsen.