French Submitted Names

French names are used in France and other French-speaking regions. See also about French names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Jeanina f French (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Romanian (Rare), English (American, Rare), Filipino
Variant of Jeannina (French) or Jeanine (Swedish and Danish). This was borne by a daughter of Christine Stampe (1797-1868), a Danish baroness and patron of the arts.
Jeanique f French (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Blend of Jeanne with any feminine name ending in -ique, such as Monique and Véronique... [more]
Jeannetounette f Norman
Diminutive of Jeanne.
Jeannotte f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Jeannot.
Jeanny f French, English
Diminutive of Jean 2 or Jeanne
Jeantat m French (Swiss, Archaic)
Local diminutive of Jean 1 found in the Montreux region up until the late 1600s.
Jeaun m Norman
Norman form of Jean 1.
Jénie f French (Archaic)
Local diminutive of Eugénie found in the Poitou-Charentes region of France.
Jérémias m French (Quebec)
Québécois form of Jeremiah.
Jérome m French
Variant of Jerome.
Jerôme m French
Variant of Jerome.
Jérômée f French (Archaic)
Feminine form of Jérôme, perhaps via its other feminine form Jérômie.... [more]
Jéromette f French (Archaic), Literature
Feminine form of Jérôme, which is the modern French form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).... [more]
Jérômie f French (Rare), French (Swiss, Rare), French (Belgian, Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic)
Feminine form of Jérôme, which is the modern French form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).... [more]
Jéromine f French (Rare), French (Quebec), French (Belgian, Rare), French (Swiss, Rare)
Feminine form of Jérôme, which is the modern French form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).... [more]
Jessiann f French (Quebec, Modern, Rare)
Invented name, possibly a combination of Jessica and Ann.... [more]
Jeulie f Norman
Norman form of Julie.
Jeune m French, French (Caribbean)
Means "young" in French. It is mostly used as a nickname designating a young person. It is rarely used as an official name.
Jeustène f Norman
Norman form of Justine.
Jeustin m Norman
Norman form of Justin.
Jin m Picard
Picard form of Jean 1.
Jireh m & f Filipino, English (African, Rare), French (African, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
From the second part of the place name יְהוָה יִרְאֶה‎ (YHWH yir'e) in the land of Moriah, meaning either "the Lord sees" (also "will see" or "will see to it") or "the Lord will provide," so named by Abraham after God provided a ram to sacrifice in place of his son Isaac.
Jôachin m Norman
Norman form of Joachim.
Joachin m French
French form of Joachim.
Joannice m French (Rare)
French form of Ioannikios via Joannicius.
Joanny m French (Rare)
French variant of Joannes.
Jobst m Low German, French, Czech
North German form of Jodocus, altered by association with Job.
Joconde f French (Rare, Archaic)
French form of Iucunda (compare Gioconda).
Jocope f French (Archaic)
Archaic French name found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the late 1600s.
Jodette f French
is primarily a female name of French origin that means God Will Increase. Diminutive female form of the name Joseph
Joffre m French (Rare), English
Transferred use of the surname Joffre. It was popularised during World War I thanks to French marshal Joseph Joffre, best known for his regrouping of the retreating allied armies that led to the defeat the Germans at the First Battle of the Marne in September of 1914.
Joffré m French (Quebec)
Québécois form of Joffre.
Joffrette f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Joffre.
Jofroi m Medieval French, Anglo-Norman, French (Belgian, Rare)
Medieval French and Anglo-Norman variant of Geoffroy. Jofroi is a 1934 French drama film directed by Marcel Pagnol.
Jonael m English (American, Modern), German (Modern, Rare), French (Modern)
A modern coinage formed from the biblical name Jona and the Hebrew name element El "Lord (God)".
Jonathas m Biblical (All), Literature, Popular Culture, English (Archaic), French (Archaic), German (Archaic), Dutch (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
This is a form of Jonathan that is used in older translations of the Bible. It ultimately comes from Ionathas, which is the form found in both the Septuagint and the Vulgate.... [more]
Jorane f French (Quebec, Rare), Haitian Creole
This name is borne by French-Canadian singer and cellist Jorane Pelletier (1975-), who was born Johanne Pelletier.
Jordann m French
Variant of Jordan.
Jordy m Dutch, French (Modern, Rare)
Dutch variant of Jordi as well as a French borrowing of this name. This is the more common spelling in the Netherlands.
Jore m Norman
Cotentinais Norman form of George.
Jores m Norman
Cotentinais Norman variant of Jore.
Jorges m Picard
Picard form of Georges.
Joric m Dutch (Rare), French (Modern), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Dutch variant of Jorick as well as a French borrowing of this name.
Jorjine f French (African, Rare)
Likely a variant spelling of Georgine.
José' m Norman
Norman form of Joseph.
Joséf m Picard
Picard from of Joseph.
Joseline f French, French (Belgian), Flemish, Dutch (Antillean)
Diminutive of Josée, via masculine Joselin (which itself is an old diminutive of masculine José (a French diminutive of Joseph, not to be confused with the Spanish name)).
Josépha f French
French feminine form of Joseph.
Joséphène f Norman
Norman form of Joséphine
Joséphin m French (Archaic)
French diminutive of Joseph.
Josephte f French (Quebec, Archaic)
Older French feminine form of Joseph, used especially in Québec, Canada. One notable bearer was Marie-Josephte Corriveau (1733-1763), a Québécois murderess who subsequently became a popular folk heroine.
Jospin m French (African)
Archaic northern French diminutive of Josse.
Josuée f French (Rare)
Feminine version of Josué.
Jourdaine f French (Archaic)
French form of Jordana. Traditionally, this name was given to girls baptized with the water of the river Jordan.
Jourdin m French (African)
Transferred use of the surname Jourdin.
Joyeuse f French (African)
Direct adoption of the adjective joyeuse, the feminine form of the adjective joyeux, "joyful".
Judicaëlle f Breton, French
Feminine form of Judicaël.
Judithe f Portuguese (Brazilian), French (African), Haitian Creole, Greenlandic, English (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Portuguese variant of Judite, English and French variant of Judith and Danish and Greenlandic variant of Juditha.
Juillette f French (Archaic)
Derived from juillet, which is the French name for the month of July. The month ultimately derives its name from the ancient Roman family name Iulius (see Julius)... [more]
Jullien m French
Variant of Julien, much rarer
Julot m French (Rare)
Diminutive of Jules 1.
Juvénal m French
French form of Juvenal via Latin Iuvenalis.
Kaïna f Berber, French
French variant spelling of Kahina.
Karën f French (Modern, Rare)
Probably a French variant of Karen 1
Kayliah f French (Modern), English (Modern, Rare)
Of unknown meaning. Most likely an elaborated form of Kaylee and Kayla. It was popularized in France by French singer Kayliah (1981-).
Kélia f French (Modern), Portuguese (Brazilian)
French and Portuguese form of Kelia.
Kélian m French (Modern)
French form of Kelian.
Kendji m French
French form of Kenji.... [more]
Kevine f & m French (Modern, Rare), French (Belgian, Modern, Rare)
Feminine form as well as a masculine variant of Kevin.
Kiarisse f French (Rare, Archaic), Literature
Local vernacular form of Clarisse found in the Poitou-Charentes region of France.... [more]
Kildine f Literature, French (Rare)
Invented by Queen Marie of Romania for her children's book 'Kildine, histoire d'une méchante petite princesse' (Kildine: Story of a Naughty Little Princess), published ca. 1921. Known bearers include the professional tennis player Kildine Chevalier and the French noblewoman Kildine de Sambucy de Sorgue (1979-).
Kintin m Picard
Picard form of Quintinus.
Klassina f French (Cajun)
Variant of Clasina
Kléber m French (Quebec), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Québécois form of Kleber as well as a Brazilian variant of Cléber.
Kleber m French
Transferred use from the German surname Kleber, borne by the Alsatian Jean-Baptiste Kléber who was a general in the French revolutionary wars.
Klébert m French (Quebec)
Québécois form of Klebert.
Kolia m Georgian (Rare), French (Rare), Russian
Georgian and French form of Kolya as well as an alternate transcription of this Russian name.
Kyliana f English (Modern, Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Rare)
In the English-speaking world, this name is usually a combination of the names Kyle and Ana or Anna or Liana.... [more]
Laël m French
French form of Lael.
Laetare m French (Quebec, Rare)
From the Latin word laetare "rejoice! (imperative)". It is the name of the fourth Sunday in the season of Lent. This Sunday gets its name from the first few words (incipit) of the traditional Latin entrance (Introit) for the Mass of the day: "Laetare Jerusalem" ("Rejoice, O Jerusalem").
Laïde f Picard
Hypocoristic of Adélaïde.
Lainde f Norman (Archaic)
Feminine form of Lando.
Laïs f French
French form of Lais.
Lakmé f French
The name Lakmé is the French rendition of Sanskrit Lakshmi, the name of the Hindu “Goddess of Wealth”.... [more]
Lalie f French (Modern), French (Belgian, Modern, Rare)
Diminutive of Eulalie, used as a given name in its own right.
Landon m Medieval French, French
French form of Lanzo (see Lance).
Lâorent m Norman
Norman form of Laurent.
Laureline f French, French (Belgian), Flemish (Rare), Popular Culture
Medieval diminutive of Laura. This name was used for a character in the French series of science fiction comics Valérian et Laureline (1967-2010) as well as the 2017 movie adaptation Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.
Laurian m English, Romanian, French, Provençal
English, French, Provençal and Romanian form of Laurianus.
Laurianna f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare), English (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French variant of Laurianne. Outside of the francophone world (such as in English-speaking countries), this given name tends to be either a variant of Lauriana or a combination of the names Laura or Laurie with Anna.
Laurienne f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Lauriana, which is occasionally used in non-francophone countries.
Lawrence f French (Rare)
Variant of Laurence 2 with the spelling influenced by the English masculine name Lawrence.
Lazarette f French (Archaic)
Feminine diminutive of Lazare.
Lazarine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Lazare.
Lèane f Norman
Norman form of Léane.
Léanne f French (Modern), French (Belgian, Rare)
Contraction of Léa and Anne 1. Folk etymology occasionally considers this name a variant of Léonne.
Lefils m Haitian Creole, French (African)
Transferred use of the surname Lefils.
Léger m French (Rare), Haitian Creole
French form of Leutgar. Saint Léger, Bishop of Autun was a 7th-century Frankish martyr.
Leïa f French (Modern)
French form of Leia.
Léionore f Norman
Norman form of Eleanor.
Léioun m Norman
Rouenneis and Cotentinais Norman form of Léon.
Lélie f French (Rare)
French form of Laelia.
Lénaïc m & f French
Variant of Lénaïk.
Lénaïk f & m French (Rare)
Gallicized form of Lenaig.
Léne f Norman
Norman form of Lene.
Lénore f French (Rare)
French form of Lenore.
Lény m French (Modern)
French form of Lenny.
Lenzo m Italian, French
Diminutive of Lorenzo.
Léona f French
French form of Leona.
Léonarde f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Léonard.
Léonardo m French
French form of Leonardo.
Léoncie f French (Rare)
French form of Leontia.
Léonelle f French (Rare), French (African, Rare)
Feminine form of Léonel, predominantly found in French-speaking African countries.
Léonet m French (Archaic)
Archaic diminutive of Léon.
Léonin m Medieval French, French (Modern)
French form of Leoninus. Léonin (fl. 1135s–1201) was the first known significant composer of polyphonic organum. He was probably French, probably lived and worked in Paris at the Notre Dame Cathedral and was the earliest member of the Notre Dame school of polyphony and the ars antiqua style who is known by name... [more]
Léonine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Léonin.
Leoninus m Medieval Latin, French (Rare)
He is a music master in the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. He is better known under the name Léonin. This name can still be worn by some men.
Léoniu m & f French, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Leoní Portuguese (Brazilian), Léonide French, Leanid Belarusian, Leonidas Greek, Leonida Italian, Leonius Latin/Late Roman
Léonora f French, French (African)
French form of Leonora. This name is borne by Léonora Miano (1973-), an award-winning Cameroonian writer.
Leonus m French (Rare, Archaic)
Latinate elaboration of Leon.
Lestan m French (Rare, Archaic), Louisiana Creole (Rare)
Shortened form of a Norman personal name, either Leodstan or Leofstan. The involved name elements are LEOD "people", LEOF "love", and STAN "stone".
Létice f French (Archaic)
Archaic French form of Laetitia (compare English Lettice).
Leu m French, History (Ecclesiastical), Walloon
French variant and Walloon form of Loup.
Leurint m Picard
Picard form of Laurent.
Lévanah f French
French from of Levanah.
Lévite m French (Acadian, Rare)
Derived from the French noun lévite meaning "Levite" (as in, a descendant of Levi).... [more]
Lexaundre m Norman
Norman form of Alexander.
Lexis m Norman
Norman form of Alexis.
Lèyonârd m Picard
Picard form of Léonard.
Lèyontine f Picard
Picard form of Léontine.
Léyoun m Norman
Norman short form of Napoleon.
Lézin m French (Archaic), French (Cajun), Louisiana Creole, History (Ecclesiastical)
This name was/is usually given in honor of Saint Lézin, a 6th-century bishop of Angers, France. His name is said to be derived from Latin Licinius.
Libère m French
French form of Liberius.
Lidwine f Dutch, German, French
Dutch, German and French form of Lidwina.
Liébert m French
French form of Leutbert via it's Latinized form Lietbertus.
Lienne f French (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Truncated form of Julienne which has found some usage as a stand alone name in recent years. ... [more]
Ligière f French (Archaic)
Feminine form of Ligier.
Liham m French (Modern)
Possibly a variant of Liam.
Lilas f French, French (Belgian)
Derived from French lilas "lilac".
Lilette f French (Rare)
Likely a diminutive of Lily and its various international variants.
Lilitte f French (Rare)
French variant of Lilith.
Liloïe f French (Rare), Gascon (Gallicized)
Gallicized form of Gascon Liloia.
Liloye f French
Gallicized form of Liloia.
Lilyan f & m English (Modern), French (Modern, Rare)
English variant of Lilian, as well as a French masculine form.
Lilyane f French
Variant of Liliane.
Lin m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, French, French (Belgian, Rare)
Bulgarian, French, Russian and Ukrainian form of Linus.
Line f French
Generally considered a short form of names ending in -line, first and foremost Caroline. However, it is also the feminine form of Lin, i.e. the French feminine form of Linus... [more]
Linelle f French (Rare), English (Rare)
French diminutive of Lina 2 and Line, as it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -elle.
Linette f French, Danish, Dutch (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
French diminutive of Lina 2 and Line, as it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -ette.
Linon f French, Occitan
Diminutive of Line.